Friday, December 10, 2010

Poor suffer, rich benefit

San Francisco ExaminerNews
Science and Technology

White House

Letters to the Editor

New moderate board should have mayor pick

December 10
letters to the editor
san francisco

Poor suffer, rich benefit

Congress convinced lots of poor people to voluntarily give up some of the few things they had to make them even poorer and the rich even richer, so the rich could have more and more and the poor less and less. These are called “taxes” and “profits” and “interest.”

The poor of the world really suffer from the policies of the rich. It’s more than a lack of political will; it’s plain old selfishness and greed, combined with a lack of love or even simple concern for the poor.

The rich are about to reap the cruelties and poverties they themselves have sown amongst the poor, while the meek and the poor shall inherit the earth.

Ted Rudow III, MA

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