Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pakistan aid

The Stanford Daily


Thursday November 8, 2007


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Left Coast: Pakistan: The case for radical foreign policy

November 8, 2007
By Kai Stinchcombe

"How to guarantee free and fair elections? It is often said that if an Islamic party wins an election, that’ll be the last election held. It’s a big problem, one that will require imagination and international cooperation to solve, and one that European institution-builders might be able to help us with.It is hard to imagine a less appealing thought than Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, or Egypt going down the path of Iran. But the Saudi, Pakistani, and Egyptian regimes will fall eventually, as all regimes do in the end. And it is better to prepare an alternative now, rather than leave a successively less appealing choice to each successive generation. "

Ted Rudow III,MA
He is a lawyer, he is in the newspaper because it is Pakistan's lawyers who have taken the vanguard of protest against Musharraf's suspension of the constitution, his roundup and incarceration of opponents, his firing of Supreme Court judges.
The U.S. is reviewing its aid to Pakistan, about $10 billion in overt funding since 2001. Yet the Bush administration may push for continuing military aid for the Pakistani army's counterinsurgency operations, says analyst Steve Coll of the New America Foundation.
Bush really nothing but the front man for the rich to keep control.--He started out as their puppet, but puppets have a funny way of getting out of hand. So something very strange is happening in the world right now! This is why so many fascist takeovers happen. This is why Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and many others came to power. The rich are cleaver organisers who know how to engineer a military coup as the U.S. did in Chile,Argentina,Central America and Venezuela.
Ted Rudow III,MA


Thursday November 8, 2007 -

The Stanford Daily


Wednesday November 7, 2007

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Stu's Views: Obama's last chance

November 7, 2007
By Stuart Baimel

........Clinton has a commanding lead in the polls even after a mediocre performance in the most recent debate. Obama has yet to win the battle with Edwards to determine who is the best alternative to Clinton, something that he should have done months ago. Edwards had to vanquish Wesley Clark, Howard Dean and all the others before he could make it a two-man race with Kerry. There are still two months left before Iowa. Obama needs to come down from the clouds of hope and post-partisanship and assert himself as a real alternative to Clinton without tacking too far to the left as Edwards has."

Ted Rudow III,MA
There really is just one political party in the U.S. It simply has two separate branches and slightly different policies at times, but it’s run by the same people behind the scenes. And the media basically all say the same thing.

Oh, there’s a little window dressing of dissent allowed, a little disagreement that’s tolerated, unless it goes too far. But with the media shaping people’s opinions with such uniformity, there’s not a lot of trouble with differing viewpoints.

If you do happen to differ from the vast robotic crowd, well, they just trust in peer pressure or economic pressure to bring you back.

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