Monday, November 30, 2009

Black Friday?

Black Friday?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Nov 30th, 2009
“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).

This black horse’s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich capitalists who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. Only one other verse in the Bible pictures a man with balances or scales: “The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud” (Hosea 12:7 NIV).

Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants — the wealthy capitalists of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them — “set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit ... that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail” (Amos 8:4-6 KJV).

The black horse, then, represents famine and poverty perpetrated by the rich who refuse to share with those in need. Oil and wine, throughout the Scriptures, symbolize abundance or luxury.

The fact that the oil and wine were “hurt not” indicates a situation where wealth and luxury exist alongside famine and poverty — and the gulf between rich and poor is only growing.


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Poor do exist

Published online on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009

No one wants to be reminded of the poor and the jobless panhandling for food, shelter and clothing. For many of us, these people are invisible or something to avoid in the street.

It makes it easier to think these people are scammers, happy to suffer on the street in the cold and rain.

There are scammers, but they’re outnumbered by the truly poor, the mentally ill and the homeless, dysfunctional veterans.

In this economy, the poor and homeless are bound to grow in numbers. You would feel better not having these homeless wretches distract you while driving to work or to your favorite dining. However, there’s a need to do something more than demand our police remove these distractions.

Remember “there but for fortune go you or I.”

Jose Martinez

November, 30 9:03 AM:
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see.And I beheld, and to a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ?A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine?? (Revelation 6:5-6 KJV.).

This black horse?s rider with the pair of balances in his hand symbolizes the rich capitalists who have a major impact on world conditions through their manipulation of national economies. Only one other verse in the Bible pictures a man with balances or scales: The merchant uses dishonest scales; he loves to defraud? (Hosea 12:7 NIV).

Another prophet, Amos, also said the merchants the wealthy capitalists of his day who were robbing the poor instead of helping them set forth wheat, making the ephah [unit of measure] small, and the shekel [price] great and falsifying the balances by deceit.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, November 20, 2009


Palo Alto Weekly
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Spectrum - Friday, November 20, 2009Send this story
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Mideast politics


Involved for more than 30 years in the politics of Iraq, Ali A. Allawi was a long-time opposition leader against the Baathist regime.

The inadaptability of Islam to modern life, the author argues, stems from its deep roots in the sacred. To be modern, according to Allawi, is to be liberated from the divine as the sole source of ethics and virtues. The author argues that the West's violent encroachment on the Muslim world in the 19th and 20th centuries shattered local institutions and economies and disrupted any natural evolution of Islamic society.

The first Gulf War had other effects as well. The sanctions imposed on Iraq since that time have devastated that poor country and further inflamed Arab and Muslim opinion against the U.S. And it sounded the death knell for any aspirations the Palestinians had for their own state.

Since that time the U.S. has been less and less willing to help them, the Israelis have been more and more hard-line and willing to oppress them, and the rest of the world has grown more and more appalled at the plight of these poor people, and more anti-American and anti-Israeli in their attitudes and actions.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Palo Alto


Palo Alto Weekly
Spectrum:Editorials,letters and opinions
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Spectrum - Friday, November 20, 2009Send this story
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Mideast politics


Involved for more than 30 years in the politics of Iraq, Ali A. Allawi was a long-time opposition leader against the Baathist regime.

The inadaptability of Islam to modern life, the author argues, stems from its deep roots in the sacred. To be modern, according to Allawi, is to be liberated from the divine as the sole source of ethics and virtues. The author argues that the West's violent encroachment on the Muslim world in the 19th and 20th centuries shattered local institutions and economies and disrupted any natural evolution of Islamic society.

The first Gulf War had other effects as well. The sanctions imposed on Iraq since that time have devastated that poor country and further inflamed Arab and Muslim opinion against the U.S. And it sounded the death knell for any aspirations the Palestinians had for their own state.

Since that time the U.S. has been less and less willing to help them, the Israelis have been more and more hard-line and willing to oppress them, and the rest of the world has grown more and more appalled at the plight of these poor people, and more anti-American and anti-Israeli in their attitudes and actions.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Palo Alto

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More sides

More sides
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Wednesday Nov 18th, 2009
The Justice Department’s decision to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, in a federal court in New York City has elicited several criticisms. Most are pointless, but one — the idea that it will give a terrorist a platform from which he could stir up support in the Muslim world for his radical views — is well taken.

Yes, there are many more sides to this battle than former president Bush is letting on, and many more than the news media is aware of or suspects. The World Trade Center bombings, the real mastermind of this plot was not he, no matter who they used to carry it out. He's capable of using the Arabs as the scapegoats but of drawing the Israelis in as well, playing both sides against the other and against the U.S. at different times to suit his shifting purposes. It's a tangled web he weaves!
Your politicians and rulers from the greatest to the least have become perverse and are the tools of rich men, whose policies are bought and sold in secret deals and whose sins are manifest before all. The pursuit of wealth and worldly riches, at the neglect of others in the world, or even to the neglect of your own soul.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, November 13, 2009

If Palestinians were black

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“Palestinian cave-dweller fights Israeli eviction”
November 12, 2009

If Palestinians were black, Israel would now be a pariah state subject to economic sanctions led by the United States. Its development and settlement of the West Bank would be seen as a system of apartheid, in which the indigenous population was allowed to live in a tiny fraction of its own country, in self-administered “Bantustans,” with “whites” monopolizing the supply of water and electricity.
Did they say, “OK, we renounce terrorism? We recognize Israel?”) Yes, exactly. And, they said, “We now declare the State of Palestine according to UN Resolution 242” and some other resolutions in which the land was partitioned between Israel and Palestine specifically. Certain portions were given to Israel, and the so-called West Bank and Gaza portions were given to Palestine, to the Palestinians.
Well, when this was done, Israel waged the war in which they grabbed by force of arms all of the areas of the West Bank and everything that the UN had said that they should give to the Palestinians. And you know the Israelis don’t plan to give it up.
So everybody is now sort of waiting to see what the US is going to do. They know what Israel is going to do! – They’re going to flatly refuse! They always have. All those lies that they told!

Ted Rudow III, MA
California, US

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


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Opinion - Letters To The Editor section

Honor our veterans

Ninety years ago, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War I, and the veterans who served in it. While the name has changed to Veterans Day, the purpose remains the same: to remember those who served this great nation.

While most people recognize veterans one day a year, veterans service organizations such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars strive to highlight the importance of veterans all year round.

It is easy to overlook the role that veterans play each day in America, but impossible to forget the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice. Some are older now, such as America’s last living World War I veteran Frank Buckles, and some are still in their 20s returning from combat duty in Afghanistan. But they all deserve to have one day where everyone stops to recognize the sacrifices they have made.

So while you and your family enjoy a day off, do not forget the real reason you are able to relax and have a day away from work. Take a moment to thank a veteran, and contact your local VFW Post for ways you can make a difference in veterans’ lives on Veterans Day and throughout the year.

Jim Rowoldt

State adjutant/quartermaster

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Department of California


November, 11 :
My parents are sport fanatics! My Grandfather,Bill Grimm on my mother side, with my Great-Uncle(Warren O. "Wedge" Grimm) were named "Walter Camp's All-American" in football on the West Coast. Lt. Warren O. "Wedge" Grimm (March 9, 1888 - November 11, 1919), An All-American at the University of Washington and an officer in the United States Army, he served with distinction as part of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia stationed in Russia in 1918-1919. He was assassinated on November 11, 1919, by members of the IWW (Wobblies) during the Centralia Massacre in Washington State.
You would have thought having gone through the horrors of it themselves in the First World War they would have never done it again. At least the children who had had to go through the war, those men that had to go through the Hell would never have wanted to send their children into war again, but they did! It doesn't seem to take them long to forget the horrors and Hell of war!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, November 09, 2009

90 years

90 Years
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Nov 9th, 2009
My parents are sport fanatics! My Grandfather,Bill Grimm on my mother side, with my Great-Uncle(Warren O. "Wedge" Grimm) were named "Walter Camp's All-American" in football on the West Coast.

Lt. Warren O. "Wedge" Grimm (March 9, 1888 - November 11, 1919), An All-American at the University of Washington and an officer in the United States Army, he served with distinction as part of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia stationed in Russia in 1918-1919. He was assassinated on November 11, 1919, by members of the IWW (Wobblies) during the Centralia Massacre in Washington State.
You would have thought having gone through the horrors of it themselves in the First World War they would have never done it again. At least the children who had had to go through the war, those men that had to go through the Hell would never have wanted to send their children into war again, but they did! It doesn't seem to take them long to forget the horrors and Hell of war!
In Flanders Fields". It goes on:
"Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from falling hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow--In Flanders Fields!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, November 06, 2009

The stock market

Palo Alto Daily News
Serving Atherton, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Stanford, Sunnyvale, Woodside
Dear Editor: The stock market crash of 1929 was the most devastating crash in U.S. history, taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. Four phrases — Black Thursday, Black Friday, then Black Monday and Black Tuesday — are commonly used to describe this collapse of stock values. But the catastrophic downturn on Oct. 28-29, 1929 precipitated widespread alarm and the onset of an unprecedented and long-lasting economic depression for the United States and the world. This stock market collapse continued for a month.

Today, the only news you see in the headlines is "slight gain in this," "not diving quite as fast in that." Any time the economy stops going down so fast, they say, "oh, recovery." That's recovery? Some little tiny grain of encouraging news makes the headlines, but the huge monumental losses taken by the banks and businesses are hidden in a little 2-inch notice in a column on the financial page. They're trying to keep it out of the headlines because they don't want to scare the public into a panic.

The big corporations fail, business fails, everything fails and it's said the government will pay. Trouble is, the government itself is broke and borrowing the money to pay. And do you know where the U.S. gets this money from?

Ted Rudow III,MA

Palo Alto

Stock-market crash

November 06
Stock-market crash
Palo Alto Weekly

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Stock-market crash
The stock-market crash of 1929 was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout.
Four phrases — Black Thursday, Black Friday, then Black Monday, and Black Tuesday — are commonly used to describe this collapse of stock values.
But the catastrophic downturn of Monday, Oct. 28, and Tuesday, Oct. 29, precipitated widespread alarm and the onset of an unprecedented and long-lasting economic depression for the United States and the world. This stock market collapse continued for a month.
Today, the only news you see in the headlines is: "Slight gain in this! Not diving quite as fast in that!" Any time the economy stops going down so fast, they say, "Oh, recovery!"
That's recovery? Some little tiny grain of encouraging news makes the headlines, but the huge monumental losses taken by the banks and businesses are hidden in a little two-inch notice in a column on the financial page. They're trying to keep it out of the headlines because they don't want to scare the public into a panic.
The big corporations fail, business fails, everything fails, the government will pay. But the trouble is, the government itself is broke and borrowing the money to pay.
And do you know where the U.S. gets this money from?
Ted Rudow III,MA


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Peninsula readers' letters: Nov.6

From Daily News Group readers
Posted: 11/05/2009 10:16:06 PM PST
Updated: 11/05/2009 10:16:07 PM PST

Dear Editor: The stock market crash of 1929 was the most devastating crash in U.S. history, taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. Four phrases — Black Thursday, Black Friday, then Black Monday and Black Tuesday — are commonly used to describe this collapse of stock values. But the catastrophic downturn on Oct. 28-29, 1929 precipitated widespread alarm and the onset of an unprecedented and long-lasting economic depression for the United States and the world. This stock market collapse continued for a month.

Today, the only news you see in the headlines is "slight gain in this," "not diving quite as fast in that." Any time the economy stops going down so fast, they say, "oh, recovery." That's recovery? Some little tiny grain of encouraging news makes the headlines, but the huge monumental losses taken by the banks and businesses are hidden in a little 2-inch notice in a column on the financial page. They're trying to keep it out of the headlines because they don't want to scare the public into a panic.

The big corporations fail, business fails, everything fails and it's said the government will pay. Trouble is, the government itself is broke and borrowing the money to pay. And do you know where the U.S. gets this money from?

Ted Rudow III,MA

Palo Alto

Thursday, November 05, 2009


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Rex Babin Cartoons


Water Talks

Published: Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009

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These events, these natural disasters that men sometimes call "acts of God" not only serve to fulfill His word, but they also act as chastisements or judgments on those who have strayed or have been disobedient, as well as turning many to Him. They soften hard hearts, change rebellious wills, cause the poor and needy to cry out for mercy, and gather many to Him, where they no longer have to face the trials and tribulations, sickness and pain of life on Earth.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, November 02, 2009

Public Option?

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Rex Babin Cartoons


Public Option

Published: Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009

"But if you-- first of all, if you look at the way in which we have been fighting wars since the end of World War II,.. We constantly find new enemies, we constantly find reasons to fight war. We're basically a nation perpetually at war. .."I mean, the wars that we fight are being paid for by money that we borrow from China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and a variety of other countries as ours should be described — as permanent war-fighting states, then you see that the character of the country changes in all sorts of radical and fundamental ways."Glenn Greenward
The U.S. is also more interested in power and control than it is in peace and programs for the poor. It wants to be feared around the world so that it can have its way with other nations; by rattling its saber, it imagines it can make others toe the line and do its bidding, supply its needs, or go along with its policies.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Sunday, November 01, 2009

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Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dear Editor,
The pagan feast of Halloween is foreign to Christian tradition and has become a superstitious and empty way of imposing mindless triviality.The day has its origin in the Celtic New Year which celebrated the return of the spirits of the dead to their homes. Hence, those who observe Halloween, though they are probably ignorant of what they are doing and why they are doing it, are in reality celebrating death, the devil and hell.The observance of Halloween is mixed with Christian festivities whose meanings are totally contrary to Halloween. On November 1, Christians celebrate belief in the Communion of Saints. On November 2, we make visits to the cemetery as a religious and profoundly human gesture, inspired by our hope in the resurrection.I encourage Christians to celebrate the Christian truths of these days with renewed faith as a response to the real concerns of mankind today.Tim Storey

Ted Rudow III,MA
10/30/2009 12:06 PM

The true name of Halloween is "Samhain." This was the Celtic Lord of the Dead! For 3 days from Oct 29-31, the Celtic people, along with their priestly class called Druids, would hold an ancient rite which would mark the beginning and the end of the year.

Yet, I have seen many Christian churches throughout this nation hold Halloween Parties within the church building. Every single one of these things is directly from the celebration of Samhain. You are simply trying to turn something evil into something good! Isaiah 5:20. We pray this helps you to NOT be a partaker of this "holiday.