Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The Stanford Daily
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Reacting to Gaza

MASARU OKA/The Stanford Daily

Students Confronting Apartheid by Israel (SCAI) rallied in White Plaza on Friday to protest Israel’s recent actions in Gaza. Members of Stanford Israel Alliance (SIA) also attended the protest, handing out information pamphlets on the Israeli cause.

By: Nikhil Joshi and Matt Serna
January 12, 2009  
Student groups concerned with the violence, take action

At a protest Friday, students supporting both Palestine and Israel filled White Plaza with signs crying, “The Real Terrorists U.S.-Israel” and “Ceasefire Now,” as well as numerous Israeli flags. Evident that day and many others recently, campus groups on both sides have been galvanized by Israel’s recent campaign in Gaza and are quickly taking action.Though the Stanford Jewish community shares the global community’s regret for civilian casualties, many feel that Israel’s actions are justified as self-defense. Justin Hefter ‘11, vice president of the Stanford Israel Alliance (SIA), shares this view.“It’s terrible when there’s a war for any reason, and it’s also terrible that innocent civilians are dying, which is hard to deal with for anybody who cares about human life,” Hefter said. “The thing is, Israel has been pushed into the situation after enduring eight years of rocket fire, and anyone who values human life and dignity understands that. No country should have to endure something like that.”

Israeli terrorism is both very evident and very quiet evident in that it occupies Palestinian lands brazenly, and has for more than fifty years, and quiet in that many little acts of terrorism happen every day in out-of-the-way corners that make no news or no waves.
Fields and orchards are bulldozed, or farmers cannot harvest them, for fear of being shot. Food supplies are limited or curtailed, or made too expensive to purchase, resulting in malnutrition. Now, it is happen every day! And all this happens out of sight of the world, the victims unreported, their anguish unnoticed, yet the agony enduring a lifetime, for those who survive. This is terrorism!

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