Sunday, June 01, 2008

Four justices overstepped

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Randy Thomasson: Four justices overstepped, should have let voters decide marriage issue

By Randy Thomasson - Special to The Bee

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Story appeared in FORUM section, Page E1
Whether or not you believe marriage is naturally for a man and a woman, as an American you should intensely dislike the California Supreme Court's 4-3 opinion calling for same-sex "marriages" statewide.By just one vote, the court abandoned its role as the objective judiciary. Gone was the blindfolded Lady Justice. Gone was the plain reading of the California Constitution. And gone were the California statutes, our written law of the land.After the explosive ruling was made public, Chief Justice Ron George admitted his bias, telling the Los Angeles Times that his "gay marriage" opinion was highly influenced by a childhood trip to the segregated South. .....

Randy Thomasson: Four justices overstepped, should have let voters decide marriage issue

Sunday, June 1, 2008 wrote:

Why "gay" isn't gay!

Leaders of the gay liberation movement use every modern means at their disposal to flood the minds of today's youth with the notion that homosexuality is a "gay" lifestyle. To help counteract this devious concept, here are several reasons why "gay" isn't gay!
Ted Rudow III,MA

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