Friday, May 30, 2008

The favorite trick of despots

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Reader's Feedback Published on 31/05/2008

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When people fail to say to the truth they are apt to become strongly deluded and believe a lie instead. This has been the favorite trick of despots and dictators throughout the ages. US President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and their crew lied day after day, and the media flooded the US and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction, which they claimed to know the specific amounts and locations of. They told lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the US, and the list of lies goes on and on. It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq war, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the deaths of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the scores wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it. Congress hasn't impeached him - after all, they lie as much as he does - and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.

Ted Rudow III,MA
United States
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Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the world's last ride of the rich to the rear! But there will be no escape for them as there'll be no place to go and nowhere to hide, as they can't stop the world and get off as they'll wish they could!-Now do you know who's the Beggarman or Thief?
Ted Rudow III,MA

by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday May 30th, 2008 9:36 AM
LISTEN, MY CHILDREN, AND YOU SHALL HEAR OF THE WORLD'S LAST RIDE OF THE RICH TO THE REAR! But there will be no escape for them as there'll be no place to and nowhere to hide, as they can't stop the world and get off as they'll wish they could!
In choosing to destroy the Earth, not only ecologically, but false doctrines and heavy-handed wreaking violence throughout the polluting the world with her money, her media, her movies, —America has poisoned the the time for payback has come.
What you are seeing is a foretaste of things that are to come. It is the beginning of the U.S. as you know it. The house of card to come tumbling down.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



McCain fundraiser

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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Birds of a feather

So America has a long and inglorious tradition of lying itself into wars it wants to fight for various reasons. That's similar to many other nations, of course. They figure that if they win, they'll see to it that the history books are written from their point of view, not realizing that the Lord is keeping books on them!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More wars

More wars

More wars
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday May 27th, 2008 7:37 AM

Countries used to go to war just for pride over some incident because they were offended or one king made a bad remark about another king. But in modern years, recent years, they go to war for commercial reasons, they're trade wars.

Nearly every one of American wars were for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory.--Which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War.
The Civil War was supposed to be the War to free the slaves. What it really turned out to be was the war to enslave the free, because it made the Federal Government a dictatorship. When the States originally banded together they did so voluntarily and they were supposed to be able to withdraw from the club if they didn't like the other members. When the South tried to withdraw the other members picked up guns and started shooting, "You can't leave the club!"
The reason was that the North had all the industry, the South had all The agriculture, and particularly cotton which the North wanted and needed for textiles. But the South had a lot more in common with England and they had more communication, intercourse and trade with England than they had with the North.
The North wanted the South to buy machinery from her instead of from England. But when the South could get it cheaper from England of course she bought it from England, and she traded her cotton for it. But the North wanted the cotton too. The North wanted the South's market for her machinery and they needed the South's raw materials for their machines.So all that self-righteous bit over freeing the slaves, that's all a big joke! That's not what the war was fought for at all. That was the excuse given the people so they could get the people behind them and make the people willing to fight.
So that's why I say Lincoln, far from being a hero, was a TYRANT! … He started the Civil War! … So, from whence come wars? James said they come from your own lusts--and nations' lusts. ( James 4:1
Ted Rudow III,MA

Spoiling for a fight?
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Cindy Sheehan: Consider grief on this Memorial Day

By Cindy Sheehan -

Monday, May 26, 2008
Story appeared in METRO section, Page B7|
Memorial Day is a double whammy for me. You see, my son Casey was born on Memorial Day 29 years ago.When he was growing up, we would gather dozens of our friends and relatives to celebrate his birthday. Now a few of us gather at his grave in Vacaville to mourn his death and cry for the life that was stolen from him.Casey is not buried in amilitary cemetery, but there are many veterans of other wars buried in his cemetery. The flags flutter on Memorial Day as living vets from many past wars salute the flag and their fallen comrades.---

Monday, May 26, 2008

Spoiling for a fight?

The pride of national leaders is at stake, politicians are offended, the public is outraged, the military is mobilized, and without cool heads in control, countries go to war. That's especially a danger when proud, vain men like Bush and Cheney and their crowd of neoconservatives are in control, spoiling for a fight. They're like the neighborhood bullies who used to pick on me when I was little except they're supposed to be grown up and know better, and not go around picking on other nations just because they consider themselves bigger and tougher! Pray that the Lord will restrain such men of war so that we, His peacemakers, can continue to spread His love and peace far and wide.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It like the Pot calling kettle black!

It like the Pot calling kettle black!
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday May 25th, 2008 10:42 AM
Ehud Olmert is applying the same method. His situation is desperate. Most people in Israel do not doubt that he has received large bribes in envelopes stuffed with dollars. The Attorney General is liable to indict him any time, and this will compel him to resign.
In this, too, Olmert is the worthy pupil of his predecessor and mentor, Ariel Sharon. Sharon was up to his neck in corruption affairs. In one of them, the so-called "Greek Island affair", the Israeli millionaire David Appel paid huge sums to Sharon's son, a novice, for "advice".
It like the Pot calling kettle black! The United States has merely used so-called goodness and righteousness as a cloak for invasion and conquest, and beneath the cloak resides much hypocrisy, for America too has much blood on its hands. Beneath this cloak you see the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the millions who were killed in Vietnam and throughout Southeast Asia, the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died in the first Gulf War. However, these countries have pointed out that the United States is guilty of the same, or worse.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, May 23, 2008

New York Times

New York Times


N.Y. / Region

Court Says Texas Illegally Seized Sect’s Children

Published: May 23, 2008
HOUSTON — A Texas appeals court ruled on Thursday that the state had illegally seized up to 468 children from their homes at a polygamist ranch in West Texas. The decision abruptly threw the largest custody case in recent American history into turmoil.

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints members left the courthouse on Thursday after a ruling in their favor in San Angelo, Tex.

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May 23rd, 2008
But the definition of a bad guy or a criminal can change when security becomes far more important to the world than freedom. And the media seem less apt to print their views even when they are expressed, for it's become less "politically correct" to object to security measures that are designed to "protect society".

But it's happening, little by little, as one crisis after another crops up. Terrorism and crime causes nations to link their security forces more closely. Little by little, the threads that will weave governments together into one are being woven. And when the time is right, the crisis of all crises will come to pass and the world will cry out for the man who can bring it all together and make it one, solving all these problems.

Ted Rudow III,MA

— Ted Rudow III,MA, Menlo Park,CA

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bunch of dominoes

The Stanford Daily


Wednesday May 21, 2008


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CFO explains handling of University debt

Debt instruments issued primarily to finance facility capital projects

May 21, 2008
By Kamil Dada
"With the recent U.S. economic decline, scores of colleges and universities across the nation have been facing a sharp rise in interest payments on their large debts. According to the 2007 Annual Report, Stanford currently has approximately $1.5 billion of debt outstanding.--The collapse of the auction-rate debt market forced universities to restructure millions of dollars of debt, as the interest payments doubled or in some cases tripled beyond what officials had budgeted. Stanford, too, was impacted by the collapse of the auction-rate debt market in February. According to Livingston, the University had approximately $318 million of auction-rate securities outstanding.“One of our debt instruments went from approximately three percent interest rate to eight percent within a week,” he said. The change in interest cost the University nearly $180,000.--

Ted Rudow III,MA
What is the matter with not only the U.S. government but the average American family? What is their economic condition? They spend money they don't have and they borrow. … Where do they get so much cash? How can they buy such fancy cars and big TVs and all this fancy furniture and all these things they've got? How can they afford it? They can't afford it! They buy it on credit. And they're all in debt up to their ears.

Rich people have borrowed themselves into debts that they can never repay! Poor people the same. Middle class people the same. So if the slightest little thing gets out of balance or goes off in any way, the whole thing crashes like a bunch of dominoes! And who do you suppose can jerk the rug out and make it happen so that everybody loses everything, including the government, and can't pay? Everybody loses but the ones who loaned the money and now own everything! They loaned the money on the house, now they own the house. They loaned the money on the car, now they own the car. They loaned the money on the property, now they own the property! They loaned the money on the business, now they own the business. They loaned the money on the industry, now they own the industry! They loaned the money to the government and now they own the government! Those are the facts; that's how it works!

Monday, May 19, 2008


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May 19,2008

Credit has become a drug

Credit has become the drug of choice of the modern world, far more widespread than any other. Individuals, companies and governments must have their fix of it, for they are addicted to it, and the withdrawal symptoms are too painful to endure. Life without credit means no future debt is possible, and often their present debt is so large and overwhelming that they cannot go on without another credit fix.

Like many drug users, however, they do not see that they have a problem. They’re surrounded by other users who are in similar situations. “Credit and debt are just the way of the world, a necessity, and nothing to worry about. Everyone does it and no one’s especially concerned about it. Besides, it feels good and helps make life more enjoyable. I need it. I’ve got to have it.”

Occasionally the “users,” the debtors, feel the pain of their addiction and regret what they’ve gotten themselves into, but a fresh infusion of credit brings relief and temporary surcease from the pain.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

The Examiner

Friday, May 16, 2008



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Bush 'appeasement' remark in Israel riles Obama, Dems

Sheryl Gay Stolberg,Jim Rutenberg, New York Times

Friday, May 16, 2008

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(05-16) 04:00 PDT Jerusalem - --

President Bush used a speech to the Israeli parliament on Thursday to liken those who would negotiate with "terrorists and radicals" to Nazi appeasers - a remark widely interpreted as a rebuke to Sen. Barack Obama, who has advocated greater engagement with countries like Iran and Syria.

"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals. ... We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is - the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

White House transcript

CAN THE WORLD AFFORD TO HAVE SUCH A MADMAN ON THE LOOSE WITH ATOM BOMBS IN BOTH HANDS AND REELING DRUNKENLY FROM ONE CRISIS TO ANOTHER? How much longer can the world stand this emotionally unstable near-maniac and his irrational ravings while the earth totters on the brink of his brinkmanship? Does his stooped posture and odd shuffling gait indicate an arthritic condition medicated by some drug such as cortisone which induces delusion of grandeur and similar irrational behaviour? THEY SAY HITLER WAS INSANE, but the world put up with him long enough for him to nearly annihilate Europe, North Africa and threaten America, and along with the Japanese, the Pacific and Far East. MUST WE LET THIS MODERN HITLERIAN MADMAN GO SO FAR as to raise up a new fascist American power which threatens to destroy the Earth? Must we let him even go so far in his power-jealous temper tantrums as to press the red button of atomic warfare in order to save him

Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Credit has become the drug of choice

Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters

George F. Will: The other side of housing crisis

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B7

"Lewis Carroll, call your office. Or, better still, the author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" should call Washington, where the government's determination to solve the housing "crisis" produced this lead paragraph in a recent New York Times story: "Federal agencies are intensifying a criminal investigation of the mortgage industry and focusing on whether some lenders turned a blind eye to inflated income figures provided by borrowers."Perhaps some lenders who were lied to were culpably indifferent to dishonesty because they planned to sell to others mortgages that the lenders knew were risky. But the victimization narrative that is turning turbulence in the housing market into a morality tale involves borrowers victimized by "predatory" lenders. The narrative remains murky because there is scant information about the percentage of currently distressed borrowers who were untruthful about their incomes...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Credit has become the drug of choice

Credit has become the drug of choice of the modern world, far more widespread than any other. Individuals, companies and governments must have their fix of it, for they are addicted to it, and the withdrawal symptoms are too painful to endure. Life without credit means no future debt is possible, and often their present debt is so large and overwhelming that they cannot go on without another credit fix. Like many drug users, however, they do not see that they have a problem. They're surrounded by other users who are in similar situations. "Credit and debt are just the way of the world, a necessity, and nothing to worry about. Everyone does it and no one's especially concerned about it. Besides, it feels good and helps make life more enjoyable. I need it. I've got to have it." Occasionally the "users," the debtors, feel the pain of their addiction and regret what they've gotten themselves into; but a fresh infusion of credit brings relief and temporary surcease from the pain.
Ted Rudow III,MA



New York Times
Thursday, May 15, 2008

N.Y. / Region

No Rebates for You
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The polluted atmosphere of immigration politics has produced toxic byproducts so extreme that they make a recent rebate glitch seem like a mere annoyance.

May 15th, 2008
A report by the Royal Society, Britain's premier scientific body, concludes that, as a result of the pollution, the world's oceans are probably now more acidic than they have ever been, and that even if emissions stopped now, the waters would take "tens of thousands of years to return to normal." Scientists add that, as the seas become more acidic, they will be less able to absorb carbon dioxide, causing more of it to stay in the atmosphere to speed up global warming. The report concludes that the warming is now "unequivocal" and "evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level."

Environmental changes predicted:

North America. California and the grain-producing Midwest will dry out as snows in the Rockies decrease, depriving these areas of summer water.

Australia. The Great Barrier Reef will die. On land, drought will reduce harvests.

Europe. Winter sports suffer as less snow falls in the Alps and other mountains; up to three-fifths of wildlife dies out.

Africa. Harvests could be cut by up to half in some countries by 2020, greatly increasing the threat of famine. Between 75 million and 250 million people are expected to be short of water within the next 30 years.

It's incredible what damage people have managed to do to the oceans of the world, which cover 70% of the planet's surface. Imagine! With all the pollution, chemicals and garbage that's constantly dumped and pumped into the oceans, they're getting sick and the fish are dying off in droves—or being decimated by overfishing. It's a disaster that's happening out of sight and out of mind for most people, but it's happening nonetheless.—
Ted Rudow III,MA, Menlo Park,CA

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pray for peace

Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters

Jeremy Ben-Ami: Five myths on who's 'pro-Israel'

By Jeremy Ben-Ami Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Six decades ago, my father fought alongside Menachem Begin for Israel's independence. If you'd have told him back then that politicians in the world's last superpower would be jockeying today to see who can be more "pro-Israel," he would have laughed at you.Grateful as I am for decades of U.S. friendship with Israel, I have to wonder, as the state my father helped found turns 60, just who is defining what it means to be pro-Israel in the United States these days......

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 said:

Pray for peace

Pray for the poor Palestinians who are suffering so greatly. Pray for the innocent Israelis who die or are wounded in terrorist bombings. Pray for the other Arabs, that they'll stand up for their Palestinian brethren for a change. Pray for the Americans, that they'll make the Israelis toe the line and stop the slaughter. Pray for peace, That's one reason why Palestinians are skeptical about peace treaties and agreements with Israel--nothing ever really changes very much. It just gets worse--for them, that is.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spartan Daily

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

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Making more than just music California Music Project brings tunes to local K-12 schools Cody Hauete rIssue date: 5/13/08
Section: News
Media Credit: Anne Rigor
Warming up the vocal chords is part of the daily class routine for chamber choir students at Independence High School. Hay Jordana, a fellow California Music Program teacher guides her students during vocal exercises on Monday afternoon. Each week, Jay Jordana, a senior music education major, spends eight to 10 hours with music teachers and students at Independence High School in East San Jose as part of a program that works to improve the face of music education in California's kindergarten through high school classrooms. Go to Article
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Ted Rudow III,MA posted 5/13/08
In "The Secret Power of Music ",Tame (1984 said, "Moving from the gut to the brain, music has been a powerful 'encoder', a term in psychology for something that helps determine the way we received and think abou our world. In other words, music has an inside track to our subconscious levels of our minds." In "Music Key", Berg (1973) explains, "How do you tell the difference? Does it make you want to be good and do good, love and be loved? Or does it inspire you to be evil and do evil, and be rebellious and destructive and hate, like some of Wagner's music inspired Hitler to destroy! Does it inspire or oppress? What affect does it have on your spirit?"
One of the greatest forces that influence people and even drives them on the brink on insanity is the increasing violence portrayed in the music and rock videos. National Coalition on Television Violence studied 900 rock videos and reported that 46% contained violence or indicated violence. Another way people are answering "ads" in rock music is through suicide or the recent killings on high school campus'! Now the second biggest killer of young people in the West, surveys have found that as many as 1 in 7 teenagers in today have tried to kill themselves. Again, there are many factor contributing to the tragedy, but clearly the acting out of the lyrics is a major part!(Rudow III ,Henry T. (Aug.1995) "Music Therapy",Master Thesis-San Jose State University)
Jeremy Spencer, the founding member of "Fleetwood Mac", said it best on his cut, "Psychic Waste", when he sang, "From out of California, come sights and sounds of offensive to the taste. Ah, every night in my livin' room, some jerk is dumping tons of psychic waste!" (Aurora Productions)
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996


Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


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'This Queer Life'
Don't give up the fight

Michael Rizzo
Issue date: 5/8/08 Section: Opinion

Michael Rizzo

Fourteen weeks ago, I started writing a column, and gay came out. "Sex in the City" meets "This American Life" with a gay twist - that's how I pitched it.

Staff bought it, and in 74 years of the Spartan Daily, it's the first editor's column to have a recurring gay theme. In the 23 years of my life, it's the first time being gay has been so exhausting.......
"No. That's not OK. Good enough is not good enough. When the president of our university takes a stand against federally institutionalized homophobia, we need to rally behind him. While our university enters the most preliminary stages of planning a million-dollar campus queer center, our voices need to be heard. And if we want administration to purchase $10 unisex bathroom signs for the less than 20 single-occupant bathrooms on campus, our voices need to be loud.
You have to talk about it, and you have to say it. You have to say it out loud, and everyone has to listen, because any kind of love is fine. It's the hate you have to watch. And if they don't want to go there, we'll take them there, because "there" is real, and 10 percent of the world's population has pitched a tent - there. "If I don't 'go there,' then it's like I was never there at all," comedian Margaret Cho once said. "If we all got together and had this big too-much-information, go-there voice, if we just went and did it, that would equal power, and that power would equal change, and that change would equal a revolution."The gay bar is worth a shot. Gay blood is not bad blood. Different is not wrong.???"

Nahum's warning to Nineveh, years after Jonah, is a warning to us also: "Thou also shalt be drunken: thou shalt be hid" ( Nahum 3:11 ). America is drunken with lust, drugs, violence, evil sex--and intoxicated with success and prosperity. "Thou shalt be hid" means this country will become powerless, reduced to nothing, unable to act or to solve problems. Our mortal enemies will plunder us. Society will crumble under the weight of unsolvable problems.
In Jeremiah's day, when he wouldn't quit proclaiming doom and defeat, they threw him in a dungeon. They beat him. The religious leaders and the political leaders ordered him not to utter another word of judgment. They tried to shut him up.Plagues of incurable illnesses: "The Lord shall make the pestilence [sickness] cleave unto thee...with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation" ( 28:21,22 ). "The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt...and with the scab...whereof thou canst not be healed. The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment [panic] of heart" ( 28:27,28 ). "The Lord shall smite thee...with a sore botch [boil] that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head" ( 28:35 ). "The mark of AIDS is the purple blotch--the incurable boil!"
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bush bails out McCain

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


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Bush bails out McCain,
but at what cost?

Tommy Wright
Issue date: 5/12/08 Section: Opinion
Tommy Wright

President Bush has come to the rescue of Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign. After both major parties seemed content with leaving the Federal Election Commission powerless, the Bush Administration has decided to take action.

The Federal Election Commission is normally made up of six members, but it currently only has two. On the commission's Web site, it states that no more than three of the six commissioners can be members of the same political party. And to take action, the commission needs at least four votes from its members......

"When John McCain made this comment that we went to Iraq for oil, and the media gave him a complete pass..And I thought, well, clearly the media are still in love with a John McCain who did not vote for George Bush in 2000 and was an independent, a maverick, somebody who many of us had fallen in love with in the media. And so, the unmasking of John McCain has to begin immediately, because otherwise we have this huge disconnect, which is 28 percent of Americans approve of George Bush, but 48 percent of Americans say they will vote for John McCain. So it's going to take a lot of work to educate that 20 percent about John McCain."

Sen. John McCain got the support of Texas pastor John Hagee, an evangelical Christian who has made support for the state of Israel a centerpiece of his ministry.Hagee endorsed McCain ,saying he did so because McCain is a pro-life, pro-Israel politician who has pledged to secure the country's borders There's a rabidly Zionist bunch of Christians in the U.S. which is also adamantly opposed to Iran getting the bomb, in case it might attack Israel.John Hagee is very liberal with his ministry's money when it comes to Israel. A Religious News Service report stated that Hagee raised over $1 million to help Soviet Jews resettle in Israel. He believes that Jews already have a covenant with God and a relationship to God and do not need to come to the cross. This certainly is a shocking statement in the light of Jesus words that no man comes to the Father but through me (John 14:6).
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996

Friday, May 09, 2008

She's cruel


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Fuzzy math
Last Updated 5:24 pm PDT Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!She's cruel

She's been exposed in various publications that her beliefs are very strong, and she's on the wrong side of everything! She's for abortion, she's for Gay rights, she's against home schooling and she's for children's rights against their parents, children suing their parents, and on down the line. Before William Branham died, that great and humble prophet, one of the last revelations and visions he had was that the final ruler of the United States who was going to bring the U.S.A. to its doom and would be the worst ruler they ever had, would be a very beautiful, but very cruel woman. She might if she had enough power by that time and the people worshipped her enough!UGH!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Music today: worse or much worse?

The Stanford Daily


Friday May 9, 2008


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Music today: worse or much worse?

May 9, 2008
By Ziv Shafir

".........Maybe it’s natural to write off music outside of one’s formative years. After all, our grandparent’s generation wrote off great rock’n’roll as noise pollution. But, it seems good music only comes around every other era. Although the 90s and early 2000s were great, we could live without the 80s (exempting Prince and MJ, of course.) The 70s were amazing, but the 60s needed some work. And so here we are today, in the cycle of another lackluster era of music. From what I’ve heard, we’ve got another long 10 years ahead of us.What music captures your soul? Email dirtycalstudent "at"
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Ted Rudow III,,MA
MUSIC CAN BE A BLESSING, AND YET IT CAN ALSO BE SO DANGEROUS! That's why it is so important to listen to the right kind of music. The Pavlovian Method of conditioning reflexes enables evil men to discover secrets of the hearts and minds of men in order to manipulate them for their own evil purposes. Men can be mentally conditioned to respond to a set stimuli like a series of tone signals. Almost like a telephone: You can dial a certain combination of numbers and that keys the equipment to connect one instrument with another instrument.
YOU KNOW SOME OF THESE COMPOSERS WERE INSPIRED! Wagner was sometimes inspired by the Devil, and others like Handel and Mozart, were sometimes inspired by the Lord. It's as though they were really inspired by the Lord or the Devil. Those inspired by the Devil were getting the Devil's message, if they were really tuned in.--And if the hearers are tuned in, they get the message too!
HITLER WAS ABSOLUTELY HYPNOTISED BY WAGNER'S MUSIC! He was getting the message! He was like a receiver for the message and he played the tune. He added the words and the bombs and the bullets to the tune and brought Hell on Earth!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


Pat's Run attracts more than 3,000

Abstract: Even with a start time of 8 a.m., the third annual race of Pat's Run attracted more than 3,000 participants on Saturday to San Jose's Leland High School. The run is named for Pat Tillman, who is remembered for leaving behind a $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League to serve as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan, where he was tragically killed by friendly fire....
Ted Rudow III,MA 5/07/08
My parents are sport fanatics! My Grandfather, on my mother side, with my Great-Uncle were the first to be named "Walter Camp's All-American"in football on the West Coast in America. So from the age of five, I was in competive sports until I became a missionary in April,1972. During my teen-age years before my life was in turmoil! The only escape for me, I thought was sports. So I practiced and practiced basketball until I received few athletic scholarships included West Point but I decided to attend the University of California at Berkeley, in 1970.

The Vietnam War was going on, and Berkeley was the hot-bed of radical resistance. It also was one of the top academic schools in the United States. So for me, it was quite a change coming from very staid background. During that time, I began taking drugs and reading from mystical books,but they never satisfied my soul. I was on the honor roll and was voted first-team all-Northern California freshman in basketball, Captain and Most Valuable Player in 1971 and still hold the freshmen rebound record of 17.3 per game but still my life was empty without the Lord! I felt pressures on many sides to really put out all my time and energy towards becoming a basketball star in college and pressing toward a professional career. On the other hand, deep within my heart.
I felt that there was something wrong with all this!I felt caught between two worlds,one with the teachings of Jesus and His commandment to love thy neighbor,while in the other world, I was told to gain a near-manical desire to win and to physically punish my opponent in a defeat!
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world‚ the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself.
Of course, some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996


by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday May 7th, 2008 8:25 AM

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.

America's chickens are coming home to roost," he told his congregation
"Well, let me try to respond in a non-bombastic way. If you heard the whole sermon, first of all, you heard that I was quoting the ambassador from Iraq. That’s number one. But number two, to quote the Bible, “Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever you sow, that you also shall reap.” Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you. Those are biblical principles, not Jeremiah Wright bombastic, divisive principles."
Jeremiah Wright
He is right! Her cruel and unjust wars against others:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: In August, 1945, the U.S. obliterated these two Japanese cities, killing between 120,000 and 140,000 people. History has revealed much that contradicts the rationale originally given for the first and only use of nuclear weapons against civilian populations. Eisenhower confirmed this in his memoirs, stating that weeks before Hiroshima, the Japanese had been seeking a way to surrender: "It wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."
Vietnam: While American forces suffered the loss of 58,000 lives and 365,000 wounded, South Vietnamese military losses exceeded 1 million, and North Vietnamese losses ranged between 500,000 and 1 million. U.S. bombing in Vietnam was four times greater than the combined U.S.-British bombing of Germany in World War II. targets horrified the rest of the world!
Iraq: Cutting through the official hyperbole and noble verbiage about freedom and democracy in the Middle Eastern .Mossbacher said, "Of course it's about petroleum. Crass or not, it's oil that keeps everybody going." Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark estimates that the Gulf War killed over 150,000 Iraqi civilians, including at least 100,000 post-war deaths in the first Gulf war and now it is thought that over 1,000,000 have been killed!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's already bankrupt

It's already bankrupt
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday May 6th, 2008 9:11 AM
America was able to tax the world indirectly, through inflation. It did not enforce the direct payment of taxes like all of its predecessor empires did, but distributed instead its own fiat currency, the U.S. Dollar, to other nations in exchange for goods with the intended consequence of inflating and devaluing those dollars and paying back later each dollar with less economic goods—the difference capturing the U.S. imperial tax.

The U.S. dollar was tied to gold, so that the value of the dollar neither increased, nor decreased, but remained the same amount of gold. The Great Depression, with its preceding inflation from 1921 to 1929 and its subsequent ballooning government deficits, had substantially increased the amount of currency in circulation, and thus rendered the backing of U.S. dollars by gold impossible. This led Roosevelt to decouple the dollar from gold in 1932. The fixed value of the dollar did not allow the Americans to extract economic benefits from other countries by supplying them with dollars convertible to gold. From that point on, to sustain the American Empire and to continue to tax the rest of the world, the United States had to force the world to continue to accept ever-depreciating dollars in exchange for economic goods.
The U.S. ran out of money a long time ago. It's already bankrupt; it just doesn't know it yet! It has more debts than it has money to pay them, and its money is worth less all the time. It's "worthless" for sure, because in the end it's just paper, and the only backing it has is the faith of the people who use it, which has gone into a steep decline.
The American people have been making war and making money in their war jobs and their high salaries at the expenses of the poor Iraqi and other Mideast countries. In fact, almost all American industries, even non-war industries, are making money at the expense of the poor of other nations of the world.
Ted Rudow III,MA


Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pat's Run attracts more than 3,000 Volunteers, including some old friends, show up to pay respect to Tillman Tara Duffy and Casey Jay

Issue date: 5/6/08 Section: News
Even with a start time of 8 a.m., the third annual race of Pat's Run attracted more than 3,000 participants on Saturday to San Jose's Leland High School. The run is named for Pat Tillman, who is remembered for leaving behind a $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League to serve as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan, where he was tragically killed by friendly fire.----


5/06/08 Tillman' mother and father said they believe the military and the government created a heroic tale about how their son died to foster a patriotic response across the country. It was a lie!
It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. It just seems to be sort of an instinct with men especially to want to compete and to win. Other sports events, it's almost like an extension of those human desires to compete and win. That's why some people get so into it, because they can relate to that drive to compete. The physical exertion, and then finally the goal, is exhilarating for some people
Man at his best, which is his worst. WAR. His most destructive worst, his greatest strength, his greatest genius, his greatest inventive power and his greatest spirit, patriotism or whatever you want to call it, is used for war and a competitive spirit against others who are doing the same. His physical prowess, his mechanical ingenuity, his tactical genius and his indomitable spirit. This physical prowess, his mechanical ingenuity, his tactical genius and his indomitable spirit.
See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? Is it the athletes? No, they're about second. Is it the scholars? No they're probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Wheel of Fortune?

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Wheel of Fortune?

Friday, May 2, 2008

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Bush will be humbled

The power that be won't let them. They'll find some scapegoat to blame the whole thing on, but they'll never let the truth come to light that they were really behind it--that there are even those within the U.S. government who are aligned with the power that be who supported it, that the powers planned and executed this attack. This whole thing is on Osama bin Laden. They'll just blame him and declare all-out war on Afghanistan, or attack some other poor Muslim or Arab nation. They need a quick and easy fix to this problem, so they'll probably just go after someone they've named already and blame the whole thing on him and try to wipe him out. The warmongers will pay. Look to hear of those who lead the charge to war becoming terribly afflicted in one form or another. Bush will be humbled. But you must also remember that he is a man who sincerely believes that he is doing the right thing?
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Activists protest Iraq war on anniversary of Bush’s speech

The Stanford Daily
Friday May 2, 2008 Last update: May 2 01:17 AM PDT


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Students stage anti-war rally
Activists protest Iraq war on anniversary of Bush’s speech
May 2, 2008
By Patrick Fitzgerald
Around 60 students, faculty and community members rallied Thursday to commemorate the fifth anniversary of President Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech, when the president made a dramatic landing on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln to declare that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

The White House admitted Wednesday that it had “paid a price” for the banner, which has come to symbolize U.S. mismanagement of the war.

That was certainly the case yesterday evening, as the protestors marched from White Plaza to Hoover Tower bearing signs and chanting anti-war slogans. There, Amanda Gelender ‘09 stood on the Tower steps and reenacted the Bush speech, drawing raucous laughter and applause from the gathering.


Ted Rudow III,MA

Students of how the Bush administration led the nation into the Iraq war can now go online to browse a comprehensive database of top officials' statements before the invasion (, connecting the dots between hundreds of claims, mostly discredited since then, linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda or warning that he possessed forbidden weapons.

Researchers Charles Lewis and Mark Reading-Smith say their work has documented "at least 935 false statements" on hundreds of occasions, particularly that Iraq had unconventional weapons, links to Al Qaeda, or both.

The database shows how even after the invasion, when a consensus emerged that the prewar intelligence assessments were flawed, administration officials occasionally suggested that the weapons might still be found.

There were 935 lies? It's hard to believe there were so few! Bush and Cheney and their crew lied day after day, week after week, month after month, and the media flooded the U.S. and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction--which they claimed they knew the specific amounts and locations of--with lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the U.S, on and on and on!

It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq War, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the death of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it! Congress hasn't impeached him--after all, they lie as much as he does--and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.

Well, I'll tell you, Bush and his cronies will suffer the consequences one of these days when they have to face the Lord and explain themselves, and lies and excuses won't work with Him!

Activists protest Iraq war on anniversary of Bush’s speech

The Stanford Daily
Friday May 2, 2008 Last update: May 2 01:17 AM PDT


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Students stage anti-war rally
Activists protest Iraq war on anniversary of Bush’s speech
May 2, 2008
By Patrick Fitzgerald
Around 60 students, faculty and community members rallied Thursday to commemorate the fifth anniversary of President Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech, when the president made a dramatic landing on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln to declare that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

The White House admitted Wednesday that it had “paid a price” for the banner, which has come to symbolize U.S. mismanagement of the war.

That was certainly the case yesterday evening, as the protestors marched from White Plaza to Hoover Tower bearing signs and chanting anti-war slogans. There, Amanda Gelender ‘09 stood on the Tower steps and reenacted the Bush speech, drawing raucous laughter and applause from the gathering.


Ted Rudow III,MA

Students of how the Bush administration led the nation into the Iraq war can now go online to browse a comprehensive database of top officials' statements before the invasion (, connecting the dots between hundreds of claims, mostly discredited since then, linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda or warning that he possessed forbidden weapons.

Researchers Charles Lewis and Mark Reading-Smith say their work has documented "at least 935 false statements" on hundreds of occasions, particularly that Iraq had unconventional weapons, links to Al Qaeda, or both.

The database shows how even after the invasion, when a consensus emerged that the prewar intelligence assessments were flawed, administration officials occasionally suggested that the weapons might still be found.

There were 935 lies? It's hard to believe there were so few! Bush and Cheney and their crew lied day after day, week after week, month after month, and the media flooded the U.S. and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction--which they claimed they knew the specific amounts and locations of--with lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the U.S, on and on and on!

It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq War, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the death of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it! Congress hasn't impeached him--after all, they lie as much as he does--and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.

Well, I'll tell you, Bush and his cronies will suffer the consequences one of these days when they have to face the Lord and explain themselves, and lies and excuses won't work with Him!

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

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Middle East conflicts spark fiery discussion

'Teach-in' at Student Union invites arguments, viewpoints on region's crises

Tommy Wright and John Ellis Issue
date: 4/30/08
Section: News
Media Credit: Luke Cunningham
Emad Yahya talks about the U.S. involvement in Iraq and guarantees that none of the presidential candidates who might take office will reduce the number of troops in Iraq below 100,000 after two terms in office.
Perspectives clashed Tuesday in the Engineering Auditorium when speakers gathered to lecture on Middle Eastern issues, including the war in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Each speaker at the "teach-in" delved into the controversial topics and presented information that was suited to their arguments. David Meir-Levi, a history lecturer at SJSU who taught in Jerusalem in the 1960s and '70s, said Israel offered to give back land taken from Palestinians and Arab nations in exchange for peace, but it was always met with refusal and conflict.

"When a group refuses peace, then pressure is needed," Meir-Levi said.
Salem Ajluni, an SJSU alumnus who served as a United Nations economist in the Palestinian territories, said the Oslo Accords in 1993, agreements which created the Palestinian Authority to self govern the semi-autonomous group, allowed Israel to no longer be responsible for Palestinians.----
Ted Rudow III,MA Students of how the Bush administration led the nation into the Iraq war can now go online to browse a comprehensive database of top officials' statements before the invasion (, connecting the dots between hundreds of claims, mostly discredited since then, linking Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda or warning that he possessed forbidden weapons.

Researchers Charles Lewis and Mark Reading-Smith say their work has documented "at least 935 false statements" on hundreds of occasions, particularly that Iraq had unconventional weapons, links to Al Qaeda, or both.

The database shows how even after the invasion, when a consensus emerged that the prewar intelligence assessments were flawed, administration officials occasionally suggested that the weapons might still be found.

There were 935 lies? It's hard to believe there were so few! Bush and Cheney and their crew lied day after day, week after week, month after month, and the media flooded the U.S. and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction--which they claimed they knew the specific amounts and locations of--with lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the U.S, on and on and on!

It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq War, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the death of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it! Congress hasn't impeached him--after all, they lie as much as he does--and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.

Well, I'll tell you, Bush and his cronies will suffer the consequences one of these days when they have to face the Lord and explain themselves, and lies and excuses won't work with Him!

Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996

The Stanford Daily


Thursday May 1, 2008



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Obama supporters canvass Democratic primaries

May 1, 2008
By Alan Guo
Although the California primary is long over, a few students from the Stanford community are still directly engaged in the ongoing nomination process of the Democratic Party, particularly Obama supporters.

Three students left campus this week to work on the Obama campaign in Indiana: Jonathan Jourdane ‘08, Sean Augenstein and Dan Berkenstock, both graduate students in Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In the week prior to the Pennsylvania primary, six students flew out to participate in the Obama campaign effort there. Angelina Cardona ‘11 and Sarahi Padilla ‘11 shared their experience canvassing in Pennsylvania with The Daily.

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Ted Rudow III,MA
"Well, let me try to respond in a non-bombastic way. If you heard the whole sermon, first of all, you heard that I was quoting the ambassador from Iraq. That’s number one. But number two, to quote the Bible, “Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever you sow, that you also shall reap.” Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you. Those are biblical principles, not Jeremiah Wright bombastic, divisive principles."
Jeremiah Wright
He is right! Her cruel and unjust wars against others!
Ted Rudow III,MA