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A weekly discussion of a topic important to Californians
September 28, 2008
Fundamental reform -- does California need an overhaul?
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The topic: reforming California government.
For this week's pieces, see the links on the right under "latest stories."
With disgust toward state government rising to new levels, it's a good time to ask if the moment has arrived for fundamental reform in the way California does business.
I've written the lead piece, an overview of the situation and a quick look at three possible approaches to enacting comprehensive change in California government. We've also got four writers opining on three of those potential avenues of reform.
Wrong way
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when the Moneyboys and his people have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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McCain, Obama square off in first debate
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Saturday, September 27, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- In a spirited and sometimes contentious debate, John McCain repeatedly cast Barack Obama as naive and inexperienced - and Obama countered by suggesting his opponent stubbornly supports failed administration policies on the economy and Iraq.
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Campaign 2008
McCain, Obama square off in first debate
There were no major gaffes - and some clear contrasts in style - in the 90-minute debate at the University of Mississippi, where plenty of fireworks erupted over issues ranging from terrorism and the budget to potential meetings with foreign leaders. Though the Arizona senator repeatedly - and at times sarcastically - jabbed Obama as failing to grasp key policies and issues, the Illinois senator never lost his cool and went toe-to-toe with his competitor on foreign policy issues, which were presumed to be McCain's strength.Both a CBS News poll of undecided voters and a CNN poll after the debate gave the win to Obama by double digits - though many analysts said the match was surprisingly even.-----
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Debate drama
Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Their bidding
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Cal Thomas: Judgment Day is coming
By Cal Thomas - Tribune Media
Published 12:00 am PDT Friday, September 26, 2008
Story appeared in section, Page NONE
It isn't often that public outrage peaks so close to an election, but this is a rare moment in history when "we the people" can exact a price from the political leadership that has duped, scammed and lied to them, contributing mightily to the current financial mess.At the Senate Banking Committee hearings Tuesday, Democrats, led by Chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, seemed to think the mortgage crisis, aided and abetted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and other disasters, occurred on someone else's watch. Dodd, joined by ranking Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama, criticized what he said was the ad hoc nature of the government's response to the financial crisis and complained that the Bush administration's proposals lack detail.Some history is important. It was pressure from the Carter and Clinton administrations that forced Fannie and Freddie to grant more high-risk loans to people who otherwise would never qualify. They mostly wanted to promote not only new home ownership numbers, but also more home ownership in the minority community. That was a noble goal, but the cost turned out to be too high. ------
So who is this Great Whore? Mystery, Babylon, the commercial system and materialism, the worship of Mammon! The whole world, both Capitalists and Communists, they all worship things. They all worship the gods of this World, things, wealth, possessions, money, and commercialism is a part of it, that's the way they trade and make some of their money. But a broader and better term, if you're going to include both Capitalism and Communism, would be Materialism. Another name for that god used in the Bible by Jesus was Mammon. He uses it as a significant term that they were familiar with, because that was the ancient god of wealth & money and possessions, houses, lands,etc. I don't think Communism would like to be accused of commercialism, although they're getting more commercial all the time and China is a good example.She is obviously the religion of the world!
Ted Rudow IIII,MA
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