Sunday, February 06, 2011

Domino Theory?

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Domino Theory

Published: Thursday, Feb. 03, 2011

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But one thing sure, this is going force the world to choose sides and line up on this side or that when the showdown comes. Everybody's going to have to show their true colours.
So often nobody really wants to let anybody else know where they really stand, these diplomats are usually such a bunch of deceivers and liars. But whenever there's a thing like this going on, then they have to come out and declare themselves. Diplomats are the world's worst prevaricators!--They're famous for being expert liars. Lying is almost their main job. Politicians!
Because lately Egypt and the Arabs have been getting world sympathy pretty much on their side, So at the same time, because Israel is walking a real thin-line tight-wire to try to keep as much of world opinion as possible on her side. Especially if America shows her true colours as being so Jewish-sympathetic and tries to intervene. In a way that's good: If America again sides with Israel -The oil, that is--And that could really bring on trouble
But one thing sure, this is going force the world to choose sides and line up on this side or that when the showdown comes. Everybody's going to have to show their true colours.
So often nobody really wants to let anybody else know where they really stand, these diplomats are usually such a bunch of deceivers and liars. But whenever there's a thing like this going on, then they have to come out and declare themselves. Diplomats are the world's worst prevaricators!--They're famous for being expert liars. Lying is almost their main job. Politicians!
Because lately Egypt and the Arabs have been getting world sympathy pretty much on their side, So at the same time, because Israel is walking a real thin-line tight-wire to try to keep as much of world opinion as possible on her side. Especially if America shows her true colours as being so Jewish-sympathetic and tries to intervene. In a way that's good: If America again sides with Israel -The oil, that is--And that could really bring on trouble
Ted Rudow III,MA

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