Thursday, December 02, 2010

Military Madness

Military Madnessby Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Dec 2nd, 2010
Despite sustained denials by the Pentagon, the leaked cables from WikiLeaks confirm that U.S. military special operations forces have been secretly working with the Pakistani military to conduct offensive operations and coordinate drone strikes in the areas near the Afghan border.

Pentagon spokesperson Geoff Morrell called it "conspiratorial" and explicitly denied that US special operations forces were doing anything other than "training" in Pakistan. Countries used to go to war just for pride over some incident because they were offended or one king made a bad remark about another king.

But in modern years, recent years, they go to war for commercial reasons, they're trade wars. Nearly every one of America's wars were for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory-which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War. Roosevelt was informed ahead of time that the Japanese were going to strike Pearl Harbor, even of the hour, and this all came out years afterward, but he never did a thing and never let the information out to the Armed Services or anything because he knew that was the only thing that would make the American people mad enough to go to war. So Sunday morning came, Dec. 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor, and, as usual, the military services all took the day off. Of course then this was played up into big propaganda: “A horrible atrocity, the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor” and “a terrible slaughter,” “a stab in our back” and all of this stuff, and it did it. It made the Americans mad enough, and the very next day Congress met and declared war — WWII
Before every war, there's a long period of mental conditioning and psychological preparation. You never saw how self-righteous nations can get just before a war! So righteous and so convinced that they are right and the other fellow's the criminal, the devil who needs to be conquered! "FROM WHENCE COME WARS?"
Ted Rudow III,MA

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