Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Many hidden sorrows in Egypt

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Letters to the Editor

Many hidden sorrows in Egypt

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Dear Editor,

No one should give President Hosni Mubarak too much credit for being such a great peacemaker, such a martyr, and such a sacrificial idealist to make peace with Israel! As for Mubarak, he is a strong man, strong-willed. He looks unto his own ways. But that kingdom fights even among itself, and that house shall not stand.

He is a man who is set in his ways. He is strong in his own eyes. Yet there are many hidden sorrows, there are many deep disappointments. There were many opportunities for him to give in, but he would not. He turned to his own strength. Within himself he struggles, he fights, he knows not where his loyalties should be. He has compromised so many times, and knows not what is right.

You can bet your boots the US promised him everything if he would make peace with Israel, and they have been delivering. They give Egypt now almost as much aid as Israel. Israel's getting US$2 or 3 billion a year. Egypt got US$1.2 billion this past year.

Of course, they're not going to give as much to Egypt, former enemies, as they are to their dear friends and relatives the Jews!

Ted Rudow III,MA

California, USA


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