Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More wars

More wars

More wars
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Tuesday May 27th, 2008 7:37 AM

Countries used to go to war just for pride over some incident because they were offended or one king made a bad remark about another king. But in modern years, recent years, they go to war for commercial reasons, they're trade wars.

Nearly every one of American wars were for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory.--Which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War.
The Civil War was supposed to be the War to free the slaves. What it really turned out to be was the war to enslave the free, because it made the Federal Government a dictatorship. When the States originally banded together they did so voluntarily and they were supposed to be able to withdraw from the club if they didn't like the other members. When the South tried to withdraw the other members picked up guns and started shooting, "You can't leave the club!"
The reason was that the North had all the industry, the South had all The agriculture, and particularly cotton which the North wanted and needed for textiles. But the South had a lot more in common with England and they had more communication, intercourse and trade with England than they had with the North.
The North wanted the South to buy machinery from her instead of from England. But when the South could get it cheaper from England of course she bought it from England, and she traded her cotton for it. But the North wanted the cotton too. The North wanted the South's market for her machinery and they needed the South's raw materials for their machines.So all that self-righteous bit over freeing the slaves, that's all a big joke! That's not what the war was fought for at all. That was the excuse given the people so they could get the people behind them and make the people willing to fight.
So that's why I say Lincoln, far from being a hero, was a TYRANT! … He started the Civil War! … So, from whence come wars? James said they come from your own lusts--and nations' lusts. ( James 4:1
Ted Rudow III,MA

Spoiling for a fight?
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Cindy Sheehan: Consider grief on this Memorial Day

By Cindy Sheehan -

Monday, May 26, 2008
Story appeared in METRO section, Page B7|
Memorial Day is a double whammy for me. You see, my son Casey was born on Memorial Day 29 years ago.When he was growing up, we would gather dozens of our friends and relatives to celebrate his birthday. Now a few of us gather at his grave in Vacaville to mourn his death and cry for the life that was stolen from him.Casey is not buried in amilitary cemetery, but there are many veterans of other wars buried in his cemetery. The flags flutter on Memorial Day as living vets from many past wars salute the flag and their fallen comrades.---

Monday, May 26, 2008

Spoiling for a fight?

The pride of national leaders is at stake, politicians are offended, the public is outraged, the military is mobilized, and without cool heads in control, countries go to war. That's especially a danger when proud, vain men like Bush and Cheney and their crowd of neoconservatives are in control, spoiling for a fight. They're like the neighborhood bullies who used to pick on me when I was little except they're supposed to be grown up and know better, and not go around picking on other nations just because they consider themselves bigger and tougher! Pray that the Lord will restrain such men of war so that we, His peacemakers, can continue to spread His love and peace far and wide.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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