Saturday, February 09, 2013



Peninsula Peace and Justice Center


Tell Congress: Don't Drop the Austerity Bomb!

Stop cuts to social programs

1.Sign the petition to Congress 2. Come to tonight's forum and get informed (see sidebar)

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Economics writer for Z Magazine

Economy & Politics, Santa Clara U.

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7:00 PM

Community Media Center

900 San Antonio Road

Palo Alto [ map]

Free and open to all

Complete details

Sign the petition to Congress

Background: According to numerous news reports, Congress will let the draconian “sequestration” budget cuts go into effect on March 1. This would be a disaster for working families, the poor and for our country. ( Good background article here.)

The “austerity bomb” – as many analysts have described it – would force immediate and calamitous cuts to crucial programs like education, early childhood health, public safety, and scientific research. The ripple effects of these budget cuts will be felt throughout the economy, especially by middle- and working-class folks.

Instead of cutting vital programs “across the board” – as sequestration envisions – we should be cutting Pentagon pork, ending subsidies to Big Oil and other massive corporations, and closing tax loopholes that benefit only the wealthy and large corporations.

As I phone up to get my support!

The days are coming, that the rich not shine!!!

Action: Please sign and share the petition to Congress: Don't Drop the Austerity Bomb!. Signatures will be delivered to Peninsula & South Bay Members of Congress and to California's Senators.

(Note: Use the handy sharing icons at the top of the message to share this message with friends using email, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Thanks!)

305 N. California Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301 US

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