Monday, September 15, 2008

Peace and safety?

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Editorial: Exhibit A in the case for change

Monday, September 15, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A12

Republican presidential candidate John McCain denounces "the broken system in Washington that too often allows lobbyists to write legislation and members of Congress to waste taxpayer money."

And Democratic candidate Barack Obama condemns "the pettiness and the game-playing and the influence-peddling that always prevents us from solving the problems we face year after year after year."

If you want to know what they're talking about, look at the indictment of Kevin Ring, a former aide to Rep. John Doolittle, R-Roseville, who went to work for über-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (See the ProPublica Web site: propublica/assets/docs/ring_ indictment_080905.pdf.)
We don't pretend to know whether Doolittle's actions cross the line into illegality, but they're sure unsavory – and utterly inappropriate.-------
Peace and safety?
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern. She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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