Monday, December 12, 2005

There is..


Lead Stories

There is much more to Christmas
published: Sunday | December 11, 2005

The Editor, Sir:

Christmas Day gets lost in the days and weeks surrounding it. In fact, many Christmas cards and signs simply state 'Season's Greetings' with no mention of Christmas. Now it's a 'holiday tree' rather than a 'Christmas tree'. They even call it 'XMAS' to cross Jesus out of Christmas. In other words, to take Christ out of Christmas. In some cities, all you ever see are signs of 'Xmas Holidays', 'Xmas Sale', 'Xmas Shopping', 'Xmas, Xmas, Xmas'. They wouldn't think of putting up 'Christmas', that's the name of Jesus Christ!

And, of course, they've got a new god called Santa Claus, who is really the big department store! One of the horrible horrors of it is that when they teach their children about Santa Claus, and then they start teaching them about Jesus, the truth and the real story and meaning of Christmas, the poor kids think, "Oh, this is just another stupid idiotic fairytale like the one you told me about Santa Claus!"

There's so much more to Christmas than trees, decorations, Santa Claus, presents and all the make-believe and materialism associated with it today. Christmas is celebrating the day that God sent his love into the world, in the form of a tiny, weak and helpless baby, almost 2,000 years ago! He was born to a simple, humble, young woman who miraculously conceived, having never slept with any man. In fact, the news of her pregnancy was so shocking that when the man she was going to marry learned about it, he promptly decided to break the engagement and call off the wedding, until a powerful, heavenly being intervened and convinced him to stay with her and rear and protect this very special child she was carrying. Merry Christmas!

I am, etc.,


PO Box 1222

Menlo Park, C.A.

Via Go-Jamaica

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

San Jose Spartan Daily

The truth about Santa; a milestone on the road of life?
Posted 12/05/2005
So many people are in need at Christmas, wanting love, feeling lonely, needing comfort and assurance that they matter. So many others are giving gifts at Christmas, hurrying here and there to buy things, to find the perfect present, to not be caught short having forgotten someone. ... But does all that material gift-giving really make a difference? Of course it can be a help, but think of those who are lonely, the ones who are hoping for a little company, a little friendship, someone they can connect with. What would they appreciate most?
Why don't you give yourself this Christmas? Why don't you give of your time to talk to someone, to invite them into your home for a bit or to visit them in theirs? Why don't you see what you can do to make a difference in someone else's life? If they're interested and ready for it, why don't you tell them about Jesus, and how He can warm every corner of their heart? They'll be glad you did, and so will Jesus! In fact, that's the very best gift you can give to Jesus on His birthday, because He wants nothing more than for others to know Him and His Father's love.
His Gospel is love. Will you live it? Will you give it? You might not feel equal to the task, but God is, and He'll help you if you try.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA

San Jose Spartan Daily

A child without a mother or a father is missing out

Posted 11/28/2005

I've never seen a child yet that didn't need a father or a father image, somebody to play the part of a father. But I'll tell you I've sure seen some kids without fathers who sure needed them! They needed a father's heavy hand to straighten them out when the mother didn't have what it took.

There aren't too many women capable of being both a mother and a father to a child. They don't have the guts, firmness and hardness that it takes to lay down the law. Fathers are usually the disciplinarians of the family who won't let the kids get away with it and who really sock it to them. Every child needs a father. Especially as he grows older he needs a father more than a mother. A father comes into the picture loud and clear in the later years when the child really needs discipline and strength.

It's alot like our relationship with God: in some ways the Holy Spirit is like a mother, sweet, loving, gentle; the Spirit that conceives a spiritual babe, brings it to birth & bears it and gives birth to to a new-born babe in the Kingdom of God, a Child of God. But as we grow older and become aware of what's going on we're apt to need a father's image of God Himself and be more afraid of Him than we are of the Holy Spirit, a gentle wooing dove-afraid of His word of correction and His judgements and His very heavy hand that enforces His strict rules. So that's the way I see it.
The babies and children are not just womens' work! God gives a baby and both the father and mother had better want it. I can't imagine why they wouldn't want babies! Especially when it's a gift and a creation of God! You'd better want it and be thankful for it and start off by taking good care of the baby by taking good care of the mother! Any man who's not going to take good care of the mother is not going to take good care of the baby either, and that's plain pure selfishness! Very selfish! God give us fathers!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park,CA

San Jose Spartan Daily

Holiday fantasy squashed every season

Posted 12/05/2005

Often, Christmas Day gets lost in the days and weeks surrounding it. In fact, many Christmas cards and signs simply state "Season's Greetings," with no mention of Christmas. Now it's a "Holiday tree" rather than a "Christmas tree".
They even call it"X-MAS"--to cross Jesus out of Christmas. In other words, to take Christ out of Christmas. In some cities, all you ever see are signs of "Xmas Holidays", "Xmas Sale!", "Xmas Shopping!", "Xmas, Xmas, Xmas!" They wouldn't think of putting up "Christmas"--that's the name of Jesus Christ!
And of course, they've got a new god called Santa Claus--who is really the big department store! One of the horrible horrors of it is, that when they teach their children about Santa Claus, and then they start teaching them about Jesus--the truth and the real story and meaning of Christmas--the poor kids think, "Oh, this is just another stupid idiotic fairly tale like the one you told me about Santa Claus!"
There's so much more to Christmas than trees, decorations, Santa Claus, presents and all the make-believe and materialism associated with it today. Christmas is celebrating the day that God sent his love into the world, in the form of a tiny, weak and helpless baby, almost 2,000 years ago! He was born to a simple, humble young woman who miraculously conceived, having never slept with any man.
In fact, the news of her pregnancy was so shocking that when the man she was going to marry learned about it, he promptly decided to break the engagement and call off the wedding - until a powerful heavenly being intervened and convinced him to stay with her and rear and protect this very special child she was carrying. Merry Christmas!

Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


San Jose Spartan Daily

Only Bush's imaginary friend can help president out of mess

Posted 11/20/2005
Peace could have been given a chance, but Bush demanded peace only on his terms. He did not want to negotiate a settlement. He preferred confrontation, conflict and conquest. He wanted the world to see just how powerful America is so that no other upstart would try to take on America. His "Christian" conviction has instead become a "lying spirit" in his own mind and in the mouths of his advisers. And his self-righteousness has made him to stink in the nostrils of most of the world. No one loved Saddam, but now Bush has made him a martyr.
America is concerned for its own interests, and especially for the lifestyle of its people. Although the world envies that lifestyle, much of it is based on greed and selfishness, to the point that Americans feel they have a right to run the world and hog its resources. In their pride they even wage war in the name of peace. But their pride and their arrogance irritate and exasperate many countries of the world.
The wealth and riches of the U.S. will be sapped by this war, and the distrust of the rest of the world will bring about more and greater division in finances as well as in political matters. Again‚ this is but one more step in the sequence of events that are unfolding before you.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA

Spartan Daily

Is drilling oil in the Arctic Refuge a good way to achieve energy independence? NO
Posted 11/20/2005

So many of the things that America once gloried in have now been turned into shame! America gloried in having the strongest economy in the world. Her manufacturing base is now collapsing and the economy is in shambles. In the past ten years America has gone from being the world's greatest creditor nation to the number one debtor nation. America once gloried in her educational system, which has now fallen far behind that of most other industrial nations.
No other nation on earth embodies this prophetic picture of the "Great Whore" as much as materialistic America! (Revelation 18) God Himself will put it into the hearts of the coming One World Government to destroy her. Why would God allow a nation that once professed to be Christian to suffer a fiery nuclear annihilation? Because she had the Light of God's truth, and rejected it and went her own way.
Some people have been reading the handwriting in the desert sands for a long time and have been trying to get the world’s attention. But like all true prophets, they only get the attention of a few, and those few aren’t enough to make a difference. It will be a while before the effects really start to be felt. Production will peak and then slowly fall away. The phony prophets of peace have the money on their side, so don’t expect a lot of publicity to be given to this. And then every time a true prophet brings this up, you can be sure he or she will be ridiculed. But that’s the way it goes for true prophets.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA

The Caledonian-Record News
St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Monday, November 21st, 2005 · Updated 10:10am

Letters to the Editor

Unholy terrors

Monday November 21, 2005

To the Editor:

In a Veterans Day speech at an Army depot here, Mr. Bush made his most aggressive effort to date to counter the charge that he had justified taking the United States to war by twisting or exaggerating prewar intelligence.

"In Flanders Fields, the poppies grow, between the crosses row on row." (There is a vast soldiers' graveyard there of little white crosses and flowers stretching as far as the eye can see, thousands upon thousands!)

You know, it's like all the cheers are gone, the cheers of the throngs to the passing parade, to the soldiers as they go to war. All the glory and the glamour as they march off to war as the people throng and cheer them - all of a sudden it's hushed! And then there they lie, silently, the biggest parade of all, and nobody cheers anymore, nobody cares, nobody even remembers!

They say they won their freedom at least, but what freedom? Freedom to fight another war? That's what happened. Freedom to fight another war, to lose more lives, kill more boys, lose more countries and lose more colonies and bankrupt their economies, so there's less freedom today than there was then. They didn't gain anything at all.

Nobody ever wins a war. Everybody loses: All the dead and broken bodies, suffering and sadness and sorrow and pain and hunger and grief and the mourning. Nobody ever wins. Everybody always loses.

War is hell. And the poor boys. They go through hell. A hell of a war that they didn't even want and had nothing to do with making, yet their dictators make them fight it like slaves, and they have to be the sufferers and losers. Well, there's coming a day when there'll be war no more, thank God. Until that time, don't let yourself be propagandized by war in the media. Man's wars aren't noble crusades, but unholy terrors.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park, Calif.


Nov. 29,2005
Spreading horror
Refugees continue to report the use of white phosphorous weapons - of seeing dead bodies with no bullet holes in them, just scorched patches of skin. A leading campaign group has demanded an urgent inquiry into a report that U.S. troops indiscriminately used a controversial incendiary weapon during the battle for Fallujah. Photographic evidence gathered from the aftermath of the battle suggests that women and children were killed by horrific burns caused by the white phosphorus shells dropped by U.S. forces.
The Pentagon has always admitted it used phosphorus during last year's assault on the city, which U.S. commanders said was an insurgent stronghold. But they claimed they used the brightly burning shells "very sparingly" and only to illuminate combat areas. A top United Nations human rights official has called for an investigation of alleged abuses in Fallujah including disproportionate use of force and the targeting of civilians.
The U.S. has declared "mission accomplished" in Fallujah, with the U.S. military claiming to have killed over 1,000 people in the week long assault. "They are dying of starvation and a lack of water, especially the children," a Red Crescent spokeswoman said. The wars and atrocities the United States has perpetrated and the weapons it has developed are simply horrendous.
The United States has been an agent of death and destruction in many third world nations, almost always leaving them in far worse shape than it found them. So the United States is no paragon of virtue, but the funny thing is that most Americans don't realize it, or if they do, then they don't generally care much about it. They maintain a mental image of the United States as the righteous, the virtuous, spreading peace and democracy everywhere it goes, and they quickly forget the horrors it spreads.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

The Commentator
November 2005 Edition
Letters [3]

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Jesus was NOT gay! As Michael Dingwall stated erroneously, "However, will our Christians accept Jesus if he was really a homosexual (or bisexual, at any rate)?--From these accounts and others not mentioned, it appears that Jesus did have a preference for guys.

The first thing St. John says in His Gospel is: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made" (Jn.1:1-3). It seems that only John really grasped the deepest and greatest meaning of Jesus, that Jesus was the Word of God, the Expression of God, the Love of God, as well as the Son of God! Jesus was most of
all the Word of God!

So in Genesis, because Jesus created everything "All things were made by Him", therefore Jesus created Adam and Eve! "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. So Jesus promoted sex! Male and Female, not sex-same or bisexual! GEN.2:25 -- And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

The Commentator November 2005 Edition
Foreign Affairs [7]

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Hands of the rich Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

President Bush on Friday worked to smooth the United States' troubled image in Latin America, commending Argentina's efforts to improve its damaged economy. "The economy has changed in quite dramatic fashions thanks to the wise decisions you have made," Bush told the President of Argentina Nestor Kirchner.

"The economy has changed in quite dramatic fashions thanks to the wise decisions you have made," Bush told the President of Argentina Nestor Kirchner

"The leadership in Washington which dominates IMF policy is responsible for this economic catastrophe... Our political class bankrupted the country in the 1990s by implementing Washington's neo-liberal economic prescriptions." - Juan Luis Coraggio, Argentine economist and university rector.

By September 2001, Argentina had a total public foreign debt of at least $140bn, and perhaps as much as $160bn; its total indebtedness was perhaps $210bn. But austerity was the only weapon in the IMF's armory, each round deeper and bitterer than before. The Center for Child Nutrition Studies, which advises the World Health Organization, reports that one Argentine child in five is suffering from malnutrition, due to these conditions.

So I question the Bush statement, as all of Latin America suffered through the World Bank and the IMF. The only thing they think of with their little narrow minds is, how can I hang on to my money--my investments--my big dollars in the banks--to protect all my interests? And to hell with the poor! They think by hanging onto them, they can protect them.

But God's method of protecting them is to give to the poor--give them out--keep it in circulation--You're going to have to be better to the poor, or you're going to go bankrupt. You cannot amass all this wealth in the hands of a few rich and get away with it. (Luke 12:15-21