Friday, January 11, 2008

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Reader's Feedback Published on 12/01/2008

Readers' Letters and Opinions

The Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics.
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor's mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.

Daily Star staff
"US plays up, Iran plays down naval incident in Gulf"
January 8, 2008

They're so ignorant of the rest of the world, the last thing they need to be doing is meddling in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and the Middle East. As the old saying goes, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." When it does, then things can get pretty nasty. America's trying to remake the world in its own image with its own form of government, but different peoples and nations simply need different forms of government. We need to get our own house in order!

Ted Rudow III,MA
California, USA

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Thursday, January 10, 2008


San Francisco Examiner
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San Francisco Home > Opinion > Letters
Article Examiner

Get involved for change

One can see what American presidential politics has become, even American politics as a whole: You’re allowed to vote for the candidates chosen by big business, those who will implement policies favorable to them, whether it’s in the public interest or not. Is it any wonder that many Americans are now choosing to vote for “none of the above”?

But if they really wanted to change things, they always could. If they’re not happy with the candidates who are chosen for them, they could always choose their own and vote for them, and “throw the [present] rascals out,” as they used to say.

People don’t do so because they’ve just sunk down into lethargy. It’s too much work, too much trouble, too much expense and too big a fight against big business, big media, and big polls that predict such independent candidates “don’t have a chance.”

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

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