Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did Charley made monkey out of you?


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Fight over dinosaur death flares anew in S.F.?

David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- The age of the dinosaurs ended abruptly about 65 million years ago when some catastrophic event drove them to extinction, and now a vehement controversy over their disappearance is emerging anew........

There is no proof for evolution. It has to be believed, therefore it's a faith, therefore it's a religion! So they're teaching a new compulsory religion in today's hallowed halls of higher learning. Even the great high priest and founding father of this new false faith, Charles Darwin himself, confessed that "the belief (note the emphasis on belief) in natural selection (evolution) must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations. Does biological evolution exist? The surprising answer is yes!Microevolution happens within species, when small adaptations either take place to accommodate environment or are brought about by breeding.Once I was a tadpole long and thin, then I was a baboon with my tail tucked in, then I was a monkey in a tropical tree and now I am professor with college degree. Did Charley make a monkey out of you?
Ted Rudow III,MA

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