Tuesday, December 09, 2008


We're got problems
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008


N.Y. / Region
The Public Editor

December 4, 2008,

It’s Official: We’ve Got Problems, Folks . . .

By The Editorial BoardIn case it wasn’t already clear that Barack Obama is going to have a lot to deal with when he takes office, the Government Accountability Office, Congress’s investigative agency, has released a list of 13 urgent issues for him and the next Congress. The 13, listed alphabetically by the G.A.O., are:
• Caring for Service Members
• Defense Readiness
• Defense Spending
• Food Safety
• Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
• Oversight of Financial Institutions and Markets
• Preparing for Large-Scale Health Emergencies
• Protecting the Homeland
• Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting
• Retirement of the Space Shuttle
• Surface Transportation
• The 2010 Census
• Transition to Digital TVThe list is part of a new G.A.O. Web site that is designed to help make the transition informed and smooth.The G.A.O. defines “urgent” as needing attention during the transition or in 2009 either because the issues “could have great implications for life, well being, or the confidence of citizens in government, or because they have key quickly approaching dates where a decision must be made or actions taken.”

In fact, almost all American industries, even non-war industries, are making money at the expense of the poor of other nations of the world. America–huge green and greedy, gluttonous, wasteful, selfish. Its dollar, the “greenback,” or the American dollar that is sinking American!
The car industry, a quick bankruptcy is impossible. Chapter 11 would take years to unfold during which time the companies would lose unrecoverable market share. Airlines don’t compare to auto manufacturers with independent suppliers providing credit and some four thousand parts needed every day; just one missing part can prevent assembly of a whole car.
As long as a nation demands more than they need, in other words more than plenty, they demand absolute excess, extravagant luxury.–They have to rob the poor to get it, and to rob the poor to get it they have to wage war.The American people have been making war and making money in their war jobs and their high salaries at the expenses of the poor Iraqi!

— Ted Rudow III,MA


Montserrat Reporter

Click headline to enlarge

What Montserrat needs is a ‘change’
November 7, 2008

Electronic Ed.

Newspaper Sections


A demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer. The puppeteer's total power works by fear. The puppeteer sends a strong signal that it is indeed he who holds the bag and manipulates the strings, and all must yield to his gestures and signals, else they will be tangled up and put out of commission. his ability to keep the marionettes moving and flowing and dancing in apparent sync and coordination.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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