Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bring the troops home!!!

Bring the troops home!
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Offshore oil

Rex Babin Cartoons

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bring the troops home!!

With gasoline topping $4 a gallon, President Bush urged Congress on Wednesday to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, saying the United States needs to increase its energy production. Democrats quickly rejected the idea. "There is no excuse for delay," the president said in a statement in the Rose Garden. With the presidential election just months away, Bush made a pointed attack on Democrats, accusing them of obstructing his energy proposals and blaming them for high gasoline costs. His proposal echoed a call by Republican presidential candidate John McCain to open the Continental Shelf for exploration. Bring the troops home! They managed to fool and lull the American public to sleep with a false sense of security and a don't-rock-the-boat-attitude, Bush and his neo-cons will managed to win again? It is a lie! The Iraq war is running a tab of $12 billion a month -- $16 billion including military action in Afghanistan. And, they maintain, the economic downturn resulting from it is likely to be the greatest since the Great Depression. "That total, itself well in excess of $1 trillion, is not included in our estimated $3 trillion cost of the war," Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist.
Ted Rudow III,MA


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Renewed call for offshore oil drilling


With gasoline topping $4 per gallon, President Bush urged Congress on Wednesday to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, saying the United States needs to increase its energy production. Democrats quickly rejected the idea.

“There is no excuse for delay,” the president said in a statement in the Rose Garden. With the presidential election just months away, Bush made a pointed attack on Democrats, accusing them of obstructing his energy proposals and blaming them for high gasoline costs. His proposal echoed a call by Republican presidential candidate John McCain to open the Continental Shelf for exploration.

Bring the troops home. They managed to fool and lull the American public to sleep with a false sense of security and a don’t-rock-the-boat-attitude; Bush and his neo-cons will manage to win again? It is a lie. The Iraq war is running a tab of $12 billion a month — $16 billion including military action in Afghanistan.

And they maintain, the economic downturn resulting from it is likely to be the greatest since the Great Depression. “That total, itself well in excess of $1 trillion, is not included in our estimated $3 trillion cost of the war,” says Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

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