Thursday, April 10, 2008

Students follow torch in San Francisco

The Stanford Daily


Thursday April 10, 2008


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Front page

Students follow torch in San Francisco

Olympic procession draws protesters of Beijing games

April 10, 2008
By Shelby Martin
"Busloads of Stanford students headed to San Francisco on Wednesday, but spectators and protesters alike were unable to see the Olympic torch. At the last minute, the procession’s route was cut in half as the torch was taken on an alternate route, and the waterfront closing ceremonies were canceled.----

Ted Rudow III,MA
IS the Arab Euro-dollar really a good subject for movie banter? Somehow, somebody thought so. In ''Rollover,''(1981) Kris Kristofferson and Jane Fonda play a banker and a board chairman who confer incessantly about financial matters at the multi-multi-megabuck level. A talk about Arab Euro-dollars crisis ensues as Arab's buy up US debt and then dump them in a free fall. That didn't happen in reality but China is on the brink of doing that!
Prior to 1980, the United States was a net exporter, selling more goods overseas than it imported. But over the last 25 years, the situation has reversed. The trade deficit today has grown to record levels (now almost 6% of gross domestic product), with the biggest import-export imbalances coming from China, Japan and Southeast Asian nations. But what has changed over the last 25 years is that foreign governments, rather than U.S. citizens, have been buying this U.S. debt (in the form of Treasurys). Now, approximately half of this country's debt is held outside the United States, primarily by China, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.
Like the United States now with China; claiming to be China's friend while China's civil rights activist, Hu Jia, sentenced to prison for seven months. He managed to use the Internet and telephone to chronicle the harassment of dissidents in his country before he was hauled off to jail last December. Neutrality is treachery and the neutral is a traitor! So even the US is using this as a cover to get their friendship and money, while betraying us to our enemies.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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