Tuesday, September 23, 2008

They were the ones behind it the most

They were the ones behind it the most

The Stanford Daily

The economics of the financial crisis
September 23, 2008
By Kunal Khanna
As newspaper headlines and television commentators proclaim a financial apocalypse, an event even more catastrophic than the recent construction in White Plaza, perhaps we should stop and ask ourselves how this all began. How did we get into this terrible mess?
There are a host of buzzword answers — subprime mortgages, excessive leverage, a housing bubble — and an alphabet soup of acronyms — ABX, CDO, CDS, HMO (actually, that one might not be relevant) — but none of them identify the underlying cause. What really made things get this bad?.......
Ted Rudow III,MA
Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys?

The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians, seem to always manageto get on the wrong side and the worst side when it comes to war!--All over the matter of religion! As long as the leader says he's for religion they will fight for him and die for him and kill anybody in the name of Christ and religion! To Hell with you and all your Hellish wars! May God give you the Hell you've given the you've given the World!
Tuesday September 23, 2008 - Comments
It's called fascism
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Paul Krugman: Lipstick or not, bailout plan looks like a pig in a poke

By Paul Krugman - New York Times
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A19

Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson's $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system "cash for trash." Others are calling the proposed legislation the Authorization for Use of Financial Force, after the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the infamous bill that gave the Bush administration the green light to invade Iraq.

There's justice in the gibes. Everyone agrees that something major must be done. But Paulson is demanding extraordinary power for himself – and for his successor – to deploy taxpayers' money on behalf of a plan that, as far as I can see, doesn't make sense........................................


It's called fascism

In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and is called fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.

Monday, September 22, 2008
6:27:06 PM PDT Edit Entry Delete Entry
The "F" word

It’s called “fascism
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Monday Sep 22nd, 2008
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA).
This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment
The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
What you’ve got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism.It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

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The Blog Watch

From the region's blogosphere
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Story appeared in CALIFORNIA FORUM section, Page E4

And what qualifies her to run California?

Posted by Sherry Greenberg


On Tuesday, Carly Fiorina famously said that Sarah Palin is not qualified to run a corporation. While trying to dig herself out from that off-message blunder, Fiorina revised her statement to say that McCain isn't qualified, either, nor are Obama and Biden.

What is particularly entertaining is that all of this happened on a day that Fiorina's former company Hewlett-Packard laid off 24,600 workers. While those layoffs did not occur during Fiorina's tenure, HP did lay off thousands under her watch, after she engineered the acquisition of Compaq. And, when Fiorina was CEO of HP, earnings were flat. Fiorina ultimately was fired from HP.-------
Sad tale
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food. From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things this was contrary to the prevailing management strategies -a companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was the main source of H-P demised of companywide commitment is now is a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain. Fiorina stepped down as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard three years ago. She is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee's Victory '08. Fiorina want it to be : a little more tempered in your warfare, and you can stretch out the economy a little longer and the war--caused economic boom lasts longer that way. It kind of keeps on a nice higher level!
Ted Rudow III,MA

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Eugene Robinson: McCain goes into reverse on regulation

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A15
John McCain was telling the truth when he said that economics isn't his strong suit. In response to what many economists have called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Republican nominee sounds totally, embarrassingly and dangerously clueless.His now-famous remark Monday about how "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" would almost by itself be enough to justify my assessment. On Tuesday, as the giant insurance company AIG teetered on the brink, McCain took a stand. "I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be on the hook for AIG," he said. "We cannot have the taxpayers bail out AIG or anybody else."Within hours, the federal government had bailed out AIG to the tune of $85 billion. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and others who know how Wall Street works understood that if AIG were to collapse, much of the financial system might follow.--------

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys? The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians.

Ted Rudow III,MA

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