Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The path of nonviolence

The path of nonviolence
Home About Us Advertise Archives Forum Classifieds ePaper Subscribe Contact us Search Daily Star Sections Middle East Egypt Lebanon Middle East News Politics Business Editorial Opinion Arts & Culture Lebanon Examiner Special Reports Interviews Readers' Letters Reader's Feedback Published on 04/08/2007Readers' Letters and Opinionsletters@dailystar.com.lbThe Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics. Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor's mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions. Yet the path of nonviolence would not bring the Palestinians freedom and justice, only His return will do that. For the Palestinians are an occupied people, and unlike the British in India, those who occupy them will not withdraw. And, for the time being, there is pressure in the West that can be brought to bear on the Israelis. Those in power in the US will scarcely dare to criticize Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians, and if they do, their protest is more of a ritual than a heartfelt condemnation. And the common people of the US are either solidly pro-Israel or they do not understand the nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and think the Palestinians are the aggressors, "Muslim terrorists and fanatics," or simply do not wish to be bothered with what they consider a complex issue. So Israel will continue its oppression, whether the resistance is violent or not, for it has no reason not to. The oppression will go on in secret, out of sight of the world, invisible to the media and the rest of the world.Ted Rudow III,MACalifornia, United States

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