Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The Stanford Daily


Tuesday January 8, 2008


Front page
New building!

Editorial: Priming for primaries

January 8, 2008
By Editorial Board

"Iowa is an overwhelmingly white state with fiercely liberal Democrats and socially conservative Republicans. New Hampshire — whose state motto is, famously, “Live Free or Die” — is a haven for independents who are rabidly antitax. Another early primary state, South Carolina, has a higher percentage of black voters than most other states in the Union.Our electoral system has its flaws, to be sure, but with such an eclectic mix of states involved in the early primary season, the American people should be comforted to know that a wide array of voters are making informed decisions this month."

Ted Rudow III,MA
So you can see what American presidential politics has become--even American politics as a whole: You're allowed to vote for the candidates chosen by big business, those who will implement policies favorable to them, whether it's in the public interest or not. Is it any wonder that many Americans are now choosing to vote for "none of the above"?
But if they really wanted to change things, they always could. If they're not happy with the candidates that are chosen for them, they could always choose their own and vote for them, and "throw the [present] rascals out," as they used to say. People don't do so because they've just sunk down into lethargy. It's too much work, too much trouble, too much expense, and too big a fight against big business, big media, and big polls that predict such independent candidates "don't have a chance."
Ted Rudow III,MA

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