Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Stealing oil

The Caledonian-Record News
St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Monday, January 2nd, 2006 · Updated 9:45am

Letters to the Editor

Stealing oil

Monday January 2, 2006

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To the Editor:

When the British were in charge of Palestine, Menachem Begin was a Jewish terrorist belonging to the Irgun Gang, who shot British in the back just because they had a uniform on. They went around blowing up police barracks and shooting the British as well as the Arabs, and did some of the most dastardly deeds you could possibly imagine, horrible atrocities.

Begin, the past president of the Jewish state, and they will still have nothing to do with any peace settlements which involve those PLO "terrorists" after over 30 years. They will not talk to them or sit at the same table with them.

They grab off a few countries that have oil - first Iraq, then Iran - and they can do it under the excuse of saving Israel. The only thing that'll ever stop them is rationing. However, I have an idea that rather than have their gasoline rationed and their vacations shortened and their big cars cut down, the Americans would much prefer to go to war and steal it. Oil consumption in U.S. has not gone down the slightest bit.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

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