Monday, April 28, 2008

Russia to say that they will stand by Iran

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David Ignatius: The Afghanistan surge

By David Ignatius -

Monday, April 28, 2008
For many Americans who are weary of Iraq, Afghanistan is the "good war" where the U.S. and its European allies are destroying what's left of al-Qaida and the Taliban. That view certainly holds with the Democratic presidential candidates, who talk of adding more troops in Afghanistan next year even as they pull troops out of Iraq.But "bad" Iraq has more in common with "good" Afghanistan than people sometimes realize. Both have evolved into classic counterinsurgencies with a "clear and hold" strategy for providing security; both show the benefits of a military surge; and both run the risk of failure because of weak and corrupt host governments.....

Monday, April 28, 2008

Russia to say that they will stand by Iran

Haven't Bush's threatenings caused Russia to say that they will stand by Iran if it comes under attack by the U.S.? Isn't Bush's misguided, belligerent foreign policy forcing Russia to shake off the dust of her former defeat and rise again maybe even faster than she would have otherwise?
If he pushes for war and special executive police powers before the end of his term, it'll be a very difficult time for people everywhere, but especially for the poor people in the Mideast. It's beyond words, beyond description. But it has to get worse before it can get better. The world has to fall into gross darkness before the coming of the light. It has to happen before the End comes. We know how it'll all end, of course. In the Last Days Iran will join with Russia and other nations in attacking Israel ( Ezekiel 38:5 ). They'll remain bitter enemies till the very end!
Ted Rudow III,MA

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