Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blank check?

Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter
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Editorial: An endless blank check?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Center of policy

"The Office of the Vice President has transformed itself into a free republic's worst nightmare, assuming Caesar-like dictatorial authority over almost every aspect of American national security policy at home and abroad. From torture to illegal wiretapping, to arms control (or lack of it) to Iran, Dick Cheney is the undisputed center of policy power in America today." Scott Ritter He is a man of oppression. He became a common joke. But he's no joke. Draw a mustache on him and you see what he really is, who he really is, in his heart. Bush's whole administration has all the earmarks of a well-prepared Nazi-type regime! In "The War Goes On", by Sholem Asch, he wrote on the conditions in post-WWI Germany which brought Hitler to power. He showed the picture of Germany--what was wrong with Germany--what happened to Germany and why Hitler was created--the monster was created to devour the lesser monster--so they created a bigger Monster!
Ted Rudow III,MA

San Jose Spartan Daily

Daily Podcasts
Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Student Life



Next up: World War III

Does anybody listen anymore?

Do people listen to their professors when they assign essays? Do professors listen when students say, "I uhh … left it … umm … my dog …"?

How about this: Will Americans listen when Fidel Castro says President George W. Bush is on the verge of igniting World War III?

Will Congress listen?

Heck - will Bush himself listen?

Will I get drafted because of this?

According to the Associated Press, Castro, Cuba's communist head of state, wrote a brief essay titled "Bush, Hunger and Death" criticizing our president's nuclear war policy a day before "the White House plans to announce new plans to draw Cuba away from communism....

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Ted Rudow III,MA Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday warned against military action against Iran and backed its right to nuclear energy, during the first visit to this country by a Kremlin chief since World War II.
The Arab-Israeli war, Iraq war and all other conflicts can be ended and a final agreement reached on the Arab lands and an international pact made concerning the city of Jerusalem. Because Arab patience has reached its limits with Israeli refusal to abide by the unenforced UN Resolution No.242 in which virtually the whole world, including America, agreed that Israel should withdraw from Arab lands.
Because of totally irreconcilable differences between selfish American and Israeli interests and those of the rest of the World a peaceful settlement is utterly impossible, and an armed invasion and conquest by Russia and supporting powers is inevitable. Any major invasion force would have to be permitted to pass through either Turkey or Iran or both, as well as Iraq and Syria .
God himself describes this invasion of Israel,and says it will come from the North led by Russia with the help of Europe, Libya, Turkey, Persia and Ethiopia.That's what it says in the Bible(see Ezekiel 38 and 38 and Daniel 11).
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad Student

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