Tuesday, April 28, 2009



by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Tuesday Apr 28th,
This is one religion that rules the whole Earth--Materialism, the worship of things. She's pictured as a beautiful woman adorned with precious jewels & gold & silver & living in luxury. This is man's ideal of the ultimate end in pleasure & luxury, a beautiful woman & riches! So she, Babylon, the Great Whore, is the great Witch that bewitches the whole Earth with her sorceries & her fornication to causes men everywhere to worship money & wealth & riches & material things of the flesh!

It doesn't matter if it's out in Squattersville, Shantytown or Hobo Haven, & it's nothing but a little cardboard hut made of cardboard packing boxes & tin & packing crates! If you worship it & love it & work hardest for it in order to preserve it & keep it above God Himself with no love for God nor your fellow man or neighbour, but just for your little shack, or your little grass shack on Kilikilique, Hawaii,
Even if they don't have a mansion, even if it's just a little cardboard shanty or a grass shack, if it has become your god, your idol, what you worship, what you'd rather have than anything in this World, it's your religion, it's your Whore, it's your Witch that has bewitched you with her craftiness & her demonic power to cause you to worship anything & everything except God, in a spirit of selfishness & greed & not love!--Not self-sacrifice, but only love for yourself.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tea party?

The Caledonian-Record News

Monday, April 27, 2009

Letters to the Editor

4/27/2009 10:00:00 AM
Tea party?
To the Editor:

The U.S. economy will collapse, especially right now, as bad as things are. Usually presidents use war as a remedy for a depression. They certainly won't get us out of a war already in progress that's barely keeping our heads above water to keep us from going into a full-scale depression! So they're sure as hell not going to get us out of this war. Not if they can help it. They will lie and lie and lie and say they're doing it!

I read the book, "The War Goes On," by Sholem Asch, He wrote on the conditions in post-WWI Germany which brought Hitler to power. He showed the picture of Germany - what was wrong with Germany - what happened to Germany and why Hitler was created - the monster was created to devour the lesser monster - so they created a bigger monster!

So similar to the conditions of the United States today. If you ever have a chance to read it, you'll get a picture of what America is like today - same thing! I have never seen so many swastikas flying - you know, those red, white, and blue swastikas?

The American flag is going to be the swastika of America. It's already being used just like the swastika was being used in Germany - to show patriotism, loyalty, love for Fatherland: "We are the true Germans. We're the ones who really want peace. We're the ones who really want to save the Fatherland. The rest of you guys are a bunch of radicals, and disloyal traitors and commies!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


April 26
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The Conversationests for the Sunday

Kathleen Parker: Torture memos expose worst kind of legal hypocrisy

By Kathleen Parker
: Sunday, Apr. 26, 2009 | Page 5E

Several years ago, I asked a veteran journalist for advice.

"I'm trying to figure out if I have an ethical conflict," I began.

"If you have to ask, you do," he said.

Simple as that. In posing a question, we often reveal the answer.

Apply the same construct to torture. If we have to ask, it probably is.

Yet, as we've learned with the recent release of Justice Department memos related to interrogation techniques, Bush administration lawyers tortured the English language trying to justify the unjustifiable.

"Enhanced interrogation" wasn't really torture, they decided, as long as the pain administered didn't result in "death, organ failure, or serious impairment of bodily functions."

By that definition, waterboarding – the simulated drowning technique favored by Inquisitors ferreting out heretics – wasn't torture. People might feel like they were going to die, but they weren't really, and so …

In other now-familiar mutations, those held in custody weren't really prisoners, but "detainees" or "alien combatants," and therefore not entitled to humane treatment under the Geneva Conventions.

Granted, it is easy now to sit back and judge these definitions and memos as morally repugnant. It is less easy to place ourselves in the mind-set that dominated the nation immediately after 9/11 and that guided the Bush administration in trying to prevent future attacks.

But we are also reminded that those who objected most strenuously to relaxed definitions of torture and the scrapping of due process even for "alien combatants" were among those most familiar with war and interrogation, including Sen. John McCain and then-Secretary of State Colin Powell. While lawyers sought loopholes, our most admired warriors argued for protection of the laws of war.

Few have put it more clearly than South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is also an Air Force colonel and senior instructor at the Air Force JAG School and has served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. In a 2006 Newsweek interview, Graham said: "Either we're going to use torture or we're not. And when you say, we won't use torture unless we think we really, really need it, (then) we're not a rule-of-law nation."

It comes down to that. We're either a rule-of-law nation – or we're not. We can't invent definitions of torture for one type of person that wouldn't be acceptable for another, no matter how much we may despise or distrust him. As Graham put it: "I don't love the terrorists, I just love what Americans stand for."

Meanwhile, how trustworthy are the confessions of the tortured? Not very, according to those who know.

Most important, we can hardly present ourselves as arbiters and protectors of human rights when we selectively abuse those in our custody, no matter how compelling our cause. When we parse definitions of "mental pain" and "suffering," we begin to slip down the slope of moral ambiguity where deceit finds company among the dead.

The lawyers who wrote these now-public opinions clearly were looking for ways out of a moral quandary – how to square the means with the end. And doubtless many Americans agree that protecting the United States against terrorist attacks justified nearly any method.

Almost daily, I receive a recycled 2002 quote by Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who argued in a "60 Minutes" interview that most people would justify torture under certain circumstances:

"Is there anybody who wouldn't use torture to save the life of his child? And if you would, isn't it a bit selfish to say, 'It's OK to save my child's life, but it's not OK to save the life of 1,000 strangers?' That's the way people will think about it."

In his book "Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age," Dershowitz proposes that since torture is a given under those certain circumstances, then "torture warrants" should be issued by a judge.

He is right that most of us would do whatever necessary to save our child, possibly even torture a kidnapper. Likewise, if we stumbled upon someone trying to harm a loved one, we would kill the attacker if necessary to stop him.

But those are both darkly impassioned environments. It is by the cool light of day that we devise our laws. And it is by that same light that we judge our actions.

When we ask if something is torture, the answer is another question: What kind of people should we be?


U.S. counterterrorism officials are reacting angrily to ex-Vice President Dick Cheney's claim that waterboarding 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed 183 times was a "success" that produced actionable intelligence."Cheney is full of crap," one intelligence source with decades of experience said Tuesday.
They've been in cahoots on all their dirty dealings.--George Bush and Dick Cheney, and all the dogs of war who love war and want to wage war. They kill the poor and innocent. To cause George Bush, Dick Cheney to suffer for all the suffering they've brought on the World & to the poor of both Iraq & Jordan & even Turkey.
It's incredible that the governments of the world are on track to invest nearly a trillion dollars a year in killing people. You can't tell me that that amount spent on weapons is for "defense," "self-protection," etc. It's mainly for the most lethal and advanced methods of slaughter and murder that money can buy!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, April 24, 2009

Corruption Case Exposes Scope of Bribery in Nigeria


Corruption Case Exposes Scope of Bribery in Nigeria
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Friday Apr 24th, 2009

Last year, Albert Jack Stanley, the former CEO of KBR, which had been a subsidiary of Halliburton, pleaded guilty to bribery in a Texas courtroom for masterminding the payment of more than $180 million to Nigerian officials.

Stanley agreed to a record seven-year prison term and Halliburton and KBR agreed to settle the case by paying more than $500 million in fines – a record for a U.S. company in a bribery case.
Law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation said that in previous interviews, Stanley repeatedly said that then-CEO Cheney had no knowledge of the bribes.In 1998, Kellogg's parent company, Dresser Industries, merged with Halliburton, the oil services giant.
Cheney, then-CEO of Halliburton, arranged the merger during a quail hunting trip. Afterwards, Cheney appointed Stanley to head KBR, a newly formed construction and logistics subsidiary that grew out of the merger.
U.S. counterterrorism officials are reacting angrily to ex-Vice President Dick Cheney's claim that waterboarding 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed 183 times was a "success" that produced actionable intelligence."Cheney is full of crap," one intelligence source with decades of experience said Tuesday.
They've been in cahoots on all their dirty dealings.--George Bush and Dick Cheney, and all the dogs of war who love war and want to wage war. They kill the poor and innocent. To cause George Bush, Dick Cheney to suffer for all the suffering they've brought on the World & to the poor of both Iraq & Jordan & even Turkey.
It's incredible that the governments of the world are on track to invest nearly a trillion dollars a year in killing people. You can't tell me that that amount spent on weapons is for "defense," "self-protection," etc. It's mainly for the most lethal and advanced methods of slaughter and murder that money can buy!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The 'religion' of capitalism

The 'religion' of capitalism

The Caledonian-Record News

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Last Updated 11:06 AM Thursday, April 23, 2009

Letters to the Editor

4/23/2009 10:00:00 AM
The 'religion' of capitalism
To the Editor:

The world has been deceived by the "religion" of capitalism. People had put their faith in a system that promised them ever-increasing profits. The financial "high priests" - the investment bankers, hedge fund operators, and others, promised continual growth. Meanwhile people, companies, banks, institutions, and national governments poured their money into investments that assured financial blessings. They believed, they had faith, and now they see that their faith was misplaced. The financial system that they believed in and thought was solid and strong was only an illusion.

The high priests were repackaging toxic debt and selling it to banks, financial institutions, and nations as if it were gold. Their sleight of hand had people taken in by the belief that if you bought into their system, you were guaranteed rewards. People believed, and they acted on that belief.
America can no longer say, "This is the way it's going to be." The U.S. doesn't have the financial power it used to, because its economy has been greatly weakened. The American government has discredited itself in its interactions with the rest of the world in the way it started its war with Iraq based on lies and false information, its mistreatment of its European allies, its continued unflinching support of Israel despite Israel's violations of international law, its torture of prisoners, and because of its hubris and blatant disregard for the opinions and desires of other nations.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10,000 nuclear weapons

San Jose Mercury News


NEWS breaking news

Peninsula readers' letters

From Daily News Group readersPeninsula readers' letters: April 22

From Daily News Group readers

Posted: 04/21/2009 10:42:42 PM PDT

Dear Editor: Well, the Iranians aren't very disposed to kowtow to U.S. might, because they did that for nearly 25 years — a fact many Americans either don't know or conveniently forget. The U.S. overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran back in the 1950s — so much for democracy — and arranged for the Shah to take over, and he did for nearly 25 years. The Iranians didn't care much for the Shah, who was a U.S. puppet, and they certainly don't care much for the U.S. puppeteer.So the Iranians aren't likely to back down on their demands for what they say is a peaceful nuclear program, nor is the U.S. likely to believe them if they do, barring a miracle in either case. The Iranians are determined that they will get nuclear power, and will eventually craft a bomb. It's not just the U.S. government, or parts of it, that's opposed to Iran meddling with nuclear power. Israel is very opposed to it too, since it has the monopoly on nuclear weapons and military might in the Mideast, and wants to keep it that way. And there's a rabidly Zionist bunch of Christians in the U.S. who are also adamantly opposed to Iran getting the bomb, in case it might attack Israel. They're afraid Israel's destruction would hinder or frustrate the Lord's return — as if the Lord needed their help to fulfill his prophecies.So here you see the U.S., which has 10,000 nuclear weapons of various types and has been engaged in constant wars, and Israel, which has at least 200 nuclear weapons and has repeatedly fought its neighbors, calling Iran, with no nuclear weapons, a threat to world peace and a menace to civilization.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Teapot calling the kettle black

Palo Alto Daily News,Redwood City Daily News
San Mateo Daily News,Burlingame Daily News

Serving Atherton, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Stanford, Sunnyvale, Woodside
April 22,2009

Teapot calling the kettle black

Dear Editor: Well, the Iranians aren’t very disposed to kowtow to U.S. might, because they did that for nearly 25 years — a fact many Americans either don’t know or conveniently forget. The U.S. overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran back in the 1950s — so much for democracy — and arranged for the Shah to take over, and he did for nearly 25 years. The Iranians didn’t care much for the Shah, who was a U.S. puppet, and they certainly don’t care much for the U.S. puppeteer.
So the Iranians aren’t likely to back down on their demands for what they say is a peaceful nuclear program, nor is the U.S. likely to believe them if they do, barring a miracle in either case. The Iranians are determined that they will get nuclear power, and will eventually craft a bomb. It’s not just the U.S. government, or parts of it, that’s opposed to Iran meddling with nuclear power. Israel is very opposed to it too, since it has the monopoly on nuclear weapons and military might in the Mideast, and wants to keep it that way.
And there’s a rabidly Zionist bunch of Christians in the U.S. who are also adamantly opposed to Iran getting the bomb, in case it might attack Israel. They’re afraid Israel’s destruction would hinder or frustrate the Lord’s return — as if the Lord needed their help to fulfill his prophecies.
So here you see the U.S., which has 10,000 nuclear
LETTERS, page 9 weapons of various types and has been engaged in constant wars, and Israel, which has at least 200 nuclear weapons and has repeatedly fought its neighbors, calling Iran, with no nuclear weapons, a threat to world peace and a menace to civilization!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, April 20, 2009

Right-wing extremists use fear to recruit

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934




Arts & Entertainment


Monday, April 20, 2009

Right-wing extremists use fear to recruit

Abstract: Beware of a resurgence in radicalization and recruitment of right-wing extremists. This was the message in a report by the Department of Homeland Security on April 7. The report follows a warning on left-wing extremists, which was released in January. According to an article on CNN....

Go to Article

Ted Rudow III,MA

U.S. economy will collapse, especially right now, as bad as things are. Usually presidents use War as a remedy for a Depression. They certainly won't get us out of a war already in progress that's barely keeping our heads above water to keep us from going into a full-scale Depression! So they're sure as hell not going to get us out of this war. Not if they can help it. They will lie and lie and lie and say they're doing it!

I read that book, The War Goes On, by Sholem Asch, He wrote on the conditions in post-WWI Germany which brought Hitler to power. He showed the picture of Germany--what was wrong with Germany--what happened to Germany and why Hitler was created--the monster was created to devour the lesser monster--so they created a bigger Monster! So similar to the conditions of the United States today.--If you ever have a chance to read it, you'll get a picture of what America is like today.--Same thing! I have never seen so many swastikas flying,--you know, those red, white, and blue swastikas?

The American flag is going to be the swastika of America. It's already being used just like the swastika was being used in Germany--to show patriotism, loyalty, love for Fatherland: "We are the true Germans. We're the ones who really want peace. We're the ones who really want to save the Fatherland. The rest of you guys are a bunch of radicals, and disloyal traitors and Commies!

Ted Rudow III,MA

Class of 1996

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Deny that freedom


Deny that freedom
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Saturday Apr 18th, 2009
Either way, we should candidly confront the phenomenon he represents. If one believes that Lieberman utterances sound fascist, one has to ask oneself: is there a possibility that a fascist regime might come to power in Israel.
After the Holocaust which Nazi fascism brought upon us? Can one even imagine that Israelis would become something like the Nazis? When Yeshayahu Leibowitz coined, many years ago, the term "Judeo-Nazis", the entire country blew up. Even many of his admirers thought that this time the turbulent professor had gone too far.
And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism. It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on their democracy which America has spent billions to deny that freedom!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our economy


Our economy?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Wednesday Apr 15th, 2009

No, not unless they meet OUR terms. No give, no bending, inflexible, brittle, and the reason is, we don't want to get out! We can't get out or our economy will collapse, especially right now, as bad as things are. I mean, this would be the unheard of thing! Usually presidents use War as a remedy for a Depression.
They certainly won't get us out of a war already in progress that's barely keeping our heads above water to keep us from going into a full-scale Depression! So they're sure as hell not going to get us out of this war! Not if they can help it!
They will lie and lie and lie and say they're doing it! I read that book, The War Goes On!, although it was book that a teacher in high school recommended, by Sholem Asch, He wrote on the conditions in post-WWI Germany which brought Hitler to power. He showed the picture of Germany--what was wrong with Germany--what happened to Germany and why Hitler was created--the monster was created to devour the lesser monster--so they created a bigger Monster!

IN HIS BOOK HE DESCRIBES THE CONDITIONS THERE, AND I'LL TELL YOU, THE CONDITIONS IN GERMANY AT THAT TIME WERE SO SIMILAR TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES TODAY!--If you ever have a chance to read it, you'll get a picture of what America is like today!--Same thing! I have never seen so many swastikas flying,--you know, those red, white, and blue swastikas? Everywhere the swastikas are flying to show that they're a red-blooded, red-white-and-blue America! On the cars--American flag stickers flying, homes flying the flag, and all the hard-hats showing how patriotic they are! WHY ALL THIS SUDDEN DESPERATE SHOW OF AMERICANISM? "We are AMERICANS, THIS is our swastika! "The American flag is going to be the swastika of America! It's already being used just like the swastika was being used in Germany--to show patriotism, loyalty, love for Fatherland: "We are the true Germans! We're the ones who really want peace! We're the ones who really want to save the Fatherland! The rest of you guys are a bunch of radicals, and disloyal traitors and Commies!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Religion" of capitalism

April 14
"religion" of capitalism
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My View: Energy-saving carbon cap offers a bonus: More jobs

By Dave Yarnold
Special to The Bee
Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 13A

Amid all the news reports about failed financial gadgets like credit-default swaps and mortgage-backed securities, you'll find an occasional story that reveals the human face of this recession. Here's one example from Stark County, Ohio: Almost 700 people recently lined up to apply for a job as a junior high school janitor. Officials in Stark County were surprised that so many seasoned workers, including people in their late 40s and 50s, were vying for a $15-an-hour job with little room for professional growth or promotion. But in a county with more than 10 percent unemployment, the job hunters had few other options.Ironically, while those 700 people were standing in line for a single job, few people were paying attention to a company a stone's throw away that could soon be providing job hunters with a lot more options. 3-D Service, in Massillon, Ohio, does repair work and maintenance on wind turbine power systems and components. It's one of hundreds of companies across Ohio, and thousands across America, that are part of the "new energy future" that President Obama and major business leaders keep talking about. These companies are poised for rapid growth – if America passes a federal law to cap global warming pollution, a move that will reinvent our energy supply and create new businesses to cater to it.-------------------
The world has been deceived by the "religion" of capitalism. People had put their faith in a system that promised them ever-increasing profits. The financial "high priests"—the investment bankers, hedge fund operators, and others—promised continual growth; meanwhile people, companies, banks, institutions, and national governments poured their money into investments that assured financial blessings. They believed, they had faith, and now they see that their faith was misplaced. The financial system that they believed in and thought was solid and strong was only an illusion. The "high priests" were repackaging toxic debt and selling it to banks, financial institutions, and nations as if it were gold. Their sleight of hand had people taken in by the belief that if you bought into their system, you were guaranteed rewards. People believed, and they acted on that belief.
America can no longer say, "This is the way it's going to be".The U.S. doesn't have the financial power it used!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama-Auto plants

The Daily Star

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News in Brief Published on 11/04/2009
Readers' Letters and Opinionsletters@dailystar.com.lb

Obama clearly sees that the American system has failed in some ways, and has fallen far short of where it should be in others, and he wants to shake things up and change things.
Yet he has not fully realized how difficult it is to change the course in which the US is going, and how time-consuming it will be.
Obama is no exception. He knows the Lord, although he does not place a high priority on his relationship with Him. It's not that he considers it unimportant; it's just that he considers politics one thing and his religious life quite another, and he is often more motivated by practical considerations and influenced by his counselors than he is by the Lord.
They tell themselves many things in many situations to justify their little compromises or deals, and after a while, compromising becomes a habit, what they consider a necessary evil.
He also governs a nation that is reaping what it has sown for many years. It oppressed other nations economically, robbing the poor to care for the rich, and now its own economic system is in deep trouble. It built its finances like a house of cards, and those cards are now collapsing. It bought and consumed and chased after wealth, making mammon and greed its gods, and now its gods have failed it. It has overextended itself financially and militarily, and now finds itself in trouble in many areas, and disliked in many countries.
Obama comes into office bearing more, because America must reap what it has sown. The nation that has sown poverty, injustice and destruction abroad will taste the same at home.

Ted Rudow III, MA
Menlo Park, United States

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Letters to the editor

Auto plants

“It all evokes too many memories of the Great Depression, and the long lines of job seekers in front of the auto plants in the 1930s. It’s quite a contrast with the gentle treatment of Wall Street.” — Helen Thomas.

Somebody was saying in the paper the other day that it’s usually about a 50- to 60-year cycle between major crashes. The Crash of ’29 followed one that was in 1869. This is almost 80 years! They called it a panic then, whereas they try to give it nice-sounding names nowadays. You notice most of them didn’t call it a crash, they didn’t call it a panic, they just called it a drop. Well, the nice thing about it is, if it follows the pattern of ’29, the prices should go down with the incomes. People are out of work, so they have very little income. Prices drop so far that even when the income drops you can still afford to live. Gold has immediately shot up. Now the next thing to crash is the banks! The federal government didn’t allow the banks to reopen until they could prove they were solvent. And of course hundreds of them never reopened at all, because they were bankrupted.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

U.S. internment camps

Home Delivery Special!

Editorial Notebook: Learning from those who lost all

By Maria Henson
Monday, Apr. 6, 2009 -

What might happen if you lost all of your material possessions?

The Rev. Bob Oshita, head of The Buddhist Church of Sacramento Hongwanji Betsuin, has congregants who know.

The temple's membership of 1,300 is 70 percent Japanese American. During Oshita's 25 years at the temple, he has ministered to many who wandered back from U.S. internment camps after World War II with only the belongings they carried with them to captivity.
"It's really been all about greed," he says, calling the lead-up to the crisis a time when people wanted to get something for nothing and take all they could....There was so much lack of integrity and no sense of how you are affecting others - that interdependence. In a way, maybe people feel they don't represent anything anymore except themselves.....What will emerge will hopefully be more realistic. And hopefully more holistic" in leading Americans to recognize the global connections and appreciate them, he says.

He tells the story of a newscast that illustrates the conundrum of humans facing loss. After a flood in the Northwest, one man's car was swept away by the torrent of floodwaters. The man's house was destroyed. But the man and his family were saved, having been rescued from the car. "His face was so happy" that he and has family were alive, Oshita says, and the man expressed his gratitude.

- Maria Henson mhenson@sacbee.com

I was thinking about cities being on the brink and going bankrupt: But can you imagine what would happen in a city the size of New York with millions of people in it if suddenly they couldn't pay the garbage men or the train drivers or the truck or the bus drivers, subway drivers electrical workers, water men, all the various utilities, school teachers--if suddenly the whole city went totally bankrupt. Well, you can imagine what would happen if suddenly nobody in a city that size got paid and they couldn't buy their food, or the water stopped running, the sewage stopped flowing and the lights went out? Now what do you think would happen?--Riots, brother?--No!--There'd be war!
The tables are once more being over turned as the rich are beginning to themselves be destroyed by their own riches and evil pollution of the earth!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, April 06, 2009

The tables

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

Arts & Entertainment

After deadly police shootings, government needs to address gun control

In January, a bill was introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate to give Washington, D.C., congressional representation. But those in D.C. shouldn't hold their breaths.

On Feb. 25, Sen. John Ensign introduced an amendment to the bill "to restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia....

......................................................................................................................... 4/06/09
I was thinking about cities being on the brink and going bankrupt: But can you imagine what would happen in a city the size of New York with millions of people in it if suddenly they couldn't pay the garbage men or the train drivers or the truck or the bus drivers, subway drivers electrical workers, water men, all the various utilities, school teachers--if suddenly the whole city went totally bankrupt. Well, you can imagine what would happen if suddenly nobody in a city that size got paid and they couldn't buy their food, or the water stopped running, the sewage stopped flowing and the lights went out? Now what do you think would happen?--Riots, brother?--No!--There'd be war!
The tables are once more being over turned as the rich are beginning to themselves be destroyed by their own riches and evil pollution of the earth! The rich United States and Europe are beginning to have their money system collapsing because they have built it on paper and now even mere electronic impulses instead of real valuables such as the gold and silver from whence it came. The paper empires of the paper tigers of paper money, paper stocks, paper bonds, paper cheques, paper securities, paper deeds and paper contracts are beginning to burn like a wick and raw goods that used to feed it!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Saturday, April 04, 2009

A house of cards

April 04
A house of cards

The Stanford Daily

Front » News

S.F. mayor campaigns in Palo Alto

AGUSTIN RAMIREZ/The Stanford Daily

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom discussed state policies at a town hall meeting in Palo Alto Wednesday evening. Newsom is running to replace Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010.

By: Devin Banerjee
Published: April 2, 2009
Newsom aims to target youth through social networking

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom continued his statewide tour of town halls Wednesday evening, discussing a variety of state issues in a packed Palo Alto High School gymnasium. The mayor opened a gubernatorial exploratory committee in July of last year, 28 months ahead of the 2010 election that will replace incumbent California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The audience was diverse — from business suits to high school sweatshirts — as were the questions on the table, which attendees submitted on index cards. State health care, education and water management dominated the hour-long session, along with same-sex marriage rights and the proposed high-speed rail system.
While Newsom has become known for hard-left stances — most notably his forceful campaign against the recent ban on same-sex marriage — he continually emphasized on Wednesday that he is not strictly ideological, but instead "open to evidence" that contradicts his own beliefs.

"I don't want to cast aspersions on people that disagree," Newsom said specifically of the gay marriage debate. "Good people disagree."

Newsom, a supporter of Hillary Clinton who backed Barack Obama for President after Clinton bowed out of last year's race...............

A house of cards
Saturday Apr 4th, 2009
Obama clearly sees that the American system has failed in some ways, and has fallen far short of where it should be in others, and he wants to shake things up and change things. Yet he has not fully realized how difficult it is to change the course in which the U.S. is going, and how time-consuming it will be.
Obama is no exception. He knows the Lord, although he does not place a high priority on his relationship with Him. It's not that he considers it unimportant; it's just that he considers politics one thing and his religious life quite another, and he is often more motivated by practical considerations and influenced by his counselors than he is by the Lord. They tell themselves many things in many situations to justify their little compromises or deals, and after a while, compromising becomes a habit, what they consider a necessary evil.
He also governs a nation that is reaping what it has sown for many years. It oppressed other nations economically, robbing the poor to care for the rich, and now its own economic system is in deep trouble. It built its finances like a house of cards, and those cards are now collapsing. It bought and consumed and chased after wealth, making mammon and greed its gods, and now its gods have failed it. It has overextended itself financially and militarily, and now finds itself in trouble in many areas, and disliked in many countries. Obama comes into office bearing more, because America must reap what it has sown. The nation that has sown poverty, injustice and destruction abroad will taste the same at home

A house of cards


A house of cards
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Saturday Apr 4th, 2009
Obama clearly sees that the American system has failed in some ways, and has fallen far short of where it should be in others, and he wants to shake things up and change things. Yet he has not fully realized how difficult it is to change the course in which the U.S. is going, and how time-consuming it will be.

Obama is no exception. He knows the Lord, although he does not place a high priority on his relationship with Him. It's not that he considers it unimportant; it's just that he considers politics one thing and his religious life quite another, and he is often more motivated by practical considerations and influenced by his counselors than he is by the Lord. They tell themselves many things in many situations to justify their little compromises or deals, and after a while, compromising becomes a habit, what they consider a necessary evil.
He also governs a nation that is reaping what it has sown for many years. It oppressed other nations economically, robbing the poor to care for the rich, and now its own economic system is in deep trouble. It built its finances like a house of cards, and those cards are now collapsing. It bought and consumed and chased after wealth, making mammon and greed its gods, and now its gods have failed it. It has overextended itself financially and militarily, and now finds itself in trouble in many areas, and disliked in many countries. Obama comes into office bearing more, because America must reap what it has sown. The nation that has sown poverty, injustice and destruction abroad will taste the same at home.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Behold the black horse


Behold the black horse
by Ted Rudow III,MA
Thursday Apr 2nd, 2009

“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).

This black horse’s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich capitalists who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. Only one other verse in the Bible pictures a man with balances or scales: “The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud” (Hosea 12:7 NIV).

Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants — the wealthy capitalists of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them — “set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit ... that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail” (Amos 8:4-6 KJV).

The black horse, then, represents famine and poverty perpetrated by the rich who refuse to share with those in need. Oil and wine, throughout the Scriptures, symbolize abundance or luxury.

The fact that the oil and wine were “hurt not” indicates a situation where wealth and luxury exist alongside famine and poverty — and the gulf between rich and poor is only growing.

Auto plants


Auto plants
by Ted Rudow III,MA
Thursday Apr 2nd
"It all evokes too many memories of the Great Depression, and the long lines of job seekers in front of the auto plants in the 1930s. It’s quite a contrast with the gentle treatment of Wall Street."Helen Thomas

Somebody was saying in the paper the other day that it's usually about a 50 to 60 year cycle between major crashes. The Crash of '29 followed one that was in 1869. This is almost 80 years! They called it a panic then, whereas they try to give it nice-sounding names nowadays. You notice most of them didn't call it a crash, they didn't call it a panic, they just called it a drop.
Well, the nice thing about it is, if it follows the pattern of '29, the prices should go down with the incomes. People are out of work, so they have very little income. Prices drop so far that even when the income drops you can still afford to live. Gold has immediately shot up.
Now the next thing to crash is the banks! The Federal Government didn't allow the banks to reopen until they could prove they were solvent. And of course hundreds of them never reopened at all, because they were bankrupted.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Powerful rich!

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THE GREAT AND POWERFUL RICH by their evil wisdom were even so smart with their evil knowledge and lies called higher education, propaganda and advertising, that they even convinced lots of poor people that they were right and persuaded them to voluntarily give up some of the few things they had to make them even poorer and the rich even richer, so the rich could have more and more and the poor less and less. These are called "taxes" and "profits" and "interest."
THEY EVEN MADE THE POOR PEOPLE FIGHT THESE WARS FOR THEM, when all the poor really wanted was peace and enough to eat and wear and a place to sleep!
Ted Rudow III,MA