Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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Paul Krugman: American-style nationalization could save banks?

By Paul Krugman
New York Times
Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 19A

Comrade Greenspan wants us to seize the economy's commanding heights.OK, not exactly. What Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman – and a staunch defender of free markets – actually said was, "It may be necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks in order to facilitate a swift and orderly restructuring." I agree.The case for nationalization rests on three observations. First, some major banks are dangerously close to the edge – in fact, they would have failed already if investors didn't expect the government to rescue them if necessary.Second, banks must be rescued. The collapse of Lehman Brothers almost destroyed the world financial system, and we can't risk letting much bigger institutions like Citigroup or Bank of America implode.Third, while banks must be rescued, the U.S. government can't afford, fiscally or politically, to bestow huge gifts on bank shareholders.------
AMERICA'S DOLLAR-BASED ECONOMY IS GOING TO CRASH!--And I don't think it's going to be very long from now. America, with her foolish & selfish economic policies, has robbed the poor to feed the rich, & she can't get away with it forever! You simply cannot get away from God's economic laws & God's laws of retribution, His promise that "whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap!" ( Gal.6:7 .) America has sown repression economically, so she's going to reap depression!--God's judgements on her for her selfishness & cruelty to the poor & her unwillingness to share her ill-gotten gains & wealth with them! So she's going to get it & be hurt economically, just as she has hurt others!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, February 23, 2009

Turning back the clock


Turning back the clock
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Monday Feb 23rd, 2009
EU foreign ministers on Monday called on the incoming Israeli government to relaunch the Middle East peace process with the Palestinians, though some voiced fears over having right-winger Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm.
Benjamin Netanyahu failed Monday to persuade top rivals to join his cabinet, increasing the chances of a far right-wing Israeli coalition that is likely to put the brakes on the sputtering Middle East peace process

But we were hoping maybe the Israelis were civilised enough and maybe even concerned about World opinion or U.S. opinion enough--although they don't seem to be--that surely they wouldn't dare do what they did!--But they did! Turning back the clock and establish Fascism has become a serious player.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

The Caledonian-Record News

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Letters to the Editor
Did Charley make a monkey out of you?
To the Editor:

The doctrine of delusion (known as evolution) has become the general theme of modern so-called "science," and is therefore no longer true science, but pure, imaginary, evolutionary bunk. Evolution is now referred to as the "great principle" of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation truth, or fact, and the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or the basis of other truths.

It is clear that Charles Darwin's hidden agenda for science was to drive out of the thinking of all scientists any concept of divine special creation, divine intervention into the world, and divine teleology (purpose, plan or goal) in the natural world. This amounts to redefining science wrongly to make it an automatic weapon against Christian faith. Darwin's theory has often been criticized by secular scientists, but his agenda for science has long enjoyed universal success in the secular establishment.

Once I was a tadpole long and thin, then I was a baboon with my tail tucked in, then I was a monkey in a tropical tree and now I am professor with college degree.

Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The present world economic

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News in Brief Published on 21/02/2009
Readers' Letters and Opinions

When taxpayers gave Bank of America Corporation a $45 billion
bailout, the company was supposed to use the funds to help jumpstart
the economy. To date, this has not been the case. Instead the bank
has misspent on executive salaries and corporate jets. Then Bank of
America took even more money from cash-strapped states by not paying
for workers' healthcare. You can see the signs of it in the media and
the newspaper all the time. Of course, most of the time only educated
economists can interpret that financial mumbo-jumbo, but everybody
can understand that the real causes of the present world economic
crisis are greed and selfishness. And it's about to bring the world
to absolute depression and chaos. It's just plain greed and
selfishness as a result, their industries will fail, factories will
close, unemployment will rise, and the next Great Depression will
have started. The crash is going to happen.
That is certain! The chain reaction has begun, and though it may take
a few months for the world economy to completely hit the bottom, it
will surely happen!

Ted Rudow III, MA
Menlo Park, United States
The International Herald Tribune and The Daily Star are available
every morning in: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait,
United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman

hat have we learned in two millennia?


San Mateo Daily Journal

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Letters to the editor

What have we learned in two millennia?


"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be
curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work, instead of living on public assistance."

— Cicero 55 BC

If the United States had taken all that money it spent on the
Vietnamese war, the two Iraqi wars and Afghanistan war, trillions of
dollars now and still counting. If they had just given that money to
those Vietnamese, Iraqi and the Afghani people, it would have given
everybody enough money to live on for the rest of their lives. If the
West would spend as much money on the poor of the world as they spend
on arms, it would solve all the world's poverty problems!

Ted Rudow III,MA


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So what have we learned in 2 millennia?


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Hostage situation?

Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009

More Cartoons 02/18/2009
So what have we learned in 2 millennia?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands
should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

- Cicero - 55 BC
If the U.S. had taken all that money it spent on the Vietnamese war, the 2 Iraqi wars and Afghanistan war,
trillions of dollars now and still counting. If they had just given that money to those Vietnamese, Iraqi and the Afghans people, it would have given everybody enough money to live on for the rest of their lives. If the West would spend as much money on the poor of the world as they spend on arms, it would solve all the world's poverty problems!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, February 13, 2009



San Mateo Daily Journal

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Letters to the editor



President Obama made a promise to Planned Parenthood they expect him to keep. “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do.”

Those pro-abortion groups are raising big money. Seventy-five percent of women say they have abortions because it interferes with their career. You don’t murder somebody just because he or she interferes with your career. Many of these parents have feelings of guilt and emotional and physical problems. Abortion weakens instead of strengthens a marriage. Seventy percent of all relationships fail after abortions. The most powerful statement on abortion was when the handicapped woman said, “What is the point of all of these tests on pregnant women? To get rid of people like me?”

Ted Rudow III,MA



San Mateo Daily Journal

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State / National / World
Opinion / Letters
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Letters to the editor



President Obama made a promise to Planned Parenthood they expect him to keep. “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do.”

Those pro-abortion groups are raising big money. Seventy-five percent of women say they have abortions because it interferes with their career. You don’t murder somebody just because he or she interferes with your career. Many of these parents have feelings of guilt and emotional and physical problems. Abortion weakens instead of strengthens a marriage. Seventy percent of all relationships fail after abortions. The most powerful statement on abortion was when the handicapped woman said, “What is the point of all of these tests on pregnant women? To get rid of people like me?”

Ted Rudow III,MA

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

Arts & Entertainment

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Remembering Darwin on his 200th birthday

"Charles Darwin."

Yeshe Mengesha, a senior health science major, blinked and repeated the name. After some hints from a friend and a light of recognition, she frowned and asked, "Isn't he the one that said people came from monkeys?"

Today is "Darwin Day," celebrating a man whose revolutionary ideas about evolution are sometimes misunderstood....

Ted Rudow III,MA 2/12/09
This doctrine of delusion has become the general theme of modern so-called "science," and is therefore no longer true science, but pure, imaginary, evolutionary bunk. Evolution is now referred to as the "great principle" of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation truth, or fact, and the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or the basis of other truths.
It is clear that Charles Darwin's hidden agenda for science was to drive out of the thinking of all scientists any concept of divine special creation, divine intervention into the world, and divine teleology (purpose, plan or goal) in the natural world. This amounts to redefining science wrongly to make it an automatic weapon against Christian faith. Darwin's theory has often been criticized by secular scientists, but his agenda for science has long enjoyed universal success in the secular establishment.

Once I was a tadpole long and thin, then I was a baboon with my tail tucked in, then I was a monkey in a tropical tree and now I am professor with college degree. Did Charley make a monkey out of you?

Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Law of love

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Old Testament hypocrisy?

It seems to me that there are a lot of pickers and choosers in the world. Poets and preachers shuffle through the pages of the Bible, picking and choosing what suits them best, like shoppers at a clearance rack. Did you find something that fits?

Why not read a little deeper into Mr....

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Ted Rudow III,MA 2/11/09
Jesus defined the "Law of Love" in general terms in this important passage in the New Testament. He expressed it another time in His famous "golden rule": "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets" (Matthew 7:12). The apostle Paul echoed this principle when he wrote: "The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself" (Galatians 5:14). These biblical passages express the heart and soul of all of God's laws and should guide all our actions and interaction with others. I refer to them as "God's Law of Love."
It is our understanding from these and other Scriptures that loving God first and foremost and loving others result in the ultimate fulfillment and completion of biblical law, including the Ten Commandments. If we as Christians love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves, we will naturally fulfill the spirit of all the other laws. For example, we won't put other gods before Him or take His name in vain. To love our neighbors as ourselves precludes murdering them, stealing from them, lying to them, or coveting what they have.
The motivation for us-as Christians-to obey these commandments should not be out of a fear of divine judgment, but rather because we are compelled by our love for God and others to exhibit consideration and kindness to our neighbors. I refrain from activities forbidden by the Ten Commandments because they would not be in accordance with our love for God and others.
I believe that through the Lord's salvation, and because of His Law of Love as expressed in the verses listed above, Christians are released from the hundreds of rules under the Mosaic laws in the Old Testament and are no longer required to observe them. For example, we refrain from eating foods classified in the Bible as "unclean," or engaging in unhealthy habits such as smoking or overconsumption of alcohol or food, because to do so would hinder our health-and thus our ability to minister to others. However, I do not feel bound to refrain from those practices as religious ordinances.
I therefore hold as a basic tenet that if a person's actions are motivated by unselfish, sacrificial love-the love of God for others-and are not intentionally hurtful to others, these actions are in accordance with Scripture and are lawful in the eyes of God. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace. Against such there is no law" (Galatians 5:22-23).
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Monday, February 09, 2009

Spartan Daily

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

Arts & Entertainment

Monday, February 9, 2009
The Israeli Consul General comes to SJSU

The Spartan Daily's live coverage of a visit to SJSU by Akiva Tor, the Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Northwest. Things became quite heated at times, with accusations misleading statements by the audience and chants of "free Palestine." Recorded Thursday, 2-5-2008....

2/09/09 The inhuman Gaza War was a reflection of Barak's own inhuman character. He waged the war as a part of his election campaign. When the anti-war demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel-Aviv and shouted: "Don't buy votes / with the blood of babies" they were not so far off the mark. Like Netanyahu, Barak is a documented failure. There is also a pessimistic version: Fascism has become a serious player in the Israeli public domain. The three main parties have now legitimized it. This phenomenon must be stopped before it is too late.
The Israelis are out to exterminate the Palestinians. You can see, what you have to expect from them when they get their way and can do whatever they want to do. You can look forward to slaughter, massacre and extermination of their enemies. The Israelis and the U.S. are making themselves to stink in the eyes and the ears , the nostrils of the whole world!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Spartan Daily

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

Arts & Entertainment

Monday, February 9, 2009
The Israeli Consul General comes to SJSU

The Spartan Daily's live coverage of a visit to SJSU by Akiva Tor, the Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Northwest. Things became quite heated at times, with accusations misleading statements by the audience and chants of "free Palestine." Recorded Thursday, 2-5-2008....

2/09/09 The inhuman Gaza War was a reflection of Barak's own inhuman character. He waged the war as a part of his election campaign. When the anti-war demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel-Aviv and shouted: "Don't buy votes / with the blood of babies" they were not so far off the mark. Like Netanyahu, Barak is a documented failure. There is also a pessimistic version: Fascism has become a serious player in the Israeli public domain. The three main parties have now legitimized it. This phenomenon must be stopped before it is too late.
The Israelis are out to exterminate the Palestinians. You can see, what you have to expect from them when they get their way and can do whatever they want to do. You can look forward to slaughter, massacre and extermination of their enemies. The Israelis and the U.S. are making themselves to stink in the eyes and the ears , the nostrils of the whole world!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Fascism has become a serious player


Fascism has become a serious player
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Sunday Feb 8th, 2009
The inhuman Gaza War was a reflection of Barak’s own inhuman character. He waged the war as a part of his election campaign. When the anti-war demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel-Aviv and shouted: “Don’t buy votes / with the blood of babies” they were not so far off the mark.

Like Netanyahu, Barak is a documented failure. There is also a pessimistic version: Fascism has become a serious player in the Israeli public domain. The three main parties have now legitimized it. This phenomenon must be stopped before it is too late.
The Israelis are out to exterminate the Palestinians You can see, what you have to expect from them when they get their way and can do whatever they want to do. You can look forward to slaughter, massacre and extermination of their enemies. The Israelis and the U.S. are making themselves to stink in the eyes and the ears , the nostrils of the whole world!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jamaica Observer





Sports - the spirit of the world

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Dear Editor,

Sports really fosters the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world, the "me first" spirit - do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people - to love your neighbour as yourself.

Of course, partaking in some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit.

It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride.

It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. But the world just loves it!

Ted Rudow III, MA
PO Box 1222
Menlo Park, CA 94026

Thursday, February 05, 2009


"The Freedom of Choice Act"

Ted Rudow III,MA said...
President Obama made a promise to Planned Parenthood they expect him to keep."The first thing I’d do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do."
Freedom of Choice Act - Declares that it is the policy of the United States that every woman has the fundamental right to choose to: (1) bear a child; (2) terminate a pregnancy prior to fetal viability; or (3) terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to protect her life or her health.
Prohibits a federal, state, or local governmental entity from: (1) denying or interfering with a woman's right to exercise such choices; or (2) discriminating against the exercise of those rights in the regulation or provision of benefits, facilities, services, or information. Provides that such prohibition shall apply retroactively.
Authorizes an individual aggrieved by a violation of this Act to obtain appropriate relief, including relief against a governmental entity, in a civil action.
Those pro-abortion groups are raising big money. 75% of the women say they have abortions because it interferes with their career. You don't murder somebody just because he or she interferes with your career. Many of these parents have feelings of guilt and emotional and physical problems. Abortion weakens instead of strengthens a marriage. 70% of all relationships fail after abortions.
The most powerful statement on abortion was when the handicapped woman said, "What is the point of all of these tests on pregnant women?--To get rid of people like me?"

Emperor Obama?

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Emperor Obama should wear clothes

I did not doubt for a moment what the outcome of our last election would be. Nor did I question, like some, whether or not America was ready to elect its first black president; I knew the time had come.

What I did not expect was for the world to hoist our star quarterback, Barack, on its collective shoulders and flaunt him through the village streets in a ticker-tape parade of ridiculous triumph....
Ted Rudow III,MA 2/03/09
Despite their anti-war rhetoric, President Barack Obama have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq. Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world. Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they'll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have. They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation.
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996

Monday, February 02, 2009

Super bowl?


Super bowl?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Monday Feb 2nd, 2009 8:56 AM
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself.

Of course, some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit.
It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. But the world just loves it! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? There about second. Is it the scholars? No probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Super bowl?


Super bowl?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] aol.com )
Monday Feb 2nd, 2009 8:56 AM
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself.

Of course, some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit.
It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. But the world just loves it! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? There about second. Is it the scholars? No probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Super bowl

Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934

Student Culture

Super Bowl Super Coverage

Spartan Daily writers Stephanie Vallejo and Jessica Ayala weigh in with their predictions for Sunday's big game between Arizona and Pittsburgh.

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Ted Rudow III,MA 2/02/09
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself.
Of course, some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit. For example, the soccer players in the World Cup practically ran themselves to exhaustion, suffered injuries and bruises, and still kept playing, because they wanted to win no matter what it cost them physically.
It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. It just seems to be sort of an instinct with men especially to want to compete and to win. When they watch the World Cup or other sports events, it's almost like an extension of those human desires to compete and win. That's why some people get so into it, because they can relate to that drive to compete. The physical exertion, and then finally the goal, is exhilarating for some people.
But the world just loves it! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? There about second. Is it the scholars? No probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.

Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996