Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Daily Star

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Readers' Letters and opinions
America has armed Israel since its beginning and the horrible results of what Israeli weapons have done to Arab nations. The US reaped a very small fraction of what it has sown in the form of bloodshed and terror, the devastation and death it has made possible by its arms sales and its pro-Israel foreign policy.And the US hasn't even begun to reap the hatred it has sown in the Middle East and elsewhere, both because of its own wars, military interventions, missile strikes, murderous raids and assassinations and more. But the Lord keeps good books, and in His good time, He'll balance the accounts, rewarding every man and every nation according to their works, good for good and evil for evil.When people not only refuse to show justice and mercy and love and compassion for others, but go further and even persecute and slaughter others and commit all sorts of atrocities, and refuse to repent of their evil, despite much time and mercy and longsuffering and many opportunities from the Lord, He's forced to take action. He's a just God, as well as a loving one.
Ted Rudow III,MA
California, United States

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