Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Poor get poorer
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Peninsula readers' letters: April 20

From Daily News Group readers

Posted: 04/19/2011 05:50:27 PM PDT
Updated: 04/19/2011 11:25:58 PM PDT

Poor get poorer

Dear Editor: In-Home Supportive Services is a $5.8 billion program that relies on county, state and federal funds, and provides services to about 440,000 low-income elderly, blind and disabled Californians. Advocates say many enrollees would otherwise use more costly care at nursing facilities, paid by Medi-Cal. In an effort to trim state costs estimated at $1.3 billion this fiscal year, the Democratic governor proposed slashing services by 8.4 percent across the board. He wanted to stop paying for domestic services provided by caregivers who live with their In-Home Supportive Services clients. As of Feb. 1, In-Home Supportive Services cut another 3.6 percent, so the total is 12 percent.

Democrats shelved cuts pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown in favor of alternatives backed by allies in organized labor. Brown proposed saving $365 million by reducing In-Home Supportive Services across the board and eliminating paid domestic services provided by live-in caregivers, often relatives.

There are a few rare examples of real Christians or magnanimous rich or rich about to die who want to make a few peace offerings to the poor. But the poor get poorer in cutting the program. But I've said time and again the rich will never give up their riches unless forced to at the point of a gun. So they didn't.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Palo Alto

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