Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Prisoners of the policies of their party

The Stanford Daily


Wednesday February 13, 2008


Other Issues


This Issue

Front page

The future of the vice presidency

February 13, 2008
By Editorial Board
"The United States has never had, and possibly will never have again, a vice president as powerful as Dick Cheney. Perhaps he will only be remembered by political scientists and White House history buffs, but remembered he will be. Now as Cheney serves his last year in office, it is time to analyze the mark he has left on the White House. ------

Ted Rudow III,MA
America is too far gone for that now, especially for the types of Christians who seek to become vice-president of that nation. The Lord advised His followers that 'No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier' (2 Timothy 2:4). Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world, and have separated themselves from Him.
Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation. They are heavily influenced by Superdelegate as well and will bow down to their will!
Ted Rudow III,MA

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