Saturday, February 21, 2009

Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

The Caledonian-Record News

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Letters to the Editor
Did Charley make a monkey out of you?
To the Editor:

The doctrine of delusion (known as evolution) has become the general theme of modern so-called "science," and is therefore no longer true science, but pure, imaginary, evolutionary bunk. Evolution is now referred to as the "great principle" of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation truth, or fact, and the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or the basis of other truths.

It is clear that Charles Darwin's hidden agenda for science was to drive out of the thinking of all scientists any concept of divine special creation, divine intervention into the world, and divine teleology (purpose, plan or goal) in the natural world. This amounts to redefining science wrongly to make it an automatic weapon against Christian faith. Darwin's theory has often been criticized by secular scientists, but his agenda for science has long enjoyed universal success in the secular establishment.

Once I was a tadpole long and thin, then I was a baboon with my tail tucked in, then I was a monkey in a tropical tree and now I am professor with college degree.

Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

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