Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Green Pig

Green Pig

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Wednesday Sep 26th, 2012

So he's very wise to put his money in gold, because the dollar is going to evaporate when the people lose faith in it, and it will be gone! The green pig gobbles everybody up that believes in it, and tramples everybody in the mud that thinks it exists! But for those who know it's just a monster of imagination, it vanishes!--It's nothing! The Green Pig is the American dollar! It is a monster of imagination! It only terrifies those who believe that it exists.

It is the moneymakers' monster, and the Green Pig is just a tool in their hands.But it only exists if you believe it exists, like its dollar, the "greenback," or the American dollar. It's like this Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. It is not even as good as the golden calf, because it doesn't even exist! It is all in the imagination. But they worship it and they created it, and the moneymakers helped them to create it.

It has no power at all over you unless you're one of its worshippers. The moneymakers are its high priests and its priesthood, and it was created in their temples and they control it and they manipulate it as they will to their own advantage.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Stanford Daily

The Stanford Daily




















Condoleezza Rice asks, ‘where does America stand?’ in RNC speech

By Edward NgaiIn her primetime address to the Republican National Committee, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice laid out the broad challenges facing the United States in the century ahead.

“We gather here at a time of significance and challenge,” she said to open her address. “I will never forget the bright September day… when my young assistant said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.”

In a speech that tilted towards foreign policy, Rice pointed to ongoing global conflicts. “The promise of the Arab Spring is engulfed in uncertainty… dictators in Iran and Syria butcher their own people… and China and Russia prevent a response,” she said. “Where does America stand?”

Rice, using notes instead of a teleprompter, delivered a speech that was somewhat stilting, but natural, a contrast with the theatrical presentation of Governor Susana Martinez (R-NM), who spoke immediately after Stanford professor and former provost.

She also managed to sneak in a reference to the Stanford area while talking about the drivers of economic growth. “[Immigrants] have come to the world’s advanced societies… to help fuel the knowledge-based revolution in the Silicon Valley of California [amongst other regions],” she said to sustained applause.

Rice’s speech centered, however, on the immediate threat facing the United States both from at home and abroad.

“The American ideal is indeed in danger today,” she said. “There is no country… that can do more harm to us than we can do to ourselves if we fail to accomplish the tasks before us here at home.”

She made few references to either Republican talking points or their nominee: she only used Mitt Romney’s name five times and only obliquely attacked the incumbent president.

“We cannot be reluctant to lead, and one cannot lead from behind,” she said, echoing one of the most frequent criticisms of the Obama administration.

In emphasizing the need for immigration and education reform, Rice pointed to the economic effects of inadequacy in both systems. “We need immigration laws that protect our borders… yet show that we are a compassionate nation of immigrants,” she said to raucous applause.

However, it was Rice’s personal story that may have drawn the loudest applause of the night despite the fact that convention planners had designed speakers around vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan.

“A little girl grows up in Jim Crow Birmingham… her parents can’t take her to a movie theatre or a restaurant,” she said to a standing ovation. “But they make her believe that even though she can’t have a hamburger at the Woolworth’s lunch counter, she can be President of the United States and she becomes secretary of state.”

Ted Rudow III •


Throughout time immemorial: the main idea being to get the mind of the public or your enemies off something you're actually doing but you don't want them to notice so you can do it with a little less observation. But after 8 years of hell in the Bush reign, they are trying to rewrite history! The attention of America from the well-worn fact that his ruling Republican party have always been the robbers of the poor and the protectors of the rich. Furious that the courageous exposure of his criminal hypocrisy and traitorous deception of the American people, and enraged by the humiliation of his scandalous Administration being the continuous major subject of daily worldwide headlines.

Tough times can also lead to tough government actions and tyranny. It's a time of upheaval, flux and change for the world, just as the 1930s were, the Great Depression period before World War II. First came the Roaring '20s, then came the Depression '30s, and then came the years of war of the '40s. History doesn't always repeat itself, of course, but it can sometimes. Yes, all the makings for a police state are there, and not just in the U.S. or Britain, but in any number of countries

Wednesday, September 05, 2012




SF Station



Santa Cruz Weekly


Boho Beat

Letters to the Editor

hives: stories: Columns & Blogs

Re: “Letters to the Editor: Aug. 29, 2012”

Tuesday Sep 4th, 2012

At age 33, Ralph Reed was the Christian Right’s wonder boy.

He was anointed in a 1995 Time Magazine cover story as the “right hand of God” for spinning the trust of conservative Christians into political gold. It was Reed who built the Christian Coalition of televangelist Pat Robertson into a powerful arm of the Republican Party.

But Reed fell from grace in 2006 after he was implicated in the biggest Washington scandal since Watergate. His pal and colleague, the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to defrauding clients of millions of dollars, some of which had landed in Reed’s pockets as well. The money spigot was now wide open. Abramoff was being paid millions as a lobbyist. Reed was being paid millions to dupe his fellow Christians.

He says he intends to build the 21st century version of the Christian Coalition, with an annual budget of $ 100 million, five million members, full-time lobbyists in all 50 state capitols, and an enormous database. The pharisaical ultra-conservative, hard-Right support he receives comes largely from a hard-core of misled, fanatically anti-Communist, fundamentalist, evangelical, bigoted, self-righteous religious minority, as well as from the vast silent majority, of the indifferent, couldn't-care-less, self-indulgent, self-satisfied. That fact is these fanatical religionists also consider themselves above the law and the courts and the freedoms of the people and willing to commit any crime in the name of national, religious or so-called family security!

Ted Rudow III


Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Spartan Daily

Spartan Daily
September 1, 2012 Romney's RNC Speech is Lackluster, Uninspiring Spartans aim to cut down Cardinal this Friday

News Sports Opinion A&E Multimedia Tech Class Reports National World Campus San Jose Romney's RNC Speech is Lackluster, Uninspiring

by melanie.martinez

Aug 31, 2012 10:30 am

Tags: republican, Republican National Convention, Romney

Melanie Martinez is a Spartan Daily staff writer. Follow her on Twitter @meltinez.

Mitt Romney’s safe-bet speech at Thursday’s Republican National Convention was exactly like Hurricane Isaac’s effects on Florida; underwhelming, over-hyped and unremarkable.

As I settled in to catch some of the year’s most laughable programming, my primary hope for the Republican Party was the avoidance of another tremendous gaffe like Paul Ryan’s false-fact blunder of a speech on Wednesday.

While Romney avoided falling flat on his face like Ryan, he didn’t exactly rise to the occasion either.

As his speech ensued, Romney was quick to attack Obama and his administration’s lack of progress within the past 4 years, stating Obama’s “promises gave way to disappointment and division,” and he is the man to unite us and overcome the recession.

A fine notion nearly any presidential candidate might claim, yet Romney avoided informing Americans how exactly he planned to do so and only included a vague, 5-point outline to success that we’ve heard from nearly every presidential candidate in years prior.

Part of Romney’s plan was to create 12 million jobs, boost the economy, improve education, lower taxes on small businesses and reduce the deficit, which is a lovely yet implausible notion since he completely avoided the details on how exactly he would make that happen.

Romney played it somewhat safe during the most important speech of his political career to date by avoiding his business-like approach to running a nation and attempting to shed his Robo-Romney image with anecdotes about his family values and parents.

Yet, his attempt to humanize his robotic, steely persona and relate to the common American fell short from the get-go with an iPod playlist joke that felt forced and contrived.

Later, Romney tried to tout family values with stories about his parents, explaining that the power of “unconditional love” overrides “all the laws and legislation in the world.”

While the surprising hippie-rhetoric was sentimental, I was more ridden with that warm fuzzy feeling he attempted to evoke by reading those lines of his speech on a computer screen than via his stiff delivery coupled with his fixed game-show host smile.

Clearly trying to bridge the gender gap votes, Romney spoke lovingly about his mother and wife, yet completely avoided the hot issue of women’s reproductive rights.

Romney is going to have to do much more in the realm of women’s equality to close that gap than discuss his wife’s ability to successfully run a household.

He should have taken a clue in charisma from Florida Republican senator, Marco Rubio who gave a genuine anecdotal speech prior to Romney taking stage.

While Rubio’s speech wasn’t flawless,with an awkward Spanish-speaking moment that was delivered to the predominantly white audience, he was at least full of charisma and heartfelt sentiment.

More baffling was the appearance of Clint Eastwood, who spoke to an empty chair that sat an invisible Obama and told the invisible president to hush and shut-up.

Looking disoriented and stumbling over his ad-libs, Eastwood’s speech was not only confusing but his star-power distracted from the suspense of the Romney appearance.

“The president can ask us to be patient … can tell us it was someone else’s fault,” Romney said, urging for Americans to turn a new leaf.

Well, the president should absolutely tell us to be patient because the current state of the nation was someone else’s fault.

In fact, we can thank former president George W. Bush for much of our present woes.

If George W. Bush was allowed eight years to sinkhole our nation, why shouldn’t we allow Obama the same eight to try to repair the mess?

The concept Romney and many politicians forgot is that changing and rebuilding takes time, cooperation and patience.

We cannot place a patch over the mistakes of our predecessors in the hopes it will create a solid foundation.

Mitt Romney is a successful businessman who knows numbers, not people and his speech was reflective of that knowledge.

America needs not a CEO but a president who knows and cares for the success and welfare of his country’s people.

Let’s ensure our nation’s upswing this November by re-electing the candidate who actually has a shot at propelling America to success, not the man who wants to diminish women’s rights and turn our country into a business.

Ted Rudow III, MA ·

Tuesday Sep 4th, 2012

At age 33, Ralph Reed was the Christian Right’s wonder boy.

He was anointed in a 1995 Time Magazine cover story as the “right hand of God” for spinning the trust of conservative Christians into political gold. It was Reed who built the Christian Coalition of televangelist Pat Robertson into a powerful arm of the Republican Party.

But Reed fell from grace in 2006 after he was implicated in the biggest Washington scandal since Watergate. His pal and colleague, the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to defrauding clients of millions of dollars, some of which had landed in Reed’s pockets as well. The money spigot was now wide open. Abramoff was being paid millions as a lobbyist. Reed was being paid millions to dupe his fellow Christians.

He says he intends to build the 21st century version of the Christian Coalition, with an annual budget of $ 100 million, five million members, full-time lobbyists in all 50 state capitols, and an enormous database. The pharisaical ultra-conservative, hard-Right support he receives comes largely from a hard-core of misled, fanatically anti-Communist, fundamentalist, evangelical, bigoted, self-righteous religious minority, as well as from the vast silent majority, of the indifferent, couldn't-care-less, self-indulgent, self-satisfied. That fact is these fanatical religionists also consider themselves above the law and the courts and the freedoms of the people and willing to commit any crime in the name of national, religious or so-called family security!

Ted Rudow III, MA

Class of 1996

Right hand of God?

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Right hand of God?

Right hand of God?

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Tuesday Sep 4th, 2012

At age 33, Ralph Reed was the Christian Right’s wonder boy.

He was anointed in a 1995 Time Magazine cover story as the “right hand of God” for spinning the trust of conservative Christians into political gold. It was Reed who built the Christian Coalition of televangelist Pat Robertson into a powerful arm of the Republican Party.

But Reed fell from grace in 2006 after he was implicated in the biggest Washington scandal since Watergate. His pal and colleague, the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to defrauding clients of millions of dollars, some of which had landed in Reed’s pockets as well. The money spigot was now wide open. Abramoff was being paid millions as a lobbyist. Reed was being paid millions to dupe his fellow Christians.

He says he intends to build the 21st century version of the Christian Coalition, with an annual budget of $ 100 million, five million members, full-time lobbyists in all 50 state capitols, and an enormous database. The pharisaical ultra-conservative, hard-Right support he receives comes largely from a hard-core of misled, fanatically anti-Communist, fundamentalist, evangelical, bigoted, self-righteous religious minority, as well as from the vast silent majority, of the indifferent, couldn't-care-less, self-indulgent, self-satisfied. That fact is these fanatical religionists also consider themselves above the law and the courts and the freedoms of the people and willing to commit any crime in the name of national, religious or so-called family security!

Ted Rudow III, MA


Monday, September 03, 2012

Spartan Daily

Spartan Daily

last update 11:36 pm

August 31, 2012

Questions from Romney and America

Spartans aim to cut down Cardinal this Friday







Class Reports




San Jose

Questions from Romney and America

by Daniel Hinojosa Aug 31, 2012 12:19 pm Tags: GOP, Mitt Romney, Obama, Republican National Convention

Daniel Hinojosa is a senior studying communications at SJSU.

I watch the GOP and Democratic nominating conventions looking to learn more about those that would seek to lead our nation. Full disclosure requires that I state I am a democrat.

In the GOP rally for the faithful, I found more questions than answers. These questions came from the party nominee, Mitt Romney.

Some of his questions caught my attention. When talking about the election of President Obama, Romney said, “Americans always come together after elections.”

Really? How come something as simple as health care for first responders from 9/11 was such a battle?

Romney later said, “Americans have supported this president in good faith.” Let’s accept that one at face value — while Americans may have supported Obama, the Republican-controlled Congress certainly did not.

When talking about wanting President Obama to succeed Romney said, “I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed.” I wonder, if Romney had helped influence the U.S. Congress, he could have gotten them to not stonewall the bulk of Obama's nominees for federal courts.

Romney spoke directly to the fact that he is a Mormon. He said, “My friends cared more about what sports teams we followed than what church we went to.” Any chance you can get Americans to stop caring that a Muslim goes to a mosque?

When talking about his time at Bain Capital, I had to press replay a few times to believe what I really heard. He said, “At a time when nobody thought we’d ever see a new steel mill built in America, we took a chance and built one in a corn field in Indiana.” We can only assume they had to buy out family farms to make that happen. Am I the only one asking these questions?

The other theme I saw in the Romney acceptance speech was what I perceive to be a stunning arrogance of the GOP position of our place in the world. Mitt Romney stood forth and stated, “When the world needs someone to do the really big stuff, you need an American.” So no one else in the world has done anything big (think gunpowder, penicillin, the first satellite and man in space)?

The final thing that caught my attention was when Romney mentioned that his father having been born in Mexico, needed U.S. government assistance as a war refugee.

He told the story apparently without seeing the irony that if his and Paul Ryan’s plans were enacted, the most his family might have seen would have been a voucher they could take to the corner market and hope that a small businessman there would accept.

I trust that Mitt was a good, if perhaps inwardly focused businessman. While Romney points at Obama as not having been qualified to be president because he had not had much experience working in business, I question Romney’s qualifications for becoming president in that he’s never had to tough out working, going to school and paying for it all on his own, without a silver spoon for support.

I hope that other voters looking to make a decision for whom they should vote in November are also asking questions of this nominee, who if elected, will be, in my opinion, the most radically conservative President this nation has seen. We are, after all, a nation founded on liberal principles.

Daniel Hinojosa is a senior majoring in communications at SJSU.

Ted Rudow III, MA on September 3, 2012 at 1:38 pm said:

Rep. Paul Ryan as Romney' his vice presidential running mate. At an Atlas Society meeting celebrating Ayn Rand's life in 2005, Ryan said that "The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand", and "I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff."

American's elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil. Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). He had served on the FRB since 1987 when he was appointed by President Reagan. Dr. Greenspan served on advisory boards for Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan.

Greenspan was born and educated in New York City, where he earned a BA, MA and, 27 years later in 1977, a PhD in economics. After earning his MA in 1950, Greenspan became a 20-year associate of famed philosopher Ayn Rand, author of books "The Virtue of Selfishness,""Atlas Shrugged" and more. Greenspan wrote for Rand’s newsletters and authored a chapter for a Rand book. As legend has it, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan was once a member of Ayn Rand's 1960's salon. He was invited guest at Rand's apartment and apparently was close enough to have read her epic Atlas Shrugged as it came off her typewriter. Philip Rothschilds ordered one of his mistresses (Ayn Rand) to write an 1100-page book that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati: It's called Atlas Shrugged.

Few of my family friends are member of the Bohemian Club. My father was inviting to join but turn it down! President Herbert Hoover once called this club "the greatest men's party on Earth. "Anybody can be President of the United States, but very few can ever have any hope of becoming President of the Bohemian Club. While the club was formed in 1872 by a group of San Francisco journalists, the male-only club now bars journalists from membership to protect the group's privacy. Membership is coveted, and people routinely wait 10 or 15 years before gaining admittance. There are currently about 2,700 members. Bohemian Club members as former President George Bush, President George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff.

Both my Grandfather were Masons. The highest, Mason 33 Degrees, Grand Cross included James McCurdy, my Grandfather, Eugene Rudow, best friend.They both went to M.I.T. and built their houses side by side on Mercer Island in Lake Washington near Seattle,Wash. He built the first floating bridge in America. Some noted leaders reported are: Norman Vincent Peale, (Scottish Rite) George Washington, Harry Truman, Newt Gingrich(33)Skull and Bones), Bill Clinton

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Never catch up

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Never catch up : Indybay

by Sun Aug 26 11:47:03 PDT 2012

Nearly 9 million households now have upside-down mortgages, and for the first time ever, mortgage debt is bigger than the total value of homeowner equity cash invested bigger by $836 billion, according to research by Merrill Lynch.

Half of Americans (50%) report that the value of their home is worth more than the amount they owe on their mortgage, up slightly from 47% last month. This finding slipped below 50% for the first time in June of last year and has ranged from 44% to 57% ever since. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say their home is not worth more than what they owe, down slightly from last month’s high of 42%

2.8 million Americans are 12 months or more behind on their mortgages. This truly amazing data point represents a very sad fact of the housing market. Once a homeowner falls that far behind in their mortgage, the odds are that they will never catch up. (Mortgage mods are likely to fail at an exceedingly high rate as well).

The housing problem set off the dominoes: Surging defaults meant the mortgage-backed securities plunged in value. All these investments, of course, were highly risky. Higher returns on investments almost always come with greater risk. Credit has become the drug of choice of the modern world, far more widespread than any other. Individuals, companies and governments must have their fix of it, for they are addicted to it, and the withdrawal symptoms are too painful to endure. Like many drug users, however, they do not see that they have a probem surrounded by other users who are in similar situations. and debt are just the way of the world, a necessity, and nothing to worry about"

Ted Rudow III, MA