Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Daily Star

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

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The Daily Star







Daily Star Books

Published: Thursday, November 14, 2013

Letters To The Editor

Orwellian nightmare

Surveillance systems are of unimaginable scale and character. And of course now data can be collected endlessly. In fact Obama supposedly has a data storage system being constructed in Utah somewhere where all kinds of data are being poured in. Who knows what? Probably all your emails, all your telephone conversations, someday what you’re saying to people in the streets, where you’ve been lately, you know, who do you talk to, probably a ton of stuff like that will be there.

Poor Orwell, if he’d walk into the world today and see just what it’s really like, he’d probably die of fright! In his day it was all science fiction, a make-believe story to entertain people, but now it is a reality–one that’s not going to go away. Big brother wants to keep an eye on you. He believes in being his “brother’s keeper,” but it’s not for any sort of benign purpose — or at least it won’t be in the end. It’ll end up being for the purpose of control.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Encina Ave

Palo Alto, CA

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