Marionettes, dance
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BRIEF: Economic advisers for Obama, McCain disagree but remain affable
The Stanford Daily
By: The Daily News Staff
Published: September 29, 2008
Peter Henry, a Stanford Business School professor and Obama advisor, and Kevin Hassett, an American Enterprise Institute director and member of McCain’s campaign team, remained amicable during a discussion hosted on Wednesday by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.
Both advisors stressed the need for a bipartisan approach in fixing the current economic crisis and drew distinctions between the candidates, but stopped short of attacking each other over the candidates’ views on the Bush administration’s $700 billion bailout proposal.
Henry argued that McCain’s economic proposals were simply a continuation of Bush policies that ran up deficits by cutting taxes for big businesses and the wealthiest.
In response, Hassett emphasized McCain’s promise to deliver a balanced budget by 2013 and follow through with a tax plan that would cut the corporate tax rate and stimulate job growth. He added that McCain backed a bill in 2005 that would have restricted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, both of which were recently bailed out by the government.--------
Vision): I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape. He’s handling several marionettes all at once, and he’s making them dance. The puppeteer’s looking down on them, and although I can’t see his face, I have the impression that he’s smirking. “Dance, marionettes, dance! As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled. Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There’s Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he’s manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. Through selfish lust and the deceitfulness of riches, the marionettes grow dependent on the strings of the puppeteer. A demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Leonard Pitts Jr.: Bush, who cried 'wolf!'
By Leonard Pitts - Miami Herald
Monday, September 29, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A15
"....No one can be surprised. Not after the way Team Bush fudged facts and faked urgency after 9/11 to stampede the nation into invading Iraq. Not after it censored science and politicized truth on abortion, global warming, education and health. Not after it elevated blame shifting and responsibility avoidance to the level of art. And not after it was abetted and supported in all this by a corps of sycophantic true believers for whom no lie was ever too big and no intellectual disconnect ever too wide.Now even they have fled, as evidenced by the president's subterraneanpoll numbers and near invisibility at his own party's convention. Meanwhile, the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces and pay the bill. And to hope that, at the very least, the moral of the story that so profoundly escaped your predecessor is not lost on you: Guard your credibility. You never know when you might need it."
Marionettes, dance!
Vision): I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape. He's handling several marionettes all at once, and he's making them dance. The puppeteer's looking down on them, and although I can't see his face, I have the impression that he's smirking. "Dance, marionettes, dance! As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled. Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. Through selfish lust and the deceitfulness of riches, the marionettes grow dependent on the strings of the puppeteer. A demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's Called Fascism
September 24
It's called "fascism
San Jose Mercury News
NEWS breaking news
nation / world
special reports
Sept. 23 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News reader
"Letters to the Editor'
From the readers of the Mercury News
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author.
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad "F" word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it's called "fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
It's called "fascism
San Jose Mercury News
NEWS breaking news
nation / world
special reports
Sept. 23 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News reader
"Letters to the Editor'
From the readers of the Mercury News
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author.
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad "F" word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it's called "fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
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A weekly discussion of a topic important to Californians
September 28, 2008
Fundamental reform -- does California need an overhaul?
To comment now, scroll down.
The topic: reforming California government.
For this week's pieces, see the links on the right under "latest stories."
With disgust toward state government rising to new levels, it's a good time to ask if the moment has arrived for fundamental reform in the way California does business.
I've written the lead piece, an overview of the situation and a quick look at three possible approaches to enacting comprehensive change in California government. We've also got four writers opining on three of those potential avenues of reform.
Wrong way
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when the Moneyboys and his people have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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McCain, Obama square off in first debate
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Saturday, September 27, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- In a spirited and sometimes contentious debate, John McCain repeatedly cast Barack Obama as naive and inexperienced - and Obama countered by suggesting his opponent stubbornly supports failed administration policies on the economy and Iraq.
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Campaign 2008
McCain, Obama square off in first debate
There were no major gaffes - and some clear contrasts in style - in the 90-minute debate at the University of Mississippi, where plenty of fireworks erupted over issues ranging from terrorism and the budget to potential meetings with foreign leaders. Though the Arizona senator repeatedly - and at times sarcastically - jabbed Obama as failing to grasp key policies and issues, the Illinois senator never lost his cool and went toe-to-toe with his competitor on foreign policy issues, which were presumed to be McCain's strength.Both a CBS News poll of undecided voters and a CNN poll after the debate gave the win to Obama by double digits - though many analysts said the match was surprisingly even.-----
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Debate drama
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Their bidding
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Cal Thomas: Judgment Day is coming
By Cal Thomas - Tribune Media
Published 12:00 am PDT Friday, September 26, 2008
Story appeared in section, Page NONE
It isn't often that public outrage peaks so close to an election, but this is a rare moment in history when "we the people" can exact a price from the political leadership that has duped, scammed and lied to them, contributing mightily to the current financial mess.At the Senate Banking Committee hearings Tuesday, Democrats, led by Chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, seemed to think the mortgage crisis, aided and abetted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and other disasters, occurred on someone else's watch. Dodd, joined by ranking Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama, criticized what he said was the ad hoc nature of the government's response to the financial crisis and complained that the Bush administration's proposals lack detail.Some history is important. It was pressure from the Carter and Clinton administrations that forced Fannie and Freddie to grant more high-risk loans to people who otherwise would never qualify. They mostly wanted to promote not only new home ownership numbers, but also more home ownership in the minority community. That was a noble goal, but the cost turned out to be too high. ------
So who is this Great Whore? Mystery, Babylon, the commercial system and materialism, the worship of Mammon! The whole world, both Capitalists and Communists, they all worship things. They all worship the gods of this World, things, wealth, possessions, money, and commercialism is a part of it, that's the way they trade and make some of their money. But a broader and better term, if you're going to include both Capitalism and Communism, would be Materialism. Another name for that god used in the Bible by Jesus was Mammon. He uses it as a significant term that they were familiar with, because that was the ancient god of wealth & money and possessions, houses, lands,etc. I don't think Communism would like to be accused of commercialism, although they're getting more commercial all the time and China is a good example.She is obviously the religion of the world!
Ted Rudow IIII,MA
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A weekly discussion of a topic important to Californians
September 28, 2008
Fundamental reform -- does California need an overhaul?
To comment now, scroll down.
The topic: reforming California government.
For this week's pieces, see the links on the right under "latest stories."
With disgust toward state government rising to new levels, it's a good time to ask if the moment has arrived for fundamental reform in the way California does business.
I've written the lead piece, an overview of the situation and a quick look at three possible approaches to enacting comprehensive change in California government. We've also got four writers opining on three of those potential avenues of reform.
Wrong way
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when the Moneyboys and his people have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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McCain, Obama square off in first debate
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Saturday, September 27, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- In a spirited and sometimes contentious debate, John McCain repeatedly cast Barack Obama as naive and inexperienced - and Obama countered by suggesting his opponent stubbornly supports failed administration policies on the economy and Iraq.
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Campaign 2008
McCain, Obama square off in first debate
There were no major gaffes - and some clear contrasts in style - in the 90-minute debate at the University of Mississippi, where plenty of fireworks erupted over issues ranging from terrorism and the budget to potential meetings with foreign leaders. Though the Arizona senator repeatedly - and at times sarcastically - jabbed Obama as failing to grasp key policies and issues, the Illinois senator never lost his cool and went toe-to-toe with his competitor on foreign policy issues, which were presumed to be McCain's strength.Both a CBS News poll of undecided voters and a CNN poll after the debate gave the win to Obama by double digits - though many analysts said the match was surprisingly even.-----
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Debate drama
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Their bidding
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Cal Thomas: Judgment Day is coming
By Cal Thomas - Tribune Media
Published 12:00 am PDT Friday, September 26, 2008
Story appeared in section, Page NONE
It isn't often that public outrage peaks so close to an election, but this is a rare moment in history when "we the people" can exact a price from the political leadership that has duped, scammed and lied to them, contributing mightily to the current financial mess.At the Senate Banking Committee hearings Tuesday, Democrats, led by Chairman Chris Dodd of Connecticut, seemed to think the mortgage crisis, aided and abetted by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and other disasters, occurred on someone else's watch. Dodd, joined by ranking Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama, criticized what he said was the ad hoc nature of the government's response to the financial crisis and complained that the Bush administration's proposals lack detail.Some history is important. It was pressure from the Carter and Clinton administrations that forced Fannie and Freddie to grant more high-risk loans to people who otherwise would never qualify. They mostly wanted to promote not only new home ownership numbers, but also more home ownership in the minority community. That was a noble goal, but the cost turned out to be too high. ------
So who is this Great Whore? Mystery, Babylon, the commercial system and materialism, the worship of Mammon! The whole world, both Capitalists and Communists, they all worship things. They all worship the gods of this World, things, wealth, possessions, money, and commercialism is a part of it, that's the way they trade and make some of their money. But a broader and better term, if you're going to include both Capitalism and Communism, would be Materialism. Another name for that god used in the Bible by Jesus was Mammon. He uses it as a significant term that they were familiar with, because that was the ancient god of wealth & money and possessions, houses, lands,etc. I don't think Communism would like to be accused of commercialism, although they're getting more commercial all the time and China is a good example.She is obviously the religion of the world!
Ted Rudow IIII,MA
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Sep 24th, 2008 4:00 PM
But the capitalistic financiers of Europe: They'll all like a whole bunch panders. They've got a whole lot invested and they don't want to lose it. So they try to save her so they can save their investments, and they're trying to get the rest of the world to continue to make a little money on her. She thinks she's their owner, but they're her owner, It's totally artificial for them to support the dollar! If they'd just let the dollar sink down to where it belongs, America would sink!
But the whole trouble is, they each own too much of a share in the worthless dollar, and they don't want to lose their investments. So the money panders get together and agree to support her dollars when she's sick and not earning them any money. Her wars for commerce, trade wars for the intercourse of Capitalism! Every war is fought for the love of money and the lust for power! America's panders,the merchants and moneychangers of the earth who have been made rich her particularly Europe, had better dump their dollars.
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Sep 24th, 2008 4:00 PM
But the capitalistic financiers of Europe: They'll all like a whole bunch panders. They've got a whole lot invested and they don't want to lose it. So they try to save her so they can save their investments, and they're trying to get the rest of the world to continue to make a little money on her. She thinks she's their owner, but they're her owner, It's totally artificial for them to support the dollar! If they'd just let the dollar sink down to where it belongs, America would sink!
But the whole trouble is, they each own too much of a share in the worthless dollar, and they don't want to lose their investments. So the money panders get together and agree to support her dollars when she's sick and not earning them any money. Her wars for commerce, trade wars for the intercourse of Capitalism! Every war is fought for the love of money and the lust for power! America's panders,the merchants and moneychangers of the earth who have been made rich her particularly Europe, had better dump their dollars.
Democratic Caucus of SJSU
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Home > Opinion
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Representatives from the Democratic Caucus of SJSU and the San Jose State College Republicans faced off on Monday afternoon to discuss the relationship between the U.S. and the Middle East, and each presidential candidate's views of it. The event, held on the second floor of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, was hosted by Spartans for Israel, an on-campus advocacy group for Israel, and Hillel of Silicon Valley, an off-campus foundation that supports Jewish campus events. Samala Gunasekera, a junior molecular biology major, said even though she has a general idea of each candidate's position on the Middle East issue, she said before the event that she looked forward to hearing more in-depth information. "I want to hear each candidate's attitude toward Palestine," she said, "and how would they go about bringing peace between Israel and Palestine." Maria Casdillo, a junior political science major and a first semester transfer from De Anza College, said even though she is not a U.S. citizen, she is interested in politics. ..............................................................................................................Ted Rudow III,MA 9/23/08
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) conservatively estimates cumulative total direct U.S. aid to Israel at $107.961 billion. It is not of Israel's cost to the U.S. or the American taxpayer, nor of the benefit to Israel of U.S. aid.
The distinction is important, because the indirect or consequential costs to the American taxpayer as a result of Washington's blind support for Israel exceed by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel. Only rarely is a critical word uttered among politicians regarding AIPAC and its associates that support unjust and aggressive (and disastrous) U.S. policies toward the peoples of the Middle East. For too long, policies that support Israeli militarism and occupation have gone unchallenged. Political voices raising even minor disagreements with prevailing policies are silenced or subject to campaigns of intimidation.
What little we have been told is pure anti-Arab propaganda. Nothing good is ever said by the West about the Arabs; I never heard anything good in school about the Arabs. I think is it racism, but try as they will, Israel will never willingly withdraw from the Israeli-occupied Arab territories and has said flatly she will never give up Jerusalem.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Student Culture
Home > Opinion
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Representatives from the Democratic Caucus of SJSU and the San Jose State College Republicans faced off on Monday afternoon to discuss the relationship between the U.S. and the Middle East, and each presidential candidate's views of it. The event, held on the second floor of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, was hosted by Spartans for Israel, an on-campus advocacy group for Israel, and Hillel of Silicon Valley, an off-campus foundation that supports Jewish campus events. Samala Gunasekera, a junior molecular biology major, said even though she has a general idea of each candidate's position on the Middle East issue, she said before the event that she looked forward to hearing more in-depth information. "I want to hear each candidate's attitude toward Palestine," she said, "and how would they go about bringing peace between Israel and Palestine." Maria Casdillo, a junior political science major and a first semester transfer from De Anza College, said even though she is not a U.S. citizen, she is interested in politics. ..............................................................................................................Ted Rudow III,MA 9/23/08
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) conservatively estimates cumulative total direct U.S. aid to Israel at $107.961 billion. It is not of Israel's cost to the U.S. or the American taxpayer, nor of the benefit to Israel of U.S. aid.
The distinction is important, because the indirect or consequential costs to the American taxpayer as a result of Washington's blind support for Israel exceed by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel. Only rarely is a critical word uttered among politicians regarding AIPAC and its associates that support unjust and aggressive (and disastrous) U.S. policies toward the peoples of the Middle East. For too long, policies that support Israeli militarism and occupation have gone unchallenged. Political voices raising even minor disagreements with prevailing policies are silenced or subject to campaigns of intimidation.
What little we have been told is pure anti-Arab propaganda. Nothing good is ever said by the West about the Arabs; I never heard anything good in school about the Arabs. I think is it racism, but try as they will, Israel will never willingly withdraw from the Israeli-occupied Arab territories and has said flatly she will never give up Jerusalem.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
It's called "fascism
September 24
It's called "fascism
San Jose Mercury News
NEWS breaking news
nation / world
special reports
Sept. 23 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News reader
"Letters to the Editor'
From the readers of the Mercury News
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author.
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad "F" word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it's called "fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Collect $700 billion
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape."See? As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled.Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. The sands of time are falling; the hourglass is running. The stage is set. The curtain is soon to go up as the next scene is about to begin, and the Wicked One is about to be revealed! His stagehands are setting the props in place. They're adjusting the lights and setting the stage, as the Wicked One prepares backstage.
Ted Rudow II,MA
It's called "fascism
San Jose Mercury News
NEWS breaking news
nation / world
special reports
Sept. 23 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News reader
"Letters to the Editor'
From the readers of the Mercury News
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author.
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad "F" word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it's called "fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Collect $700 billion
• More cartoons
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape."See? As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled.Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. The sands of time are falling; the hourglass is running. The stage is set. The curtain is soon to go up as the next scene is about to begin, and the Wicked One is about to be revealed! His stagehands are setting the props in place. They're adjusting the lights and setting the stage, as the Wicked One prepares backstage.
Ted Rudow II,MA
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
They were the ones behind it the most
They were the ones behind it the most
The Stanford Daily
The economics of the financial crisis
September 23, 2008
By Kunal Khanna
As newspaper headlines and television commentators proclaim a financial apocalypse, an event even more catastrophic than the recent construction in White Plaza, perhaps we should stop and ask ourselves how this all began. How did we get into this terrible mess?
There are a host of buzzword answers — subprime mortgages, excessive leverage, a housing bubble — and an alphabet soup of acronyms — ABX, CDO, CDS, HMO (actually, that one might not be relevant) — but none of them identify the underlying cause. What really made things get this bad?.......
Ted Rudow III,MA
Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys?
The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians, seem to always manageto get on the wrong side and the worst side when it comes to war!--All over the matter of religion! As long as the leader says he's for religion they will fight for him and die for him and kill anybody in the name of Christ and religion! To Hell with you and all your Hellish wars! May God give you the Hell you've given the you've given the World!
Tuesday September 23, 2008 - Comments
It's called fascism
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Paul Krugman: Lipstick or not, bailout plan looks like a pig in a poke
By Paul Krugman - New York Times
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A19
Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson's $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system "cash for trash." Others are calling the proposed legislation the Authorization for Use of Financial Force, after the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the infamous bill that gave the Bush administration the green light to invade Iraq.
There's justice in the gibes. Everyone agrees that something major must be done. But Paulson is demanding extraordinary power for himself – and for his successor – to deploy taxpayers' money on behalf of a plan that, as far as I can see, doesn't make sense........................................
It's called fascism
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and is called fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Monday, September 22, 2008
6:27:06 PM PDT Edit Entry Delete Entry
The "F" word
It’s called “fascism
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Sep 22nd, 2008
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA).
This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment
The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
What you’ve got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism.It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Written by tedr77 Permalink | Blog about this entry | Add to | digg this This entry has 0 comments: Add your own
Sunday, September 21, 2008
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The Blog Watch
From the region's blogosphere
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Story appeared in CALIFORNIA FORUM section, Page E4
And what qualifies her to run California?
Posted by Sherry Greenberg
On Tuesday, Carly Fiorina famously said that Sarah Palin is not qualified to run a corporation. While trying to dig herself out from that off-message blunder, Fiorina revised her statement to say that McCain isn't qualified, either, nor are Obama and Biden.
What is particularly entertaining is that all of this happened on a day that Fiorina's former company Hewlett-Packard laid off 24,600 workers. While those layoffs did not occur during Fiorina's tenure, HP did lay off thousands under her watch, after she engineered the acquisition of Compaq. And, when Fiorina was CEO of HP, earnings were flat. Fiorina ultimately was fired from HP.-------
Sad tale
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food. From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things this was contrary to the prevailing management strategies -a companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was the main source of H-P demised of companywide commitment is now is a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain. Fiorina stepped down as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard three years ago. She is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee's Victory '08. Fiorina want it to be : a little more tempered in your warfare, and you can stretch out the economy a little longer and the war--caused economic boom lasts longer that way. It kind of keeps on a nice higher level!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Eugene Robinson: McCain goes into reverse on regulation
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A15
John McCain was telling the truth when he said that economics isn't his strong suit. In response to what many economists have called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Republican nominee sounds totally, embarrassingly and dangerously clueless.His now-famous remark Monday about how "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" would almost by itself be enough to justify my assessment. On Tuesday, as the giant insurance company AIG teetered on the brink, McCain took a stand. "I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be on the hook for AIG," he said. "We cannot have the taxpayers bail out AIG or anybody else."Within hours, the federal government had bailed out AIG to the tune of $85 billion. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and others who know how Wall Street works understood that if AIG were to collapse, much of the financial system might follow.--------
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys? The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians.
Ted Rudow III,MA
The Stanford Daily
The economics of the financial crisis
September 23, 2008
By Kunal Khanna
As newspaper headlines and television commentators proclaim a financial apocalypse, an event even more catastrophic than the recent construction in White Plaza, perhaps we should stop and ask ourselves how this all began. How did we get into this terrible mess?
There are a host of buzzword answers — subprime mortgages, excessive leverage, a housing bubble — and an alphabet soup of acronyms — ABX, CDO, CDS, HMO (actually, that one might not be relevant) — but none of them identify the underlying cause. What really made things get this bad?.......
Ted Rudow III,MA
Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys?
The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians, seem to always manageto get on the wrong side and the worst side when it comes to war!--All over the matter of religion! As long as the leader says he's for religion they will fight for him and die for him and kill anybody in the name of Christ and religion! To Hell with you and all your Hellish wars! May God give you the Hell you've given the you've given the World!
Tuesday September 23, 2008 - Comments
It's called fascism
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Paul Krugman: Lipstick or not, bailout plan looks like a pig in a poke
By Paul Krugman - New York Times
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A19
Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson's $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system "cash for trash." Others are calling the proposed legislation the Authorization for Use of Financial Force, after the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the infamous bill that gave the Bush administration the green light to invade Iraq.
There's justice in the gibes. Everyone agrees that something major must be done. But Paulson is demanding extraordinary power for himself – and for his successor – to deploy taxpayers' money on behalf of a plan that, as far as I can see, doesn't make sense........................................
It's called fascism
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. What you've got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and is called fascism.It's where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Monday, September 22, 2008
6:27:06 PM PDT Edit Entry Delete Entry
The "F" word
It’s called “fascism
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Sep 22nd, 2008
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA).
This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, "improper banking activity", or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment
The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
What you’ve got here is really the end of the Reagan Revolution. And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism.It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Written by tedr77 Permalink | Blog about this entry | Add to | digg this This entry has 0 comments: Add your own
Sunday, September 21, 2008
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The Blog Watch
From the region's blogosphere
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Story appeared in CALIFORNIA FORUM section, Page E4
And what qualifies her to run California?
Posted by Sherry Greenberg
On Tuesday, Carly Fiorina famously said that Sarah Palin is not qualified to run a corporation. While trying to dig herself out from that off-message blunder, Fiorina revised her statement to say that McCain isn't qualified, either, nor are Obama and Biden.
What is particularly entertaining is that all of this happened on a day that Fiorina's former company Hewlett-Packard laid off 24,600 workers. While those layoffs did not occur during Fiorina's tenure, HP did lay off thousands under her watch, after she engineered the acquisition of Compaq. And, when Fiorina was CEO of HP, earnings were flat. Fiorina ultimately was fired from HP.-------
Sad tale
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food. From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things this was contrary to the prevailing management strategies -a companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was the main source of H-P demised of companywide commitment is now is a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain. Fiorina stepped down as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard three years ago. She is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee's Victory '08. Fiorina want it to be : a little more tempered in your warfare, and you can stretch out the economy a little longer and the war--caused economic boom lasts longer that way. It kind of keeps on a nice higher level!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Eugene Robinson: McCain goes into reverse on regulation
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A15
John McCain was telling the truth when he said that economics isn't his strong suit. In response to what many economists have called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Republican nominee sounds totally, embarrassingly and dangerously clueless.His now-famous remark Monday about how "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" would almost by itself be enough to justify my assessment. On Tuesday, as the giant insurance company AIG teetered on the brink, McCain took a stand. "I do not believe that the American taxpayer should be on the hook for AIG," he said. "We cannot have the taxpayers bail out AIG or anybody else."Within hours, the federal government had bailed out AIG to the tune of $85 billion. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and others who know how Wall Street works understood that if AIG were to collapse, much of the financial system might follow.--------
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Your very dumbness and ignorance condemns you because you should have known better! But you stood by and let it happen, you even paid for it, voted for it!" That vote for Bush was a vote for war! But PEOPLE BEGAN TO SEE HOW CROOKED HE is and how corrupt their government was and they finally decided, well, maybe the war isn't a very good idea after all! It didn't seem to be helping their economy any and didn't seem to be solving inflation or unemployment, so they decided, "Well, why pour any more money down that rat hole and any more of our boys? The churches were all behind it, most of them!--Especially the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals who are supposed to really know Jesus. Think of that! They were the ones behind it the most!--Gung-ho for slaughter! They say that the religionists were the ones who suppported Hitler the most in Germany. The Fundamental Evangelical Pentecostal, so-called most "holy" & Spirit-filled Christians.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Friday, September 19, 2008
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Editorial: Will governor cave on budget?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A16
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have blown a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.Going into Thursday, voters were outraged at the despicable spending plan lawmakers passed in the dead of night Tuesday. Many were contacting legislators and insisting on a fix that didn't depend on borrowing, falsehoods and accounting tricks.This outrage created political capital for the governor and provided an opening for him to veto a bad budget and press for a more responsible one. But instead of seizing his moment, Schwarzenegger now seems close to agreeing to a revised deal that could add to the fiscal harm California faces next year, and the year after that.
As the public is well aware, the budget passed Tuesday sought to close a $15.2 billion deficit through real cuts, phony revenue schemes and billions in real borrowing.....
It doesn't take long to destroy faith. They used to call them "panics" or runs on the banks. It only takes some kind of a little scare, like the last crash, the Stock Market crash of October '87. That didn't quite do it because it didn't hit the poor, it didn't really hit the lower middle class. It just hit the guys that were living too high & on too much gravy & thought it would never end. It just wiped out some of the yuppies & the brokers & the youngsters that you see yelling & screamin' & wavin' on the floor of the Stock Market. It didn't wipe out enough people to bring on the really big one. It just wiped out those gamblers who were making too much money. They got theirs. But next time it will hit middle America & lower middle America, all of the people who are living too high & robbing the rest of the World with their high tariffs on the products of the poor so that even their own poor have to pay too much.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Editorial: Will governor cave on budget?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A16
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to have blown a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.Going into Thursday, voters were outraged at the despicable spending plan lawmakers passed in the dead of night Tuesday. Many were contacting legislators and insisting on a fix that didn't depend on borrowing, falsehoods and accounting tricks.This outrage created political capital for the governor and provided an opening for him to veto a bad budget and press for a more responsible one. But instead of seizing his moment, Schwarzenegger now seems close to agreeing to a revised deal that could add to the fiscal harm California faces next year, and the year after that.
As the public is well aware, the budget passed Tuesday sought to close a $15.2 billion deficit through real cuts, phony revenue schemes and billions in real borrowing.....
It doesn't take long to destroy faith. They used to call them "panics" or runs on the banks. It only takes some kind of a little scare, like the last crash, the Stock Market crash of October '87. That didn't quite do it because it didn't hit the poor, it didn't really hit the lower middle class. It just hit the guys that were living too high & on too much gravy & thought it would never end. It just wiped out some of the yuppies & the brokers & the youngsters that you see yelling & screamin' & wavin' on the floor of the Stock Market. It didn't wipe out enough people to bring on the really big one. It just wiped out those gamblers who were making too much money. They got theirs. But next time it will hit middle America & lower middle America, all of the people who are living too high & robbing the rest of the World with their high tariffs on the products of the poor so that even their own poor have to pay too much.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Thursday, September 18, 2008
To roost
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Line up, failed institutions ...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
America is absolutely writing its own death warrant! It is digging its own grave by her behaviour.--No care for the poor, no concern about those foreign countries. They shouldn't have borrowed it in the first place, but the reason they can't repay it is because the interest is so high that they can hardly even afford to pay the interest, much less pay back the money!--While big fat in big fat banks in the U.S.A. are getting the money and those people are starving to death.And now the chickens have come home to roost! And if the poor don't pay,they're going to come down and take their country. That's what they're doing. Because that's what they want to do, they want to rule the World and make everybody slaves! They're going to start with the poor first. REVELATION 18:23b(23b) "FOR THY MERCHANTS WERE THE GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH." Aren't they today?--The ones that are trying to run the World! They talk about the tyranny of Russia!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Home of the San Francisco ChronicleHome Delivery | Today's Paper | SFGate Web Search by YAHOO! | Advanced Search
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Line up, failed institutions ...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
America is absolutely writing its own death warrant! It is digging its own grave by her behaviour.--No care for the poor, no concern about those foreign countries. They shouldn't have borrowed it in the first place, but the reason they can't repay it is because the interest is so high that they can hardly even afford to pay the interest, much less pay back the money!--While big fat in big fat banks in the U.S.A. are getting the money and those people are starving to death.And now the chickens have come home to roost! And if the poor don't pay,they're going to come down and take their country. That's what they're doing. Because that's what they want to do, they want to rule the World and make everybody slaves! They're going to start with the poor first. REVELATION 18:23b(23b) "FOR THY MERCHANTS WERE THE GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH." Aren't they today?--The ones that are trying to run the World! They talk about the tyranny of Russia!
Ted Rudow III,MA
To roost
Rex Babin Cartoons
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
To roost
America is absolutely writing its own death warrant! It is digging its own grave by her behaviour.--No care for the poor, no concern about those foreign countries. They shouldn't have borrowed it in the first place, but the reason they can't repay it is because the interest is so high that they can hardly even afford to pay the interest, much less pay back the money!--While big fat in big fat banks in the U.S.A. are getting the money and those people are starving to death.
And now the chickens have come home to roost! And if the poor don't pay,they're going to come down and take their country. That's what they're doing. Because that's what they want to do, they want to rule the World and make everybody slaves! They're going to start with the poor first. REVELATION 18 (VERSE 14:) "AND THE FRUITS THAT THY SOUL LUSTED AFTER ARE DEPARTED FROM THEE, & all things which were dainty & goodly are departed from thee."--All these things that the U.S.A. loves.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Rex Babin Cartoons
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
To roost
America is absolutely writing its own death warrant! It is digging its own grave by her behaviour.--No care for the poor, no concern about those foreign countries. They shouldn't have borrowed it in the first place, but the reason they can't repay it is because the interest is so high that they can hardly even afford to pay the interest, much less pay back the money!--While big fat in big fat banks in the U.S.A. are getting the money and those people are starving to death.
And now the chickens have come home to roost! And if the poor don't pay,they're going to come down and take their country. That's what they're doing. Because that's what they want to do, they want to rule the World and make everybody slaves! They're going to start with the poor first. REVELATION 18 (VERSE 14:) "AND THE FRUITS THAT THY SOUL LUSTED AFTER ARE DEPARTED FROM THEE, & all things which were dainty & goodly are departed from thee."--All these things that the U.S.A. loves.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
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Economy mumbo jumbo:
What is it good for?
Recycled Toilet Paper
David ZugnoniI
Issue date: 9/17/08 Section: Opinion
If people were perfect, these campaigns wouldn't work at all.
Before Barack Obama was defending his "lipstick on a pig" comment and generally fighting for the attention Sarah Palin has taken from his battle with John McCain, he was busy appeasing his supporters' selfishness.
"More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can't afford to drive, credit card bills you can't afford to pay and tuition that's beyond your reach," Obama said during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.
It's a shame that the Democratic Party, the party that should look selfless .....
Ted Rudow III,MA 9/17/08
Vision:) I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape. I can't see his face clearly because of the big hood which is casting a shadow on his face. I get the impression I'm not supposed to see his face right now. He's handling several marionettes all at once, and he's making them dance. The puppeteer's looking down on them, and although I can't see his face, I have the impression that he's smirking. He's talking in a sinister tone, saying, "Ahhhh, that's it! You're right in place now! You move here, and you move over there. Up and down--dance, dance, dance to my tune! You must dance, dance to my music! That's it, dance, dance to my tune! Uh, uh, uh--no, no--you mustn't try to remove those strings, for they are what hold you up. If you cut them, you'll only find yourself tangled in a mess of broken strings as you collapse and fall to the ground. "Dance, marionettes, dance! Don't try to do it alone, for I'm at the controls, and only I can bring order out of the complexity of all these strings. Dance, marionettes, dance! I'll move you here, and I'll move you there. I'm connecting you all firmly to my hand piece, where I can control you, manipulate you, and monitor your movements.
"See? As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled.Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. The sands of time are falling; the hourglass is running. The stage is set. The curtain is soon to go up as the next scene is about to begin, and the Wicked One is about to be revealed! His stagehands are setting the props in place. They're adjusting the lights and setting the stage, as the Wicked One prepares backstage. Some of the marionettes have been in the hands of the puppeteer for a long time, and are more tried and proven. All their parts move freely about in response to the touch of the puppeteer's own hand.
It's a demonstration of his power to the nations, that should they try to kick and break free from his manipulation, it will only result in instability, and they will soon find themselves in a tangled state and at risk of plunging to the ground in total collapse, just as the marionette who would try to cut his ties. Through selfish lust and the deceitfulness of riches, the marionettes grow dependent on the strings of the puppeteer. But should they decide to cut their strings, to break loose from the control and manipulation of the dark puppeteer, My lifeline remains steady and firm, reaching out to hold them and support them, so that they will not stumble and totter and crumble in ruin. Marvel not at the great rebound of the mighty nation [the U.S.], and be not fooled by a false sense of security, for what is seen is only temporary. For those who lurk behind the scenes, those who sit in high places, know in their hearts the meaning of this apparent quick comeback--that it is only for a time. For this was only a show of force of the Wicked One, a demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer. This great fluctuation serves as a reminder to all that the puppeteer alone holds the controls.
The puppeteer's total power works by fear. The purpose of the great plunge and the mighty rebound of the great nation was to strike fear into the hearts of those who sit in high places, else they be lifted up beyond reason. In these days of extremities, as the pendulum swings from extreme low to extreme high, the puppeteer sends a strong signal that it is indeed he who holds the bag and manipulates the strings, and all must yield to his gestures and signals, else they will be tangled up and put out of commission. These days of extreme swings serve their purpose and motivate these who sit in high places. These events serve as a cue, a signal to man their stations, curtain time, for the scene is about to begin. And all the world will worship the Wicked One for a time, as they marvel at his agility and his ability to keep the marionettes moving and flowing and dancing in apparent sync and coordination.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
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Economy mumbo jumbo:
What is it good for?
Recycled Toilet Paper
David ZugnoniI
Issue date: 9/17/08 Section: Opinion
If people were perfect, these campaigns wouldn't work at all.
Before Barack Obama was defending his "lipstick on a pig" comment and generally fighting for the attention Sarah Palin has taken from his battle with John McCain, he was busy appeasing his supporters' selfishness.
"More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can't afford to drive, credit card bills you can't afford to pay and tuition that's beyond your reach," Obama said during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.
It's a shame that the Democratic Party, the party that should look selfless .....
Ted Rudow III,MA 9/17/08
Vision:) I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape. I can't see his face clearly because of the big hood which is casting a shadow on his face. I get the impression I'm not supposed to see his face right now. He's handling several marionettes all at once, and he's making them dance. The puppeteer's looking down on them, and although I can't see his face, I have the impression that he's smirking. He's talking in a sinister tone, saying, "Ahhhh, that's it! You're right in place now! You move here, and you move over there. Up and down--dance, dance, dance to my tune! You must dance, dance to my music! That's it, dance, dance to my tune! Uh, uh, uh--no, no--you mustn't try to remove those strings, for they are what hold you up. If you cut them, you'll only find yourself tangled in a mess of broken strings as you collapse and fall to the ground. "Dance, marionettes, dance! Don't try to do it alone, for I'm at the controls, and only I can bring order out of the complexity of all these strings. Dance, marionettes, dance! I'll move you here, and I'll move you there. I'm connecting you all firmly to my hand piece, where I can control you, manipulate you, and monitor your movements.
"See? As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled.Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. The sands of time are falling; the hourglass is running. The stage is set. The curtain is soon to go up as the next scene is about to begin, and the Wicked One is about to be revealed! His stagehands are setting the props in place. They're adjusting the lights and setting the stage, as the Wicked One prepares backstage. Some of the marionettes have been in the hands of the puppeteer for a long time, and are more tried and proven. All their parts move freely about in response to the touch of the puppeteer's own hand.
It's a demonstration of his power to the nations, that should they try to kick and break free from his manipulation, it will only result in instability, and they will soon find themselves in a tangled state and at risk of plunging to the ground in total collapse, just as the marionette who would try to cut his ties. Through selfish lust and the deceitfulness of riches, the marionettes grow dependent on the strings of the puppeteer. But should they decide to cut their strings, to break loose from the control and manipulation of the dark puppeteer, My lifeline remains steady and firm, reaching out to hold them and support them, so that they will not stumble and totter and crumble in ruin. Marvel not at the great rebound of the mighty nation [the U.S.], and be not fooled by a false sense of security, for what is seen is only temporary. For those who lurk behind the scenes, those who sit in high places, know in their hearts the meaning of this apparent quick comeback--that it is only for a time. For this was only a show of force of the Wicked One, a demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer. This great fluctuation serves as a reminder to all that the puppeteer alone holds the controls.
The puppeteer's total power works by fear. The purpose of the great plunge and the mighty rebound of the great nation was to strike fear into the hearts of those who sit in high places, else they be lifted up beyond reason. In these days of extremities, as the pendulum swings from extreme low to extreme high, the puppeteer sends a strong signal that it is indeed he who holds the bag and manipulates the strings, and all must yield to his gestures and signals, else they will be tangled up and put out of commission. These days of extreme swings serve their purpose and motivate these who sit in high places. These events serve as a cue, a signal to man their stations, curtain time, for the scene is about to begin. And all the world will worship the Wicked One for a time, as they marvel at his agility and his ability to keep the marionettes moving and flowing and dancing in apparent sync and coordination.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Let Wall Street firms fail
Let Wall Street firms fail
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Kenneth Rogoff: Let Wall Street firms fail
By Kenneth Rogoff - Special to The Washington Post
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Story appeared in section,This past weekend, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve finally made it abundantly clear that they won't bail out every significant financial firm in America. Certainly this came as a rude shock to many financiers.In allowing the nation's fourth-largest investment bank, Lehman Brothers, to file for bankruptcy, and by forcefully indicating that they are prepared to see even more bankruptcies, our financial regulators showed Wall Street that they are not such creampuffs after all.The question now: What's next? Assuming the financial sector continues to melt down over the next couple of months, at what point, if any, should the government get back into the game? It would be a mistake to do so before a great deal more consolidation takes place.------
Their rust
The rust of their money is going to be a testimony against them. ( James 5:1-3. ) Why is the rust a testimony against them? Something that isn't used gets rusty--because they didn't put it to use and keep it in circulation. Did you know that most of your coins will turn green in you don't keep handling them and using them? God says to the rich, You hoarded them up instead of getting them out and using them? God does not have anything against riches as long as they are used and to put to use helping people--in wages, in benefits, in socialization, in whatever it may be--social security--as long as the rich use the money to help the poor and keep the money in circulation--as long as they give it away--God will even prosper them and give them more, so they will have more to share! Hasn't He done this with us? God's economic policies work! The big business policy is: If things get bad, hang on to your money, sit on it, don't get it in circulation--keep it! So they hold on to it!
Ted Rudow III,MA
The Stanford Daily
September 16
This Issue
Front page
This Stanford Life: Growing Up McCain
August 28, 2008
By Paul Craft
I grew up with John McCain. His Arizona senate offices — and now, “Southwestern Campaign Headquarters” — are just blocks from my childhood home in Phoenix, Ariz. Located on the unassuming 16th St. in a short glass building across from an auto repair place, I passed these offices every day for nine years on the way to school. Further along this same route was John McCain’s church, North Phoenix Baptist Church. Then, just a few blocks north of my destination was one of his half-dozen houses. Finally, a few blocks south was the Catholic high school attended by some of my neighborhood friends and John McCain’s son, who is now serving in Iraq. ......
Ted Rudow III,MA
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
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Kenneth Rogoff: Let Wall Street firms fail
By Kenneth Rogoff - Special to The Washington Post
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Story appeared in section,This past weekend, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve finally made it abundantly clear that they won't bail out every significant financial firm in America. Certainly this came as a rude shock to many financiers.In allowing the nation's fourth-largest investment bank, Lehman Brothers, to file for bankruptcy, and by forcefully indicating that they are prepared to see even more bankruptcies, our financial regulators showed Wall Street that they are not such creampuffs after all.The question now: What's next? Assuming the financial sector continues to melt down over the next couple of months, at what point, if any, should the government get back into the game? It would be a mistake to do so before a great deal more consolidation takes place.------
Their rust
The rust of their money is going to be a testimony against them. ( James 5:1-3. ) Why is the rust a testimony against them? Something that isn't used gets rusty--because they didn't put it to use and keep it in circulation. Did you know that most of your coins will turn green in you don't keep handling them and using them? God says to the rich, You hoarded them up instead of getting them out and using them? God does not have anything against riches as long as they are used and to put to use helping people--in wages, in benefits, in socialization, in whatever it may be--social security--as long as the rich use the money to help the poor and keep the money in circulation--as long as they give it away--God will even prosper them and give them more, so they will have more to share! Hasn't He done this with us? God's economic policies work! The big business policy is: If things get bad, hang on to your money, sit on it, don't get it in circulation--keep it! So they hold on to it!
Ted Rudow III,MA
The Stanford Daily
September 16
This Issue
Front page
This Stanford Life: Growing Up McCain
August 28, 2008
By Paul Craft
I grew up with John McCain. His Arizona senate offices — and now, “Southwestern Campaign Headquarters” — are just blocks from my childhood home in Phoenix, Ariz. Located on the unassuming 16th St. in a short glass building across from an auto repair place, I passed these offices every day for nine years on the way to school. Further along this same route was John McCain’s church, North Phoenix Baptist Church. Then, just a few blocks north of my destination was one of his half-dozen houses. Finally, a few blocks south was the Catholic high school attended by some of my neighborhood friends and John McCain’s son, who is now serving in Iraq. ......
Ted Rudow III,MA
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Monday, September 15, 2008
Uncommon bravery
"They ran into those buildings and those buildings were blazing."
Richard Stern
Issue date: 9/11/08 Section: News
Article Tools
It was a Tuesday morning and New York Police Department Capt. Frank Belcastro was not scheduled to work until later that day. But as was his habit, he called the desk commander at his Staten Island precinct to see how things were going.
It was a call that would change his life forever.
"I spoke to my sergeant and he told me my unit was on alert for mobilization to Manhattan because a plane had hit the World Trade Center," Belcastro said. "The thinking in my unit was that it was a small plane. We were on standby so I told him to get everyone together and I'd make my way in."
posted 9/11/08
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn't happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen. It's a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world. The towers have fallen and are yet falling--not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There's still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air, (the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They'll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they'll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it--that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Student Culture
Monday, September 15, 2008
Uncommon bravery
"They ran into those buildings and those buildings were blazing."
Richard Stern
Issue date: 9/11/08 Section: News
Article Tools
It was a Tuesday morning and New York Police Department Capt. Frank Belcastro was not scheduled to work until later that day. But as was his habit, he called the desk commander at his Staten Island precinct to see how things were going.
It was a call that would change his life forever.
"I spoke to my sergeant and he told me my unit was on alert for mobilization to Manhattan because a plane had hit the World Trade Center," Belcastro said. "The thinking in my unit was that it was a small plane. We were on standby so I told him to get everyone together and I'd make my way in."
posted 9/11/08
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn't happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen. It's a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world. The towers have fallen and are yet falling--not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There's still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air, (the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They'll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they'll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it--that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Sad story
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Monday, September 15, 2008
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The credit storm which began when two Bear Stearns hedge funds were forced to liquidate, has continued to intensify so they bail out them.Then they bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And now Lehman Brothers, the investment bank announced that it would file for liquidation after huge losses in the mortgage market and a loss of investor confidence crippled it and it was unable to find a buyer.
Number of famous economists, they are each planning to be somewhere else when the crash comes which they predict will topple the rich nations like tumbling tenpins into an economic chaos that will make the Great Depression of the Thirties look like good times. It is the arrogance of one, the unyieldedness of the other, the greed of one, the selfishness of the other, the blindness of one, the hardness of the other, and all of these things in some of those involved!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Fiorina: McCain to focus on job creation?
Economic advisor Carly Fiorina leaves her options open as potential running mate.By David Cook | Staff Writer of The Christian Science Monitor
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Watch VideoMcCain campaign economics advisor Carly Fiorina was the guest at Monitor Breakfast Monday, as Washington bureau chief David Cook reports
At a Monday morning breakfast with reporters, McCain campaign economic advisor Carly Fiorina was asked what her candidate would do for the economy that President Bush has not.Ms. Fiorina, the former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett Packard, replied, “A focus on job creation. The American dream starts with a job. It is all about growing jobs.”-----
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food. From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things this was contrary to the prevailing management strategies -a companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was the main source of H-P demised of companywide commitment is now is a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain. Fiorina stepped down as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard three years ago. She is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee’s Victory ‘08.
Fiorina want it to be : a little more tempered in your warfare, and you can stretch out the economy a little longer and the war–caused economic boom lasts longer that way. It kind of keeps on a nice higher level. But sooner or later it has to come to an end as greed is her middle name!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Monday, September 15, 2008
See animated version
content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
The credit storm which began when two Bear Stearns hedge funds were forced to liquidate, has continued to intensify so they bail out them.Then they bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And now Lehman Brothers, the investment bank announced that it would file for liquidation after huge losses in the mortgage market and a loss of investor confidence crippled it and it was unable to find a buyer.
Number of famous economists, they are each planning to be somewhere else when the crash comes which they predict will topple the rich nations like tumbling tenpins into an economic chaos that will make the Great Depression of the Thirties look like good times. It is the arrogance of one, the unyieldedness of the other, the greed of one, the selfishness of the other, the blindness of one, the hardness of the other, and all of these things in some of those involved!
Ted Rudow III,MA
World | US | Commentary | Multimedia
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About the Monitor Breakfast
Fiorina: McCain to focus on job creation?
Economic advisor Carly Fiorina leaves her options open as potential running mate.By David Cook | Staff Writer of The Christian Science Monitor
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Watch VideoMcCain campaign economics advisor Carly Fiorina was the guest at Monitor Breakfast Monday, as Washington bureau chief David Cook reports
At a Monday morning breakfast with reporters, McCain campaign economic advisor Carly Fiorina was asked what her candidate would do for the economy that President Bush has not.Ms. Fiorina, the former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett Packard, replied, “A focus on job creation. The American dream starts with a job. It is all about growing jobs.”-----
It is a sad story as Hewlett-Packard has dismantled many things that made the company a cut above. I had the chance to meet Mr. Hewlett as he gave to Project Aid-Siberia in the 1990s. He helped millions of people who were without food. From the very beginning,Hewlett-Packard had a way of doing things this was contrary to the prevailing management strategies -a companywide commitment to involvement. It will be sorely missed as profit has taken over.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was the main source of H-P demised of companywide commitment is now is a senior adviser to Sen. John McCain. Fiorina stepped down as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard three years ago. She is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee’s Victory ‘08.
Fiorina want it to be : a little more tempered in your warfare, and you can stretch out the economy a little longer and the war–caused economic boom lasts longer that way. It kind of keeps on a nice higher level. But sooner or later it has to come to an end as greed is her middle name!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Oil war
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
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U.S. presidential race a bit different
for international students
Bianca DeCastroIssue date: 9/15/08
Section: News Media Credit: Derek Sijder
The International House on South 11th Street is home to 53 international students and 19 American students. International students are witnessing U.S. history as the November election approaches. With Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, both the first of their kind in the two major political parties, the U.S. will potentially have its first non-white president or its first female vice president. But some are still baffled by the process.
"American politics are confusing," said Ryan Sims, a senior engineering major from Scotland.
Although Sims cannot vote this November, his views are helpful in understanding the way American politics is viewed from an international perspective, said Terry Christensen, a political science professor----
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Student Culture
Home > News
U.S. presidential race a bit different
for international students
Bianca DeCastroIssue date: 9/15/08
Section: News Media Credit: Derek Sijder
The International House on South 11th Street is home to 53 international students and 19 American students. International students are witnessing U.S. history as the November election approaches. With Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, both the first of their kind in the two major political parties, the U.S. will potentially have its first non-white president or its first female vice president. But some are still baffled by the process.
"American politics are confusing," said Ryan Sims, a senior engineering major from Scotland.
Although Sims cannot vote this November, his views are helpful in understanding the way American politics is viewed from an international perspective, said Terry Christensen, a political science professor----
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Peace and safety?
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Editorial: Exhibit A in the case for change
Monday, September 15, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A12
Republican presidential candidate John McCain denounces "the broken system in Washington that too often allows lobbyists to write legislation and members of Congress to waste taxpayer money."
And Democratic candidate Barack Obama condemns "the pettiness and the game-playing and the influence-peddling that always prevents us from solving the problems we face year after year after year."
If you want to know what they're talking about, look at the indictment of Kevin Ring, a former aide to Rep. John Doolittle, R-Roseville, who went to work for über-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (See the ProPublica Web site: propublica/assets/docs/ring_ indictment_080905.pdf.)
We don't pretend to know whether Doolittle's actions cross the line into illegality, but they're sure unsavory – and utterly inappropriate.-------
Peace and safety?
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern. She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Editorial: Exhibit A in the case for change
Monday, September 15, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A12
Republican presidential candidate John McCain denounces "the broken system in Washington that too often allows lobbyists to write legislation and members of Congress to waste taxpayer money."
And Democratic candidate Barack Obama condemns "the pettiness and the game-playing and the influence-peddling that always prevents us from solving the problems we face year after year after year."
If you want to know what they're talking about, look at the indictment of Kevin Ring, a former aide to Rep. John Doolittle, R-Roseville, who went to work for über-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. (See the ProPublica Web site: propublica/assets/docs/ring_ indictment_080905.pdf.)
We don't pretend to know whether Doolittle's actions cross the line into illegality, but they're sure unsavory – and utterly inappropriate.-------
Peace and safety?
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern. She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Peace and safety?
Peace and safety?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday Sep 14th, 2008
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth!
Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern.
She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Peace and safety?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday Sep 14th, 2008
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth!
Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern.
She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Peace and safety?
New York Times
N.Y. / Region
More in Politics
Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes
Heath Family, via Associated Press
The Wasilla City Council, with Sarah Palin, the future governor and vice-presidential nominee, at the center, in a 1998 photograph. Throughout her career, Ms. Palin has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and blurred the line between government and personal grievance.
Published: September 13, 2008
This article is by Jo Becker
"But an examination of her swift rise and record as mayor of Wasilla and then governor finds that her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she sometimes calls local opponents “haters” — contrasts with her carefully crafted public image. Throughout her political career, she has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and sometimes blurred the line between government and personal grievance, according to a review of public records and interviews with 60 Republican and Democratic legislators and local officials.Still, Ms. Palin has many supporters. As a two-term mayor she paved roads and built an ice rink, and as governor she has pushed through higher taxes on the oil companies that dominate one-third of the state’s economy. She stirs deep emotions. In Wasilla, many residents display unflagging affection, cheering “our Sarah” and hissing at her critics.“She is bright and has unfailing political instincts,” said Steve Haycox, a history professor at the University of Alaska. “She taps very directly into anxieties about the economic future.” “But,” he added, “her governing style raises a lot of hard questions.”Ms. Palin declined to grant an interview for this article......
September 14th, 2008
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf" that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern.
She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA
N.Y. / Region
More in Politics
Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes
Heath Family, via Associated Press
The Wasilla City Council, with Sarah Palin, the future governor and vice-presidential nominee, at the center, in a 1998 photograph. Throughout her career, Ms. Palin has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and blurred the line between government and personal grievance.
Published: September 13, 2008
This article is by Jo Becker
"But an examination of her swift rise and record as mayor of Wasilla and then governor finds that her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she sometimes calls local opponents “haters” — contrasts with her carefully crafted public image. Throughout her political career, she has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and sometimes blurred the line between government and personal grievance, according to a review of public records and interviews with 60 Republican and Democratic legislators and local officials.Still, Ms. Palin has many supporters. As a two-term mayor she paved roads and built an ice rink, and as governor she has pushed through higher taxes on the oil companies that dominate one-third of the state’s economy. She stirs deep emotions. In Wasilla, many residents display unflagging affection, cheering “our Sarah” and hissing at her critics.“She is bright and has unfailing political instincts,” said Steve Haycox, a history professor at the University of Alaska. “She taps very directly into anxieties about the economic future.” “But,” he added, “her governing style raises a lot of hard questions.”Ms. Palin declined to grant an interview for this article......
September 14th, 2008
Hitler said in "Mein Kampf" that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern.
She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Home > Opinion
Matt Damon's views on the election
and other celebs plaguing the news
Binge Thinking
Mark Powel Section: Opinion
Maybe I'm oh so very naive.
But as I trolled the CNN Web site yesterday afternoon, I assumed I'd be able to help myself to a buffet of tender 2008 election-related material, free of hard-spun, biased preservatives or overcooked celebrity commentary.
Little did I know, I was ordering from the political world's discount dollar menu.--
Ted Rudow III,MA
THE FUNCTION OF THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM IS TO BLESS AND SANCTIFY RIGHTIST VIOLENCE. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the powers that be for its existence.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Pure propaganda
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Drill, baby, drill
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pure propaganda
Hitler said in "Mein Kampt" that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern. She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Ted Rudow III,MA
New York Times
Friday, September 12, 2008
N.Y. / Region
September 11, 2008,
The Ceremony at Ground Zero
By Jennifer 8. Lee
Hundreds gathered at Zucotti Park in Lower Manhattan on Thursday for the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. (Photo: Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times)
Following are updates about the ceremony near ground zero marking the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. [Refresh this post.]
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn’t happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen.It’s a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world. The towers have fallen and are yet falling–not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There’s still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air,(the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They’ll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they’ll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it–that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
— Posted by Ted Rudow III,MA
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Home > Opinion
Matt Damon's views on the election
and other celebs plaguing the news
Binge Thinking
Mark Powel Section: Opinion
Maybe I'm oh so very naive.
But as I trolled the CNN Web site yesterday afternoon, I assumed I'd be able to help myself to a buffet of tender 2008 election-related material, free of hard-spun, biased preservatives or overcooked celebrity commentary.
Little did I know, I was ordering from the political world's discount dollar menu.--
Ted Rudow III,MA
THE FUNCTION OF THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM IS TO BLESS AND SANCTIFY RIGHTIST VIOLENCE. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the powers that be for its existence.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Pure propaganda
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Drill, baby, drill
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pure propaganda
Hitler said in "Mein Kampt" that if you TELL a lie for the purpose of propaganda, TELL A BIG ONE! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! Do not be deceived through the false words of those who would not discern the signs of the times. For while some cry peace and safety as they give false readings of the times, sudden destruction is on the horizon for those who do not discern. She will appear as a minister of righteousness, as an angel of light, and she will deceive many. She would seek to deceive even the very elect, but be ye not deceived. The majority of the people won't rise up until their sleep, their comfort, their security is actually threatened! Then when they do rise, it is to put their stamp of approval on rightism to protect their greed.
Ted Rudow III,MA
New York Times
Friday, September 12, 2008
N.Y. / Region
September 11, 2008,
The Ceremony at Ground Zero
By Jennifer 8. Lee
Hundreds gathered at Zucotti Park in Lower Manhattan on Thursday for the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. (Photo: Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times)
Following are updates about the ceremony near ground zero marking the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. [Refresh this post.]
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn’t happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen.It’s a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world. The towers have fallen and are yet falling–not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There’s still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air,(the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They’ll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they’ll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it–that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
— Posted by Ted Rudow III,MA
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
7 years anniversary
7 Years anniversary
7 years anniversaryby Ted Rudow III,MA ( )
Wednesday Sep 10th, 2008 8:39 AM
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn't happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen. It's a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world.
The towers have fallen and are yet falling--not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There's still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air, (the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They'll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they'll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it--that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
US Bails Out Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday Sep 9th, 2008
US Bails Out Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
The US government has seized control of the mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in what could become the largest corporate bailout ever. The Treasury Department has pledged to provide as much as $200 billion as the two quasi-public companies deal with heavy losses on mortgage defaults.
The Dollar, the green Dollar, the Green Pig, is literally inflating right little bit. In other words, that is of an inflation that's so bad that it finally just absolutely explodes and collapses the whole monetary system, and the bank must represent the financial system the banking system and so on. If this happens, it will literally blow the whole world banking system, its financial system, to absolute bits!
It'll be a total world collapse of the monetary system which is built on that stupid Paper Pig! If that little Pig inflates to that point where it explodes, it's going to literally blow their whole monetary and financial systems to bits! If the monetary system explodes, it will literally destroy the financial system.
It's the Dollar that really has to explode! It will be so inflated in value that it finally explodes! But boy, our friends better get their money into gold or they're going to be sorry!
Excerpt from David Brandt Berg, "THE MONEY EXPLODES!"--
Wednesday September 10, 2008 -McPalin
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq! What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
7 years anniversaryby Ted Rudow III,MA ( )
Wednesday Sep 10th, 2008 8:39 AM
True, America has brought it on herself, This was a key factor in the economic crash. Even though the final crash hasn't happened yet, this event will play a key part in what will happen. It's a time of reflection for many in the selfish western world.
The towers have fallen and are yet falling--not only these physical towers, but also the towers of democracy and of the free world. They have only begun to witness the great destruction that will fall upon them.
The economies will fall now. They will come up for a few more gasps of air, but this has been the fatal blow that will bring them down. There's still a little time left in which the economies will float above the crisis, but not for long. They will be surfacing for gasps of air, (the dollar is little more valuable) but then submerging again, much as a drowning man who goes down longer and longer after each desperate gasp at the surface, until he surfaces no more.
The poor Arabs are blamed again, even though the majority of them had nothing to do with it. They'll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they'll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it--that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the powers that be who supported it, that powers planned and executed this attack.
US Bails Out Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday Sep 9th, 2008
US Bails Out Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
The US government has seized control of the mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in what could become the largest corporate bailout ever. The Treasury Department has pledged to provide as much as $200 billion as the two quasi-public companies deal with heavy losses on mortgage defaults.
The Dollar, the green Dollar, the Green Pig, is literally inflating right little bit. In other words, that is of an inflation that's so bad that it finally just absolutely explodes and collapses the whole monetary system, and the bank must represent the financial system the banking system and so on. If this happens, it will literally blow the whole world banking system, its financial system, to absolute bits!
It'll be a total world collapse of the monetary system which is built on that stupid Paper Pig! If that little Pig inflates to that point where it explodes, it's going to literally blow their whole monetary and financial systems to bits! If the monetary system explodes, it will literally destroy the financial system.
It's the Dollar that really has to explode! It will be so inflated in value that it finally explodes! But boy, our friends better get their money into gold or they're going to be sorry!
Excerpt from David Brandt Berg, "THE MONEY EXPLODES!"--
Wednesday September 10, 2008 -McPalin
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Rex Babin Cartoons
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West's war machine couldn't operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West's last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq! What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would "send an airmail message to Iran," McCain responded: "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?"Then, to the tune of the song "Barbara Ann," he sang: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Sep 3rd, 2008
Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and two Democracy Now! producers, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, were unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota on September 1. They have since been released but are still facing charges.
“When the Nazis came for the Communists, I didn't speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I was a Protestant, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for me ... and by that time, there was no one left to stand up for me.” German Minister Martin Niemoller
What do the Christians people think about that? I suppose they have the same attitude the German church leader, Martin Niemoeller, had when Hitler began to persecute the Jews!--"Well, it's not my problem! In 1934, theologian Niemoller took a delegation to see Hitler about his attempts to take over the churches. Niemoller personally admonished Hitler and declared, "You told us that you would take care of the German people. But as Christians and men of the church, we too have a responsibility to the German people, laid upon us by God. Neither you nor anyone else can take that away from us." Not surprisingly, Niemoller was later tried on trumped-up charges and spent the duration of the war in Dachau, where he was later joined by thousands of fellow ministers, monks, nuns, and priests, many of whom would not survive. The Jews weren't any good to us anyway, so it's not bothering us, and since they're not our religion they deserve it!" But soon he himself was in prison also!
It's quite obvious the American government and the American police like Hitler's have agreed to just look the other way. But not only that, they are getting away with it, and boasting about it, and being encouraged in it by American government officials like Bush and Cheney. Their freedom of speech, freedom of the press,and freedom to assemble were violated!
Ted Rudow III,MA
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Sep 3rd, 2008
Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and two Democracy Now! producers, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, were unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota on September 1. They have since been released but are still facing charges.
“When the Nazis came for the Communists, I didn't speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I was a Protestant, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for me ... and by that time, there was no one left to stand up for me.” German Minister Martin Niemoller
What do the Christians people think about that? I suppose they have the same attitude the German church leader, Martin Niemoeller, had when Hitler began to persecute the Jews!--"Well, it's not my problem! In 1934, theologian Niemoller took a delegation to see Hitler about his attempts to take over the churches. Niemoller personally admonished Hitler and declared, "You told us that you would take care of the German people. But as Christians and men of the church, we too have a responsibility to the German people, laid upon us by God. Neither you nor anyone else can take that away from us." Not surprisingly, Niemoller was later tried on trumped-up charges and spent the duration of the war in Dachau, where he was later joined by thousands of fellow ministers, monks, nuns, and priests, many of whom would not survive. The Jews weren't any good to us anyway, so it's not bothering us, and since they're not our religion they deserve it!" But soon he himself was in prison also!
It's quite obvious the American government and the American police like Hitler's have agreed to just look the other way. But not only that, they are getting away with it, and boasting about it, and being encouraged in it by American government officials like Bush and Cheney. Their freedom of speech, freedom of the press,and freedom to assemble were violated!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The New York Times
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N.Y. / Region
Published: September 1, 2008
This article is by Adam Nossiter, Damien Cave, Kareem Fahim and James Barron.Skip to next paragraph MultimediaSlide Show
Hurricane Gustav Arrives
Path of Hurricane Gustav
Enlarge This Image
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press
President Bush boarded Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base on Monday. He is traveling to Texas to monitor Hurricane Gustav. More Photos »
Readers' Comments
NEW ORLEANS — This nearly deserted city appeared to have escaped threats of full-scale devastation on Monday when Hurricane Gustav came ashore 70 miles to the southwest, bearing winds and rain far less formidable than earlier forecast.The storm smashed through the bayou country of rural Louisiana, raising fears of widespread coastal erosion and damage to fishing villages that state officials were unable to confirm Monday evening. But before making landfall, it was downgraded from a Category 3 hurricane to Category 2 when its winds slowed to 110 miles per hour, from 115 m.p.h., and state officials said they believed that their worst fears had not been realized.
September 2nd, 2008
How America loves her oil! She's dependent on it, and worst of all, she loves it more than life itself. That oil has taken life -- life after life after life. America has built a wicked and perverse economy on luxuries, waste and war.. The oil she has poured into her war machines doesn't run black, it runs blood red. That's all I see -- the innocent blood that oil has shed. So now have the Lord struck at the heart of her lust for power and her blatant disregard of life -- her oil industry. What is the significance of the New Orleans disaster? It marks the collapse of the red, white and blue. America is falling. She is crumbling and will continue to crumble under the weight and pressure of the repercussions of this mighty blow. New Orleans might be a smaller city, but it's going to be the belly button of the whirlpool that will drain America of its resources. Pain and suffering have been poured out on others for years by the Americans. America struggles to hold on to its wealth. Instead of helping the poor, she conquers and destroys the poor.
— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA
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Charlie Wilson’s peace
By Charles Wilson -
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Story appeared in section, Page NONE
Russia's invasion of Georgia has led to a more serious foreign policy discussion in the presidential campaign. As tensions rise in the Caucasus and violence once again erupts in Afghanistan, we should recall the lessons we learned from our response to earlier Russian adventurism. We must recognize now, as we learned years ago, that a strong military alone is not enough to ensure our long-term national security.---This is not a partisan issue. From the Marshall Plan to the Peace Corps to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Americans of all political stripes have always joined together to build a better, safer world.Whether the focus is on the spread of germ-borne illnesses or violent terrorist ideologies, America is made safer — and our global leadership is affirmed — when we help other countries eradicate the conditions that give rise to these scourges. We cannot afford to aspire to anything less than defeating poverty, disease, ignorance and despair wherever they exist. It is a relatively small but incredibly effective investment that helps ensure our future national security and economic prosperity.Robust investments in health, education and economic development are critical elements of our national security. I hope the message of our experiences in Afghanistan will resonate with the next president, whoever he is, as he puts in place his strategic vision for America's role in the world.
The Polish government passed a resolution authorizing the foreign minister to sign the agreement on the deployment in Poland of elements of the U.S. anti-missile shield. If God could have trusted America, he could have let her be the policeman of the world. But you see, an ungodly nation cannot be trusted to become rich and powerful, because if they don't stay close to the Lord they can't be trusted. So America's unity and one language and strong central government--it's strength, has become its very weakness, because God cannot permit as wicked a nation as America has become to grow too strong, because she's too bad an influence and too poor an example to the world. But America, even in the past wars in Europe, has been largely to blame for them, because, though part of the time she sat on the sidelines pretending to be neutral, she was all the time helping her side, like a big bully!
Ted Rudow III,MA
The New York Times
Search All
N.Y. / Region
Published: September 1, 2008
This article is by Adam Nossiter, Damien Cave, Kareem Fahim and James Barron.Skip to next paragraph MultimediaSlide Show
Hurricane Gustav Arrives
Path of Hurricane Gustav
Enlarge This Image
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press
President Bush boarded Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base on Monday. He is traveling to Texas to monitor Hurricane Gustav. More Photos »
Readers' Comments
NEW ORLEANS — This nearly deserted city appeared to have escaped threats of full-scale devastation on Monday when Hurricane Gustav came ashore 70 miles to the southwest, bearing winds and rain far less formidable than earlier forecast.The storm smashed through the bayou country of rural Louisiana, raising fears of widespread coastal erosion and damage to fishing villages that state officials were unable to confirm Monday evening. But before making landfall, it was downgraded from a Category 3 hurricane to Category 2 when its winds slowed to 110 miles per hour, from 115 m.p.h., and state officials said they believed that their worst fears had not been realized.
September 2nd, 2008
How America loves her oil! She's dependent on it, and worst of all, she loves it more than life itself. That oil has taken life -- life after life after life. America has built a wicked and perverse economy on luxuries, waste and war.. The oil she has poured into her war machines doesn't run black, it runs blood red. That's all I see -- the innocent blood that oil has shed. So now have the Lord struck at the heart of her lust for power and her blatant disregard of life -- her oil industry. What is the significance of the New Orleans disaster? It marks the collapse of the red, white and blue. America is falling. She is crumbling and will continue to crumble under the weight and pressure of the repercussions of this mighty blow. New Orleans might be a smaller city, but it's going to be the belly button of the whirlpool that will drain America of its resources. Pain and suffering have been poured out on others for years by the Americans. America struggles to hold on to its wealth. Instead of helping the poor, she conquers and destroys the poor.
— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA
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Charlie Wilson’s peace
By Charles Wilson -
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Story appeared in section, Page NONE
Russia's invasion of Georgia has led to a more serious foreign policy discussion in the presidential campaign. As tensions rise in the Caucasus and violence once again erupts in Afghanistan, we should recall the lessons we learned from our response to earlier Russian adventurism. We must recognize now, as we learned years ago, that a strong military alone is not enough to ensure our long-term national security.---This is not a partisan issue. From the Marshall Plan to the Peace Corps to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Americans of all political stripes have always joined together to build a better, safer world.Whether the focus is on the spread of germ-borne illnesses or violent terrorist ideologies, America is made safer — and our global leadership is affirmed — when we help other countries eradicate the conditions that give rise to these scourges. We cannot afford to aspire to anything less than defeating poverty, disease, ignorance and despair wherever they exist. It is a relatively small but incredibly effective investment that helps ensure our future national security and economic prosperity.Robust investments in health, education and economic development are critical elements of our national security. I hope the message of our experiences in Afghanistan will resonate with the next president, whoever he is, as he puts in place his strategic vision for America's role in the world.
The Polish government passed a resolution authorizing the foreign minister to sign the agreement on the deployment in Poland of elements of the U.S. anti-missile shield. If God could have trusted America, he could have let her be the policeman of the world. But you see, an ungodly nation cannot be trusted to become rich and powerful, because if they don't stay close to the Lord they can't be trusted. So America's unity and one language and strong central government--it's strength, has become its very weakness, because God cannot permit as wicked a nation as America has become to grow too strong, because she's too bad an influence and too poor an example to the world. But America, even in the past wars in Europe, has been largely to blame for them, because, though part of the time she sat on the sidelines pretending to be neutral, she was all the time helping her side, like a big bully!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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