Monday, December 12, 2005

There is..


Lead Stories

There is much more to Christmas
published: Sunday | December 11, 2005

The Editor, Sir:

Christmas Day gets lost in the days and weeks surrounding it. In fact, many Christmas cards and signs simply state 'Season's Greetings' with no mention of Christmas. Now it's a 'holiday tree' rather than a 'Christmas tree'. They even call it 'XMAS' to cross Jesus out of Christmas. In other words, to take Christ out of Christmas. In some cities, all you ever see are signs of 'Xmas Holidays', 'Xmas Sale', 'Xmas Shopping', 'Xmas, Xmas, Xmas'. They wouldn't think of putting up 'Christmas', that's the name of Jesus Christ!

And, of course, they've got a new god called Santa Claus, who is really the big department store! One of the horrible horrors of it is that when they teach their children about Santa Claus, and then they start teaching them about Jesus, the truth and the real story and meaning of Christmas, the poor kids think, "Oh, this is just another stupid idiotic fairytale like the one you told me about Santa Claus!"

There's so much more to Christmas than trees, decorations, Santa Claus, presents and all the make-believe and materialism associated with it today. Christmas is celebrating the day that God sent his love into the world, in the form of a tiny, weak and helpless baby, almost 2,000 years ago! He was born to a simple, humble, young woman who miraculously conceived, having never slept with any man. In fact, the news of her pregnancy was so shocking that when the man she was going to marry learned about it, he promptly decided to break the engagement and call off the wedding, until a powerful, heavenly being intervened and convinced him to stay with her and rear and protect this very special child she was carrying. Merry Christmas!

I am, etc.,


PO Box 1222

Menlo Park, C.A.

Via Go-Jamaica

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

San Jose Spartan Daily

The truth about Santa; a milestone on the road of life?
Posted 12/05/2005
So many people are in need at Christmas, wanting love, feeling lonely, needing comfort and assurance that they matter. So many others are giving gifts at Christmas, hurrying here and there to buy things, to find the perfect present, to not be caught short having forgotten someone. ... But does all that material gift-giving really make a difference? Of course it can be a help, but think of those who are lonely, the ones who are hoping for a little company, a little friendship, someone they can connect with. What would they appreciate most?
Why don't you give yourself this Christmas? Why don't you give of your time to talk to someone, to invite them into your home for a bit or to visit them in theirs? Why don't you see what you can do to make a difference in someone else's life? If they're interested and ready for it, why don't you tell them about Jesus, and how He can warm every corner of their heart? They'll be glad you did, and so will Jesus! In fact, that's the very best gift you can give to Jesus on His birthday, because He wants nothing more than for others to know Him and His Father's love.
His Gospel is love. Will you live it? Will you give it? You might not feel equal to the task, but God is, and He'll help you if you try.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA

San Jose Spartan Daily

A child without a mother or a father is missing out

Posted 11/28/2005

I've never seen a child yet that didn't need a father or a father image, somebody to play the part of a father. But I'll tell you I've sure seen some kids without fathers who sure needed them! They needed a father's heavy hand to straighten them out when the mother didn't have what it took.

There aren't too many women capable of being both a mother and a father to a child. They don't have the guts, firmness and hardness that it takes to lay down the law. Fathers are usually the disciplinarians of the family who won't let the kids get away with it and who really sock it to them. Every child needs a father. Especially as he grows older he needs a father more than a mother. A father comes into the picture loud and clear in the later years when the child really needs discipline and strength.

It's alot like our relationship with God: in some ways the Holy Spirit is like a mother, sweet, loving, gentle; the Spirit that conceives a spiritual babe, brings it to birth & bears it and gives birth to to a new-born babe in the Kingdom of God, a Child of God. But as we grow older and become aware of what's going on we're apt to need a father's image of God Himself and be more afraid of Him than we are of the Holy Spirit, a gentle wooing dove-afraid of His word of correction and His judgements and His very heavy hand that enforces His strict rules. So that's the way I see it.
The babies and children are not just womens' work! God gives a baby and both the father and mother had better want it. I can't imagine why they wouldn't want babies! Especially when it's a gift and a creation of God! You'd better want it and be thankful for it and start off by taking good care of the baby by taking good care of the mother! Any man who's not going to take good care of the mother is not going to take good care of the baby either, and that's plain pure selfishness! Very selfish! God give us fathers!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park,CA

San Jose Spartan Daily

Holiday fantasy squashed every season

Posted 12/05/2005

Often, Christmas Day gets lost in the days and weeks surrounding it. In fact, many Christmas cards and signs simply state "Season's Greetings," with no mention of Christmas. Now it's a "Holiday tree" rather than a "Christmas tree".
They even call it"X-MAS"--to cross Jesus out of Christmas. In other words, to take Christ out of Christmas. In some cities, all you ever see are signs of "Xmas Holidays", "Xmas Sale!", "Xmas Shopping!", "Xmas, Xmas, Xmas!" They wouldn't think of putting up "Christmas"--that's the name of Jesus Christ!
And of course, they've got a new god called Santa Claus--who is really the big department store! One of the horrible horrors of it is, that when they teach their children about Santa Claus, and then they start teaching them about Jesus--the truth and the real story and meaning of Christmas--the poor kids think, "Oh, this is just another stupid idiotic fairly tale like the one you told me about Santa Claus!"
There's so much more to Christmas than trees, decorations, Santa Claus, presents and all the make-believe and materialism associated with it today. Christmas is celebrating the day that God sent his love into the world, in the form of a tiny, weak and helpless baby, almost 2,000 years ago! He was born to a simple, humble young woman who miraculously conceived, having never slept with any man.
In fact, the news of her pregnancy was so shocking that when the man she was going to marry learned about it, he promptly decided to break the engagement and call off the wedding - until a powerful heavenly being intervened and convinced him to stay with her and rear and protect this very special child she was carrying. Merry Christmas!

Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


San Jose Spartan Daily

Only Bush's imaginary friend can help president out of mess

Posted 11/20/2005
Peace could have been given a chance, but Bush demanded peace only on his terms. He did not want to negotiate a settlement. He preferred confrontation, conflict and conquest. He wanted the world to see just how powerful America is so that no other upstart would try to take on America. His "Christian" conviction has instead become a "lying spirit" in his own mind and in the mouths of his advisers. And his self-righteousness has made him to stink in the nostrils of most of the world. No one loved Saddam, but now Bush has made him a martyr.
America is concerned for its own interests, and especially for the lifestyle of its people. Although the world envies that lifestyle, much of it is based on greed and selfishness, to the point that Americans feel they have a right to run the world and hog its resources. In their pride they even wage war in the name of peace. But their pride and their arrogance irritate and exasperate many countries of the world.
The wealth and riches of the U.S. will be sapped by this war, and the distrust of the rest of the world will bring about more and greater division in finances as well as in political matters. Again‚ this is but one more step in the sequence of events that are unfolding before you.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA

Spartan Daily

Is drilling oil in the Arctic Refuge a good way to achieve energy independence? NO
Posted 11/20/2005

So many of the things that America once gloried in have now been turned into shame! America gloried in having the strongest economy in the world. Her manufacturing base is now collapsing and the economy is in shambles. In the past ten years America has gone from being the world's greatest creditor nation to the number one debtor nation. America once gloried in her educational system, which has now fallen far behind that of most other industrial nations.
No other nation on earth embodies this prophetic picture of the "Great Whore" as much as materialistic America! (Revelation 18) God Himself will put it into the hearts of the coming One World Government to destroy her. Why would God allow a nation that once professed to be Christian to suffer a fiery nuclear annihilation? Because she had the Light of God's truth, and rejected it and went her own way.
Some people have been reading the handwriting in the desert sands for a long time and have been trying to get the world’s attention. But like all true prophets, they only get the attention of a few, and those few aren’t enough to make a difference. It will be a while before the effects really start to be felt. Production will peak and then slowly fall away. The phony prophets of peace have the money on their side, so don’t expect a lot of publicity to be given to this. And then every time a true prophet brings this up, you can be sure he or she will be ridiculed. But that’s the way it goes for true prophets.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA

The Caledonian-Record News
St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Monday, November 21st, 2005 · Updated 10:10am

Letters to the Editor

Unholy terrors

Monday November 21, 2005

To the Editor:

In a Veterans Day speech at an Army depot here, Mr. Bush made his most aggressive effort to date to counter the charge that he had justified taking the United States to war by twisting or exaggerating prewar intelligence.

"In Flanders Fields, the poppies grow, between the crosses row on row." (There is a vast soldiers' graveyard there of little white crosses and flowers stretching as far as the eye can see, thousands upon thousands!)

You know, it's like all the cheers are gone, the cheers of the throngs to the passing parade, to the soldiers as they go to war. All the glory and the glamour as they march off to war as the people throng and cheer them - all of a sudden it's hushed! And then there they lie, silently, the biggest parade of all, and nobody cheers anymore, nobody cares, nobody even remembers!

They say they won their freedom at least, but what freedom? Freedom to fight another war? That's what happened. Freedom to fight another war, to lose more lives, kill more boys, lose more countries and lose more colonies and bankrupt their economies, so there's less freedom today than there was then. They didn't gain anything at all.

Nobody ever wins a war. Everybody loses: All the dead and broken bodies, suffering and sadness and sorrow and pain and hunger and grief and the mourning. Nobody ever wins. Everybody always loses.

War is hell. And the poor boys. They go through hell. A hell of a war that they didn't even want and had nothing to do with making, yet their dictators make them fight it like slaves, and they have to be the sufferers and losers. Well, there's coming a day when there'll be war no more, thank God. Until that time, don't let yourself be propagandized by war in the media. Man's wars aren't noble crusades, but unholy terrors.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.


Nov. 29,2005
Spreading horror
Refugees continue to report the use of white phosphorous weapons - of seeing dead bodies with no bullet holes in them, just scorched patches of skin. A leading campaign group has demanded an urgent inquiry into a report that U.S. troops indiscriminately used a controversial incendiary weapon during the battle for Fallujah. Photographic evidence gathered from the aftermath of the battle suggests that women and children were killed by horrific burns caused by the white phosphorus shells dropped by U.S. forces.
The Pentagon has always admitted it used phosphorus during last year's assault on the city, which U.S. commanders said was an insurgent stronghold. But they claimed they used the brightly burning shells "very sparingly" and only to illuminate combat areas. A top United Nations human rights official has called for an investigation of alleged abuses in Fallujah including disproportionate use of force and the targeting of civilians.
The U.S. has declared "mission accomplished" in Fallujah, with the U.S. military claiming to have killed over 1,000 people in the week long assault. "They are dying of starvation and a lack of water, especially the children," a Red Crescent spokeswoman said. The wars and atrocities the United States has perpetrated and the weapons it has developed are simply horrendous.
The United States has been an agent of death and destruction in many third world nations, almost always leaving them in far worse shape than it found them. So the United States is no paragon of virtue, but the funny thing is that most Americans don't realize it, or if they do, then they don't generally care much about it. They maintain a mental image of the United States as the righteous, the virtuous, spreading peace and democracy everywhere it goes, and they quickly forget the horrors it spreads.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

The Commentator
November 2005 Edition
Letters [3]

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Jesus was NOT gay! As Michael Dingwall stated erroneously, "However, will our Christians accept Jesus if he was really a homosexual (or bisexual, at any rate)?--From these accounts and others not mentioned, it appears that Jesus did have a preference for guys.

The first thing St. John says in His Gospel is: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made" (Jn.1:1-3). It seems that only John really grasped the deepest and greatest meaning of Jesus, that Jesus was the Word of God, the Expression of God, the Love of God, as well as the Son of God! Jesus was most of
all the Word of God!

So in Genesis, because Jesus created everything "All things were made by Him", therefore Jesus created Adam and Eve! "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. So Jesus promoted sex! Male and Female, not sex-same or bisexual! GEN.2:25 -- And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

The Commentator November 2005 Edition
Foreign Affairs [7]

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Hands of the rich Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

President Bush on Friday worked to smooth the United States' troubled image in Latin America, commending Argentina's efforts to improve its damaged economy. "The economy has changed in quite dramatic fashions thanks to the wise decisions you have made," Bush told the President of Argentina Nestor Kirchner.

"The economy has changed in quite dramatic fashions thanks to the wise decisions you have made," Bush told the President of Argentina Nestor Kirchner

"The leadership in Washington which dominates IMF policy is responsible for this economic catastrophe... Our political class bankrupted the country in the 1990s by implementing Washington's neo-liberal economic prescriptions." - Juan Luis Coraggio, Argentine economist and university rector.

By September 2001, Argentina had a total public foreign debt of at least $140bn, and perhaps as much as $160bn; its total indebtedness was perhaps $210bn. But austerity was the only weapon in the IMF's armory, each round deeper and bitterer than before. The Center for Child Nutrition Studies, which advises the World Health Organization, reports that one Argentine child in five is suffering from malnutrition, due to these conditions.

So I question the Bush statement, as all of Latin America suffered through the World Bank and the IMF. The only thing they think of with their little narrow minds is, how can I hang on to my money--my investments--my big dollars in the banks--to protect all my interests? And to hell with the poor! They think by hanging onto them, they can protect them.

But God's method of protecting them is to give to the poor--give them out--keep it in circulation--You're going to have to be better to the poor, or you're going to go bankrupt. You cannot amass all this wealth in the hands of a few rich and get away with it. (Luke 12:15-21

Saturday, November 05, 2005


The Caledonian-Record News

St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Friday, November 4th, 2005 · Updated 10:10am

Letters to the Editor

Friday November 4, 2005
To the Editor:

Newly installed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to fulfill a pivotal Supreme Court vacancy; then President Bush nominated Harriet Ellan Miers, his White House counsel and former personal attorney, to the Supreme Court. Bush has fulfilled what neoconservatives were looking for.

The only way that the president can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. But, if he can get control of five men.

Both Roberts and Miers are very "religious." The rich also need religion and rich religious organizations like the churches to try to comfort themselves for all the evil they've been doing, the poor they've been robbing, the wars they've been fighting, and also to subdue the poor and keep them from complaining about their poverty.

This is what Hitler said, this is what Stalin said, this is what every dictator has said! "First make your own country strong! Get rid of these enemies within!" The function of the religious system is to bless and sanctify rightist way. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the right for its existence.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


San Jose Spartan Daily

Media suffers from name leakage

Posted 10/30/2005

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Sunday that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should apologize for the actions of their aides in the CIA leak case. He said Bush and Cheney "should come clean with the American public."
Losing I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, perhaps the most influential national security official without a formal cabinet rank, marks a serious blow to the George W. Bush administration and particularly to the hawks who led the drive to war in Iraq. He has been by all accounts a formidable bureaucratic operator who used the Sep. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to push U.S. foreign policy hard in a unilateralist, if not neo-imperial, direction."
"The Endless war"---Neoconservatives are wanting empire and, of course, the war on Iraq. Arguing that international law has little validity and only gets in the way of American objectives. For them America is so strong, it can safely ignore other nations' national interests and "go it alone." Then other nations will fall in line and follow Washington's demands, they used to argue. It believes that in the "war against terror" any tactic is justified, whatever the "collateral" damage. "If we say a man is a terrorist, then that is what he or she is. And if we get it wrong, that's simply a casualty of war.
That neo-imperial is crumbling before the eyes of the world! Yes, there are terrorists, but do not think that those who would sow terror and destruction are the greatest danger. More dangerous yet are those who use these people for their own ends, encouraging fear and distrust to set up the sort of society which will welcome the Beast and his rule, and which will be ready-made for surveillance and control.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


San Jose Spartan Daily

Halloween a time for remembering history's rule-breakers

Posted 10/25/2005

The Horrors of Halloween

The true name of Halloween is "Samhain." This was the Celtic Lord of the Dead! For 3 days from Oct 29-31, the Celtic people, along with their priestly class called Druids, would hold an ancient rite which would mark the beginning and the end of the year.
The priests of the Celtic tribe, the Druids, would meet in giant megalithic circles during the nights of Oct 29-31. One of the most famous of these circles is known as Stonehenge. They serve 3 functions: 1)temple complexes of worship 2) used as astrological observatories, and 3) they were used as temples for the rite of human sacrifice! Underneath Stonehenge alone, archaeologists have unearthed over 4,000 human, skeletal remains!! And there are HUNDREDS of these stone circles throughout the British Isles.
The Druids would meet within these circles and fill a cauldron with an apple cider like substance and then light a fire underneath it. Once this was done, then they would wander the countryside and visit the homes of various members of nobility. They would knock on the door and yell, "Trick or Treat."
This was a two part expression that would send waves of fear over everyone. The Treat would come about if you, as the head of the house would give a servant, or a family member over to the Druids to be used as a human sacrifice offering to Samhain for that night. In return, the "Treat" the Druids would give you would be a pumpkin which had been previously hallowed out and filled with human fat! The Druid would place this pumpkin on the front door step and light it. This would then serve as a protection for you and your family against those demonic forces which they would be summoning for those nights. Now, heres the "Trick." If you did not cooperate with the Druid, they would take human blood and draw a huge hexagram on your front door. The hexagram is the foulest, most evil of all symbols in the occult. If you are going to summon up a demon, a LITERAL demon. to this plane of existence, you need the hexagram in order to do so. Once the Druids had drawn this symbol on the door, someone would usually die from all the demonic forces that had been summoned. After they had wandered for 3 or 4 hours, they would return back to the stones with their human sacrifice offerings in tow.
Usually a week before the rites of Samhain began, the Druid had ordered the people of the Celtic tribe to disperse throughout the countryside and gather thousands of wicker reed. This is a very strong and durable stick. Wicker furniture has been made from it and most of us are familiar with it.
They would then construct a giant human effigy that would stand from 30 to 50 feet, as the Wicker Man. Many cages had been built within it. Each prisoner would be tied to one of the cages. Then the Druids began their idea of fun and games.
These so called departed souls were nothing more than demonic spirits taking on the form of someone's departed loved one. Just another demonic deception.
So, as you can now see, the practice of Halloween is FILLED with OCCULT practices. Yet, I have seen many Christian churches throughout this nation hold Halloween Parties within the church building. Some call it a "Harvest Party." You will find Scarecrows, Pumpkins, Bobbin for Apples, Orange and Black Crepe paper, Candy, Hot Apple cider, Ghost Stories, Costumes (Christian or not). Every single one of these things is directly from the celebration of Samhain. So, here we are as Christians DUPLICATING ONE OF SATAN'S HOLIDAYS. The Scarecrows are derived from the Wicker Man, the Pumpkin or "Jack 0 Lantern" same thing used by the Druids as protection against demonic forces. Bobbin for Apples in the horrible cauldron. Orange and Black-specific colors in the occult world. The two traditional colors for autumn to this very day. Candy the food offering for Samhain. Hot Apple-Cider from the liquid in the caldron!! Ghost stories. Costumes, even if you dress up as King Solomon or Moses, you are STILL COUNTERFEITING the Devils Holiday!! You are simply trying to turn something evil into something good! Isaiah 5:20. We pray this helps you to NOT be a partaker of this "holiday
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


The Commentator October 2005 Edition
Letters [3]

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Cost of the Iraqi war Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (140,000), the war effort is rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive war in United States history. This conflict has already cost each American at least $850 in military and reconstruction costs since October 2001.

If the war lasts another five years, it will cost nearly $1.4 trillion, calculates Linda Bilmes, who teaches budgeting at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Nearly every one of America's wars was for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory or OIL! Which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War. They are trying to pull a compromise by replacing the American soldiers with Gulf War II, and keeping the war running to maintain the sick economy. So Big Business continues to produce war toys, well-lubricated with the blood of human sacrifices, as usual.
Ted Rudow III,MA, 650-814-1077 or


San Jose Spartan Daily

What ever happened to chivalry?

Posted 10/24/2005

I believe in Love!--Love for God and others, for "God is Love!" (1 John 4:8). That's my religion--Love!
Love is everything, for without Love there is nothing!--No friends, no families, no fathers or mothers or children or sex or health or happiness or Heaven. There could be none of these without Love! And none of these is possible without God, for God is Love!
This is the solution to all of Man's problems of today as well as to his problems of the past: Love, true Love, the Love of God and the love of fellow man! The Spirit of God's divine Love which helps us all to fulfil His great commandment to love one another!--This is still God's solution, even in such a complex and confused and highly complicated society as that of the World today!
For it is Man's rejection of the Love of God and His loving laws that causes him to be selfish and unloving and vicious and cruel and unkind to his neighbour.--Man's inhumanity to Man, which is so apparent in today's weary World with all of its enslavement by oppression, tyranny and exploitation, robbery by the rich, with people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, disease and ill health, poverty and homelessness, overwork and evil abuse, the tortures of war and nightmares of perpetual fearful insecurity.
All of these evils are caused by Man's lack of love for God and each other and his defiance of God's laws of love and faith and peace and harmony with Him, each other and His whole Creation. "For he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God Whom he has not seen?" (1 John 4:20).
A lawyer Jesus was speaking to then asked Him, "Who is my neighbour?" And with the story of the Good Samaritan, He tried to show them that it is anyone who needs our help, regardless of their race, creed, colour, nationality, or condition!:
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA


The Commentator October 2005 Edition
Foreign Affairs [7]

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The Right Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

Newly installed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was brought forward to fulfill a pivotal Supreme Court vacancy, and then President Bush nominated Harriet Ellan Miers, his White House counsel and former personal attorney, to the Supreme Court. Bush has fulfilled what neo-conservatives were looking for. The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. But, if he can get control of five men?

"Bush has fulfilled what neo- conservatives were looking for. The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court" Both Roberts and Miers are very "religious". The rich also need religion and rich religious organization like the churches to try to comfort themselves for all the evil they've been doing, the poor they've been robbing. The wars they've been fighting, and also to subdue the poor and keep them from complaining about their poverty.

This is what Hitler said, this is what Stalin said, and this is what every dictator has said! "First make your own country strong! Get rid of these enemies within!"

The function of the religious system is to bless and sanctify rightist way. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the right for its existence.

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Friday, October 21, 2005


St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Thursday, October 20th, 2005 · Updated 11:40am

Letters to the Editor

The price of war

Thursday October 20, 2005

To the Editor:

Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (140,000), the war effort is rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive war in United States history. This conflict has already cost each American at least $850 in military and reconstruction costs since October 2001.

If the war lasts another five years, it will cost nearly $1.4 trillion, calculates Linda Bilmes, who teaches budgeting at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Nearly every one of America's wars were for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory or oil - which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War. They are trying to pull a compromise by replacing the American soldiers with Gulf War II, and keeping the war running to maintain the sick economy. So Big Business continues to produce war toys, well-lubricated with the blood of human sacrifices, as usual.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Spartan Daily

San Jose Spartan Daily

Was it important for President Bush to have nominated a woman to the Supreme Court? NO

Posted 10/17/2005

Newly installed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to fulfill a pivotal Supreme Court vacancy,then President Bush nominated Harriet Ellan Miers, his White House counsel and former personal attorney, to the Supreme Court. Bush has fulfilled what neoconservative were looking for.The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. But, if he can get control of five men.
Both Roberts and Miers are very "religious". The rich also need religion and rich religious organisation like the churches to try to comfort themselves for all the evil they've been doing , the poor they've been robbing. The wars they've been fighting, and also to subdue the poor and keep them from complaining about their poverty.
This is what Hitler said, this is what Stalin said, this is what every dictator has said! "First make your own country strong! Get rid of these enemies within!" The function of the religious system is to bless and sanctify rightist way . Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the right for its existence.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA

Friday, October 14, 2005


The Caledonian-Record News

St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Friday, October 14th, 2005 · Updated 10:15pm

Letters to the Editor


Expert liars

Friday October 14, 2005

More Letters to the Editor:

To the Editor:

Just like Bush's lying spirit in Iraq, one of the Republicans' most visible leaders, a defiant DeLay, said he had done nothing wrong and denounced the Democratic prosecutor who pursued the case as a "partisan fanatic."

He said, "This is one of the weakest, most baseless indictments in American history. It's a sham." DeLay, 58, was indicted on a single felony count of conspiring with two political associates.

Politicians are expert liars, because they make their living by telling people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. Otherwise, they wouldn't get elected - at least in the U.S. (ha!). And once they do get elected, especially when they rise as far as the presidency, they just continue to lie - it becomes a habit with them. I think it's gotten worse and more blatant in recent years than it used to be.

Bush is setting the tone as politicians, authorities and government agencies can be very disagreeable toward those who disagree with them! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Big lies are often hard to refute, it's the little lies that can be proven false.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Menlo Park, Calif.


Spartan Daily

San Jose Spartan Daily

Military "don't ask, don't tell" rules still in conflict with campus anti-discrimination policy

Posted 10/09/2005

Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (140,000), the war effort is rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive war in United States history. This conflict has already cost each American at least $850 in military and reconstruction costs since October 2001.
If the war lasts another five years, it will cost nearly $1.4 trillion, calculates Linda Bilmes, who teaches budgeting at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
Nearly every one of America's wars were for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory or OIL!--Which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War. They are trying to pull a compromise by replacing the American soldiers with Gulf War II, and keeping the war running to maintain the sick economy. So Big Business continues to produce war toys, well-lubricated with the blood of human sacrifices, as usual.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad Student
Menlo Park

oil effects



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Still a while before

oil effects appear


Still, oil companies and governments are betting “at least in public” that new discoveries and technology will keep the world supplied for at least the next generation. And there are those who would welcome the tipping point, believing the psychological impact will push the world into a serious drive to wean itself off oil.

The U.S. Geological Survey has predicted that a peak in recoverable oil production won’t come until 2037. More recent predictions also focus on high demand and lagging resupply exploitation efforts, noting a worrisome drop in oil discoveries in recent years.

In a speech six years ago, before he became U.S. vice president, Richard Cheney spoke of estimates of 2 percent annual growth in global oil demand and at best a 3 percent annual decline in production from existing reserves.

Some people have been reading the handwriting in the desert sands for a long time and have been trying to get the world’s attention. But like all true prophets, they only get the attention of a few, and those few aren’t enough to make a difference. It will be a while before the effects really start to be felt. Production will peak and then slowly fall away.

The phony prophets of peace have the money on their side, so don’t expect a lot of publicity to be given to this. And then every time a true prophet brings this up, you can be sure he or she will be ridiculed. But that’s the way it goes for true prophets.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


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Article Last Updated: 09/20/2005 07:40:40 AM

Oil and prophets and the truth

OIL COMPANIES and governments are betting — at least in public — that new discoveries and technology will keep the world supplied for at least the next generation. And there are those who would welcome the tipping point, believing the psychological impact will push the world into a serious drive to wean itself off oil.

The U.S. Geological Survey has predicted that a peak in recoverable oil production won't come until 2037. More recent predictions also focus on high demand and lagging resupply exploitation efforts, noting a worrisome drop in oil discoveries in recent years.

In a speech six years ago, before he became U.S. vice president, Richard Cheney spoke of estimates of 2 percent annual growth in global oil demand and at best a 3 percent annual decline in production from existing reserves.

Some people have been reading the handwriting in the desert sands for a long time and have been trying to get the world's attention. But like all true prophets, they only get the attention of a few, and those few aren't enough to make a difference. It will be a while before the effects really start to be felt. Production will peak and then slowly fall away.

The oil cartel has money on its side, so don't expect a lot of publicity to be given to this. And then every time a true prophet brings this up, you can be sure he or she will be ridiculed. But that's the way it goes for true prophets.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

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Saturday, September 17, 2005


St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 · Updated 10:25am

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More conflict ahead

Wednesday September 7, 2005

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"I mean instead that for the greater part of ancient history - that past in which the Jewish people anchor their claim to Israel - the Gaza Strip was not part of the Jewish state. But in reality, the Gaza Strip and the coastal towns to its north, for most of the years between, say, 1250 B.C. and 135 A.D. - the era in which the Jews lived in and often ruled the land of Israel - eluded firm Israelite or Judean control and, indeed, Jewish habitation." -- Benny Morris, op-ed contributor

The Israelis as a whole don't want peace; they just want to keep what they've got, which is all of Israel as well as a chunk of Jordan (the West Bank), a chunk of Syria (the Golan Heights), and a sliver of southern Lebanon. Why should they give up anything? What's in it for them? Oh, they might get a few extra billion dollars from the U.S., but they get plenty from the U.S. already.

The Americans won't make them do it, the U.N. can't make them do it, and the rest of the world is powerless to influence them. So all things will continue as they are, with the cycle of violence and death rising and falling.

So there's more conflict and war ahead for the Mideast, sad to say. Sharon hasn't changed his warlike ways. He's so ruthless and brutal that he even shocks many Israelis! But they knew what he was like when they voted him in, and they elected him anyway.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Thursday, September 01, 2005



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Pat Robertson needs help Editor,

It is ‘Thou shalt not kill’ and ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness.’ The leaders of America are doing both, and most of them know this.

Pat Robertson is promoting Bush’s agenda. He is not Christian! He is Pharisee as Jesus said, “All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.”(Mat.23:3-4)

King Solomon of old, reputedly the wisest mortal to ever walk the earth, wrote, “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins” (Proverbs 10:12). If you hate somebody, your interactions with them are likely to breed disagreement and conflict. But if you love them, even if they have wronged you, it’s possible to look beyond their faults and accept and forgive them.

This may sound like a noble aspiration — to overlook and forgive all the flaws and failings of others — but realistically, who is capable of suddenly releasing resentment, hatred, fear or other deep-seated negative attitudes they may harbor towards individuals or entire groups of people? Most of us lack the resolve and emotional wherewithal to do that.

The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He is the all-powerful Spirit of love who created the universe and brought us all into being. Try it, Pat!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

America's Idol


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Article Last Updated: 09/01/2005 07:08:26 AM

America's 'idol'

ALAN GREENSPAN renewed a warning recently about the sizzling housing market, saying home prices may fall, slowing consumer spending, a chief ingredient for the economy's good health. A day earlier, he cautioned the public against thinking the value of homes and other investments will only go higher. If house prices fell suddenly or if interest rates rose quickly, it could clobber homeowners and lenders. Rising prices have helped make many people feel wealthier and thus more inclined to spend.

In July 2001, Paul McCulley, an economist at Pimco, the giant bond fund, predicted that the Federal Reserve would simply replace one bubble with another.

"There is room," he wrote, "for the Fed to create a bubble in housing prices, if necessary, to sustain American hedonism." If housing enters a post-bubble slump, what's left? One reason for the real estate boom is that people begin to have faith in their money.

The American dollars are no longer green and growing. They have turned to ashes. They only look green if you think that gray is green when green has really turned to gray. But it only exists if you believe it exists, the "greenback," or the American dollar. It's like this Green Pig is the god of America; it is America's idol that is worshipped. It is all in the imagination.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Spartan Daily

San Jose Spartan Daily

Posted 08/29/2005

"AMERICA HAS a president, not a king. But just like royalty, the nation's commander in chief can keep his distance from the common man or woman."
Cindy Sheehan, the California mother of a son who died in Iraq, is camped out in Crawford, Texas, trying to get a face-to-face meeting with the vacationing President Bush. The Vacaville woman wants to tell the president he should pull American troops out of Iraq. Her son, Casey, was killed at age 24 in the Sadr City section of Baghdad on April 4, 2004
This pride of the president of the United States is going to turn to ashes. Now he has the pride and the glory, but it’s going to turn to ashes. He’s cocky, he’s really cocky. Americans are always gung-ho for war. Always. What hypocrisy. What self-righteousness. What confidence in the arm of the flesh. What a terrible mess he’s getting the world into.
Bush is a liar and a hypocrite that he flip-flops with things so often. The question they need to put to the American public is: “Is that oil really worth American blood and the lives of our boys? Is it worth fighting and dying for just to keep gasoline prices down so you can go for more joy rides?
Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not worth it. I can’t understand how any man, much less the president of the United States, could think about sending 250,000 men into war. But war is hell. God is absolutely against it.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Flood

The Commentator August 2005 Edition
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The Flood In fact, although the theory of evolution has long been taught as fact in most schools and universities with the Bible's account and other opposing views being given little or no voice, a growing number of respected scientists are joining the "creationist" camp. Evolutionists are fond of stating, "Evolution is a fact." But a fact is incontrovertible, meaning it is certain, undeniable, and not open to question. The truth is that the theory of evolution is not as factual and convincing as its proponents pretend.

The next big issue with which evolutionists take exception to is the Genesis account in chapters 6-9 of the worldwide flood, commonly called Noah's Flood. Did it cover the whole world? Is there any evidence today that such a flood ever occurred? How could all those animals fit in the Ark?

According to Genesis the Ark measured 300 x 50 x 30 cubits (Genesis 6:15), which is approximately 140 x 23 x 13.5 meters or 459 x 75 x 44 feet. The ratio of length to width to height is 30:5:3. Tests on models of the Ark made to exact specifications have shown that it could survive capsizing by waves of up to 200 feet high, and that even if it pitched to a near 90 degree angle it could then right itself.

The total volume of the Ark was 43,500 cubic meters or about 1.5 million cubic feet “equal to that of 522 standard American railroad livestock cars, each of which can hold up to 240 sheep. That means the Ark could hold over 125,000 animals, if the average size were that of a sheep. The Bible says that Noah took two of every kind of animal, bird and reptile, except when they were
"clean" animals he took seven. (There is some debate as to whether it was seven pairs or just seven in total.)

About 8,000 genera have been identified, including extinct ones. That would mean that there would have been about 16,000 animals, birds, and reptiles in the Ark. There was plenty of room for all the animals on Noah's Ark.

There is also the question of the very large ani­mals, such as the dinosaurs or even elephants. How did they get in the Ark? There is no mention that Noah took fully developed adult animals onto the Ark. Most animal experts say that younger animals are much easier to handle, so it would seem sensible for Noah to take adolescent or even younger animals. If this were the case, then only about 10% of the animals would have been bigger than sheep.

So since the Ark could theoretically hold. Many questions about how this or that happened remain unanswerable by means of scientific investigation, but more and more evidence is being uncovered that indicates the universe and all that is in it was the work of an intelligent designer, not chance.

Ted Rudow III,MA,

Their Wealth

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4 Commento lasciato da ** Questo e' un altro il 12 agosto 2005 alle 02:13

Ted Rudow III MA
Una delle sue lettere.

They ( the Americans)refuse to share their wealth with the rest of the World and its poor, their selfishness, their wickedness, their refusal to give communally with the rest of the World! We would rather lose our children, our son, our daughters and our babies to try to save our own necks, our own cities, our own wealth, our own selfish wicked living! !"--That is the cry of America today!
She refuses to surrender her wealth to the poor of the World, refuses to give, but is selfishly luxuriating in all kinds of extravagance, opulencea and luxuries--$20,000 bathtubs, $250,000 automobiles that guzzle the gas like mechanical drunkards, gorging themselves with food and throwing half of it away, wasting over one-half of the World's priceless resources while millions are starving!
Scusate, ma come si puo' dare credito ad matto che parla/scrive Cosi?
America e' la piu' generosa del mondo e questo tizio parla di bagni $ 20'000 e di auto di $ 250'000, come se fosse una cosa ordinaria. Sicuro che i miliardari ci sono da per tutto. Allora?

Saturday, August 13, 2005



AUGUST 13-14,2005
Opinions & Ideas
From readers

The overall situation for the people in Central America and the Dominican Republic is characterized by high levels of poverty and a growing gap between the rich and poor — a gap that is also widening in the United States. Trade is vitally important to the development of these countries.
However, a recent joint statement of Central American and U.S. Catholic bishops observed that trade is about more than economics; it is about people's lives and livelihoods. The trade rules that make up the Central American Free Trade Agreement severely limit the ability of these countries to use the very tools that the United States used in the past (and still uses) to build and maintain our competitive economy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Friday, August 12, 2005



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Sir: Hiroshima marked the 60th anniversary of the world's first atomic bombing with condemnation of a global trend toward nuclear proliferation. The wars and atrocities the US has perpetrated and the weapons it has developed are simply horrendous. America has been an agent of death and destruction in many third world nations, almost always leaving them in far worse shape than it found them.

The U.S. is no paragon of virtue, but the funny thing is that most Americans don't realise it, or if they do, then they don't generally care much about it. They maintain a mental image of America the righteous, the virtuous, spreading peace and democracy everywhere it goes. Maybe it's because they have such a short attention span and memory. As one journalist commented, a short memory is a great boost to self-esteem. It helps when you can so easily forget the past and tune out of reality.



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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Right-wing conspiracy

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Right-wing conspiracy Editor,

In advance of Bush’s announcement, Democrats said Bolton would start his new job on the wrong foot in a recess appointment. But Republicans appearing on Sunday’s news shows said Bolton is the man the White House wants and he’s the right person to represent the United States at the world body.

It’s a end-around! Just like Iraq,the Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq’s oil before the 9/11 attacks. The Founding Fathers saw individual rights as bulwarks against government abuses. Bush and his neo-cons acts as if individual rights are barriers to public safety and Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, characterized Mr. Bush’s move as “the latest abuse of power by the Bush White House,”

President Bush and Great Britain’s Tony Blair react so angrily when someone suggests that terrorist attacks are a response to American and British foreign policy. If they are a response, then obviously the attacks are the fault of the policy-makers.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park


Saturday, July 30, 2005

H-P loses its way

The Independent-July 30,2005-Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont, San Mateo, Foster City,Burlingame
H-P loses its way
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food.
From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things thai was contrary to the prevailing management strategies. A companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Castro criticized international media based in Cuba, accusing some journalists of siding with the American government "and working in full complicity with the office of the U.S. Interests Section to misinform and deceive the world about the Cuban reality."
I really believe Castro loves the Lord. I even heard him say on the radio once what Cubans need to be is more Christian, and I believe he meant it. He really tried to be more Christian by sharing the wealth, the vast wealth and lands of the rich, with Cuba's very poverty-stricken poor. That's what made so many people, especially the rich Americans who nearly owned Cuba, so angry at him, and they haven't forgiven him to this very day.
The U.S. is the one that's making a mess out of Cuba. It's not the fault of the Cubans or Castro. Castro has made his mistakes, but the U.S. is the main one to blame. The U.S. is trying to blame Cuba's poverty and troubles and everything else on Castro, when for 40 years the U.S. has devastated Cuba through American sanctions and embargoes. It's those embargoes that have made it so hard on the Cubans, just like the sanctions … like did to the Iraqis.
It's hurting the poor of Cuba more than anybody, whom they claim they want to help! If the U.S. would just drop the embargoes, Cuba would thrive and prosper even under Castro; but the U.S. doesn't want to. The U.S. is a big bully, and big bullies have a lot of pride and cannot stand to be defied, opposed or challenged!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, July 23, 2005


The Commentator July 2005 Edition
Letters [3]

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Journalists often have very little say in how their stories come out, and how they're slanted! And, unless they're especially courageous, after a while many reporters will just take the path of least resistance and write their stories in a way that they know they'll have the least trouble.

The result is that most people who watch or read the news wind up with a very distorted, perverse view of what's happening, and that translates into a support of the main aggressor in the conflict, Israel, which has been occupying Palestinian lands for more than 50 years. The poor Palestinians can hardly get a fair break in a lot of the Western media! They get more fair, unbiased coverage in some of the Israeli papers than they do in the American media!

So take what you see on TV news or read in mainstream papers with a healthy dose of skepticism, folks! You may be getting only part of the truth-the part that's designed to leave you thinking or feeling a certain way. It's often news with an agenda or an attitude, designed to make you feel the same way-almost like advertising!

Ted Rudow III,MA,

Sunday, July 17, 2005


The White House refused to answer any questions about new evidence of Mr. Rove's role in the matter. A day after new evidence suggested that Mr. Rove had discussed the C.I.A. officer with a reporter from Time magazine in July 2003 without identifying her by name.
The White House silent. This is also the most important psychology of the magician who specializes in tricks known as sleight-of-hand. And Rove is the expert in this!
Rove first evidenced a penchant for dirty tricks during his high school years, when the "classic nerd" pulled mental fakeouts on opponents in debate tournaments. Decades later, pic claims, Rove upped the ante during even more duplicitous stunts to undermine Sen. John McCain in 2000 Republican primaries.
Rove cares not a whit for the trail of political bodies he's left strewn in his wake. I have the feeling that it was sort of going to his head. A leader gets a little puffed up in his head and begins to think he's really a god. Delusion may take on many forms and is commonly understood, such delusions include grandeur, importance, wealth, physical illnesses, auditory or aural hallucinations, religious delusions are common, as well as paranoia, inappropriate moral/ethical values and extreme alienation.
Seem like the same pattern. But as T.S. Eliot said,"The last temptation is the greatest treason,to do the right deed for the wrong reason."
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, July 16, 2005

BRITISH JOURNALIST uncovered a memo to Tony Blair

BRITISH JOURNALIST uncovered a memo to Tony Blair
San Mateo County Times
Letters to the editor,
Monday, June 20, 2005 News Sports Business Op - Ed Living Features Health BRITISH JOURNALIST uncovered a memo to Tony Blair from his chief of foreign intelligence, written after a series of high-level meetings in Washington back in July of 2002 — months before Colin Powell's famous presentation to the United Nations. Basically, the memo states that the Bush administration was set on ousting Saddam Hussein despite the circumstances. Peace could have been given a chance, but Bush demanded peace only on his terms. He did not want to negotiate a settlement. He preferred confrontation, conflict and conquest. He wanted the world to see just how powerful America is so that no other upstart would try to take on America. His "Christian" conviction has instead become a "lying spirit" in his own mind and in the mouths of his advisers. And his self-righteousness has made him to stink in the nostrils of most of the world. No one loved Saddam, but now Bush has made him a martyr.
America is concerned for its own interests, and especially for the lifestyle of its people. Although the world envies that lifestyle, much of it is based on greed and selfishness, to the point that Americans feel they have a right to run the world and hog its resources. In their pride, they even wage war in the name of peace. But their pride and their arrogance irritate and exasperate many countries of the world. The wealth and riches of the U.S. will be sapped by this war, and the distrust of the rest of the world will bring about more and greater division in finances as well as in political matters.
Ted Rudow III,MAMenlo Park

Pot calling kettle black

San Mateo Daily Journal
Pot calling kettle black
Editor, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prodded Middle Eastern leaders Monday to reform their governments. In her remarks, Rice strongly rebuked two countries, Syria and Iran, as she called Syria a “police state” that has acted as a foreign master in neighboring Lebanon. On Iran, she said, “The appearance of elections does not mask the organized cruelty of Iran’s theocratic state.” Iran’s not a threat to the United States, just as Iraq wasn’t a threat. The threat is to Israel, which has always worried about any of its inimical neighbors getting a hold of nuclear weapons. Israel, of course, has many nuclear weapons, but doesn’t want its monopoly in that area challenged by atomic ayatollahs. Israel is egging on the United States to do something about it, and is hinting that if the U.S. doesn’t stop the Iranian nuclear program, then Israel will stop it the same way it stopped Iraq’s nuclear program years ago, by blowing up their reactor. The United States has merely used so-called goodness and righteousness as a cloak for invasion and conquest, and beneath the cloak resides much hypocrisy, for America too has much blood on its hands. Beneath this cloak you see the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the millions who were killed in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia, the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died in the first Gulf War. However, these countries have pointed out that the United States is guilty of the same, or worse.
Ted Rudow III
The Commentator
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prodded Middle Eastern leaders recently to reform their governments. In her remarks, Rice strongly rebuked two countries -- Syria and Iran as she called Syria a "police state" that has acted as a foreign master in neighboring Lebanon. On Iran, she said, "The appearance of elections does not mask the organized cruelty of Iran's theocratic state." U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Rice strongly rebuked two countries -- Syria and Iran as she called Syria a "police state" that has acted as a foreign master in neighboring Lebanon. On Iran, she said, "The appearance of elections does not mask the organized cruelty of Iran's theocratic state." Iran’s not a threat to the U.S., just as Iraq wasn’t a threat to the U.S. The threat is to Israel, which has always worried about any of its inimical neighbors getting a hold of nuclear weapons. Israel, of course, has many nuclear weapons, but doesn’t want its monopoly in that area challenged by atomic ayatollahs! So Israel is egging on the U.S. to do something about it, and is hinting that if the U.S. doesn’t stop the Iranian nuclear program, then Israel will, in the same way it stopped Iraq’s nuclear program years ago, by blowing up their reactor. The U.S. has merely used so-called goodness and righteousness as a cloak for invasion and conquest, and beneath the cloak resides much hypocrisy, for America too has much blood on its hands. Beneath this cloak you see the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the millions who were killed in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia, the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died in the first Gulf War. However, these countries have pointed out that the U.S. is guilty of the same, or worse, and it's the pot calling the foreign kettle black.

Menlo Park

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Wednesday,July 13 2005 -San Mateo Daily Journal
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Surveillance society of the Antichrist Editor, The Homeland Security department asked major cities Thursday to increase vigilance of their transportation systems after a series of explosions on London transit systems. In San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit system security was increased at all stations, including “significant increase of police and employees on the system and closure of all station bathrooms,” said BART spokesman Jim Allison. “Other security measures not being made public.” Remember when the idea of cameras all over the place, monitoring your every move, would have seemed bizarre, Orwellian or like something out of the Soviet Union? How things change. And the way they change is little by little, with a camera here and there in some necessary spot, until any uproar dies down and the public gets accustomed to seeing them. Meanwhile, they’re told how “secure” they now are and what an asset all this surveillance technology is. Then the cameras spread, and before you know it, they’re all over the place, from the mean streets of Los Angeles to the peaceful streets of Singapore. It doesn’t seem unusual anymore, and hardly even makes the news. People have been programmed to accept them and almost ignore them, because they’re part of modern life. And so the cameras spread and attitudes change more and more, and the world is prepared for the surveillance society of the Antichrist. Ted Rudow III ,MA Menlo Park