Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cartoonist Rex Babin: Still standing


Only God knows in his wisdom just exactly why he takes so many in a natural disaster, but it's apparently their time. Even Christians, theologians and church leaders have to face the question: Why does God destroy so many people? Death is not a curse for little children, the innocent, the poor, the suffering, the less responsible, less accountable.Death is not a curse for them, because they go to a better world, a better life, a relief from the evils of this horrible planet and so death's a blessing. So perhaps this is why the Lord allows so many of the poor, and the young to die ­ those who are suffering almost beyond endurance in this life. Therefore, the Lord takes them out of their suffering, out of their poverty, out of their pain, out of their starvation. He blesses them with death ­ which to those upon whom he has such mercy is a mere gateway, a doorway, an entrance to a better life in which they'll be relieved of all this.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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