Friday, March 28, 2008

Kurds deserve their own state

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Kurds deserve their own state

Kurds live in Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria, but they have no physical nation to call their own.

As a result, many have become estranged from each other, integrated into the mainstream of their respective societies, and some don’t even speak Kurdish, all in this mountainous territory.

They should have a country to themselves, really. And as soon as the eight-year war began between Iraq and Iran, the Kurds were caught in the middle of it.

The question of an independent Kurdish state remains open. For the most part, Kurds in Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria today are not talking about independence, but rather about equal civil rights and the need to establish federated political states.

Ted Rudow III

Menlo Park

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The cost


San Mateo Daily Journal

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The cost of war

Although the world had never been completely free from war prior to 1914, until then, war had never been universal. But from 1914 to 1918, with World War I, total war was waged, and then again from 1939 to 1945, with World War II. In the latter, only 12 small nations of the Earth were not actually or technically involved and altogether 93 million people served in the armed forces of both sides.

At the 21st session of the International Red Cross in 1969, it was reported that more than 90 million people have been killed in wars since the 20th century began, over $2 trillion have been spent on arms and 130 conflicts on five continents have been waged. The Iraq war is running a tab of $12 billion a month — $16 billion including military action in Afghanistan. And they maintain, the economic downturn resulting from it is likely to be the greatest since the Great Depression. “That total, itself well in excess of $1 trillion, is not included in our estimated $3 trillion cost of the war,” Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist said. So we are spending more on this war than all the wars combined in the 20th century.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Voodoo economic!

Voodoo economic!

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Marie Cocco: Our surfeit of greed

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 wrote:
The CDO market is a $2 trillion market. The write-downs that have related to subprime loans underlying some of those securities have only amounted to about $120 billion. So when you look at the differentiation between what's valued and what's out there, you're talking about a lot of potential catastrophe to come. Voodoo economic!
The Dollar, the "greenback", it's like the Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. Beware of the Green Pig which the moneymakers have unleashed upon the world and the world refuse it! The money crisis, the dollar crisis is their creation. Like those that clothe themselves in dollars they think are green, they think they are alive and young and growing like the green things of the earth, but they shall find that this greenness only exists in their imagination, and when exposed to the light of day, the truth of God, it turns to grey ashes, burnt out fires, dead grey ashes!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, March 24, 2008

Follow the money trail


San Mateo Daily Journal

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Follow the money trail


President Bush said each one of us would get a $600 check. Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China, if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs and none of these scenarios will help the American economy. We need to keep that money here in America; so the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble or spend it on prostitution. Currently it seems that these are the only businesses still left in the United States.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Thursday, March 20, 2008



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Leonard Pitts: Five years later in Iraq

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Leonard Pitts: Five years later in Iraq

Published Thursday, March 20, 2008
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And five years later, here we are.There were no weapons of mass destruction. We were not greeted as liberators. The war did not pay for itself. The smoking gun was not a mushroom cloud. There was no connection to 9/11. The course we stayed led over a cliff.Worse, Iraq has become a recruiting station for Islamic terrorists---

Thursday, March 20, 2008 said:


Bush and Cheney and their crew lied day after day, week after week, month after month, and the media flooded the U.S. and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction which they claimed they knew the specific amounts and locations of with lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the U.S, on and on and on! It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq War, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the death of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it! Congress hasn't impeached him after all, they lie as much as he does and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

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Letter to the editor:
The Holocaust of our era

Issue date: 3/18/08 Section: Opinion

"Zionism: a political movement for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine. Today, in a region with the largest refugee population in the world, exists a few million hungry, homeless, malnourished Palestinians fighting for their lives. Their voices are unheard of to the rest of the world because their faces and lives have no value to the Zionist regime of Israel. It's nearly impossible to grasp the hardships and difficulties Palestinians face because they are treated as third-class citizens.----
Humza Chowdhry
Graduate student, civil engineering

Ted Rudow III,MA 3/20/08
Israeli psychologist Nofer Ishai-Karen and psychology professor Joel Elitzur interviewed 21 Israeli soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories. They found that the soldiers routinely engaged in murder, assault, threats and humiliation, and many of them enjoyed it.

"The truth is that I love this mess--I enjoy it. It is like being on drugs," one soldier told them. Another said, "What is great is that you don't have to follow any law or rule. You feel you are the law, you decide. Once you go into the Occupied Territories, you are God."
The conquerors and occupiers, thinking of themselves as gods, often start acting like devils instead. As the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially those without the Lord in their heart and without wise, godly counselors by their side.
The conquest that was intended to make someplace a heaven on earth turns it into a hell on earth instead for the poor occupants, who suffer injustice and death. The occupiers suffer too, of course--for the injustice and death they impose on others, knowingly or unknowingly. They have to live with themselves for the rest of their life, and many soldiers and occupiers can't.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996

Green Paper Pig II

Green Paper Pig II
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Mar 20th, 2008 10:21 AM
"The nation’s fifth largest investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed last week. It was saved only after the Federal Reserve took extraordinary measures to help JPMorgan purchase the eighty-five-year-old firm. The Fed has become the lender of last resort for other investment banks in a move that marks one of the broadest expansions of the Fed’s lending authority since the 1930s.

Glass-Steagall was a law put in place after the Great Depression that created what they call a firewall or a separation between investment banking and commercial retail banking, the idea being that you want to contain the potential breakout of problems in the financial system so that it can’t spread like wildfire and roughshod across different segments of the industry, more or less like it has across the different segments of the US financial industry in the last, say, ten to twelve months with absolutely devastating results, which is still ongoing.
So, Glass-Steagall is part of an old regulatory framework that has been systematically torn down. The tearing down of that framework has allowed global financial markets to integrate, which has allowed vast savings to pour into the United States, new financial products to be innovated by Wall Street and all kinds of different financial firms, without regulation outside the core of the banking system, which built up and built up and built up and was celebrated and celebrated and celebrated as the efficiency and the genius of the free market, until, of course, with no brakes and no skid marks at the scene of the accident, it hit a brick wall.
Everybody Bear Stearns does business with was bailed out. Bear Stearns was taken out by the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan, which then served Bear Stearns’s still-warm remains to JPMorgan Chase. And they are now devouring them, and it’s being celebrated as a rescue. And for the 30 percent of all shares held by its employees, it is a devastating blow that has taken away retirement plans, hopes for the future, etc., etc. So they bailed out Wall Street. But now we have the Federal Reserve coming in to basically take out, not bail out, one firm to support all the other firms, immediately making available to them all kinds of access to cash and support they never got before, which, by the way, would have saved Bear Stearns, and in so doing—blasé, private meeting, no transparency—rewriting American financial legislation. It’s kind of surreal at this point.
People have had no control over what has actually happened. They come in, they do their jobs. Like Enron, like WorldCom, like Global Crossing, it’s what they do. And what’s the—looking down the road, what’s the potential expansion of this crisis, because other financial institutions have been talked about of having similar problems, having huge exposures on these CDOs? What’s your sense of what’s going to happen in the future?
The CDO market is a $2 trillion market. The write-downs that have related to subprime loans underlying some of those securities have only amounted to about $120 billion. So when you look at the differentiation between what’s valued and what’s out there, you’re talking about a lot of potential catastrophe to come."
Max Fraad Wolff, economist, writer, teaches at the New School University here in New York, writes for The Indypendent and Huffington Post and Asia Times; Nomi Prins, former investment banker at Bear Stearns
The Dollar, the "greenback", it's like the Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. Beware of the Green Pig which the moneymakers have unleashed upon the world and the world refuse it! The money crisis, the dollar crisis is their creation.
Like those that clothe themselves in dollars they think are green, they think they are alive and young and growing like the green things of the earth, but they shall find that this greenness only exists in their imagination, and when exposed to the light of day, the truth of God, it turns to grey ashes, burnt out fires, dead grey ashes!
So green and greedy, gluttonous, wasteful, selfish! There was no such thing as the American dollar until it was dreamed up by Washington! What does it mean? There's something strange about that word dollar! The dollar has the whole world in the doldrums! The world, who's been beating the drums to the dollar, is now in the doldrums because of its false worship of its fallen idol, which is what they deserve!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Bush and Cheney
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Tuesday Mar 18th, 2008 3:53 PM
Bush and Cheney and their crew lied day after day, week after week, month after month, and the media flooded the U.S. and the world with their lies about weapons of mass destruction—

—which they claimed they knew the specific amounts and locations of—with lies about Iraq producing atomic bombs, with lies about Iraqi drones that could carry bombs and chemicals all the way to the U.S, on and on and on!

It's disgusting that Bush could lie his way into the Iraq War, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the death of 4,000 American soldiers, not to mention the tens of thousands wounded on both sides, and not suffer any consequences for it! Congress hasn't impeached him—after all, they lie as much as he does—and the American people are either ignorant, apathetic, powerless, or figure they can't do anything about the whole affair, so they don't even try.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, March 17, 2008

How to spend our money

Herald Tribune

Monday, March 17, 2008 (Paris)



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Sunni Awakening Councils; How to spend our money

Published: March 17, 2008

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How to spend our money

George W. Bush said each American would get a $600 check as part of a stimulus package. If we spend the money at Wal-Mart, it will all go to China. If we spend it on computers, it will go mostly to Korea or India. If we spend it on gasoline, it will go to the Arab countries. None of these scenarios will help the U.S. economy.

We need to keep the money in America. Currently, it seems that the only way to that is to drink beer, gamble or spend it on prostitution, the only businesses still left in the United States.

Ted Rudow III,MA, Menlo Park, California

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‘Tragedy and Hope’
in the Democratic Party


Hillary Clinton has stated that there is a “vast right-wing conspiracy” pursuing an agenda of Clinton bashing for “personal power and profit.” She is right about the conspiracy. She is right about the pursuit of power and profit. She is wrong about where it originates.

When Bill Clinton accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for president he said that the man who started him on the road to his “New Covenant” was Carroll Quigley. He taught at Harvard. His book, “Tragedy and Hope,” documents the existence of a powerful international “network” whose goal was “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

Quigley acknowledged the intellectual originators of the plot as John Ruskin of England’s Oxford University and his pet pupil, Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes had some major league help from the Rothschild banking empire. He “left part of his fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford” to train young and ambitious students for the “secret society.” Bill Clinton, a Quigley student, Rhodes Scholar, is following the Quigley blueprint. It wasn’t sent to me in the vast right-wing conspiracy newsletter. It is in the book, “Tragedy and Hope.” Who better to know than Bill, one of their own. There you have it in their own words. Now you have this confirmation from their own mouth, which they’ll deny, of course, just likethey do the Protocols. “If we were really going to do such a thing,” they’ll say, “we’d certainly never publish a book on it, or allow one to be published on it.” Well, if you don’t believe they’re doing such a thing and you don’t believe the book, just look around at the evidence that surrounds you, which is getting more and more obvious every day as they’re getting more and more blatant.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Sunday, March 16, 2008


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Matters of the 'M' word

Sunday, March 16, 2008
To the pure
If "to the pure all things are pure" and "all things are lawful unto me," and if, under this Law of grace and Love, extramarital sex and all of these other things are lawful, then where do things like sodomy fit in? If you are truly pure and loving, you wouldn't do such things, because they're definitely not good for you physically or spiritually, and they're hurtful. Just because "all things are lawful" unto us doesn't mean that we can go around murdering or killing or torturing people or give them AIDS! That's not love!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, March 15, 2008


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Spend rebate this way

President Bush said each one of us would get a rebate check. Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China; if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India; if we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, and none of these scenarios will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble or spend it on prostitution. It seems that these are the only businesses still left in the United States!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park



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Only anti-war
rhetoric from Democrats


Reports have been made that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in U.S. war zones by Jan. 2009.

Despite their anti-war rhetoric, both senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq for many years. Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world.

Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they’ll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have.

They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation.

They are heavily influenced by superdelegates as well and will bow down to their will.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Friday, March 14, 2008


The Stanford Daily


Wednesday March 12, 2008


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You're Not Special: Nice guys make bad presidents

March 12, 2008
By Rahul Kanakia
"I don’t trust Barack Obama. His stump speech tells Americans that we can rise above our differences. He says that politics does not have to be a fight. Instead, we can just sit down and talk out our problems. And if I just have the audacity to hope, then no dilemma is without a solution. If that is what he really thinks, he is just being naive and he will be an ineffectual president.--Our president should be someone who doesn’t need to rely on flowing rhetoric to accomplish her aims. She should be so certain that what she is doing is right that she is willing to knock the opposition to the ground, and then kick them when they’re down.It doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or not. Over the next two months Hillary Clinton is going to systematically destroy Barack Obama." Email Rahul at

Ted Rudow III,MA

Hillary Clinton has stated that there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" pursuing an agenda of Clinton bashing for "personal power and profit." She is right about the conspiracy. She is right about the pursuit of power and profit. She is wrong about where it originates.

When Bill Clinton accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president he said that the man who started him on the road to his "New Covenant" was Carroll Quigley. He taught at Harvard. His book,"Tragedy and Hope",documents the existence of a powerful international "network" whose goal was "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands" (see page 324) "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."

Quigley acknowledged the intellectual originators of the plot as John Ruskin of England's Oxford University and his pet pupil, Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes had some major league help from the Rothschild banking empire. He "left part of his fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford" to train young and ambitious students for the "secret society". Bill Clinton, a Quigley student, Rhodes Scholar, is following the Quigley blueprint. It wasn't sent to me in the vast right-wing conspiracy newsletter. It is in the book, "Tragedy and Hope."
Who better to know than Bill,one of their own. There you have it in their own words! Now you have this confirmation from their own mouth, which they'll deny, of course, just like they do the Protocols. "If we were really going to do such a thing," they'll say, "we'd certainly never publish a book on it, or allow one to be published on it."
Well, if you don't believe they're doing such a thing and you don't believe the book, just look around at the evidence that surrounds you, which is getting more and more obvious every day as they're getting more and more blatant!


The Stanford Daily


Wednesday March 12, 2008


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This Issue

Front page

You're Not Special: Nice guys make bad presidents

March 12, 2008
By Rahul Kanakia
"I don’t trust Barack Obama. His stump speech tells Americans that we can rise above our differences. He says that politics does not have to be a fight. Instead, we can just sit down and talk out our problems. And if I just have the audacity to hope, then no dilemma is without a solution. If that is what he really thinks, he is just being naive and he will be an ineffectual president.--Our president should be someone who doesn’t need to rely on flowing rhetoric to accomplish her aims. She should be so certain that what she is doing is right that she is willing to knock the opposition to the ground, and then kick them when they’re down.It doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or not. Over the next two months Hillary Clinton is going to systematically destroy Barack Obama." Email Rahul at

Ted Rudow III,MA

Hillary Clinton has stated that there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" pursuing an agenda of Clinton bashing for "personal power and profit." She is right about the conspiracy. She is right about the pursuit of power and profit. She is wrong about where it originates.

When Bill Clinton accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president he said that the man who started him on the road to his "New Covenant" was Carroll Quigley. He taught at Harvard. His book,"Tragedy and Hope",documents the existence of a powerful international "network" whose goal was "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands" (see page 324) "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."

Quigley acknowledged the intellectual originators of the plot as John Ruskin of England's Oxford University and his pet pupil, Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes had some major league help from the Rothschild banking empire. He "left part of his fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford" to train young and ambitious students for the "secret society". Bill Clinton, a Quigley student, Rhodes Scholar, is following the Quigley blueprint. It wasn't sent to me in the vast right-wing conspiracy newsletter. It is in the book, "Tragedy and Hope."
Who better to know than Bill,one of their own. There you have it in their own words! Now you have this confirmation from their own mouth, which they'll deny, of course, just like they do the Protocols. "If we were really going to do such a thing," they'll say, "we'd certainly never publish a book on it, or allow one to be published on it."
Well, if you don't believe they're doing such a thing and you don't believe the book, just look around at the evidence that surrounds you, which is getting more and more obvious every day as they're getting more and more blatant!

by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday Mar 14th, 2008 3:02 PM
Hillary Clinton has stated that there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" pursuing an agenda of Clinton bashing for "personal power and profit." She is right about the conspiracy. She is right about the pursuit of power and profit. She is wrong about where it originates.

When Bill Clinton accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president he said that the man who started him on the road to his "New Covenant" was Carroll Quigley. He taught at Harvard. His book,"Tragedy and Hope",documents the existence of a powerful international "network" whose goal was "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands" (see page 324) "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."

Quigley acknowledged the intellectual originators of the plot as John Ruskin of England's Oxford University and his pet pupil, Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes had some major league help from the Rothschild banking empire. He "left part of his fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford" to train young and ambitious students for the "secret society". Bill Clinton, a Quigley student, Rhodes Scholar, is following the Quigley blueprint. It wasn't sent to me in the vast right-wing conspiracy newsletter. It is in the book, "Tragedy and Hope."
Who better to know than Bill,one of their own. There you have it in their own words! Now you have this confirmation from their own mouth, which they'll deny, of course, just like they do the Protocols. "If we were really going to do such a thing," they'll say, "we'd certainly never publish a book on it, or allow one to be published on it."
Well, if you don't believe they're doing such a thing and you don't believe the book, just look around at the evidence that surrounds you, which is getting more and more obvious every day as they're getting more and more blatant!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, March 13, 2008

If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.....

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California Assembly kills Nunez oil tax plan

Thursday, March 13, 2008

If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.....

President Bush said each one of us would get a $600 check. Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China, if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.....and none of these scenarios will help the American economy. We need to keep that money here in America the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble, or spend it on prostitution. Currently it seems that these are the only businesses still left in the U.S.!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hillary 2


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Hillary embraces fear tactics of the GOP

Editor - The most dangerous turn in the Democratic primary campaign is the Sen. Hillary Clinton camp's decision to couple her with Sen. John McCain as having "passed the commander in chief threshold." How did McCain...

Hillary Clinton wants to be president of the United States. Such a position requires a closer look at Hillary Clinton's background and beliefs and her attempts to implement them. As you may know, a California state appellate court recently ruled that it is illegal for parents in the Golden State to Homeschool their children without the appropriate state teaching credentials. With the potentiality of Hillary Clinton in the White House and her belief in children having the right to sue their parents, look closely at the United Nations World Summit on Children" that took place in September 1990. This summit came out with an international treaty, the Charter of the Rights of the Child," which was signed by all the U.N. member countries. By reading some articles of this treaty, one can see the world plan that aims at removing the child from the influence of his parents, and putting him under State control.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Calls economy "sound"?

The Stanford Daily


Friday March 7, 2008


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Paulson defends economic policies

Treasury Secretary says dollar will strengthen, calls economy "sound"

March 10, 2008
By Devin Banerjee
“Our economy is structurally sound [and] the long-term fundamentals are sound,” said U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson at the Arrillaga Alumni Center Friday evening. Paulson’s remarks came the same day Wall Street tanked to 2006 levels amidst a sluggish February employment report that heightened fears of recession..........
Ted Rudow III,MA
President Bush said each one of us would get a $600 check. Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China, if we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India.

If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.....and none of these scenarios will help the American economy. We need to keep that money here in America the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble, or spend it on prostitution. Currently it seems that these are the only businesses still left in the U.S.!
The American people have been making war and making money in their war jobs and their high salaries at the expenses of the poor Iraqis. In fact, almost all American industries, even non-war industries, are making money at the expense of the poor of other nations of the world.
No ungodly leader can solve the problem of having both peace and plenty without war. God is the only One Who can give them peace and plenty at the same time.--I mean all that they need. As long as a nation demands more than they need, in other words more than plenty, they demand absolute excess, extravagant luxury.--They have to rob the poor to get it, and to rob the poor to get it they have to wage war. America has been living in luxury at the world's expense while other nations are starving.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, March 07, 2008

More palatable?

More palatable?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday Mar 7th, 2008
They're setting off suicide bombs in Israel and killing many innocent people. The Lord said, "Thou shalt not kill," and He do not sympathize with those who shed innocent blood through acts of terrorism.
All men will receive a recompense for the works of their hands, whether those works were good or evil (Jeremiah 25:14).I yearn to comfort and reach all those caught up in this fierce and bloody conflict
Terrorists are not always little armed individuals or groups who commit atrocities. The biggest and worst terrorists are nations who commit atrocities with their armies, who wage what they call "war" but which differs from terrorism only in scale, for war is often terrorism on a massive scale, conducted with planes and tanks and bombs and tens of thousands of soldiers. Yet war is somehow considered more palatable by the world, for it is conducted by national terrorists, while terrorism is condemned because it is conducted by individual terrorists.
Palestinians from their land, it surrounds or occupies their cities, makes use of them as cheap labor, like the slaves of old, and humiliates or slaughters their men, women, and children. Israeli terrorism is both very evident and very quiet—evident in that it occupies Palestinian lands brazenly, and has for more than fifty years, and quiet in that many little acts of terrorism happen every day in out-of-the-way corners that make no news or no waves.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Letters to the editor

Letters: Presidential campaign, war, energy, transportation, etc.

Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters

Letters: Presidential campaign, war, energy, transportation, etc.

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Sen. John McCain got the support of Texas pastor John Hagee, an evangelical Christian who has made support for the state of Israel a centerpiece of his ministry.Hagee endorsed McCain ,saying he did so because McCain is a pro-life, pro-Israel politician who has pledged to secure the country's borders There's a rabidly Zionist bunch of Christians in the U.S. which is also adamantly opposed to Iran getting the bomb, in case it might attack Israel. John Hagee is very liberal with his ministry's money when it comes to Israel. A Religious News Service report stated that Hagee raised over $1 million to help Soviet Jews resettle in Israel. He believes that Jews already have a covenant with God and a relationship to God and do not need to come to the cross. This certainly is a shocking statement in the light of Jesus words that no man comes to the Father but through me (John 14:6).

Ted Rudow III,MA

The Stanford Daily


Thursday March 6, 2008


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Left Coast: Judging juries

March 6, 2008
By Kai Stinchcombe

"The framers of the Constitution considered jury trials the last bulwark of a free people. Thomas Jefferson called the jury trial “the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” If “the consent of the governed” is the name, jury trials are the game. Citizens judge the facts and interpret the law, not the government.----The solution to problems with the jury system is more justice for citizens, not less. When juries are biased, as often happened in the pre-Civil Rights South, the solution should be to balance the make-up of juries, not reduce their power. The government should develop laws that the people believe in and then let the people enforce them. If the government cannot enforce laws with juries, those laws shouldn’t exist.The jury is the final protection of a free society against an overweening government — your liberties are protected by the judgments of the people, not the inclinations of the rulers.Kai speeds. Contact him at kstinch "at"

The only way that the president can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. You see, it's supposed to be a balanced government: You know, the legislative branch, Congress; the judicial branch, the Court; and the executive branch, the President. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. Well, it's not likely the Supreme Court and Congress are going to make a dictator because there are plenty of both of them. It's not likely that the President is going to be able to control the Congress too well and become a dictatorship. But, if he can get control of five men!--In order to become a dictator in the United States, you only have to control five men.
There have been several men who have had that kind of majority to work with, but they were benign Presidents. They were good men who were trying to do the country good and they weren't trying to be a dictator. But there have been two men in American history, both of whom wanted to be dictators and they wanted to get control of the country, and they did it the same way.
I have the feeling that Bush is one of the ones who want to be King! A ruler and leader gets a little puffed up in his head and begins to think he's really a god. God won't stand for it.
Ted Rudow III,MA

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'This Queer Life'
Gay media: Judging by the cover

Michael RizzoI

"BMW: "Hard top. Firm bottom. It's so L.A."

Travelocity: "It shouldn't take highly developed gaydar to figure out which hotels are for you."

42 Below Vodka: "Drink it straight. Or gay."

If you recognize these pitches, it's because you've perused gay media. The tactic of these marketers is called niche advertising, and it's very lucrative.

High-profile national advertisers establish symbiotic relationships with producers of niche media publications and (in this case) the product is a capitalistically rationalized version of gay-for-pay.---

Ted Rudow III,MA 3/06/08
Sexual promiscuity: Moral fidelity among homosexuals is almost unknown. Despite what the gay rights people would like to have you believe about the acceptability of their lifestyle, the homosexual way of life commonly involves "cruising" or some other form of search for young, fresh sexual partners. During the course of one research study on AIDS, it was discovered the average homosexual interviewed had had 550 sexual partners. The AIDS victims averaged 1,100 different sexual partners, with some reporting as many as 20,000. This means that every day sexually addicted homosexuals are out looking for attractive young men and boys whom they can introduce to the world of sodomy and oral sex. One homosexual quoted in The Gay Report said, "Sex is very important in my life. If I was really hungry and had to make a choice of a steak dinner or a cute young boy, I would take the youth or young male every time." Another said, "I think that sex between older men and young boys is a beautiful thing if the child wants it."
It has been argued that heterosexuals are more prone to molest children because only 30 to 45 percent of all sexual offenses committed against children under fourteen were homosexual. But if homosexuals constitute only 10 percent of the population, then they are very disproportionately involved in child sexual abuse. And if more realistic estimates that homosexuals constitute only 2 percent of the population are correct, their involvement in 30 to 45 percent of crimes against children is quite remarkable!
An insatiable quest for the erotic: Although the homosexual community does not discuss this aspect of their sex life freely with "straight" (non-homosexual) people, the known practices of the homosexual clearly indicate that his sex drive is rarely satisfied. And two men are often given to demanding greater degrees of experimentation than a man and woman. This is often unhealthy, of course. One doctor, an acknowledged homosexual, pointed to an increase in hospital emergency rooms of cases of "rectal abscesses and infections of the intestines." He further stated that "damage to the wallof the intestine can lead to peritonitis, which can develop into a life-and-death-situation, as can a ripped colon. We're seeing a lot of that now, too." Upon questioning, he indicated that this increase was caused by homosexuals forcing objects of larger and larger size into each other's anal canal. Doctors have removed "whiskey glasses, bananas, coke bottles" and almost "anything that will fit." Another doctor, deeply concerned about the homosexual community because he was one himself, said, "There's a near epidemic of syphilis and gonorrhea--in the throat," and he went on to point out that most homosexuals don't realize that the throat is as vulnerable to venereal disease as the rectum. In addition to syphilis and gonorrhea, the gay male community has experienced outbreaks of ailments such as hepatitis (a liver infection) and amebiasis (infection from amoebas), shigellosis (bacterial dysentery), and giardiasis (intestinal parasites).
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


The Stanford Daily


Wednesday March 5, 2008


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Front page
Clinton stops Obama’s streak

McCain sweeps primaries to earn GOP nomination

March 5, 2008
By Nick Parker
As Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) regained some of the momentum she had lost to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in the protracted fight for the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday night, Stanford supporters from both camps offered positive outlooks on the evening’s results and were optimistic about what the future holds.
Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain clinched his party’s nomination with sweeping victories in all four states that voted last night — Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont — prompting his main challenger, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, to concede the GOP nomination. But the Democratic picture is far murkier after last night’s results.---

Ted Rudow III,MA

Sen. John McCain got the support of Texas pastor John Hagee, an evangelical Christian who has made support for the state of Israel a centerpiece of his ministry.Hagee endorsed McCain ,saying he did so because McCain is a pro-life, pro-Israel politician who has pledged to secure the country's borders
There's a rabidly Zionist bunch of Christians in the U.S. which is also adamantly opposed to Iran getting the bomb, in case it might attack Israel. John Hagee is very liberal with his ministry’s money when it comes to Israel. A Religious News Service report stated that Hagee raised over $1 million to help Soviet Jews resettle in Israel. He believes that Jews already have a covenant with God and a relationship to God and do not need to come to the cross. This certainly is a shocking statement in the light of Jesus’ words that “no man comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6).

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Summer Olympics '08: A time for glory and protest?

Summer Olympics '08: A time for glory and protest?

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


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Summer Olympics '08: A time for glory and protest?

Samuel Lam
With protesters labeling the Games as the "Genocide Olympics," we could be witnessing a huge display of politics in action in Beijing come summertime. This is not the first time politics and this international sporting event have clashed....

Ted Rudow III,MA

The Olympics are the worship of man, the worship of his body. Fairs are the worship of his mind, his mental achievements and creations and the works of his hands. But sports are the worship of man's body; education is the worship of his mind; business is the worship of the works of his hands; and churches and Churchianity are the worship of his spirit, his own spirit, not God or God's Spirit; and war is the ultimate that all of these lead to! The ultimate manifestation of all of these is War!--His physical prowess, his mechanical ingenuity, his tactical genius and his indomitable spirit!
War is the ultimate combination of the worship of all these things, at what man considers his greatest, using the best of all of these!--Man at his best, which is his worst!--WAR! His most destructive worst, his greatest strength, his greatest genius, his greatest inventive power and his greatest spirit, patriotism or whatever you want to call it, is used for war and a competitive spirit against others who are doing the same!
The Olympics is a sports fair, a flesh fair, flesh peddlers! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilisation and empire!--The worship of the body!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996
State Supreme Court takes up same-sex marriage


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State Supreme Court takes up same-sex marriage

Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
"As gay-rights groups call for marital equality and opponents warn of a public backlash, societal decay and religious conflict, the California Supreme Court is prepared for an epic three-hour hearing Tuesday on the constitutionality of the state law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman."
The issue of homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint, delving into gay lifestyles, practices and inroads into modern society, in an attempt to discover why God equated the practice of homosexuality with the ancient wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.--Why homosexuality (Sodomy) and those who flaunt it are abhorrent in His sight. Why Is Sodomy So Offensive to God? The starting point for understanding both human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular should be the account of the creation of man and woman in Genesis 1 and 2. Chapter 1 deliberately notes that the man made in God's image was created male and female, connecting this with the command to reproduce ( Gen. 1:27,28 ). The creation of male and female, of husband and wife who bear children together, was meant to be a beautiful physical illustration of the Lord's relationship with His Bride, the Church, out of which would come new souls for His Kingdom. A homosexual relationship, on the other hand, negates it!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, March 03, 2008

The threat is to Israel

The threat is to Israel
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Mar 3rd, 2008 2:21 PM
In 2003, the Iranians sent a very comprehensive offer of negotiations to Washington. In that offer, they actually listed the points that they would be willing to negotiate, and they included the nuclear program in Iran; Iran’s support for Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic jihad, and even the Beirut Declaration, in which Arab states proposed that they all recognize Israel in exchange for the recognition of—

the establishment of a Palestinian state. So all the agenda items that we claim to be interested in were in this offer, which was delivered by the Swiss ambassador in Tehran to Washington. Not only did we not reply to that offer, but we actually reprimanded the Swiss ambassador for having the temerity to bring it to us.
Now, that was the policy of the old government in Tehran, the government headed by President Khatami. The policy was, let’s extend a hand of friendship to the United States, let’s offer to negotiate. The other hard-liners then said, you tried that, and it didn’t work. We’ve got to try another policy, which is, you’ve got to make life as miserable as you can for the United States, because the policy of trying have a dialogue with them didn’t produce any results.
Is US policy today shoring up Ahmadinejad? I think so, and I even think that, not just shoring him up, we helped bring him to power. So I think that actually helped create the climate in which a conservative, militantly anti-American figure like Ahmadinejad was able to rise. It’s because when we had a more moderate president who was talking about the dialogue of civilizations, we just pushed him aside and didn’t talk to him.

Iran’s not a threat to the U.S., just as Iraq wasn’t a threat to the U.S. The threat is to Israel, which has always worried about any of its neighbors getting ahold of nuclear weapons. Israel, of course, has many nuclear weapons. So Israel is egging on the U.S. to do something about it, and is hinting that if the U.S. doesn’t stop the Iranian nuclear program, then Israel will—the same way it stopped Iraq’s nuclear program years ago, by blowing up their reactor. The U.S. professes that it supports democracy in the Middle East yet when there was a democratic government in Iran the U.S. destroyed it.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Little narrow

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March 1,2008

Little narrow
As usual, the Republicans are out to protect the rich--and to hell with the poor! The only thing they think of with their little narrow minds is, how can I hang on to my money--my investments--my big dollars in the banks--to protect all my interests? The rich are notoriously shortsighted when it comes to protecting their riches. They think by hanging onto them, they can protect them. But God's method of protecting them is to give to the poor--give them out--keep it in circulation--literally socialization! You're going to have to be better to the poor, or you're going to go bankrupt. You cannot amass all this wealth in the hands of a few rich and get away with it. ( Luke 12:15-21. ) The rust of their money is going to be a testimony against them. ( James 5:1-3. ) Why is the rust a testimony against them? Something that isn't used gets rusty--because they didn't put it to use and keep it in circulation.
Ted Rudow III,MA