Thursday, September 02, 2010


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Rex Babin Cartoons


Glenn Beck

Published: Thursday, Sep. 02, 2010

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Civil rights leaders who accused the group of hijacking King's legacy held their own rally and march.
He had a dream and oh, what a dream it was. A dream of equality, a dream of unity, a dream of solidarity. What a fight, what a battle, as the brothers and sisters lifted their arms, hands raised and clasped together to show their strength and unity and oneness. What a fight, as we marched and protested and sang our songs of triumph and spoke our words of courage. What a fight, as we lifted high the banner of equality -- equal rights for all men and women, regardless of color. What a fight, as we suffered humiliation and setbacks, degradation and injustice.

But I ask you, has that dream been realized? Has that dream come true in your life? Has that dream been fulfilled? Or have our ideals and our aspirations fallen by the wayside? Where is the unity, the brotherhood, the oneness of heart and spirit? Where is the fighting spirit and the willingness to sacrifice and work hard, to lift up your brothers and sisters and make for them a better life? Look around you and see if his dream and your dream, our dream, has become a reality.

He now knows that this equality, this oneness of the races, this love between the brethren, this better world, this dream that we all sought so desperately, cannot be found only through the path. That this dream can only become a reality through love, the supernatural Love of God. This is what brings unity.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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