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Behold the black horse
October 10, 2007
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).
This black horse’s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich capitalists who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. Only one other verse in the Bible pictures a man with balances or scales: “The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud” (Hosea 12:7 NIV).
Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants — the wealthy capitalists of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them — “set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit ... that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail” (Amos 8:4-6 KJV).
The black horse, then, represents famine and poverty perpetrated by the rich who refuse to share with those in need. Oil and wine, throughout the Scriptures, symbolize abundance or luxury.
The fact that the oil and wine were “hurt not” indicates a situation where wealth and luxury exist alongside famine and poverty — and the gulf between rich and poor is only growing.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
October 24
Ayn Rand
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday Oct 24th, 2008 10:17 AM
But on Thursday, almost three years after stepping down as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a humbled Mr. Greenspan admitted that he had put too much faith in the self-correcting power of free markets and had failed to anticipate the self-destructive power of wanton mortgage lending.
Greenspan was drawn into the circle of Ayn Rand, controversial author of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." Rand's followers, known as Objectivists, were intense believers in Rand's celebration of rugged individualism and the triumph of capitalism over socialism. Rand warned us this would happen. In the classic, Atlas Shrugged, she wrote about governmental powers manipulating markets in order to advance political concerns. Like the book, we do not seem to have the political will to take the correct, but painful, road to recovery. By propping up the financial system with the band-aids of trading restrictions and an explosion of the government's already untenable balance sheet, the necessary adjustments to the financial system are prevented from occurring.
This book was written on Philip Rothschilds' order as one of his mistresses, (Ayn Rand) would write an 1100-page book that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati! Sometimes fiction is just as strange as truth.
Ted Rudow III,
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since1934
Student Culture
Home > Opinion
Why is ESPN's definition of sports so inclusive?
Ryan Buchan
"Lately I have been feeling like I am out of shape. To remedy this situation, I decided to play some sports...................
If competitiveness is all that is needed to be a sport, then we would have to include shopping. Have you ever seen people at the mall on the day after Thanksgiving? They get pretty competitive over who gets what item. I once saw two women get in a fistfight over the last camcorder on the shelf.
Now, I have to hope ESPN does not see this article and show live coverage of Black Friday this November.
I am a sports fan, and when I turn on ESPN, I expect to see sports, not silly games. I like poker, but it does not belong on a sports channel. ...................
The whole thing is a worship of the flesh and the worship of man with a competitive spirit of war, the very essence of contention and competition and struggle: warfare, and the perfect preparation for it! DID YOU KNOW THAT THE NICARAGUA-EL SALVADOR WAR, IN WHICH 20,000 PEOPLE WERE KILLED, STARTED OVER A FOOTBALL GAME? In fact, Ernest Hemingway, the world famous writer, who spent so much of his time in Latin America and Spain, said you could eliminate most Latin American wars and their causes by simply banning football or soccer! Those games get them so worked up into a frenzy against each other that nothing but a total all-out war can truly satisfy the spirit of it! THE ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT OF SPORTS IS WAR!--Destroying the other guy's body that your body might live! War is the ultimate fulfillment of the competitive spirit: the destruction of others for self-preservation. Sports is war in disguise, and the Olympics disguised all this under the totally false and contrary theme song of "Peace"! That's their theme!--Isn't that something! So they speak peace while war is in their hearts, and they talk peace while they prepare for war--prepare their bodies for war.
THEREFORE, THE WORSHIP OF SPORTS IN ALL NATIONS IS A SECRET WORSHIP OF WAR, the ultimate of all man's creations!--Destruction!--And it is supported by the warmongers! Sports have become the most nationalistic and patriotic of all the games, aside from its ultimate game, which is war! It is worshipped by the brutal, the violent and the cruel; and the sports the world loves best are the most brutal, the most violent, the most cruel and the most destructive, especially war! America is the greatest advocate on earth of both sports and war, and therefore the guiltiest of all! All these are an abomination to the Lord: Sports, supernationalism, and war! A curse be upon them! Let them be accursed by every Child of God! And may God damn those that destroy the earth!--The "good sports" of war!--The wasters of the world! Man's favourite sport is war!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996
October 19
1984 in 2006
1984 in 2008
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday Oct 19th, 2008 7:55 PM
Subj: RE: More on Prop 8
Date: 10/19/2008 5:53:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Opinions [at]
To: Tedr77 [at]
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Please stop submitting writing to The Daily. We are absolutely unwilling to publish anything you submit, and this is horrifyingly offensive. Comments along the same line submitted to will be immediately deleted.
You are fulfill this warning that I warn in Sept 29,2004! 1984 in here!
Stanford Daily
Front » News • Top Headlines
Wednesday September 29, 2004
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1984 in 2004: Fear sets political agenda
September 29, 2004
By Ted Rudow Banned Books Week has been observed since 1982, with the purpose of reminding people of their freedom to read whatever they want. This year’s event takes place through Oct. 2, with the theme, “Elect to Read a Banned Book.”
In Orwell’s book “1984,” the main character worked for the “Ministry of Truth,” dedicated to eliminating every vestige of the truth and replacing it with what the government said was truth. The leading protagonist, Winston Smith, enters his flat in the dingy building ironically named Victory Mansions and is immediately conscious of the “Big Brother” poster with the inscription “Big Brother is Watching You.”The “Party” has taken over all aspects of life and is intent on eradicating individuality.
Winston is painfully aware of the telescreen, which is both a receiver and transmitter at the same time. It incessantly relays messages from the Party and simultaneously allows the dreaded “thought police” to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time.
“War is important for consuming the products of human labour; if this work were being used to increase the standard of living, the control of the party over the people would decrease. War is the economic basis of a hierarchical society.”
Sounds just like some governments today, and like many politicians (and now Stanford Daily) . Fear is the devil’s favorite weapon, and it works as well with governments as it does with individual people. Currently it’s a day of fear — of “terror.” Nations and people are terrified of terrorism, and many are quite willing to give up all sorts of freedoms — many of the very freedoms we are supposedly “fighting for” — to avoid it.
The prophetic novel, about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda, cracking down on subversive thought and altering history to suit its needs, was intended to be read as a warning about the evils of totalitarianism.
In “1984,” the state remained perpetually at war against a vague and ever-changing enemy. The war took place largely in the abstract, but it served as a convenient vehicle to fuel hatred, nurture fear and justify the regime’s autocratic practices
Sound familiar? Sometimes fiction is just as strange as truth.
Ted Rudow lives in Menlo Park, Calif.
Ayn Rand
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Friday Oct 24th, 2008 10:17 AM
But on Thursday, almost three years after stepping down as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a humbled Mr. Greenspan admitted that he had put too much faith in the self-correcting power of free markets and had failed to anticipate the self-destructive power of wanton mortgage lending.
Greenspan was drawn into the circle of Ayn Rand, controversial author of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." Rand's followers, known as Objectivists, were intense believers in Rand's celebration of rugged individualism and the triumph of capitalism over socialism. Rand warned us this would happen. In the classic, Atlas Shrugged, she wrote about governmental powers manipulating markets in order to advance political concerns. Like the book, we do not seem to have the political will to take the correct, but painful, road to recovery. By propping up the financial system with the band-aids of trading restrictions and an explosion of the government's already untenable balance sheet, the necessary adjustments to the financial system are prevented from occurring.
This book was written on Philip Rothschilds' order as one of his mistresses, (Ayn Rand) would write an 1100-page book that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati! Sometimes fiction is just as strange as truth.
Ted Rudow III,
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since1934
Student Culture
Home > Opinion
Why is ESPN's definition of sports so inclusive?
Ryan Buchan
"Lately I have been feeling like I am out of shape. To remedy this situation, I decided to play some sports...................
If competitiveness is all that is needed to be a sport, then we would have to include shopping. Have you ever seen people at the mall on the day after Thanksgiving? They get pretty competitive over who gets what item. I once saw two women get in a fistfight over the last camcorder on the shelf.
Now, I have to hope ESPN does not see this article and show live coverage of Black Friday this November.
I am a sports fan, and when I turn on ESPN, I expect to see sports, not silly games. I like poker, but it does not belong on a sports channel. ...................
The whole thing is a worship of the flesh and the worship of man with a competitive spirit of war, the very essence of contention and competition and struggle: warfare, and the perfect preparation for it! DID YOU KNOW THAT THE NICARAGUA-EL SALVADOR WAR, IN WHICH 20,000 PEOPLE WERE KILLED, STARTED OVER A FOOTBALL GAME? In fact, Ernest Hemingway, the world famous writer, who spent so much of his time in Latin America and Spain, said you could eliminate most Latin American wars and their causes by simply banning football or soccer! Those games get them so worked up into a frenzy against each other that nothing but a total all-out war can truly satisfy the spirit of it! THE ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT OF SPORTS IS WAR!--Destroying the other guy's body that your body might live! War is the ultimate fulfillment of the competitive spirit: the destruction of others for self-preservation. Sports is war in disguise, and the Olympics disguised all this under the totally false and contrary theme song of "Peace"! That's their theme!--Isn't that something! So they speak peace while war is in their hearts, and they talk peace while they prepare for war--prepare their bodies for war.
THEREFORE, THE WORSHIP OF SPORTS IN ALL NATIONS IS A SECRET WORSHIP OF WAR, the ultimate of all man's creations!--Destruction!--And it is supported by the warmongers! Sports have become the most nationalistic and patriotic of all the games, aside from its ultimate game, which is war! It is worshipped by the brutal, the violent and the cruel; and the sports the world loves best are the most brutal, the most violent, the most cruel and the most destructive, especially war! America is the greatest advocate on earth of both sports and war, and therefore the guiltiest of all! All these are an abomination to the Lord: Sports, supernationalism, and war! A curse be upon them! Let them be accursed by every Child of God! And may God damn those that destroy the earth!--The "good sports" of war!--The wasters of the world! Man's favourite sport is war!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996
October 19
1984 in 2006
1984 in 2008
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday Oct 19th, 2008 7:55 PM
Subj: RE: More on Prop 8
Date: 10/19/2008 5:53:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Opinions [at]
To: Tedr77 [at]
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Please stop submitting writing to The Daily. We are absolutely unwilling to publish anything you submit, and this is horrifyingly offensive. Comments along the same line submitted to will be immediately deleted.
You are fulfill this warning that I warn in Sept 29,2004! 1984 in here!
Stanford Daily
Front » News • Top Headlines
Wednesday September 29, 2004
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1984 in 2004: Fear sets political agenda
September 29, 2004
By Ted Rudow Banned Books Week has been observed since 1982, with the purpose of reminding people of their freedom to read whatever they want. This year’s event takes place through Oct. 2, with the theme, “Elect to Read a Banned Book.”
In Orwell’s book “1984,” the main character worked for the “Ministry of Truth,” dedicated to eliminating every vestige of the truth and replacing it with what the government said was truth. The leading protagonist, Winston Smith, enters his flat in the dingy building ironically named Victory Mansions and is immediately conscious of the “Big Brother” poster with the inscription “Big Brother is Watching You.”The “Party” has taken over all aspects of life and is intent on eradicating individuality.
Winston is painfully aware of the telescreen, which is both a receiver and transmitter at the same time. It incessantly relays messages from the Party and simultaneously allows the dreaded “thought police” to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time.
“War is important for consuming the products of human labour; if this work were being used to increase the standard of living, the control of the party over the people would decrease. War is the economic basis of a hierarchical society.”
Sounds just like some governments today, and like many politicians (and now Stanford Daily) . Fear is the devil’s favorite weapon, and it works as well with governments as it does with individual people. Currently it’s a day of fear — of “terror.” Nations and people are terrified of terrorism, and many are quite willing to give up all sorts of freedoms — many of the very freedoms we are supposedly “fighting for” — to avoid it.
The prophetic novel, about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda, cracking down on subversive thought and altering history to suit its needs, was intended to be read as a warning about the evils of totalitarianism.
In “1984,” the state remained perpetually at war against a vague and ever-changing enemy. The war took place largely in the abstract, but it served as a convenient vehicle to fuel hatred, nurture fear and justify the regime’s autocratic practices
Sound familiar? Sometimes fiction is just as strange as truth.
Ted Rudow lives in Menlo Park, Calif.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Klein takes on capitalist policies
The Stanford Daily
Front » News • Top Headlines
Klein takes on capitalist policies
WENDY KALKUS/The Stanford Daily
Best-selling author and celebrated journalist Naomi Klein (right), author of “The Shock Doctrine,” spoke before an enthusiastic audience last night in Kresge Auditorium. Klein, a long-time critic of neo-liberal economic policies, addressed the current economic crisis at length.Naomi Klein, author of “The Shock Doctrine,” spoke to a crowd of around 300 people in Kresge Auditorium last night. She discussed the issues of disaster capitalism and the rise of democratic reconstruction worldwide.Klein is a Canadian journalist and syndicated columnist who is known for her best-seller “The Shock Doctrine,” as well as her previous book “No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies.” She shared the stage with Political Science Prof. Terry Karl.
"She took on the economic policies of revered experts such as Stanford’s own Milton Friedman, as well as others. She claimed that this economic crash should be seen as a negation of their ideology.“The crash on Wall Street for Friedmanism is like the fall of the Berlin Wall for authoritarian communism,” she said.In the lecture, Klein also focused on the idea of a “disaster capitalism complex,” the idea that, in times of crisis — such as natural disasters or economic breakdown — it is much easier to make economic policy changes that are not supported by the people.......
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, “improper banking activity”, or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism.It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 17, 2008
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Friday Oct.17,2008
Home > Opinion
Prop 8 doesn't protect anything; it threatens equal rights precedents
Tommy Wright
Issue date: 10/16/08 Section: Opinion
Despite everything that was accomplished by the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, inequality still exists in the United States. The people facing the most discrimination in this country today are gays and lesbians. They cannot give blood, cannot openly serve in the U.S. military and, in most of the country, cannot marry.--
How much is the Lord going to stand of this filth? Sodomites even have gotten the Courts in California to bless their unions and celebrate their love together, to ask God's blessing on their union! How horrible! How blasphemous! They've even discussed having role models in the gay community, people you should look up to and emulate. How disgusting and sickening! It's absolute demon-possession!
They are mocking God, the Bible and are creating anarchy where there are no absolutes. No wonder both Gibbon and Toynbee concluded that homosexuality was one of the moral sins that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire, and America now.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996
Front » News • Top Headlines
Klein takes on capitalist policies
WENDY KALKUS/The Stanford Daily
Best-selling author and celebrated journalist Naomi Klein (right), author of “The Shock Doctrine,” spoke before an enthusiastic audience last night in Kresge Auditorium. Klein, a long-time critic of neo-liberal economic policies, addressed the current economic crisis at length.Naomi Klein, author of “The Shock Doctrine,” spoke to a crowd of around 300 people in Kresge Auditorium last night. She discussed the issues of disaster capitalism and the rise of democratic reconstruction worldwide.Klein is a Canadian journalist and syndicated columnist who is known for her best-seller “The Shock Doctrine,” as well as her previous book “No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies.” She shared the stage with Political Science Prof. Terry Karl.
"She took on the economic policies of revered experts such as Stanford’s own Milton Friedman, as well as others. She claimed that this economic crash should be seen as a negation of their ideology.“The crash on Wall Street for Friedmanism is like the fall of the Berlin Wall for authoritarian communism,” she said.In the lecture, Klein also focused on the idea of a “disaster capitalism complex,” the idea that, in times of crisis — such as natural disasters or economic breakdown — it is much easier to make economic policy changes that are not supported by the people.......
In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, “improper banking activity”, or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment. The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (R-TX) and in the House of Representatives by James Leach (R-IA) in 1999. Without forcing a veto vote, this bipartisan, veto proof legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.
And I hate to bring up the bad “F” word, but, you know, there is a model for this, and Mussolini had it in Italy, and it’s called “fascism.It’s where your big corporate interests throw in with government, destroy the freedom of the rest of the people, and preserve their power. Everybody forgets, private corporations and banks did quite well, made out quite well in Italy and Germany in those days, you know? And I am really worried about this assault on our democracy.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 17, 2008
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Friday Oct.17,2008
Home > Opinion
Prop 8 doesn't protect anything; it threatens equal rights precedents
Tommy Wright
Issue date: 10/16/08 Section: Opinion
Despite everything that was accomplished by the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, inequality still exists in the United States. The people facing the most discrimination in this country today are gays and lesbians. They cannot give blood, cannot openly serve in the U.S. military and, in most of the country, cannot marry.--
How much is the Lord going to stand of this filth? Sodomites even have gotten the Courts in California to bless their unions and celebrate their love together, to ask God's blessing on their union! How horrible! How blasphemous! They've even discussed having role models in the gay community, people you should look up to and emulate. How disgusting and sickening! It's absolute demon-possession!
They are mocking God, the Bible and are creating anarchy where there are no absolutes. No wonder both Gibbon and Toynbee concluded that homosexuality was one of the moral sins that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire, and America now.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Class of 1996
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wars for oil
Stanford Daily
Front » Opinions
Sarah Palin: Overqualified? You betcha
By: Mark Donig
October 6, 2008
Let’s be honest: If a guy tells you that the first thing he noticed about you was your attractive brain, do you know what that would make him? If youanswered either “a liar” or “not smooth,” you would be correct.The same can be said of men - and women - all across America with regard to our views on Sarah Palin. Just because we have not yet noticed Sarah Palin’s brain does not necessarily mean that she doesn’t have one. I would venture to say that the fact is all of us (except for most of us) know that Sarah Palin is going to be one of the super-awesomest vice presidents ever.How do all of us (except for the vast majority of us) know she’ll be so great? Her political views? Of course not. Her readiness? Don’t be ridiculous. Her appeal to Joe Six-Pack? Uhh, no.............................
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West’s war machine couldn’t operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West’s last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would “send an airmail message to Iran,” McCain responded: “You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?”Then, to the tune of the song “Barbara Ann,” he sang: “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”
It’s really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it’s God’s will and God’s way. They’re stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God’s will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 8, 2008
San Jose Mercury News
Wars for oil
Web Search powered by YAHOO!
Oct. 7 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News readers
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author
Senator McCain constantly reiterating this need for US energy independence, as if more drilling would give us that, which is another topic, but his admittance essentially that we are engaging in wars for oil, and if we don't want to do that, in his framework, we're going to need to drill more in the United States—I think a clear admission that we are, of course, engaged in wars for oil and will continue to do so. I think it's quite clear that the invasion of Iraq was a war not for the United States to potentially get a greater supply of oil, but rather for Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP/Shell, to get their hands on Iraqi oil, believed to be the second or the largest remaining conventional source of oil.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
Stanford Daily
Front » Opinions
Sarah Palin: Overqualified? You betcha
By: Mark Donig
October 6, 2008
Let’s be honest: If a guy tells you that the first thing he noticed about you was your attractive brain, do you know what that would make him? If youanswered either “a liar” or “not smooth,” you would be correct.The same can be said of men - and women - all across America with regard to our views on Sarah Palin. Just because we have not yet noticed Sarah Palin’s brain does not necessarily mean that she doesn’t have one. I would venture to say that the fact is all of us (except for most of us) know that Sarah Palin is going to be one of the super-awesomest vice presidents ever.How do all of us (except for the vast majority of us) know she’ll be so great? Her political views? Of course not. Her readiness? Don’t be ridiculous. Her appeal to Joe Six-Pack? Uhh, no.............................
When the shortage had becomes very severe and the West’s war machine couldn’t operate because the shortage becomes so serious, then it will precipitate the Oil War in the West’s last desperate effort to secure the oil that it needs to survive in its present rich, industrialised condition which was invasion of Iraq!
What you may not know yet is that Gov. Palin is a huge proponent of oil drilling in Alaska. McCain, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq was asked by a hawkish supporter when the United States would “send an airmail message to Iran,” McCain responded: “You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?”Then, to the tune of the song “Barbara Ann,” he sang: “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”
It’s really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it’s God’s will and God’s way. They’re stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God’s will.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 8, 2008
San Jose Mercury News
Wars for oil
Web Search powered by YAHOO!
Oct. 7 Additional Readers' letters
From Mercury News readers
NOTE: The following letters are unedited and reflect only the views of the author
Senator McCain constantly reiterating this need for US energy independence, as if more drilling would give us that, which is another topic, but his admittance essentially that we are engaging in wars for oil, and if we don't want to do that, in his framework, we're going to need to drill more in the United States—I think a clear admission that we are, of course, engaged in wars for oil and will continue to do so. I think it's quite clear that the invasion of Iraq was a war not for the United States to potentially get a greater supply of oil, but rather for Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP/Shell, to get their hands on Iraqi oil, believed to be the second or the largest remaining conventional source of oil.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Putting money in a bank these days isn't supposed to be a glorified game of Russian roulette
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
So long WaMu; I hope other banks will learn from your many mistakes
Abstract: Putting money in a bank these days isn't supposed to be a glorified game of Russian roulette. The bank I choose to hold onto my pocket change should still be there when I go to sleep and be there when I wake up. But that changed about a week ago. I was greeted one Friday morning with the news that my bank, Washington Mutual, no longer existed.... Ted Rudow III,MA 10/06/08
The definition of the new era - the post-crash era - hasn't really begun.Well, the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of 1929 actually started about a week before. It began going down but it didn't take the nosedive and the bottom didn't drop out until Monday, October 1929.
The U.S. cannot repay.The same thing could happen to the U.S., borrowing all these billions from Asia and Europe. By and by they've got to tell them, sooner or later they can't pay: "Sorry, boys, we've got it but we can't pay!" And whenever that happens or whenever these crazy money-mad loaners wake up to the fact that they're pouring all that loan money down a U.S. rat hole.
They get scared, they're going to start selling their Dollars because dump them and withdraw their loans from the United States! They talk out of one corner of their mouth like they know the U.S. is ready to collapse, BUT STILL THEY JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Student Culture
So long WaMu; I hope other banks will learn from your many mistakes
Abstract: Putting money in a bank these days isn't supposed to be a glorified game of Russian roulette. The bank I choose to hold onto my pocket change should still be there when I go to sleep and be there when I wake up. But that changed about a week ago. I was greeted one Friday morning with the news that my bank, Washington Mutual, no longer existed.... Ted Rudow III,MA 10/06/08
The definition of the new era - the post-crash era - hasn't really begun.Well, the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of 1929 actually started about a week before. It began going down but it didn't take the nosedive and the bottom didn't drop out until Monday, October 1929.
The U.S. cannot repay.The same thing could happen to the U.S., borrowing all these billions from Asia and Europe. By and by they've got to tell them, sooner or later they can't pay: "Sorry, boys, we've got it but we can't pay!" And whenever that happens or whenever these crazy money-mad loaners wake up to the fact that they're pouring all that loan money down a U.S. rat hole.
They get scared, they're going to start selling their Dollars because dump them and withdraw their loans from the United States! They talk out of one corner of their mouth like they know the U.S. is ready to collapse, BUT STILL THEY JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Prisoners of the compromises
The Stanford Daily
Front » Opinions
Obama: Machiavelli’s Prince
By: Allysia Finley October 6, 2008 15 Comments
The right wing is desperately trying to paint Obama as a lefty radical, and I’m getting a little tired of it. “He’s the most liberal member of the Senate,” “he’s got socialist ties,” “he has no pride in America.” My favorite anti-Obamaism is from a friend who says he’s evil. But I don’t believe Obama is socialist, unpatriotic or evil. He’s just sleazy, two-faced and mistaken.Obama’s relationships with his “Goddamn America” pastor Jeremiah Wright, communist community organizer Saul Alinsky, former Fannie Mae CEO and chief campaign adviser James Johnson, Weatherman terrorist William Ayres and early communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis don’t bother me. He may have used them as inspiration for his books and as a means to advance his career, but I doubt Obama ever considered them friend----
Obama is the consummate politician since he can convince people that he’s not a politician. He’s got most of Stanford and the media falling head over heels for him. He could probably even convince the media that the sky is orange with some drawn-out philosophical explanation.
In this campaign, he’s Machiavelli’s Prince. He’s got the intelligence and charisma - what Machiavelli called virtu - to manipulate people in order to advance his own ambitions. That’s something to admire - if you believe in real politik. The end justifies the means, but Obama’s end is still unclear. “Change” is too nebulous to be considered an end.
It’s Obama’s whorishness rather than his hollowness that really gives me pause. He’s ready to hop into bed with anyone. He even took in Hillary and Bill after their bitter primary fight. He’ll blame the economy on Wall Street and then go begging to wealthy donors and stockholders for money. After all, he had employed the former Fannie Mae CEO, who made over $7 million on subprime loans, as one of his chief campaign advisers and as one of the three members of his vice-presidential search team.
Obama champions the middle class in all of his speeches while complaining to his elitist audiences that the middle class bitterly clings to guns and religion. Though there may not be two Americas, there are at least two Obamas.
If Barack Obama loses this election, it won’t be because of his liberal policy positions, his shady connections or his elitist attitude. It will be because American independents have woken and wised up to the fact that he’s trying to pull the wool over their eyes. And they don’t like it.
Email Allysia at amfinley “at” if you’ve read Machiavelli and would like to discuss how Obama fits his description
Reports have been made that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in U.S. war zones by Jan. 2009.
Despite their anti-war rhetoric, senators Barack Obama have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq for many years. Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world. Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they’ll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have. They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 06
Stanford Daily
Front » News • Top Headlines
Mass protests outside Palin event
PHOTO BY: NADIA MUFTI/The Stanford Daily
While Palin intended to raise money for the Republicans, demonstrators saw the event as an opportunity to chastise the leaders of each other’s parties.
By: Kamil Dada
Published: October 6, 2008
Governor Sarah Palin arrives in Bay Area for brunch
This article was also reported and written by Devin Banerjee.
BURLINGAME, Calif. — Hundreds of Democrats and Republicans clashed yesterday morning outside the Hyatt Regency hotel in Burlingame, where GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin attended a fundraising brunch with Bay Area Republicans.
To prevent demonstrators from flooding the street, local police set up metal barriers along the sidewalk opposite the hotel, but this did not prevent the hundreds of political activists from becoming mobile and vocal. Shelley Kessler, executive secretary treasury of the San Mateo County central labor council, arrived early at a parking lot across from the hotel to prevent Palin supporters from parking their cars there.
“Our purpose here is to inform the public that there are many people who do not feel that Sarah Palin is either experienced or knowledgeable enough to be in leadership of this nation,” Kessler said. “We don’t want the Palin people coming in our [parking] lot.”
We face greatest economic danger of modern times and the U.S. is heading for economic collapse,depression, social and political cataclysm in all of world history! The latest warning of world disaster are now beginning to come in confirmation from some of the world’s leading honest economists. But, nevertheless, corroboration of God’s truth is beginning to get through to the people in substantiation of the fair warnings we have long been giving them of impending catastrophe for years.
As the Devil once said: “Skin for skin, and what will not a man do for his life!” The unscrupulous Americans would do anything as both the Senate and House are “new” bill to restart this dying economy. This whole government has become nothing more than a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with our tax policies, our energy policies, with this fiscal policies, with the war. All the wealth of the country goes from the pockets of the people into the hands of a few. This is a very dangerous moment. You know, it’s the biggest amount of injection of capital by the government in a single time since the New Deal. And frankly, there is no trickle down here. There’s just rewarding bad behavior.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Front » Opinions
Obama: Machiavelli’s Prince
By: Allysia Finley October 6, 2008 15 Comments
The right wing is desperately trying to paint Obama as a lefty radical, and I’m getting a little tired of it. “He’s the most liberal member of the Senate,” “he’s got socialist ties,” “he has no pride in America.” My favorite anti-Obamaism is from a friend who says he’s evil. But I don’t believe Obama is socialist, unpatriotic or evil. He’s just sleazy, two-faced and mistaken.Obama’s relationships with his “Goddamn America” pastor Jeremiah Wright, communist community organizer Saul Alinsky, former Fannie Mae CEO and chief campaign adviser James Johnson, Weatherman terrorist William Ayres and early communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis don’t bother me. He may have used them as inspiration for his books and as a means to advance his career, but I doubt Obama ever considered them friend----
Obama is the consummate politician since he can convince people that he’s not a politician. He’s got most of Stanford and the media falling head over heels for him. He could probably even convince the media that the sky is orange with some drawn-out philosophical explanation.
In this campaign, he’s Machiavelli’s Prince. He’s got the intelligence and charisma - what Machiavelli called virtu - to manipulate people in order to advance his own ambitions. That’s something to admire - if you believe in real politik. The end justifies the means, but Obama’s end is still unclear. “Change” is too nebulous to be considered an end.
It’s Obama’s whorishness rather than his hollowness that really gives me pause. He’s ready to hop into bed with anyone. He even took in Hillary and Bill after their bitter primary fight. He’ll blame the economy on Wall Street and then go begging to wealthy donors and stockholders for money. After all, he had employed the former Fannie Mae CEO, who made over $7 million on subprime loans, as one of his chief campaign advisers and as one of the three members of his vice-presidential search team.
Obama champions the middle class in all of his speeches while complaining to his elitist audiences that the middle class bitterly clings to guns and religion. Though there may not be two Americas, there are at least two Obamas.
If Barack Obama loses this election, it won’t be because of his liberal policy positions, his shady connections or his elitist attitude. It will be because American independents have woken and wised up to the fact that he’s trying to pull the wool over their eyes. And they don’t like it.
Email Allysia at amfinley “at” if you’ve read Machiavelli and would like to discuss how Obama fits his description
Reports have been made that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. Obama also has no plans to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in U.S. war zones by Jan. 2009.
Despite their anti-war rhetoric, senators Barack Obama have adopted the congressional Democratic position that would leave open the option of keeping tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq for many years. Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world. Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they’ll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have. They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation.
Ted Rudow III,MA
October 06
Stanford Daily
Front » News • Top Headlines
Mass protests outside Palin event
PHOTO BY: NADIA MUFTI/The Stanford Daily
While Palin intended to raise money for the Republicans, demonstrators saw the event as an opportunity to chastise the leaders of each other’s parties.
By: Kamil Dada
Published: October 6, 2008
Governor Sarah Palin arrives in Bay Area for brunch
This article was also reported and written by Devin Banerjee.
BURLINGAME, Calif. — Hundreds of Democrats and Republicans clashed yesterday morning outside the Hyatt Regency hotel in Burlingame, where GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin attended a fundraising brunch with Bay Area Republicans.
To prevent demonstrators from flooding the street, local police set up metal barriers along the sidewalk opposite the hotel, but this did not prevent the hundreds of political activists from becoming mobile and vocal. Shelley Kessler, executive secretary treasury of the San Mateo County central labor council, arrived early at a parking lot across from the hotel to prevent Palin supporters from parking their cars there.
“Our purpose here is to inform the public that there are many people who do not feel that Sarah Palin is either experienced or knowledgeable enough to be in leadership of this nation,” Kessler said. “We don’t want the Palin people coming in our [parking] lot.”
We face greatest economic danger of modern times and the U.S. is heading for economic collapse,depression, social and political cataclysm in all of world history! The latest warning of world disaster are now beginning to come in confirmation from some of the world’s leading honest economists. But, nevertheless, corroboration of God’s truth is beginning to get through to the people in substantiation of the fair warnings we have long been giving them of impending catastrophe for years.
As the Devil once said: “Skin for skin, and what will not a man do for his life!” The unscrupulous Americans would do anything as both the Senate and House are “new” bill to restart this dying economy. This whole government has become nothing more than a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with our tax policies, our energy policies, with this fiscal policies, with the war. All the wealth of the country goes from the pockets of the people into the hands of a few. This is a very dangerous moment. You know, it’s the biggest amount of injection of capital by the government in a single time since the New Deal. And frankly, there is no trickle down here. There’s just rewarding bad behavior.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Sunday, October 05, 2008
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Rex Babin Cartoons
Unique content, exceptional
Believed it!
THE DOLLAR COULD CRASH OVERNIGHT, TAKE A NOSEDIVE and be worth nearly nothing the next morning! Well, the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of 1929 actually started about a week before. It began going down but it didn't take the nosedive and the bottom didn't drop out until Monday, October 1929. So as far as the Dollar is concerned, what goes up must come down. The U.S. cannot live on credit forever, the foreigners are just pouring their money into the U.S., buying Dollars because they are so money-greedy they want to make that high interest on those Dollars, so they are loaning all this money to the U.S. billions.And whenever that happens or whenever these crazy money-mad loaners wake up to the fact that they're pouring all that loan money down a U.S. rat hole and they get scared, they're going to start selling their Dollars, dumping Dollars and trying to get rid of their Dollars and get out of Dollars because they know they can't get them back unless they hurry up and dump them and withdraw their loans from the United states! They talk out of one corner of their mouth like they know the U.S. is ready to collapse, BUT STILL THEY JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Rex Babin Cartoons
Unique content, exceptional
Believed it!
THE DOLLAR COULD CRASH OVERNIGHT, TAKE A NOSEDIVE and be worth nearly nothing the next morning! Well, the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of 1929 actually started about a week before. It began going down but it didn't take the nosedive and the bottom didn't drop out until Monday, October 1929. So as far as the Dollar is concerned, what goes up must come down. The U.S. cannot live on credit forever, the foreigners are just pouring their money into the U.S., buying Dollars because they are so money-greedy they want to make that high interest on those Dollars, so they are loaning all this money to the U.S. billions.And whenever that happens or whenever these crazy money-mad loaners wake up to the fact that they're pouring all that loan money down a U.S. rat hole and they get scared, they're going to start selling their Dollars, dumping Dollars and trying to get rid of their Dollars and get out of Dollars because they know they can't get them back unless they hurry up and dump them and withdraw their loans from the United states! They talk out of one corner of their mouth like they know the U.S. is ready to collapse, BUT STILL THEY JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Spartan Daily
Spartan Daily - Serving San Jose State University since 1934
Student Culture
Bureau chief talks war on terror with students, community return thispageresult; } Media Credit: Carlos A. Moreno
Robert Fisk (left), an award-winning journalist and author, signs books for Steve Francis (center) and John Williams (right) after a speech at the Engineering Auditorium.
Journalist Robert Fisk spoke about the American and British governments' actions in the Middle East and the decline of newspapers in a discussion at the SJSU Engineering Auditorium on Wednesday to a crowd of more than 200 people.
"He says it like it is. It's his opinion, whether we like it or not," said Hatim Qutob, a mechanical engineering graduate student. "He is an eloquent speaker."
Fisk discussed the war on terror and said it is failing to solve problems.
"If you saw what I saw, you would know there is no such thing as a just war," Fisk said, "and never support a war for any reason."
Fisk said he does not think that either presidential candidate will solve the problems in the Middle East, and also criticized journalists for not asking the right questions and challenging authorities.
"It's the truth you don't see from the mainstream media," said Sheri Amiri, a San Jose resident. "Hopefully, there will be more like Robert Fisk."
When Sept. 11 occurred, Fisk said, nobody asked why it happened. Instead, members of the media asked how it happened and who did it.
He also discussed the problems with the roots of journalism, such as giving fair, neutral coverage. He said he does not favor giving one half of the coverage to one side of an issue, then giving the other half to the opposing view.
"We as journalists should be unbiased and neutral for the side that is suffering," Fisk said.
During the Civil War, he said, media would not devote half of their coverage to the view of the people enslaving Africans, and during World War II, media would not devote half to the Nazis.
"We wish most young journalists would follow in his footsteps," said Muna Sou, an East Bay resident.
Fisk also spoke about why circulation of newspapers is declining. He said that struggling publications are not giving people the information they desire, forcing people to look elsewhere to find information.
"People should come to the Middle East and see it with their own eyes," Fisk said. "Then they will know what to make of the newspaper."
Fisk is an award-winning journalist, who has been honored as the British Press Awards' International Journalist of the Year seven times. He has written multiple books and works as the Middle East bureau chief for the Independent newspaper in London.
Fisk currently lives in Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon.
"I like his first-person account because he actually lives in the Middle East," said Charley Abboud, a senior computer engineering major.
The Arab who are the intelligent and as great in art, culture, language and literature, science and mathematics, warfare, politics and religion and everything else as they have been, it is amazing to me, I can't even understand how little we are taught about them in school! What little we have been told is pure Anti-Arab propaganda. Nothing good is ever said by the West about the Arabs. I think is it racism.
It's about time we heard the other side, not just what people say about them. Let bygones be bygones. The atrocities were just as much on the part of the so-called Christians as anybody, in fact maybe more so. It's my firm conviction that Mohammed and Islam were the scourge of God upon a wicked Christian world, an idolatrous corrupt Christianity, the Roman type of Christianity, because it came when the Dark Ages were almost at their depths, the 600s to the 1100s or 1200s.
We got our Arabic numerals from them. We have a whole book about the influence of Islam on the Western culture and literature and art and science and a lot of other things, even religion. It's the religion of hundreds of millions of Muslims from China to West Africa and millions in the US!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Student Culture
Bureau chief talks war on terror with students, community return thispageresult; } Media Credit: Carlos A. Moreno
Robert Fisk (left), an award-winning journalist and author, signs books for Steve Francis (center) and John Williams (right) after a speech at the Engineering Auditorium.
Journalist Robert Fisk spoke about the American and British governments' actions in the Middle East and the decline of newspapers in a discussion at the SJSU Engineering Auditorium on Wednesday to a crowd of more than 200 people.
"He says it like it is. It's his opinion, whether we like it or not," said Hatim Qutob, a mechanical engineering graduate student. "He is an eloquent speaker."
Fisk discussed the war on terror and said it is failing to solve problems.
"If you saw what I saw, you would know there is no such thing as a just war," Fisk said, "and never support a war for any reason."
Fisk said he does not think that either presidential candidate will solve the problems in the Middle East, and also criticized journalists for not asking the right questions and challenging authorities.
"It's the truth you don't see from the mainstream media," said Sheri Amiri, a San Jose resident. "Hopefully, there will be more like Robert Fisk."
When Sept. 11 occurred, Fisk said, nobody asked why it happened. Instead, members of the media asked how it happened and who did it.
He also discussed the problems with the roots of journalism, such as giving fair, neutral coverage. He said he does not favor giving one half of the coverage to one side of an issue, then giving the other half to the opposing view.
"We as journalists should be unbiased and neutral for the side that is suffering," Fisk said.
During the Civil War, he said, media would not devote half of their coverage to the view of the people enslaving Africans, and during World War II, media would not devote half to the Nazis.
"We wish most young journalists would follow in his footsteps," said Muna Sou, an East Bay resident.
Fisk also spoke about why circulation of newspapers is declining. He said that struggling publications are not giving people the information they desire, forcing people to look elsewhere to find information.
"People should come to the Middle East and see it with their own eyes," Fisk said. "Then they will know what to make of the newspaper."
Fisk is an award-winning journalist, who has been honored as the British Press Awards' International Journalist of the Year seven times. He has written multiple books and works as the Middle East bureau chief for the Independent newspaper in London.
Fisk currently lives in Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon.
"I like his first-person account because he actually lives in the Middle East," said Charley Abboud, a senior computer engineering major.
The Arab who are the intelligent and as great in art, culture, language and literature, science and mathematics, warfare, politics and religion and everything else as they have been, it is amazing to me, I can't even understand how little we are taught about them in school! What little we have been told is pure Anti-Arab propaganda. Nothing good is ever said by the West about the Arabs. I think is it racism.
It's about time we heard the other side, not just what people say about them. Let bygones be bygones. The atrocities were just as much on the part of the so-called Christians as anybody, in fact maybe more so. It's my firm conviction that Mohammed and Islam were the scourge of God upon a wicked Christian world, an idolatrous corrupt Christianity, the Roman type of Christianity, because it came when the Dark Ages were almost at their depths, the 600s to the 1100s or 1200s.
We got our Arabic numerals from them. We have a whole book about the influence of Islam on the Western culture and literature and art and science and a lot of other things, even religion. It's the religion of hundreds of millions of Muslims from China to West Africa and millions in the US!
Ted Rudow III,MA
class of 1996
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Sac Bee
Sac Bee
George F. Will: Back away from the cliff
Thursday, September 25, 2008 wrote:
But the capitalistic financiers of Europe: They'll all like a whole bunch panders. They've got a whole lot invested and they don't want to lose it. So they try to save her so they can save their investments, and they're trying to get the rest of the world to continue to make a little money on her. She thinks she's their owner, but they're her owner, It's totally artificial for them to support the dollar! If they'd just let the dollar sink down to where it belongs, America would sink! But the whole trouble is, they each own too much of a share in the worthless dollar, and they don't want to lose their investments. So the money panders get together and agree to support her dollars when she's sick and not earning them any money. Her wars for commerce, trade wars for the intercourse of Capitalism! Every war is fought for the love of money and the lust for power! America's panders,the merchants and moneychangers of the earth who have been made rich her particularly Europe.
George F. Will: Back away from the cliff
Thursday, September 25, 2008 wrote:
Its warnings, basic principles and likely outcome, are amazingly similar, if not identical, to the picture God Himself paints of the mysterious Babylon, the Great Whore and Mother of Harlots, in the Book of Revelation in the Bible in which God Himself uses some pretty strong language, as He does in many other places in the Bible! As He so often does, here God draws a vivid view and remarkable representation like a caricature cartoon of radical realities, and forms it into a simple story like one of His plentiful parables to graphically illustrate His point, so even the simple may understand! WE REMEMBER ALSO THAT A NUMBER OF GREAT BIBLE SCHOLARS were convinced that the world capitalistic commercial System of merchant materialism is this Babylon, and the Great Whore of Revelation 14, 16-19, etc.
Cal Thomas: Judgment Day is coming
riday, September 26, 2008
So who is this Great Whore? Mystery, Babylon, the commercial system and materialism, the worship of Mammon! The whole world, both Capitalists and Commuists, they all worship things. They all worship the gods of this World, things, wealth, possessions, money, and commercialism is a part of it, that's the way they trade and make some of their money. But a broader and better term, if you're going to include both Capitalism and Communism, would be Materialism. Another name for that god used in the Bible by Jesus was Mammon. He uses it as a significant term that they were familiar with, because that was the ancient god of wealth & money & possessions, houses, lands,etc. I don't think Communism would like to be accused of commercialism, although they're getting more commercial all the time and China is a good example.She is obviously the religion of the world!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Their bidding
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Fundamental reform -- does California need an overhaul?
Sunday, September 28, 2008 :
Wrong way
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when the Moneyboys and his people have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
George F. Will: Back away from the cliff
Thursday, September 25, 2008 wrote:
But the capitalistic financiers of Europe: They'll all like a whole bunch panders. They've got a whole lot invested and they don't want to lose it. So they try to save her so they can save their investments, and they're trying to get the rest of the world to continue to make a little money on her. She thinks she's their owner, but they're her owner, It's totally artificial for them to support the dollar! If they'd just let the dollar sink down to where it belongs, America would sink! But the whole trouble is, they each own too much of a share in the worthless dollar, and they don't want to lose their investments. So the money panders get together and agree to support her dollars when she's sick and not earning them any money. Her wars for commerce, trade wars for the intercourse of Capitalism! Every war is fought for the love of money and the lust for power! America's panders,the merchants and moneychangers of the earth who have been made rich her particularly Europe.
George F. Will: Back away from the cliff
Thursday, September 25, 2008 wrote:
Its warnings, basic principles and likely outcome, are amazingly similar, if not identical, to the picture God Himself paints of the mysterious Babylon, the Great Whore and Mother of Harlots, in the Book of Revelation in the Bible in which God Himself uses some pretty strong language, as He does in many other places in the Bible! As He so often does, here God draws a vivid view and remarkable representation like a caricature cartoon of radical realities, and forms it into a simple story like one of His plentiful parables to graphically illustrate His point, so even the simple may understand! WE REMEMBER ALSO THAT A NUMBER OF GREAT BIBLE SCHOLARS were convinced that the world capitalistic commercial System of merchant materialism is this Babylon, and the Great Whore of Revelation 14, 16-19, etc.
Cal Thomas: Judgment Day is coming
riday, September 26, 2008
So who is this Great Whore? Mystery, Babylon, the commercial system and materialism, the worship of Mammon! The whole world, both Capitalists and Commuists, they all worship things. They all worship the gods of this World, things, wealth, possessions, money, and commercialism is a part of it, that's the way they trade and make some of their money. But a broader and better term, if you're going to include both Capitalism and Communism, would be Materialism. Another name for that god used in the Bible by Jesus was Mammon. He uses it as a significant term that they were familiar with, because that was the ancient god of wealth & money & possessions, houses, lands,etc. I don't think Communism would like to be accused of commercialism, although they're getting more commercial all the time and China is a good example.She is obviously the religion of the world!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Their bidding
McCain is drunk with power, warmongering, an egomaniac who is only interested in serving his own selfish interests and in making a mark for himself in the world. Fear is his game! Many politicians have a remarkable talent for dramatics and acting and playing a role, and they can play that warm, kind, public image very skillfully, when in actuality their heart is far from it and it is just an act. On the other hand, there are some who are sincerely touched by the feelings of others and who do care about people and their plight but I don't think that McCain truly that at all. McCain is just the present pawn, the figurehead of a great worldwide bully government, which through its power, wealth and influence has been responsible for a phenomenally shocking amount of hurt and suffering to the poor people of the world. He is not the only one to blame; he is only a symbol for the evil American government, a representative who does their bidding.
Fundamental reform -- does California need an overhaul?
Sunday, September 28, 2008 :
Wrong way
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. It is a gradual process of boom, then downturn, then bigger boom, then another downturn. And one day, when the Moneyboys and his people have prepared accordingly, the downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Green paper pig
Big machine
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Editorial: Second chance to lessen nation's risk
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A18
House members will have another chance to pass a $770 million financial bailout. This time, a majority of both parties should do the right thing and send the proposal to President Bush for his signature.
You might be tempted to ask: Why should this be approved by bipartisan majorities? Democrats, after all, control both chambers. Why shouldn't they just enact what they want?
The answer: Because this isn't a partisan problem. This is a national problem requiring a national solution. And to be effective, that solution needs at least a bit of insulation from partisan, election-year wrangling. The best way to ensure that is for a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate to support the proposal. ------
Big machine
We face greatest economic danger of modern times and the U.S. is heading for economic collapse,depression, social and political cataclysm in all of world history! The latest warning of world disaster are now beginning to come in confirmation from some of the world's leading honest economists. But, nevertheless, corroboration of God's truth is beginning to get through to the people in substantiation of the fair warnings we have long been giving them of impending catastrophe for years. As the Devil once said: "Skin for skin, and what will not a man do for his life!" The unscrupulous Americans would do anything. This whole government has become nothing more than a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with our tax policies, our energy policies, with this fiscal policies, with the war. All the wealth of the country goes from the pockets of the people into the hands of a few. This is a very dangerous moment in our history!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Green paper pig
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Rex Babin Cartoons
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Mouth to mouth
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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Friday, October 3, 2008
AMERICA ITSELF IS LIKE A GREEN PIG, and the Green Pig is like America--huge and powerful and young and green and greedy, gluttonous, wasteful, selfish! But it only exists if you believe it exists, like its dollar, the "greenback," or the American dollar. It's like this Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. It is not even as good as the golden calf, because it doesn't even exist! It is all in the imagination. But they worship it and they created it, and the moneymakers helped them to create it. It has no power at all over you unless you're one of its worshippers. The moneymakers are its high priests and its priesthood, and it was created in their temples and they control it and they manipulate it as they will to their own advantage against their enemies.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Panic sales
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Dow's drop
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rex Babin Cartoons
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Banks fail
In a vote that shook the government, Wall Street and markets around the world, the House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue for the nation's financial system, leaving both parties' lawmakers and the Bush administration scrambling to pick up the pieces. Ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse. Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. And can you imagine some of those banks putting down hundreds of billions of Dollars of losses come this October, or maybe next year? All the little people in the world would try to get their money out of the banks--If the big people haven't already got theirs out, which they're doing slowly and quietly and secretly right now. The downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Editorial: Second chance to lessen nation's risk
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A18
House members will have another chance to pass a $770 million financial bailout. This time, a majority of both parties should do the right thing and send the proposal to President Bush for his signature.
You might be tempted to ask: Why should this be approved by bipartisan majorities? Democrats, after all, control both chambers. Why shouldn't they just enact what they want?
The answer: Because this isn't a partisan problem. This is a national problem requiring a national solution. And to be effective, that solution needs at least a bit of insulation from partisan, election-year wrangling. The best way to ensure that is for a majority of Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate to support the proposal. ------
Big machine
We face greatest economic danger of modern times and the U.S. is heading for economic collapse,depression, social and political cataclysm in all of world history! The latest warning of world disaster are now beginning to come in confirmation from some of the world's leading honest economists. But, nevertheless, corroboration of God's truth is beginning to get through to the people in substantiation of the fair warnings we have long been giving them of impending catastrophe for years. As the Devil once said: "Skin for skin, and what will not a man do for his life!" The unscrupulous Americans would do anything. This whole government has become nothing more than a big machine that transfers the wealth upwards with our tax policies, our energy policies, with this fiscal policies, with the war. All the wealth of the country goes from the pockets of the people into the hands of a few. This is a very dangerous moment in our history!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Green paper pig
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Mouth to mouth
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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Friday, October 3, 2008
AMERICA ITSELF IS LIKE A GREEN PIG, and the Green Pig is like America--huge and powerful and young and green and greedy, gluttonous, wasteful, selfish! But it only exists if you believe it exists, like its dollar, the "greenback," or the American dollar. It's like this Green Pig is the god of America, it is America's idol that they worship. It is not even as good as the golden calf, because it doesn't even exist! It is all in the imagination. But they worship it and they created it, and the moneymakers helped them to create it. It has no power at all over you unless you're one of its worshippers. The moneymakers are its high priests and its priesthood, and it was created in their temples and they control it and they manipulate it as they will to their own advantage against their enemies.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Panic sales
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Dow's drop
Monday, September 29, 2008
Rex Babin Cartoons
Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Banks fail
In a vote that shook the government, Wall Street and markets around the world, the House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue for the nation's financial system, leaving both parties' lawmakers and the Bush administration scrambling to pick up the pieces. Ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse. Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse Japan is the biggest owner of U.S. Treasury bills, holding $593 billion, and China is second with $519 billion. Asian countries together hold half of the $2.67 trillion total held by foreign nations. And can you imagine some of those banks putting down hundreds of billions of Dollars of losses come this October, or maybe next year? All the little people in the world would try to get their money out of the banks--If the big people haven't already got theirs out, which they're doing slowly and quietly and secretly right now. The downturn will become a recession, the recession will become a depression, and the depression will become the Crash.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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