Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bush and his band of thieves

Bush and his band of thieves

Bush and his band of thieves
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Nov 19th, 2008 10:02 AM
Many people have been asking us, "Could Bush actually pardon himself?". Would it be despicable? Would it be shameless and cowardly? Yes, that and that too what we saw in Iraq in the Green Zone and what we’re seeing in the US Treasury.
It’s sort of the Green Zoning of the US Treasury. It has been very much a corporate war. So these sort of corporate welfare bums now want to use the language of anti-protectionism to go into other countries
This bailout is really not a bailout at all; it’s a parting gift to the people that the Bush—that George Bush once referred to jokingly as “my base.” . It to what European colonial rulers used to do when they finally realized they had to hand over power; they would loot the treasury on the way out the door.
Two of the most modern and significant are Hitler and Nitler, the term we prefer to use for Hitler's American presidential heir. Hitler was an expert at distracting his people's attention from their real problems. Another trick from a whole bag of tricks by Bush and his band of thieves? It doesn't matter to him and his if other governments fall and political careers are tragically destroyed and lives lost as long as his own power is preserved!--Like Hitler!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Bush and his band of thieves?

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Margaret Colgate Love: In defense of pardons?

By Margaret Colgate Love
Special to The Washington Post
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008

Margaret Colgate Love: In defense of pardon
As President Bush's term nears its end, rumors abound that he will grant a lot of final pardons. Hundreds of clemency applications have been filed with the Justice Department in the past year, a reflection of the popular belief that pardoning is an end-of-term phenomenon in which all presidents indulge. Media reports have identified prominent individuals who are seeking Bush's mercy, and there is speculation about a blanket amnesty for those engaged in counterterrorism efforts.Yet presidential pardons have rarely been concentrated in the weeks between Election Day and the inauguration of a new president. There was no precedent for the torrent of irregular grants issued by Bill Clinton on his last day in office, many of which were the product of special pleading by Clinton friends and family.Historically, pardoning has occurred regularly over the course of a president's term, more frequently in the middle than at either end.........

Many people have been asking us, "Could Bush actually pardon himself?". Would it be despicable? Would it be shameless and cowardly? Yes, that and that too what we saw in Iraq in the Green Zone and what we’re seeing in the US Treasury. It’s sort of the Green Zoning of the US Treasury. It has been very much a corporate war. So these sort of corporate welfare bums now want to use the language of anti-protectionism to go into other countries. This bailout is really not a bailout at all; it’s a parting gift to the people that the Bush—that George Bush once referred to jokingly as “my base.” . It to what European colonial rulers used to do when they finally realized they had to hand over power; they would loot the treasury on the way out the door. Two of the most modern and significant are Hitler and Nitler, the term we prefer to use for Hitler's American presidential heir. Hitler was an expert at distracting his people's attention from their real problems.
Ted Rudow III,MA

November 18
Not civil right

Post Opinion 324 High St. Palo Alto,CA 94301
We print letters Include your address and phone number for verification. Shorter letters are printed first and edited least. Limit: 250 words.

To compare Rose Parks' stand to same-sex marriage in a civil right mode is ludicrous. If "to the pure all things are pure" and "all things are lawful unto me," and if, under this Law of grace and Love, extramarital sex and all of these other things are lawful, then where do things like sodomy fit in? If you are truly pure and loving, you wouldn't do such things, because they're definitely not good for you physically or spiritually, and they're hurtful. Just because "all things are lawful" unto us doesn't mean that we can go around murdering or killing or torturing people! That's not love!
Ted Rudow III,MA

November 17
Same old stance

San Jose Mercury News


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Readers' letters

From Daily News Group readers:

Same old stance

Dear Editor: The new Congress is different from the last one as far as the balance of power is concerned, but its fear of the pro-Israel lobby will be unabated. True, the influence of the Zionist evangelicals will be much diminished, but the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is alive and kicking, and its kicks will be as painful as ever. The new doorkeeper, who bears the ringing Israeli name Rahm Emanuel, grew up in a Jewish home, speaks Hebrew and rushed to the aid of the Israeli army during the first Gulf War.

I don't know his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but he certainly will not block the path of the Israeli prime minister to the President Obama. There is no chance for progress toward Israeli-Palestinian peace without American pressure on the Israeli government. That has been true for decades, and that remains true today. So America and Israel will stick together to the bitter end, as they have proven in every Israeli-Palestinian war so far. But that end together may be sooner than they think, because of recent developments. We shall see.

Ted Rudow,III,MA


Marcos Bretón: Is gays' intolerance on Prop. 8 the best strategy?

By Marcos Bretón

Published: Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008 | Page 1B

We're tied up in knots about gay people tying the knot.

The election is over, voters approved Proposition 8, and gay people are prevented from legally marrying in California.

But they refuse to be bridesmaids at heterosexual-only weddings.

Gay people are fighting intolerance with intolerance. They stayed largely in the closet in an election campaign that was about them – but waged with ads largely devoid of their images. And now they are out.

They are flexing their muscle, a little late for Election 2008, but not too late to underscore their unwillingness to retreat on the right to marry, no matter what the vote results say.

It made national news this week when the artistic director of Sacramento's California Musical Theatre resigned under pressure after his $1,000 donation to the "Yes on 8" campaign was made public.-----


To compare Rose Parks stand to same sex marriage in a civil right mode is ludicrous. If "to the pure all things are pure" and "all things are lawful unto me," and if, under this Law of grace and Love, extramarital sex and all of these other things are lawful, then where do things like sodomy fit in? If you are truly pure and loving, you wouldn't do such things, because they're definitely not good for you physically or spiritually, and they're hurtful. Just because "all things are lawful" unto us doesn't mean that we can go around murdering or killing or torturing people or give them AIDS! That's not love!

Ted Rudow III,MA

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