Saturday, November 05, 2005


The Caledonian-Record News

St. Johnsbury, Vermont · Friday, November 4th, 2005 · Updated 10:10am

Letters to the Editor

Friday November 4, 2005
To the Editor:

Newly installed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to fulfill a pivotal Supreme Court vacancy; then President Bush nominated Harriet Ellan Miers, his White House counsel and former personal attorney, to the Supreme Court. Bush has fulfilled what neoconservatives were looking for.

The only way that the president can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. But, if he can get control of five men.

Both Roberts and Miers are very "religious." The rich also need religion and rich religious organizations like the churches to try to comfort themselves for all the evil they've been doing, the poor they've been robbing, the wars they've been fighting, and also to subdue the poor and keep them from complaining about their poverty.

This is what Hitler said, this is what Stalin said, this is what every dictator has said! "First make your own country strong! Get rid of these enemies within!" The function of the religious system is to bless and sanctify rightist way. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the right for its existence.

Ted Rudow III, MA

Menlo Park, Calif.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


San Jose Spartan Daily

Media suffers from name leakage

Posted 10/30/2005

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Sunday that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should apologize for the actions of their aides in the CIA leak case. He said Bush and Cheney "should come clean with the American public."
Losing I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, perhaps the most influential national security official without a formal cabinet rank, marks a serious blow to the George W. Bush administration and particularly to the hawks who led the drive to war in Iraq. He has been by all accounts a formidable bureaucratic operator who used the Sep. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to push U.S. foreign policy hard in a unilateralist, if not neo-imperial, direction."
"The Endless war"---Neoconservatives are wanting empire and, of course, the war on Iraq. Arguing that international law has little validity and only gets in the way of American objectives. For them America is so strong, it can safely ignore other nations' national interests and "go it alone." Then other nations will fall in line and follow Washington's demands, they used to argue. It believes that in the "war against terror" any tactic is justified, whatever the "collateral" damage. "If we say a man is a terrorist, then that is what he or she is. And if we get it wrong, that's simply a casualty of war.
That neo-imperial is crumbling before the eyes of the world! Yes, there are terrorists, but do not think that those who would sow terror and destruction are the greatest danger. More dangerous yet are those who use these people for their own ends, encouraging fear and distrust to set up the sort of society which will welcome the Beast and his rule, and which will be ready-made for surveillance and control.
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


San Jose Spartan Daily

Halloween a time for remembering history's rule-breakers

Posted 10/25/2005

The Horrors of Halloween

The true name of Halloween is "Samhain." This was the Celtic Lord of the Dead! For 3 days from Oct 29-31, the Celtic people, along with their priestly class called Druids, would hold an ancient rite which would mark the beginning and the end of the year.
The priests of the Celtic tribe, the Druids, would meet in giant megalithic circles during the nights of Oct 29-31. One of the most famous of these circles is known as Stonehenge. They serve 3 functions: 1)temple complexes of worship 2) used as astrological observatories, and 3) they were used as temples for the rite of human sacrifice! Underneath Stonehenge alone, archaeologists have unearthed over 4,000 human, skeletal remains!! And there are HUNDREDS of these stone circles throughout the British Isles.
The Druids would meet within these circles and fill a cauldron with an apple cider like substance and then light a fire underneath it. Once this was done, then they would wander the countryside and visit the homes of various members of nobility. They would knock on the door and yell, "Trick or Treat."
This was a two part expression that would send waves of fear over everyone. The Treat would come about if you, as the head of the house would give a servant, or a family member over to the Druids to be used as a human sacrifice offering to Samhain for that night. In return, the "Treat" the Druids would give you would be a pumpkin which had been previously hallowed out and filled with human fat! The Druid would place this pumpkin on the front door step and light it. This would then serve as a protection for you and your family against those demonic forces which they would be summoning for those nights. Now, heres the "Trick." If you did not cooperate with the Druid, they would take human blood and draw a huge hexagram on your front door. The hexagram is the foulest, most evil of all symbols in the occult. If you are going to summon up a demon, a LITERAL demon. to this plane of existence, you need the hexagram in order to do so. Once the Druids had drawn this symbol on the door, someone would usually die from all the demonic forces that had been summoned. After they had wandered for 3 or 4 hours, they would return back to the stones with their human sacrifice offerings in tow.
Usually a week before the rites of Samhain began, the Druid had ordered the people of the Celtic tribe to disperse throughout the countryside and gather thousands of wicker reed. This is a very strong and durable stick. Wicker furniture has been made from it and most of us are familiar with it.
They would then construct a giant human effigy that would stand from 30 to 50 feet, as the Wicker Man. Many cages had been built within it. Each prisoner would be tied to one of the cages. Then the Druids began their idea of fun and games.
These so called departed souls were nothing more than demonic spirits taking on the form of someone's departed loved one. Just another demonic deception.
So, as you can now see, the practice of Halloween is FILLED with OCCULT practices. Yet, I have seen many Christian churches throughout this nation hold Halloween Parties within the church building. Some call it a "Harvest Party." You will find Scarecrows, Pumpkins, Bobbin for Apples, Orange and Black Crepe paper, Candy, Hot Apple cider, Ghost Stories, Costumes (Christian or not). Every single one of these things is directly from the celebration of Samhain. So, here we are as Christians DUPLICATING ONE OF SATAN'S HOLIDAYS. The Scarecrows are derived from the Wicker Man, the Pumpkin or "Jack 0 Lantern" same thing used by the Druids as protection against demonic forces. Bobbin for Apples in the horrible cauldron. Orange and Black-specific colors in the occult world. The two traditional colors for autumn to this very day. Candy the food offering for Samhain. Hot Apple-Cider from the liquid in the caldron!! Ghost stories. Costumes, even if you dress up as King Solomon or Moses, you are STILL COUNTERFEITING the Devils Holiday!! You are simply trying to turn something evil into something good! Isaiah 5:20. We pray this helps you to NOT be a partaker of this "holiday
Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad student
Menlo Park,CA


The Commentator October 2005 Edition
Letters [3]

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Cost of the Iraqi war Despite the relatively small number of American armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (140,000), the war effort is rapidly shaping up to be the third-most expensive war in United States history. This conflict has already cost each American at least $850 in military and reconstruction costs since October 2001.

If the war lasts another five years, it will cost nearly $1.4 trillion, calculates Linda Bilmes, who teaches budgeting at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Nearly every one of America's wars was for some kind of trade advantage or money or for territory or OIL! Which of course were always fought under different excuses, even as far back as the Civil War. They are trying to pull a compromise by replacing the American soldiers with Gulf War II, and keeping the war running to maintain the sick economy. So Big Business continues to produce war toys, well-lubricated with the blood of human sacrifices, as usual.
Ted Rudow III,MA, 650-814-1077 or


San Jose Spartan Daily

What ever happened to chivalry?

Posted 10/24/2005

I believe in Love!--Love for God and others, for "God is Love!" (1 John 4:8). That's my religion--Love!
Love is everything, for without Love there is nothing!--No friends, no families, no fathers or mothers or children or sex or health or happiness or Heaven. There could be none of these without Love! And none of these is possible without God, for God is Love!
This is the solution to all of Man's problems of today as well as to his problems of the past: Love, true Love, the Love of God and the love of fellow man! The Spirit of God's divine Love which helps us all to fulfil His great commandment to love one another!--This is still God's solution, even in such a complex and confused and highly complicated society as that of the World today!
For it is Man's rejection of the Love of God and His loving laws that causes him to be selfish and unloving and vicious and cruel and unkind to his neighbour.--Man's inhumanity to Man, which is so apparent in today's weary World with all of its enslavement by oppression, tyranny and exploitation, robbery by the rich, with people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, disease and ill health, poverty and homelessness, overwork and evil abuse, the tortures of war and nightmares of perpetual fearful insecurity.
All of these evils are caused by Man's lack of love for God and each other and his defiance of God's laws of love and faith and peace and harmony with Him, each other and His whole Creation. "For he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God Whom he has not seen?" (1 John 4:20).
A lawyer Jesus was speaking to then asked Him, "Who is my neighbour?" And with the story of the Good Samaritan, He tried to show them that it is anyone who needs our help, regardless of their race, creed, colour, nationality, or condition!:
Ted Rudow III,MA
Former Grad Student
Menlo Park,CA


The Commentator October 2005 Edition
Foreign Affairs [7]

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The Right Ted Rudow III,MA (650-814-1077 or

Newly installed Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was brought forward to fulfill a pivotal Supreme Court vacancy, and then President Bush nominated Harriet Ellan Miers, his White House counsel and former personal attorney, to the Supreme Court. Bush has fulfilled what neo-conservatives were looking for. The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court. If any two of those can get together, they can control the other. But, if he can get control of five men?

"Bush has fulfilled what neo- conservatives were looking for. The only way that the President can get a dictatorial control on the country is to get control of the Supreme Court" Both Roberts and Miers are very "religious". The rich also need religion and rich religious organization like the churches to try to comfort themselves for all the evil they've been doing, the poor they've been robbing. The wars they've been fighting, and also to subdue the poor and keep them from complaining about their poverty.

This is what Hitler said, this is what Stalin said, and this is what every dictator has said! "First make your own country strong! Get rid of these enemies within!"

The function of the religious system is to bless and sanctify rightist way. Mussolini and the Nazis had the blessing of the Pope, because the Catholic Church depends upon the right for its existence.

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