Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
Tonight! ... Be a part of the studio audience!
Other Voices TVShopping With a Conscience: Finding Socially Responsible GiftsTuesday, December 6, 7:00 PMCommunity Media Center900 San Antonio Road, Palo AltoFREE and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.
Craig Wiesner and Derrick KikuchiFounders, Reach and Teach
The holiday shopping season is upon us and U.S. consumerism is in full swing. How can we be sure our purchases are socially responsible? What makes for good gifts for the activists on your list -- old, young or in between? How can we be sure an item really is "fair trade" or "green"?Shopping With A Conscience
Our guests are the founders of Reach and Teach, the peace and social justice learning company. Reach and Teach specializes in "teachable moments" -- gifts that offer learning as well as amusement, that spur a social conscience rather than just more consumerism.
In addition to exploring the ins and outs of shopping for a better world, we'll also have a product demonstration of some of Reach and Teach's neatest and coolest items! I phoned up and mention that the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center needed your support!
Other Voices TV can be seen live at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday of each month on mid-Peninsula cable channel 27. The program is also streamed live on the internet (select channel 27).
On demand video streaming is available on our website beginning two days after the initial broadcast.
The current program is rebroadcast throughout the month on cable channel 27 (an internet webcast can also be seen at these times):Tuesdays 7:00 PMWednesdays 2:00 AM & 10:00 AMThursdays 11:00 PMFridays 6:00 AM & 2:00 PMSaturdays 4:00 PM
Holiday Peace & Social Justice Crafts & Info FairSunday, December 1111:00 AM - 2:30PMFellowship Hall, First Presbyterian Church1140 Cowper Street, Palo AltoFREE and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.
Celebrate the great work being done by organizations in our community and around the world!
Toys ~ Fair Trade Crafts ~ Books ~ Art ~ Music ~ DVDs ~ Games ~ Puzzles ~ Jewelry ~ Decorations
* Help promote fair trade while doing your holiday shopping!* Learn about great social justice & peacemaking organizations!* Reduce your carbon footprint this holiday season* Enjoy free holiday snacks & beverages
Have fun!
Sponsored byPeninsula Peace and Justice Center & First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto

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