Monday, September 30, 2013

US crime

Monday, September 30, 2013

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Published: Monday, September 30, 2013

Letters To The Editor

US crime level hits a historic high

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

In the U.S. alone, the statistics for violent crimes are staggering. According to the FBI, on average a person is murdered every 22 minutes; someone is raped every 4 minutes, a robbery is committed every 26 seconds. Citing a commission of crime experts, Reuter reports that U.S. crime levels are even higher:

The Council on Crime in America said in its first report that crime levels “remain at historic highs.” They said official FBI statistics on crime were only the tips of the iceberg. The report said the crime rate — based on surveys of victims and not just crimes reported to the police — show violent crime — including murder, rape, assault and burglary — was 5.6 times higher than those reported.

Murders and suicides (in the U.S.) are now occurring at a rate of more than 145 a day, a rate that is rising. In the past 30 years alone, the total exceeds 1,200,000 people, more than all the men killed in all the wars in the history of the United States. And many of these recent victims are not men and women; they are children.

The Daily Star@

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Surveillance systems that will be of unimaginable scale and character. And of course now data can be collected endlessly. In fact Obama supposedly has a data storage system being constructed in Utah somewhere where all kinds of data are being poured in. Who knows what? Probably all your emails, all your telephone conversations, someday what you're saying to people in the streets, where you've been lately, you know, who do you talk to, probably a ton of stuff like that will be there.

Poor Orwell, if he'd walk into the world today and see just what it's really like, he'd probably die of fright! In his day it was all science fiction, a make-believe story to entertain people, but now it's reality--one that's not going to go away. Big Brother wants to keep an eye on you. He believes in being his "brother's keeper," but it's not for any sort of benign purpose--or at least it won't be in the end. It'll end up being for the purpose of control!

Ted Rudow III, MA



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Die of fright

Die of fright

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Sunday Sep 29th, 2013 12:20 PM

Surveillance systems that will be of unimaginable scale and character. And of course now data can be collected endlessly. In fact Obama supposedly has a data storage system being constructed in Utah somewhere where all kinds of data are being poured in. Who knows what? Probably all your emails, all your telephone conversations, someday what you're saying to people in the streets, where you've been lately, you know, who do you talk to, probably a ton of stuff like that will be there.

Poor Orwell, if he'd walk into the world today and see just what it's really like, he'd probably die of fright! In his day it was all science fiction, a make-believe story to entertain people, but now it's reality--one that's not going to go away. Big Brother wants to keep an eye on you. He believes in being his "brother's keeper," but it's not for any sort of benign purpose--or at least it won't be in the end. It'll end up being for the purpose of control!

Ted Rudow III, MA

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blaming the victim

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

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Published: Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Letters To The Editor

Blaming the victim

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

It makes me furious the way the U.S. invades weak nations like Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq and others and blames the death and destruction it leaves behind on them! In other words, it’s all their fault that they were invaded and devastated, with part of their army slaughtered and their citizenry becoming “collateral damage” just because they happened to be where the U.S. wanted to drop a bomb, shoot a missile, fire a tank, or shoot a rifle!

It’s not a new U.S. tactic, either. It’s one they’ve practiced for hundreds of years. Dear old Mark Twain had them pegged when he described the process that governments use: “Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.”

What he was saying is that it not only serves the government’s purpose in blaming the war and destruction on the victim, but the people themselves are then able to soothe their conscience and feel justified, that “They had it coming to them,” even if the excuse the government uses is flimsy as can be! People accept it anyway because they don’t want to feel bad about themselves or about their government, and they can keep waving the flag and saying, “God bless America,” secure in their goodness and niceness.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

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War drums

by Sat Aug 31 14:52:10 PDT 2013

Back in the early ‘90s when Yugoslavia was splitting apart, Serbia was the biggest part that was left, and it seized control of the Yugoslav army and armaments and tried to hold the country together by force. All the various provinces and ethnic groups were declaring their independence.

During this time, the U.S. and most of the rest of the world stood by and did nothing—or just talked and arranged peace conferences while people were being killed left and right.

Then when things started dying down a little in Croatia and the atrocities moved to Bosnia, the U.S. and its people still weren’t too concerned. After all, it was mostly Muslims who were dying there. It took Tsome real outrageous atrocities for the U.S. to stop the war. The situation is almost beyond fixing now. That’s why I said the U.S. response was too little and too late. They should have stopped Milosevic several years ago when he was killing Croats and Bosnians.They can’t stop him now unless they send in ground troops, and if they do that, they’ll have a real mess on their hands, let me tell you!

As the UN arms experts investigate the alleged chemical weapon strike in Damascus, the US and its Western allies are seriously considering military intervention against the Syrian regime. Though the UN experts are yet to conclusively establish who used the chemical weapons, war drums in Washington are getting louder. One must remember that the US case of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against Iraq fell flat on its face. The regime change there, instead of bringing peace, has thrown the country in a vicious cycle of violence and turmoil that shows no signs of abating. Same is the case in Afghanistan, where the US, after years of conflict, is finding it hard to get a face-saving exit.

If the U.S. and allied forces go in on the ground to attack, the Russians are going to be very upset, and that could lead to a major war. The Russians and Chinese are especially upset at the U.S., but many other nations also consider the U.S. an arrogant big bully. Man’s inhumanity to man shows again that mankind can’t run its own affairs. Pray for the innocent who are suffering!

Ted Rudow III, MA


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America is ticking bomb

America is ticking bomb

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Monday Sep 23rd, 2013 10:52 AM

In the U.S. alone, the statistics for violent crime are staggering. According to the FBI, on average a person is murdered every 22 minutes; someone is raped every four minutes, a robbery is committed every 26 seconds. Citing a commission of crime experts, Reuter reports that U.S. crime levels are even higher:

The Council on Crime in America said in its first report that [crime levels] "remain at historic highs."

America is a ticking violent crime bomb, and there is little time remaining to prepare for the blast," said the report, which noted the rise in youthful violence.They said official FBI statistics on crime were only the tips of the iceberg. The report said the crime rate -- based on surveys of victims and not just crimes reported to the police -- show violent crime -- including murder, rape, assault and burglary -- was 5.6 times higher than those reported.

Murders and suicides [in the U.S.] are now occurring at a rate of more than 145 a day, a rate that is rising. In the past 30 years alone, the total exceeds 1,200,000 people, more than all the men killed in all the wars in the history of the United States. And many of these recent victims are not men and women; they are children. By the time the average American child is 15 years old, he or she will have witnessed the violent destruction of more than 35,000 human beings on television, as well as 200,000 other brutal acts.

Even in the "days of Noah," individuals were not subjected to the volume of violence that we are today. The link between violence on film and violence in our streets and homes is irrefutable. The survey found that 77 percent of secondary school teachers thought children were being "desensitized to violence," and choosing to glorify and mimic violent activity in the playground. To a degree Martin Luther King, Jr., never dreamed possible, his prophetic words in 1967 have increased in truth: "The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government."

Ted Rudow III, MA

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Daily Star

Friday, September 20, 2013

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Published: Saturday, September 21, 2013

Letters to the editor

The vicious circle

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

Five years ago this weekend, the Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed, triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended.

So those who were worried about recession or who wanted to keep money aside for a rainy day are reassured. It has only rained for a short time and the sun has come out again, brighter than ever, and it is a beautiful day. So, little by little, the skeptics are won over to invest their funds, to take a chance on making more money, for the rebounds are relatively quick and they do not feel too much pain.

And there is a rebound, for there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up —indeed, must keep going up. They too must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the crash.

©2013 The Daily Star. All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Five years ago this weekend, the Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended. Since the recovery, almost all of the gains have gone to the very, very top. People who are in the top 1 percent are doing even better than they did before the Great Recession.

So those who were worried about recession or who wanted to keep money aside for a rainy day are reassured. It has only rained for a short time and the sun has come out again, brighter than ever, and it is a beautiful day. So, little by little, the skeptics are won over to invest their funds, to take a chance on making more money, for the rebounds are relatively quick and they do not feel too much pain.

And there is a rebound, for there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up indeed, must keep going up. They too must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.

Ted Rudow III, MA


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Blames the death

Blames the death

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Wednesday Sep 18th, 2013 11:08 AM

It makes me furious the way the U.S. invades weak nations like Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq and others and blames the death and destruction it leaves behind on them! In other words, it's all their fault that they were invaded and devastated, with part of their army slaughtered and their citizenry becoming "collateral damage"--innocent victims just because they happened to be where the U.S. wanted to drop a bomb, shoot a missile, fire a tank, or shoot a rifle!

It's not a new U.S. tactic, either. It's one they've practiced for hundreds of years! Dear old Mark Twain had them pegged when he described the process that governments use: "Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."

What he was saying is that it not only serves the government's purpose in blaming the war and destruction on the victim, but the people themselves are then able to soothe their conscience and feel justified, that "They had it coming to them," even if the excuse the government uses is flimsy as can be! People accept it anyway because they don't want to feel bad about themselves or about their government, and they can keep waving the flag and saying, "God bless America," secure in their goodness and niceness.

Ted Rudow III, MA

The Daily Star

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

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Published: Sunday, September 15, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Ted Rudow III’s write-ups

S. Ahmed, Gulshan, Dhaka

The above learned writer is a frequent contributor to your column. From his letter dated 8.9.13 and others in a similar vein, it appears he is very anti-establishment and vigorously against US military involvements around the globe. Whatever the merits or demerits of these involvements and US foreign policy, the fact remains that only in a free, open and democratic country like the US, it is possible for people like him to make such vitriolic written outbursts against his own government and country as obvious from his letters. Had he been a citizen of Russia, China, or any of most third world countries (except perhaps India and a few other countries), he would have been behind bars long ago!

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Monday, September 16, 2013

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Peninsula readers' letters: March 17

From Daily News Group readers

Posted:   09/13/2013 06:11:37 PM PDT

On a path to economic crash

Dear Editor: Five years ago this weekend, Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed, triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended. "Since the recovery, almost all of the gains have gone to the very, very top. People who are in the top 1 percent are doing even better than they did before the Great Recession.

So those who were worried about the recession or who wanted to set money aside for a rainy day are reassured. It has only rained for a short time and the sun has come out again, brighter than ever, and it is a beautiful day. So, little by little, the skeptics are won over to invest their funds, to take a chance on making more money -- for the rebounds are relatively quick and they do not feel too much pain.

And there is a rebound, for there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up. They too must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when we have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the crash.

Ted Rudow III,

Palo Alto

Sunday, September 15, 2013

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Sept. 16 Readers' letters: Ronald Reagan Bridge offered as an alternative to Willie Brown Bridge

From Mercury News readers

Posted:   09/13/2013 01:10:50 PM PDT

Updated:   09/13/2013 01:10:50 PM PDT

Keep overextending until the next crash

Five years ago this weekend, the Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed, triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended. Since the recovery, almost all of the gains have gone to the very, very top. People who are in the top 1 percent are doing even better than they did before the Great Recession.

There is a rebound, and there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up -- indeed, must keep going up. They, too, must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves, little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when we have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the crash.

Ted Rudow III

Palo Alto

Copyright © 2013 San Jose Mercury News


Sunday, September 15, 2013

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Published: Monday, September 16, 2013

Letters To The Editor

Why are they furious against Snowden?

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

It’s really kind of amazing if you try and count the number of countries at whom US has directed its fury and threatened over the last two months in connection with the Snowden affair. They began with the government of Hong Kong, followed that up with the government of China, then moved to Latin America and threatened countries including Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua over whether he would be granted asylum.

Everyone in the world knows, probably except for Americans, that US routinely refuses to extradite all sorts of people accused of horrible crimes. We also stated that we are appalled by the incredible cynicism of practically all the countries in the world vis-à-vis what this young man has done, sacrificing his life and his future for something in which he believed. They are furious against it. Why are they furious? Because of something that this young man revealed.

©2013 The Daily Star. All Rights Reserved.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Great recession

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Peninsula readers' letters: March 17

From Daily News Group readers

Posted: 09/13/2013 06:11:37 PM PDT

Updated: 09/13/2013 11:18:38 PM PDT

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On a path to economic crash

Dear Editor: Five years ago this weekend, Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed, triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended. "Since the recovery, almost all of the gains have gone to the very, very top. People who are in the top 1 percent are doing even better than they did before the Great Recession.

So those who were worried about the recession or who wanted to set money aside for a rainy day are reassured. It has only rained for a short time and the sun has come out again, brighter than ever, and it is a beautiful day. So, little by little, the skeptics are won over to invest their funds, to take a chance on making more money -- for the rebounds are relatively quick and they do not feel too much pain.

And there is a rebound, for there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up. They too must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when we have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the crash.

Ted Rudow III,

Palo Alto

Copyright © 2013 San Jose Mercury News

Friday, September 13, 2013

Great recession

Great recession

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Friday Sep 13th, 2013 11:11 AM

Five years ago this weekend, the Wall Street giant Lehman Brothers collapsed triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Today, the divide between the 1 percent and the 99 percent is as great as ever. According to one recent study, the top 1 percent has captured about 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended. “Since the recovery, almost all of the gains have gone to the very, very top. People who are in the top 1 percent are doing even better than they did before the Great Recession.

So those who were worried about recession or who wanted to keep money aside for a rainy day are reassured. It has only rained for a short time and the sun has come out again, brighter than ever, and it is a beautiful day. So, little by little, the skeptics are won over to invest their funds, to take a chance on making more money, for the rebounds are relatively quick and they do not feel too much pain.

And there is a rebound, for there are still people to be convinced that things will keep going up—indeed, must keep going up. They too must be won over and convinced to overextend themselves little by little. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.

Ted Rudow III, MA


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eshoo statement

    September 11, 2013  Dear Mr. Rudow, I want to thank you again for contacting me to express your views on the President's proposal for a military strike on Syria. Attached is a statement that I issued today with my position on this proposal.

If you have any questions or comments, let me hear from you. I value what my constituents say to me, and I always need your thoughts and benefit from your ideas.

Most gratefully,

Anna G. Eshoo

Member of Congress



For Immediate Release

September 11, 2013

Contact: Charles Stewart

(202) 225-8104


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18) released the following statement on the issue of Syria:

“I welcome President Obama’s announcement and commend him for pursuing the Russian diplomatic proposal to disarm and destroy Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons. This diplomatic path holds out hope for the world that the situation can be addressed in a way that has always been one of America’s great strengths—leading with integrity to avert war.

“Our most solemn responsibility as Members of Congress is to use our best judgment to protect the national security of our nation. A decision to use military force therefore requires we be able to answer the following questions:

. Is this in the national security interests of the U.S.?

. Will this action make us safer?

. Will it make the Syrian people safer?

. Does Syria pose an imminent threat to the United States?

“There is no question that striking Syria is an act of war. It would be preemptive, unilateral, and contrary to how the U.S. has conducted its foreign policy for decades.

“I am not naïve about the very real dangers our nation faces, but these dangers cannot be removed by military action alone. In fact, the distinguished Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, made this clear in his recent testimony to Congress:

‘Militarily, I can state that we can achieve the goal of deterring and degrading. Take note that I didn’t say we can prevent.’

“What is more determinative is the power of our ideas, rather than the power of our military. There is a place for military action, but Syria is not that place.

“When the U.S. strayed from its historical moorings, we learned painful and costly lessons that might alone does not get the job done. Instead of diplomacy, containment and coalitions, our military interventions, invasions and surges have left countries in turmoil and emboldened jihadists, making the world more dangerous. We must learn from the lessons of recent history, or we will repeat the failures.

“I believe a preemptive and unilateral strike against Syria is wrong.

“I believe it will make the world more dangerous, not safer.

“I believe it will not reverse the tide on the ground in Syria.

“I believe that using force for the sake of force is not in the interest of our national security and will be counterproductive.

“I believe, as do thousands of my constituents, that going to war against Syria—regardless of how targeted or limited the strikes—will implicate the U.S. in a civil war, cause possible retaliations in the region destabilizing it even more, and add to the ill will against our country.

“I will cast a ‘no’ vote to the President’s request for authorization to strike Syria should it be taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives.”


Unconcern for negotiated settlement

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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Published: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letters To The Editor

Unconcern for negotiated settlement

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

The U.S. government is such a bunch of liars, deceivers and betrayers of their people! The people get so used to hearing them lie; they don’t believe anything they say any more.

The same thing happened in Lebanon years ago. When they elected a pro-communist president, Eisenhower sent in the Marines! And Lebanon’s had nothing but grief ever since. And the same thing happened in Vietnam. When they looked like they were about to have a pro-communist government, the US stepped in to make sure they didn’t! It has no intention of settling by negotiation whatsoever.

©2013 The Daily Star. All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

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The 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.More than a quarter-million people came to the nation's capital on August 28, 1963, to protest discrimination, joblessness and economic inequality faced by African Americans. Many now consider the march to be a key turning point in the civil rights movement.

Most white Americans certainly believed that the push to civil rights was moving too fast. And in that moment, civil rights as a concept, integration as a concept, was still somewhat controversial, and how America got there was not a foregone conclusion. The roots of the march really go back 20 years earlier to a march that A. Philip Randolph called and then canceled at the last minute in 1941. The purpose of that march was to protest employment discrimination in the defense industries and also segregation and discrimination in the armed forces. This was actually the point before the U.S. actually entered the war. But President Roosevelt had called on the United States not to enter the war directly, but to serve as what he called an "arsenal of democracy".

Has his dream been realized? Has that dream come true in your life? Has that dream been fulfilled? Or have our ideals and our aspirations fallen by the wayside? Where is the unity, the brotherhood, the oneness of heart and spirit? His dream can only become a reality through love, the supernatural Love of God! This is what brings unity. This is what brings equality. This is what brings mutual respect. This is what makes a man willing to prefer another and lift up another, and sacrifice of himself to improve the life of another.

Ted Rudow III, MA


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Monday, September 09, 2013

Hearing them lie

Hearing them lie

by Ted Rudow III, MA ( Tedr77 [at] )

Monday Sep 9th, 2013 9:55 AM

The U.S. government is such a bunch of liars, deceivers and betrayers of their people! And it gets so sickening and so commonplace, a lot of the people in some of the government just don't have any interest any more. The people get so used to hearing them lie, they don't believe anything they say any more.

The same thing in Lebanon years ago. When they elected a pro-Communist president, Eisenhower sent in the Marines!--And Lebanon's had nothing but grief ever since. And the same thing happened in Vietnam! When they looked like they were about to have a pro-Communist government, the U.S. stepped in to make sure they didn't! He has no intention of settling by negotiation whatsoever.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Sunday, September 08, 2013

They want war anyway

Sunday, September 08, 2013

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Published: Sunday, September 8, 2013

Letters to the editor

They want war anyway

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

They’re not interested in talking peace; they want war. The U.S. has never listened to anybody before, they’ve always gone ahead and done what they pleased, and nothing will satisfy the U.S. and Israel (who is probably calling the shots) but to eliminate Syria. The U.S. has less reason for fighting this war than any war they’ve ever fought! They have a hard time even thinking up excuses for it.

I remember reading something once upon a time by a great columnist that my father used to like. He said if they’d put the presidents and kings and the politicians into the battlefield, you’d never have any more wars! Because it’s not the people who make the wars who have to fight them. If the people who actually made the wars and got the world into wars had to themselves personally fight them, there’d never be another war!

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Peninsula readers' letters: September 5

From Daily News Group readers Posted:   09/04/2013 05:35:11 PM PDT
Updated:   a day ago

War drums

Dear Editor: As U.N. arms experts investigate the alleged chemical weapon strike in Damascus, the U.S. and its Western allies are seriously considering military intervention against the Syrian regime. Though the U.N. experts are yet to conclusively establish who used the chemical weapons, war drums in Washington are getting louder. One must remember that the U.S. case of weapons of mass destruction against Iraq fell flat on its face. The regime change there, instead of bringing peace, has thrown the country into a vicious cycle of violence and turmoil that shows no signs of abating. Same is the case in Afghanistan, where the U.S., after years of conflict, is finding it hard to get a face-saving exit.If the U.S. and allied forces go in on the ground to attack, the Russians are going to be very upset, and that could lead to a major war. The Russians and Chinese are especially upset at the U.S., but many other nations also consider the U.S. an arrogant bully. Man's inhumanity to man shows again that mankind can't run its own affairs. Pray for the innocent who are suffering.

Ted Rudow III,Palo Alto

Thursday, September 05, 2013


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Peninsula readers' letters: September 5

From Daily News Group readers

Posted:   09/04/2013 05:35:11 PM PDT

Updated:   09/05/2013 12:48:58 AM PDT

War drums

Dear Editor: As U.N. arms experts investigate the alleged chemical weapon strike in Damascus, the U.S. and its Western allies are seriously considering military intervention against the Syrian regime. Though the U.N. experts are yet to conclusively establish who used the chemical weapons, war drums in Washington are getting louder. One must remember that the U.S. case of weapons of mass destruction against Iraq fell flat on its face. The regime change there, instead of bringing peace, has thrown the country into a vicious cycle of violence and turmoil that shows no signs of abating. Same is the case in Afghanistan, where the U.S., after years of conflict, is finding it hard to get a face-saving exit.

If the U.S. and allied forces go in on the ground to attack, the Russians are going to be very upset, and that could lead to a major war. The Russians and Chinese are especially upset at the U.S., but many other nations also consider the U.S. an arrogant bully. Man's inhumanity to man shows again that mankind can't run its own affairs. Pray for the innocent who are suffering.

Ted Rudow III,

Palo Alto

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Special Note: Later today we will begin circulating a petition to our local Members of Congress to vote no on authorization for the use of military force in Syria. Please watch for it and help spread the word. Meanwhile, we urge you to read this excellent piece, Optimism and Fear, by Phyllis Bennis. Also, Reps. Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren have released a joint statement that raises some excellent questions about the Administration's request for authorization.

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I phoned up and stated, if the U.S. and allied forces go in on the ground to attack, the Russians are going to be very upset, and that could lead to a major war. The Russians and Chinese are especially upset at the U.S., but many other nations also consider the U.S. an arrogant big bully. Man’s inhumanity to man shows again that mankind can’t run its own affairs. Pray for the innocent who are suffering!

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Beating of war drums

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

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The Daily Star









Published: Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Beating of war drums

Ted Rudow III, MA, Encina Ave, Palo Alto, CA

As the UN arms experts investigate the alleged chemical weapon strike in Damascus, the US and its Western allies are seriously considering military intervention against the Syrian regime. Though the UN experts are yet to conclusively establish who used the chemical weapons, war drums in Washington are getting louder. One must remember that the US case of weapons of mass destruction against Iraq fell flat on its face. The regime change there, instead of bringing peace, has thrown the country into a vicious cycle of violence and turmoil that shows no signs of abating. Same is the case in Afghanistan, where the US, after years of conflict, is finding it hard to make a face-saving exit.

If the U.S. and allied forces go in on the ground to attack, the Russians are going to be very upset, and that could lead to a major war. The Russians and Chinese are especially upset at the U.S., but many other nations also consider the U.S. an arrogant big bully. Man’s inhumanity to man shows again that mankind can’t run its own affairs. Pray for the innocent who are suffering!

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