Friday, July 25, 2008


The Stanford Daily


Thursday July 24, 2008


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In conversation with the "Iran expert"

Visiting Prof. of Political Science Abbas Milani

July 24, 2008
By Devin Banerjee
"President Bush recently authorized William Burns, the under secretary of state for political affairs, to attend a meeting in Geneva on Iran’s nuclear program. The meeting, which was held Saturday, produced no developments after Iran responded with a written document failing to address international demands.

In Geneva, officials from six negotiating partners — the U.S., France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China — pressed Iran to accept a “freeze-for-freeze” proposal, under which Iran would cease enriching uranium, and the U.S. and other powers would not demand additional international sanctions against Iran. After Iranian officials failed to address the nuclear concerns at the meeting, the six nations gave Iran two weeks to formally respond to the proposal before it would be withdrawn.....
Laurence Vance, a serious Christian writer and teacher, offers a dramatic counterpoint. In his latest book, Christianity and War, Vance collects 79 essays on military and foreign policy. He spares no one, declaring: "Christians who condone the warfare state and its nebulous crusades against 'evil' have been duped. There is nothing 'Christian' about the state's aggressive militarism, its senseless wars, its interventions into the affairs of other countries, and its expanding empire."
The U.S., the most Christian nation on Earth, is also the most war-mongering nation on Earth. It's as if they've taken the Lord's advice, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God" (Mat.5:9), and reversed it for their national motto: "Blessed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the children of God, because they stomp every nation they figure is an enemy of God."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most unchristian thing imaginable, war, under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the U.S. is a modern Israel, performing God's will in the world and smiting His enemies, when the reality is that the U.S. is like the great heathen empires of old, smashing and burning, looting and destroying nations and people just so it can have its own way, not God's!
So many U.S. Christians put their allegiance to the state above their loyalty and obedience to the Lord, above His Word, above reason, and certainly above justice and truth and love! They get their nationalism and their Christianity mixed up and they think that serving their country, even when it's engaged in an unjust war, is the same as serving the Lord and fighting the battles of the Lord. They engage in carnal warfare, knowing so little about the spiritual warfare or the ways of the Spirit.Well, I can't do the subject justice.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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Absurdity - Equating July 4 with Christianity
July 4, 2008

Editor -
To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd! I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Christianity, but to a nation drifting further.

Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan, or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No, the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness on others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a national crusade.

Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things! It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom! Materialism, "the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values," is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.

PO Box 1222
Menlo Park,CA 94026

Reversed it for their national motto

Reversed it for their national motto:
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday Jul 25th, 2008 12:13 PM

Laurence Vance, a serious Christian writer and teacher, offers a dramatic counterpoint. In his latest book, Christianity and War, Vance collects 79 essays on military and foreign policy. He spares no one, declaring: "Christians who condone the warfare state and its nebulous crusades against 'evil' have been duped. There is nothing 'Christian' about the state's aggressive militarism, its senseless wars, its interventions into the affairs of other countries, and its expanding empire."

The U.S., the most Christian nation on Earth, is also the most war-mongering nation on Earth. It's as if they've taken the Lord's advice, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God" (Mat.5:9), and reversed it for their national motto: "Blessed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the children of God, because they stomp every nation they figure is an enemy of God."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most unchristian thing imaginable, war, under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the U.S. is a modern Israel, performing God's will in the world and smiting His enemies, when the reality is that the U.S. is like the great heathen empires of old, smashing and burning, looting and destroying nations and people just so it can have its own way, not God's!
So many U.S. Christians put their allegiance to the state above their loyalty and obedience to the Lord, above His Word, above reason, and certainly above justice and truth and love! They get their nationalism and their Christianity mixed up and they think that serving their country, even when it's engaged in an unjust war, is the same as serving the Lord and fighting the battles of the Lord. They engage in carnal warfare, knowing so little about the spiritual warfare or the ways of the Spirit.Well, I can't do the subject justice.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


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E.J. Dionne Jr.: Obama just needs to play it safe?

By E.J. Dionne Jr. -

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
WASHINGTON — To win the presidency, Barack Obama needs only to battle John McCain to a tie on foreign policy and national security.That means Obama has no need for a great triumph during his trip this week to the Middle East and Europe. His goal is to look safe, sound and competent, and that's how he's playing things.More and more, 2008 is taking on the contours of 1980. Then, the country, desperate for change after the battering it felt it took during Jimmy Carter's term, was eager to vote for a new direction and a charismatic leader-----

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

UN Resolution 242

Because Palestine patience has reached its limits with Israeli refusal to abide by the unenforced UN Resolution No.242(1973) in which virtually the whole world, including America, agreed that Israel should withdraw from Arab lands. But the world has only pain lip service to the agreement and, until now, no attempt has been made by the world powers to compel Israel to obey it, and she will never obey it unless forced to do so by the actual armed intervention of a super power. Since the Palestine are now agree, united and determined--backed by Russia, Asia, Africa and Europe--that America must persuade Israel to withdraw or America will get no more oil from the Arabs; and since America will never force Israel to do this, and her economy will collapse without the oil, America herself will feel forced to fight for Israel and Arab oil. It will cause end to this perpetual irreconcilable war between American-Israeli interests in the Mideast.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fannie, Freddie need support, not bailout?

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Fannie, Freddie need support, not bailout
By Franklin D. Raines -
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Story appeared in FORUM section, Page E5
"Just Tuesday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke outlined the problems facing our economy. It is time to make a choice: Continue the policy approach of trying to kill off the companies and reap the economic carnage that will inevitably produce, or make a forthright statement that these companies are necessary instruments of national policy.
Paulson has tried to move the administration and the Fed back from the brink. But too much ambiguity remains.
President Bush should stand with Paulson, Bernanke, Fannie and Freddie's regulator, and with the chairmen of the relevant House and Senate committees, and together they should declare Fannie's and Freddie's clear roles in our markets. They should codify this role in legislation that will bind future administrations. The sooner this happens, the better."
About the writer:
Franklin D. Raines was chairman and chief executive of Fannie Mae from 1999 to 2004 and served as director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Clinton administration. He receives a pension and deferred compensation from Fannie Mae and owns stock in the company. This article originally appeared in the Washington Post.
Greater debt.
Veteran journalist William Grieder thinks that we're not witnessing a temporary financial hiccup, but rather at the dawn on "Wall Street's great deflation." and it is far from over.The crash of IndyMac is just the beginning. More banks will fail, so will many more debtors. The crisis has the potential to transform American politics because, first it destroys a generation of ideological bromides about free markets. The root of the problem is the same as it has been for centuries: credit, which leads to debt that spirals into ever greater debt. Then those who are lenders gamble that they can make even more money by devising new and more lucrative ways for people to go more deeply into debt, while the people themselves gamble on what they consider a sure thing, just what they need to pay off their debts, or set themselves up for retirement, or finance their lifestyles, etc. It said in Psalm 15:5a," He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent."
Ted Rudow III,MA

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The debt trap



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A series about the surge in consumer debt and the lenders who made it possible.

Given a Shovel, Americans Dig Deeper Into Debt

"Patricia A. Hasson, president of the Credit Counseling Service of Delaware Valley, said Ms. McLeod would probably wind up having to repay 40 percent to 60 percent of her credit card debt. The owner of her mortgages could come after her for the difference between what she owes on her loan and what her house ultimately sells for. The first mortgage was sold to investors; Citigroup declined to say whether it held onto the second mortgage or sold it to investors.A sheriff’s auction of her home on June 12 received no bidders, Ms. McLeod said. The bank will soon evict her. “Oh, I definitely have regrets,” Ms. McLeod said. “I regret not dealing with my emotions instead of just shopping. And I regret involving my son in all this because that has affected him and his finances and his self-esteem.” Ms. McLeod says she hopes to be living in an apartment she can afford soon and to get back to paying her bills on time. She does not want another credit card, she said. But even though her credit profile is ruined, she still receives come-ons. Recently an envelope arrived offering a “pre-qualified” Salute Visa Gold card issued by Urban Bank Trust. “We think you deserve more credit!” it said in bold type. A spokeswoman at Urban Bank said the Salute Visa is part of a program “designed to provide access to credit for folks who would not otherwise qualify for credit.” The Salute Visa offered Ms. McLeod a $300 credit line. But a closer look at the fine print showed that $150 of that would go, as annual fees, to Urban Bank."

July 20th, 2008
National affairs correspondent William Greider has been a political journalist for more than thirty-five years. A former Rolling Stone and Washington Post editor, he is the author of the national bestsellers One World, Ready or Not, Secrets of the Temple, Who Will Tell The People and, most recently, The soul of Capitalism.

Veteran journalist William Grieder thinks that we're not witnessing a temporary financial hiccup, but rather at the dawn on "Wall Street's great deflation." and it is far from over.The crash of IndyMac is just the beginning. More banks will fail, so will many more debtors. The crisis has the potential to transform American politics because, first it destroys a generation of ideological bromides about free markets. Democrats and Republicans are bipartisan in this crisis because they have colluded all along over thirty years in creating the unregulated financial system and mammoth mega-banks that produced the phony valuations and deceitful assurances. The federal government protects the most powerful interests from the consequences of their plundering. It prescribes 'market justice' for everyone else."

The root of the problem is the same as it has been for centuries: credit, which leads to debt that spirals into ever greater debt. Then those who are lenders gamble that they can make even more money by devising new and more lucrative ways for people to go more deeply into debt, while the people themselves gamble on what they consider a sure thing, just what they need to pay off their debts, or set themselves up for retirement, or finance their lifestyles, etc. It said in Psalm 15:5a," He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent."

— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA

Saturday, July 19, 2008

More greed

More greed
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Saturday Jul 19th, 2008
National affairs correspondent William Greider has been a political journalist for more than thirty-five years. A former Rolling Stone and Washington Post editor, he is the author of the national bestsellers One World, Ready or Not, Secrets of the Temple, Who Will Tell The People and, most recently, The soul of Capitalism.

Veteran journalist William Grieder thinks that we're not witnessing a temporary financial hiccup, but rather at the dawn on "Wall Street's great deflation." and it is far from over.The crash of IndyMac is just the beginning. More banks will fail, so will many more debtors. The crisis has the potential to transform American politics because, first it destroys a generation of ideological bromides about free markets. Democrats and Republicans are bipartisan in this crisis because they have colluded all along over thirty years in creating the unregulated financial system and mammoth mega-banks that produced the phony valuations and deceitful assurances. The federal government protects the most powerful interests from the consequences of their plundering. It prescribes 'market justice' for everyone else.”
The root of the problem is the same as it has been for centuries: credit, which leads to debt that spirals into ever greater debt. Then those who are lenders gamble that they can make even more money by devising new and more lucrative ways for people to go more deeply into debt, while the people themselves gamble on what they consider a sure thing, just what they need to pay off their debts, or set themselves up for retirement, or finance their lifestyles, etc. It said in Psalms 15:5a," He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Deceiving the people

Deceiving the people
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Saturday Jul 12th, 2008 11:17 AM
They've making the Olympics a Patriotism thing, when they the last thing in the World it's supposed to be. It's not supposed to be nationalistic at all. That's the whole idea of the Olympics, it's supposed to be totally non-nationalistic and promote no one nation. The Olympics is supposed to be non-political,but Bush decided to promote it!

They don't even know they're no longer Christians, no longer free. They tell the facts, how anti-Christ America is and how terrible the country is. But they just can't get over that habit of being flag-waving, red-white-and-blue nationalists. Talk about Nationalism, Hiter had the ultimate in Nationalism, and that's what brought about his downfall. And now the U.S. is doing the same thing and the Christians especially. They're the biggest nationalists of all, bragging about their wicked country and practically worshipping it! I'd say they're deceiving the people almost more than anything else and be saved from their enemies.
See, that's what The Lord told Jeremiah at the last, He said, "It's too late, they've sinned too greatly against Him, the Lord have to punish them! I wouldn't turn from these judgements if even Moses and Samuel stood before Him and pled for them! They've sinned too greatly against Him, I have to punish them!" ( Jer.15:1 )--And that's America! It doesn't matter how many of these preachers stand up for them and plead for them and pray for them and tell them to repent, they've already gone too far, they've already damned themselves! God's gotta judge'm! As somebody has said, "If He doesn't judge America, He's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!"--Because they're as bad, if not worse!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

An anti-Christian/anti-American Fourth?


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An anti-Christian/anti-American Fourth?


To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd. I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Christianity, but to a nation drifting further apart.

Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan, or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No; the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness upon others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a national crusade.

Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things. It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom. Materialism, “the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values,” is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

An anti-Christian/anti-American Fourth?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday Jul 8th, 2008 9:51 AM

To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd. I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Christianity, but to a nation drifting further apart.

Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan, or other nations it has attacked in oneway or another in recent years? No; the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness upon others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a national crusade.

Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things. It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom. Materialism, “the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values,” is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.

Monday, July 07, 2008


The Stanford Daily


Thursday July 3, 2008



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Campus briefs: Holiday fireworks cancelled due to construction

July 3, 2008
By The Daily News Staff
Holiday fireworks cancelled due to construction

University officials announced earlier this week that the annual July 3 fireworks display over campus has been cancelled due to conflicts with local construction. The New Orleans Jazz Orchestra will still perform at the event, coordinators told The San Jose Mercury News.

The three-inch firework shells normally used in the display require a launch location that is at least 210 feet from spectators, vehicles and buildings. However, because the new Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research is under construction near the event site, coordinators axed the popular fireworks finale that has followed each annual July 3 concert for over a decade.

To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd! I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Chris­tianity, but rather to a nation drifting further.
Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No. the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness on others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a na-tional crusade.
Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things! It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom! Materialism, "the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intel­lectual values," is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Saturday, July 05, 2008


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Friday Jul 4
Letters to the Editor

Fourth of July

Dear Editor: To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd. I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Christianity, but to a nation drifting further away.

Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan, or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No, the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness on others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a national crusade.

Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things. It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom. Materialism, "the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values," is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.

Ted Rudow III,MA

14 Post Thur. July 3. 2008
Daily Post Opinion
We print letters Include your address and phone number for verification. Shorter letters are printed first and edrted least. Limit: 250 words.
Cross about America
Dear Editor: To equate the Fourth of July with Christian­ity is absurd! I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Chris­tianity, but rather to a nation drifting further.
Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No. the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness on others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a na-tional crusade.
Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things! It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom! Materialism, "the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intel­lectual values," is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Friday, July 04, 2008


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The Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident ... '

Across more than two centuries, these words from July 4, 1776, still resound

Friday, July 4, 2008
Story appeared in METRO section, Page B6Print | E-Mail |
In an age of instant communication and ceaseless prattle, it is sometimes hard to remember how much words can matter. There is no better reminder of that than the document whose adoption the nation celebrates today. Its power to move men and women reverberates 232 years later. If you haven't read it lately, take the time now. There is no better way to mark this great national holiday.Unanimous Declaration of the 13 United States of America. Action of Second Continental Congress.When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.........

The Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident ...

Friday, July 4, 2008 wrote:


To equate the Fourth of July with Christianity is absurd! I do not like the spreading of American-style democracy at the hands of the bloodthirsty and warlike Americans themselves. This does not lead to more Christianity, but to a nation drifting further. Has America brought more Christianity and Christian values to Iraq or Afghanistan, or other nations it has attacked in one way or another in recent years? No, the opposite is true. America cannot impose righteousness on others. That is a personal affair, not something that can be imposed in a national crusade. Many people want to go to the United States to lust after things! It's not to fulfill some dream of freedom! Materialism, "the devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values," is virtually synonymous with capitalism, the profit-driven system that dominates the economies and nations of today.
Ted Rudow III,MA



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America is world’s bully


The United States is just used to having things its own way.

And its leaders don’t like people and nations who won’t let them do what they want, when they want to do it, so they do all they can to paint them as the bad guys, since they consider themselves the good guys! And most of the mainstream media go right along with them, repeating the same government line and pumping out the same propaganda. The United States has become the sort of bully that it used to accuse the Russians of being, trying to bully Russia and picking on other nations when it can get away with it; usually weak little nations that can hardly fight back, like Afghanistan and Iraq. You’d think the American government would almost be ashamed to pick fights with some of these weak little third world countries, full of poverty-stricken people and dinky little antiquated, untrained and under-equipped military forces. So Russia is starting to stand its ground rather than give up any more ground. The United States isn’t as bright and shiny and attractive as it used to be. The United States, by its own blustering, bullying, self-righteous, obnoxious ways, is managing to turn nations and governments against it all by itself. So one so-called superpower is declining and it’ll be interesting to see what, and who, comes next.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

To compromise his principles

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Paul Krugman: Will Obama be another Clinton?

By Paul Krugman -

Published 12:00 am PDT Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B7Print | E-Mail | Comment
It's feeling a lot like 1992 right now. It's also feeling a lot like 1980. But which parallel is closer? Is Barack Obama going to be a Ronald Reagan of the left, a president who fundamentally changes the country's direction? Or will he be just another Bill Clinton?Current polls – not horse-race polls, which are notoriously uninformative until later in the campaign, but polls gauging the public mood – are strikingly similar to those in both 1980 and 1992, years in which an overwhelming majority of Americans were dissatisfied with the country's direction......................

To compromise his principles

But in a presidential race? The transparent fawning of Obama on the Israeli lobby stands out more than similar efforts by the other candidates. Why? Because his dizzying success in the primaries was entirely due to his promise to bring about a change, to put an end to the rotten practices of Washington and to replace the old cynics with a young, brave person who does not compromise his principles. And lo and behold, the very first thing he does after securing the nomination of his party is to compromise his principles.
Ted Rudow III,MA

To compromise his principles


San Mateo Daily Journal

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The power of the Israeli lobby


Some say that Jewish money speaks. Perhaps they donate more than others for political causes. But the myth about all-powerful Jewish money has an anti-Semitic ring. After all, other lobbies, and most decidedly the huge multinational corporations, have given considerable sums of money to Obama (as well as to his opponents). And Obama himself has proudly announced that hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens have sent him small donations, which have amounted to tens of millions.

True, it has been proven that the Jewish lobby can almost always block the election of a senator or a member of Congress who does not dance, with fervor, to the Israeli tune. In some exemplary cases (which were indeed meant to be seen as examples), the lobby has defeated popular politicians by lending its political and financial clout to the election campaign of a practically unknown rival.

But in a presidential race? The transparent fawning of Obama on the Israeli lobby stands out more than similar efforts by the other candidates. Why? Because his dizzying success in the primaries was entirely due to his promise to bring about a change, to put an end to the rotten practices of Washington and to replace the old cynics with a young, brave person who does not compromise his principles.

And lo and behold, the very first thing he does after securing the nomination of his party is to compromise his principles.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park