Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The decay

Fall of the US EmpireSacbee: Opinion Newsletter
Rod Dreher: Fall of the U.S. empireThursday, August 2, 2007 To hold to it wealthShe is crumbling and will continue to crumble under the weight and pressure of the repercussions of this mighty blow of the decay of the cities! It's going to be the belly button of the whirlpool that will drain America of its resources. Pain and suffering have been poured out on others for years by the Americans. America struggles to hold on to its wealth. 1/2 trillion dollar is wasted in Iraq and the Mideast. Instead of helping the poor, she conquers and destroys the poor. She'd been living on borrowed money all the time and wasn't even raising enough money for her current expenses, much less to pay back her debts. Ted Rudow III,MA

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