Saturday, August 30, 2008


Internation Herald



Rogge chides Bolt for lack of respect to rivals

The president of the International Olympic Committee said Usain Bolt's celebratory gestures after his record-breaking sprints were disrespectful. Were they?
My parents are sport fanatics! My Grandfather, on my mother side, with my Great-Uncle were the first to be named “Walter Camp’s All-American”in football on the West Coast in America. So from the age of five, I was in competive sports until I became a missionary in April,1972. During my teen-age years, my life was in turmoil! The only escape for me, I thought was sports. So I practiced and practiced basketball until I received few athletic scholarships included West Point but I decided to attend the University of California at Berkeley, in 1970. The Vietnam War was going on, and Berkeley was the hot-bed of radical resistance. It also was one of the top academic schools in the United States. So for me, it was quite a change coming from very staid background. During that time, I began taking drugs and reading from mystical books,but they never satisfied my soul I was on the honor roll and was voted first-team all-Northern California freshman in basketball, Captain and Most Valuable Player in 1971 and still hold the freshmen rebound record of 17.3 per game but still my life was empty without the Lord! I felt pressures on many sides to really put out all my time and energy towards becoming a basketball star in college and pressing toward a professional career. On the other hand, deep within my heart.
I felt that there was something wrong with all this!I felt caught between two worlds,one with the teachings of Jesus and His commandment to love thy neighbor,while in the other world, I was told to gain a near-manical desire to win and to physically punish my opponent in a defeat!
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It’s the spirit of the world‚ the “me first” spirit–do what’s best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That’s the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people–to love your neighbor as yourself.
Of course, some form of sports is fine. It’s good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they’re being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit. For example, the soccer players in the World Cup practically ran themselves to exhaustion, suffered injuries and bruises, and still kept playing, because they wanted to win no matter what it cost them physically.
It’s a spiritual thing. It’s the spirit of competition and pride, proving you’re better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It’s their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. It just seems to be sort of an instinct with men especially to want to compete and to win. When they watch the World Cup or other sports events, it’s almost like an extension of those human desires to compete and win. That’s why some people get so into it, because they can relate to that drive to compete. The physical exertion, and then finally the goal, is exhilarating for some people.
But the world just loves it! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? Is it the athletes? No, they’re about second. Is it the scholars? No they’re probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.
Ted Rudow III,MA — 21 August 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008


by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Aug 28th, 2008

Dr. Nilus first published the Protocols in 1902 and this translation was made was published in 1905, and that the actual copy which was used in the translation is now in the British Museum, having stamped on it the date of its reception, 10th August, 1906. It is becoming clearer every day that the policy of the Protocols is now being enforced on all nations in my opinion. Financial tactics are exactly what they predicted in the Protocols.

They said, "We'll have our banks loan these countries money until they're in debt up to their ears & then we'll foreclose on them"--or words to that effect--"until they have to say 'uncle' & be our slaves!" They were going to enslave the World by getting them into financial bondage to them and their banks, & that is exactly what they have done!
The commercial and private banks saw World Bank,IMF, government banks, loaning lavishly, all these billions of dollars to these poor little countries, now some of those banks are failing because they did, because they don't have the big money boys to back them! They could just foreclose on these other banks & they'd soon have not only the World, but all of the banks & all of it, exactly what they predicted in the Protocols!: "We will lend to the countries until they cannot pay & then they'll be our slaves!"--Words to that effect.
They have gotten the whole World into their financial slavery. They knew they could make slaves out of the World by forcing these loans on them and insisting on it. Now they're cracking down. They knew the people wouldn't be able to pay it back, they are now dictating to the countries their internal policies and economic policies , their industry, their finances, their banks, everything! They are running these governments!--By money pressure. But they're working out their purpose even with the big banks of the West who have made loans, who were not wise and thought the big money boys must be right & so they loaned them money. Now they're going broke!--And the the biggest debtor!
Ted Rudow III,MA


New York Times

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Obama Wins Nomination; Biden and Bill Clinton Rally Party

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Senator Barack Obama joined Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. on stage on Wednesday.

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Readers' Comment

The unanimous vote made Mr. Obama the first African-American to become a major party nominee for president


Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world. Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they'll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have.

They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation and will bow down to their will!

— Ted Rudow III, MA, Menlo Park, CA

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Monday, August 25, 2008

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Those who would reach such a lofty office in the eyes of the world have entangled themselves deeply in the affairs of this world. Those who are elected to this office that is so highly esteemed among men have few choices left to them. When in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they'll go when the showdown comes as many Democratic and Republican leaders have. They are prisoners of the compromises they have made to attain the office, prisoners of their advisers and counselors, prisoners of the policies of their party and the values of their nation. They are heavily influenced by Superdelegate as well and will bow down to their will!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Are you a good sport?

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From the Editor: Olympics to conventions, Bee is there

By Melanie Sill -
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Story appeared in CALIFORNIA FORUM section, Page E1

"I admit it, sometimes I hate the media.

I'm speaking of "the media" the way many Americans do, without separating one news outlet from another. What I'm really talking about is the effect of more news channels, Web sites and blogs than ever seeming to recycle a few story lines endlessly across the Internet and over 24-hour cable shows.

This effect has made many people weary already of the upcoming political conventions, which begin this week with the Democrats in Denver and continue later with the Republicans in St. Paul, Minn. Some reports have concluded the major-party conventions don't matter at all: "Like the Super Bowl, minus the game," pronounced an Associated Press report.--Sunday, August 24, 2008
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Are you a good sport?
The only escape for me, I thought was sports. So I practiced and practiced basketball until I received few athletic scholarships included West Point but I decided to attend the University of California at Berkeley, in 1970. I was on the honor roll and was voted first-team all-Northern California freshman in basketball, Captain and Most Valuable Player in 1971 and still hold the freshmen rebound record of 17.3 per game but still my life was empty without the Lord! I felt pressures on many sides to really put out all my time and energy towards becoming a basketball star in college and pressing toward a professional career. On the other hand, deep within my heart. I felt that there was something wrong with all this! I felt caught between two worlds,one with the teachings of Jesus and His commandment to love thy neighbor,while in the other world, I was told to gain a near-manical desire to win and to physically punish my opponent in a defeat!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Big lie
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Sunday Aug 24th, 2008 10:18 AM

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind has written,The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism. Suskind reports that in 2003 the White House ordered the CIA to forge and disseminate false intelligence documents linking al-Qaeda and Iraq. While much of the attention on the book has focused on the forged letter, Suskind also reveals that the Bush administration and the British government knew prior to the war that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.

Every few days Bush thinks up something new, some new reason why the U.S. should get in there & make a big mess & slaughter tens of thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands. So how many has Bush killed & been directly responsible for killing!--Although he didn't have to actually pull the trigger, Presidents of the United States have done the same--and even worse! The clever subtlety of this regime--what smooth, suave, scientific and reasonable patriotic excuses it had for everything. They thought all very logical and obviously supposed to be very good for you and good for everyone, good for the Country and even for the rest of the world.
Many pundits were almost convinced yourself--into believing what they were doing was right and for the common good,and even necessary, so that you felt little or no resentment or resistance. It was hypnotic: You moved along as though in a trance, as though drugged or dreaming, unable to speak out, unable to contradict, and much less able to rebel against what was called "the Truth", although all the time you realised subconsciously that it was some kind of big, horrible, and monstrous lie, but you were afraid not to believe it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Are you a good sport?

The Stanford Daily


Thursday August 21, 2008


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Stu's Views: It's not about the medals - Three points on the Olympics

August 21, 2008
By Stuart Baimel
....Despite my enjoyment of the Olympics, the intensity of the coverage in the American media has been exhausting and I will be glad when it is all over. Not only is it detracting from the presidential election, but it's also detracting from preseason coverage of college football, which is surely the most important annual event in sports.-


My parents are sport fanatics! My Grandfather, on my mother side, with my Great-Uncle were the first to be named "Walter Camp's All-American"in football on the West Coast in America. So from the age of five, I was in competive sports until I became a missionary in April,1972. During my teen-age years, my life was in turmoil! The only escape for me, I thought was sports. So I practiced and practiced basketball until I received few athletic scholarships included West Point but I decided to attend the University of California at Berkeley, in 1970.

The Vietnam War was going on, and Berkeley was the hot-bed of radical resistance. It also was one of the top academic schools in the United States. So for me, it was quite a change coming from very staid background. During that time, I began taking drugs and reading from mystical books,but they never satisfied my soul I was on the honor roll and was voted first-team all-Northern California freshman in basketball, Captain and Most Valuable Player in 1971 and still hold the freshmen rebound record of 17.3 per game but still my life was empty without the Lord! I felt pressures on many sides to really put out all my time and energy towards becoming a basketball star in college and pressing toward a professional career. On the other hand, deep within my heart.
I felt that there was something wrong with all this!I felt caught between two worlds,one with the teachings of Jesus and His commandment to love thy neighbor,while in the other world, I was told to gain a near-manical desire to win and to physically punish my opponent in a defeat!
Sports really foster the spirit of competition. It's the spirit of the world‚ the "me first" spirit--do what's best for yourself, win no matter who you have to hurt or step on in order to get ahead of the next guy. That's the spirit of the world, which is just the opposite of what Jesus wants to teach people--to love your neighbor as yourself.
Of course, some form of sports is fine. It's good exercise and can be good fun. But things in the world are so different, and when athletes get to the professional level where they're being paid to win, it gets extremely competitive. It becomes almost a life-and-death spirit. For example, the soccer players in the World Cup practically ran themselves to exhaustion, suffered injuries and bruises, and still kept playing, because they wanted to win no matter what it cost them physically.
It's a spiritual thing. It's the spirit of competition and pride, proving you're better than the other guy. They do it by sheer brawn, by their own strength, which really feeds their pride. It's their idea of success. Winning means success in the world, so to win is a very big motivator. It just seems to be sort of an instinct with men especially to want to compete and to win. When they watch the World Cup or other sports events, it's almost like an extension of those human desires to compete and win. That's why some people get so into it, because they can relate to that drive to compete. The physical exertion, and then finally the goal, is exhilarating for some people.
But the world just loves it! See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilization and empire. What young men does the media glorify and glamorize the most? Is it the athletes? No, they're about second. Is it the scholars? No they're probably about third. But the ones it builds memorials for and commemorates on special days and glamorizes as the greatest heroes of all time are its most murderous war-mongering soldiers.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Beijing 2008

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Beijing 2008: A brilliantly colored window to understanding?

By Ivy Lee - Special to The Bee
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Story appeared in CALIFORNIA FORUM section, Page E3

The coming-out party is over.

Sitting in front of the TV, I forgot for the moment the cacophony arising from various quarters to condemn China for the "broken" promises it made to win its Olympic bid in 2001.

Forgotten momentarily was the media coverage that revolved for weeks around Beijing's smoggy skies. China does have a problem with environmental degradation. Whether seven years of hard work could reverse the pollution accumulated in its headlong rush to industrialize is questionable.

But China has the hubris to promise, and judged it must be on those terms.

So the media flooded the public with images of the murky soup Beijing calls sky, while the fact the Chinese government has planted thousands of trees and permanently closed or relocated many polluting factories was mentioned as an afterthought. Doubt greeted China's efforts to seed the clouds in the hope that rain would clear the air. The impact of such media coverage was abundantly illustrated in the four U.S. cyclists who sported masks when deplaning in Beijing, apparently unwilling to chance a sniff of the poisonous mix even indoors.

A few days before the cyclists landed, the Climate Group, a tax-exempt organization in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, issued a little- noticed press release to report that China "has a strong and comprehensive low-carbon policy framework in place." The country "is overtaking more developed economies in ... creating green-collar jobs and leading development of critical low-carbon technologies."

Despite strict statements made by the Chinese government that it will not tolerate evangelism during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, many Christian athletes are planning to share the roles God has played in their lives. Section 51 of the Olympic Charter states, no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.
Unfortunately,the Olympics become a worship of man, the worship of his body. The Olympics is a sports fair, a flesh fair, flesh peddler.The worship of the body! It's very sexual too, as you notice, all these things are very sexy. Sports glorifies sex, but at the same time belittles it and pretends to dislike it. The ultimate manifestation of all of these is War!--His physical prowess, his mechanical ingenuity, his tactical genius and his indomitable spirit. See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilisation and empire!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Saturday, August 16, 2008



San Mateo Daily Journal

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Hunger another battle for U.S. forces in Afghanistan


Things aren’t going well for the West in Afghanistan. Besides having to fight the Taliban, which recently blew a hole in a prison there and set 1,100 prisoners free, including 400 of their own fighters, the Western powers are having to take on an even more determined foe: Hunger.

The price of food has skyrocketed, and many poor Afghanis can hardly afford to eat. Many are out of work and have no money, and those who do have a little money are already spending up to 70 percent of it on food, so there’s a lot of malnutrition and hunger. Six million people, nearly a fifth of the country, receive some sort of food aid, and the ranks of the hungry are growing all the time, to the point that officials are worried that people might rise up and loot the markets.

Afghanistan receives a lot of foreign aid, of course, but a lot of that is aid to foreign aid workers and projects that benefit foreign companies.

I’m sure the aid workers who go there are sincere for the most part and really have a heart for the Afghani people, but the countries that send them often count their salaries as foreign aid to Afghanistan, and when those countries want to build something to fill the great need there, they’ll buy the materials in their own country from their own companies and ship them to Afghanistan via their own planes; again calling it foreign aid. It does help the poor Afghanis somewhat, but it’d sure help them a lot more if the funds were invested locally.

Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park

Thursday, August 14, 2008


by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Aug 14th, 2008 4:33 PM
Vision:) I see a puppeteer dressed in a long, black, hooded cape. I can't see his face clearly because of the big hood which is casting a shadow on his face. I get the impression I'm not supposed to see his face right now. He's handling several marionettes all at once, and he's making them dance. The puppeteer's looking down on them, and although I can't see his face, I have the impression that he's smirking. He's talking in a sinister tone, saying, "Ahhhh, that's it! You're right in place now! You move here, and you move over there. Up and down--dance, dance, dance to my tune! You must dance, dance to my music! That's it, dance, dance to my tune! Uh, uh, uh--no, no--you mustn't try to remove those strings, for they are what hold you up. If you cut them, you'll only find yourself tangled in a mess of broken strings as you collapse and fall to the ground. "Dance, marionettes, dance! Don't try to do it alone, for I'm at the controls, and only I can bring order out of the complexity of all these strings. Dance, marionettes, dance! I'll move you here, and I'll move you there. I'm connecting you all firmly to my hand piece, where I can control you, manipulate you, and monitor your movements.

"See? As long as you dance to my tunes, your strings and wires will stay untangled.Down below I see the marionettes dancing on top of a world map. Each marionette represents a country or an area of the world. There's Hong Kong, Japan, the U.S., Europe, and others. The puppeteer has his strings firmly attached to each one, and he's manipulating them quite well. Him that will discern, let him discern. The sands of time are falling; the hourglass is running. The stage is set. The curtain is soon to go up as the next scene is about to begin, and the Wicked One is about to be revealed! His stagehands are setting the props in place. They're adjusting the lights and setting the stage, as the Wicked One prepares backstage. Some of the marionettes have been in the hands of the puppeteer for a long time, and are more tried and proven. All their parts move freely about in response to the touch of the puppeteer's own hand.

It's a demonstration of his power to the nations, that should they try to kick and break free from his manipulation, it will only result in instability, and they will soon find themselves in a tangled state and at risk of plunging to the ground in total collapse, just as the marionette who would try to cut his ties. Through selfish lust and the deceitfulness of riches, the marionettes grow dependent on the strings of the puppeteer. But should they decide to cut their strings, to break loose from the control and manipulation of the dark puppeteer, My lifeline remains steady and firm, reaching out to hold them and support them, so that they will not stumble and totter and crumble in ruin. Marvel not at the great rebound of the mighty nation [the U.S.], and be not fooled by a false sense of security, for what is seen is only temporary. For those who lurk behind the scenes, those who sit in high places, know in their hearts the meaning of this apparent quick comeback--that it is only for a time. For this was only a show of force of the Wicked One, a demonstration to those in high standing of who is really the boss. Even the big money boys are as pawns in the hands of the puppeteer. This great fluctuation serves as a reminder to all that the puppeteer alone holds the controls.

The puppeteer's total power works by fear. The purpose of the great plunge and the mighty rebound of the great nation was to strike fear into the hearts of those who sit in high places, else they be lifted up beyond reason. In these days of extremities, as the pendulum swings from extreme low to extreme high, the puppeteer sends a strong signal that it is indeed he who holds the bag and manipulates the strings, and all must yield to his gestures and signals, else they will be tangled up and put out of commission. These days of extreme swings serve their purpose and motivate these who sit in high places. These events serve as a cue, a signal to man their stations, curtain time, for the scene is about to begin. And all the world will worship the Wicked One for a time, as they marvel at his agility and his ability to keep the marionettes moving and flowing and dancing in apparent sync and coordination.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

California too dependent on borrowing money

California too dependent on borrowing money
San Mateo Daily Journal
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California too dependent on borrowing money


In California, they had it all figured out where the rich could stay rich and feed the poor on borrowed money, now $15 billion in the hole. They kept borrowing money and selling bonds that borrowed more money. Well, people will trust you for so long, and then quit trusting your ability to ever pay it back. So if you keep living on borrowed money, there comes a day when you have to pay it back when those bonds begin to come due.

These debts began to come due with all their big high interest rates and they didn't have the money to pay them back. She'd been living on borrowed money all the time and wasn't even raising enough money for her current expenses, much less to pay back her debts. So if California goes bankrupt and defaults on all these debts, all these bonds are worth nothing. All these people who put their money in the bank can't get it back because the bank goes bust because the money's gone, and it's all just on paper.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


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Robert Kagan: War in Georgia is just Putin's first step

By Robert Kagan -

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Story appeared in section,

The details of who did what to precipitate Russia's war against Georgia are not very important. Do you recall the precise details of the Sudeten Crisis that led to Nazi Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia? Of course not, because that morally ambiguous dispute is rightly remembered as a minor part of a much bigger drama.

The events of the past week will be remembered that way, too. This war did not begin because of a miscalculation by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. It is a war that Moscow has been attempting to provoke for some time. The man who once called the collapse of the Soviet Union "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the (20th) century" has re-established a virtual czarist rule in Russia and is trying to restore the country to its once-dominant role in Eurasia and the world. Armed with wealth from oil and gas; holding a near-monopoly over the energy supply to Europe; with a million soldiers, thousands of nuclear warheads and the world's third-largest military budget, Vladimir Putin believes that now is the time to make his move.

Georgia's unhappy fate is that it borders a new geopolitical fault line that runs along the western and southwestern frontiers of Russia.....

The U.S. is just used to having things its own way, and its leaders don't like people and nations who won't let them do what they want, when they want to do it, so they do all they can to paint them as the bad guys, since they consider themselves the good guys! And most of the mainstream media go right along with them, repeating the same government line and pumping out the same propaganda. Well, no one likes a bully. He may be feared, but he's not popular on the school grounds, much less in international affairs. The U.S. has become the sort of bully that it used to accuse the Russians of being, trying to bully Russia and picking on other nations when it can get away with it's usually weak little nations that can hardly fight back, like Afghanistan and Iraq.
Ted Rudow III,MA

Dubious foreign aid

Dubious foreign aid
Palo Alto Daily News

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Aug 12, 2008

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Dubious foreign aid

Dear Editor: Things aren't going well for the West in Afghanistan. Besides having to fight the Taliban - who recently blew a hole in a prison there and set 1,100 prisoners free, including 400 of their own fighters - the Western powers are having to take on an even more determined foe: Hunger.

The price of food has skyrocketed, and many poor Afghans can hardly afford to eat. Many are out of work and have no money, and those who do have a little money are already spending up to 70 percent of it on food, so there's a lot of malnutrition and hunger. Six million people, nearly a fifth of the country, receive some sort of food aid, and the ranks of the hungry are growing all the time, to the point that officials are worried that people might rise up and loot the markets.

Afghanistan receives a lot of foreign aid, of course, but a lot of that is aid to foreign aid workers and projects that benefit foreign companies. I'm sure the aid workers who go there are sincere for the most part and really have a heart for the Afghan people, but the countries that send them often count their salaries as foreign aid to Afghanistan, and when those countries want to build something to fill the great need there, they'll buy the materials in their own country from their own companies and ship them to Afghanistan via their own planes - again calling it foreign aid.

It does help the poor Afghans somewhat, but it'd sure help them a lot more if the funds were invested locally.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Friday, August 08, 2008

gods of gold?

gods of gold?
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Aug 7th, 2008

In ancient times, the medium of exchange was almost always precious metals such as gold, silver, nickel, brass or copper, etc., mined and minted into coins by the various governments, with the imprint of those governments and their rulers and the designation of the coin's value according to what the government said it was worth. As a government became more and more decadent and corrupt and dishonest, its money became more dishonest, until the people found that the coins were no longer being made of pure gold and silver but filled with other less valuable metals: The gold coins became more brass and copper than gold, and the silver coins became more nickel, zinc or lead, etc.

In recent history America was even making pennies out of aluminum when copper was scarce.--And of course paper coinage is quite a modern invention in fairly recent history, which came in with the invention of paper and printing press. Nevertheless, for the past few years the world has continued to drift dreamily along, still believing in the power and value of the American dollar, supposedly backed by the power, worth and word of the American government. So that, since America went off both the gold and silver standard and no longer has to exchange either for her dollars, the world has continued to drift dreamily along on pure faith in the paper tiger of America, the Green Paper Pig, the dollar, and that it's worth what its government says it is worth! When actually the dollar is really worthless and without any intrinsic value whatsoever with no backing or redeemability in coinage of actual value such as gold and silver!
If you think that past generations and cultures were foolish for worshipping gods of gold and silver and wood and stone, give a second thought to modern man who has been worshipping gods made only of paper, and very thin paper at that, for a good many years now! But he's now beginning to lose faith in his paper gods, these worthless currencies, and they're beginning to fall! They'll soon be worth so little they'll be cast away as worthless, and only things, services, goods, products and materials of actual value and usefulness will be considered of any worth.
Ted Rudow III,MA



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Editorial: As Games begin, politics recedes


Friday, August 8, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A16
Leading up to the third Summer Olympics to be held in Asia – the others were 1964 in Tokyo and 1988 in Seoul – the world has been aswirl in the politics of the 2008 Beijing games.U.S. swimmer Amanda Beard took part in a naked protest against the international fur trade as part of a publicity campaign run by the animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. American cyclists walked off the plane wearing masks, protesting Beijing smog.Activists are using the limelight of the Olympics to oppose China's policies in the Tibet and Xinjiang regions and in Sudan's Darfur region. President Bush used a pre-Olympics speech to declare that only respect for human rights would allow China to realize its full potential. -

Friday, August 8, 2008 said:


Despite strict statements made by the Chinese government that it will not tolerate evangelism during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, many Christian athletes are planning to share the roles God has played in their lives. Section 51 of the Olympic Charter states, no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas. Unfortunately, the Olympics become a worship of man, the worship of his body. The Olympics is a sports fair, a flesh fair, flesh peddler.The worship of the body. So sex is included as a part, but in some ways a very minor part. Sports glorifies sex, but at the same time belittles it and pretends to dislike it. The ultimate manifestation of all of these is War!--His physical prowess, his mechanical ingenuity, his tactical genius and his indomitable spirit. See how this competitive sports thing has been the final stages of every great civilisation and empire.
Ted Rudow III,MA

"Blessed are the warmakers?"

"Blessed are the warmakers?"

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The Daily Star > is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics.
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor's mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.Michael Young

The US is also the most war-mongering nation on Earth. It's as if they've taken the Lord's advice, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9), and reversed it for their national motto: "Blessed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the children of God, because they stomp every nation they figure is an enemy of God."
It's really pitiful that so many American Christians support the most un-Christian thing imaginable - war - under the illusion that it's God's will and God's way. They're stuck way back in the Old Testament era, thinking that the US is a modern Israel, performing God's will in the world and smiting His enemies, when the reality is that the US is like the great heathen empires of old, smashing and burning, looting and destroying nations and people just so it can have its own way, not God's!
So many US Christians put their allegiance to the state above their loyalty and obedience to the Lord, above His Word, above reason, and certainly above justice, truth and love. They get their nationalism and their Christianity mixed up and they think that serving their country, even when it's engaged in an unjust war, is the same as serving the Lord and fighting the battles of the Lord. They engage in carnal warfare, knowing so little about the spiritual warfare or the ways of the Spirit.

Ted Rudow III,MA
California, United States
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

15 billions

Palo Alto Daily News

Serving Atherton, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Portola Valley, Stanford, Sunnyvale, Woodside

Tuesday Aug. 5,2008 Opinion
But in California, they had it all figured out where the rich could stay rich and feed the poor on borrowed money, now 15 billions in the hole! They kept borrowing money and selling bonds borrowing more money. Well, people will trust you so long, and then they quit trusting your ability to ever pay it back. So if you keep living on borrowed money, there comes a day when you have to pay it back when those bonds begin to come due.
These debts began to come due with all their big high interest rates and they didn't have the money to pay them back. She'd been living on borrowed money all the time and wasn't even raising enough money for her current expenses, much less to pay back her debts. So if California goes bankrupt and defaults on all these debts, all these bonds are worth nothing and all these people who put their money in the bank can't get it back because the bank goes bust because the money's gone, and its all just on paper!
Ted Rudow III,MA

Monday, August 04, 2008

Obama's trip

Obama's trip
The Stanford Daily


Thursday July 31, 2008


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Stu's Views: Obama's World

July 31, 2008
By Stuart Baimel
Obama's trip to the Middle East and Europe last week was one of the most impressive displays of political skill?, orchestrated symbolism and rhetoric in recent memory. While showing his rapport with European leaders, he more importantly buttressed his foreign-policy credentials. The media ate up the trip like I eat up red curry--voraciously. The press coverage was so extensive and positive that John McCain's campaign, desperate for attention, was forced to "leak" false rumors to reporters that his Veep choice would be announced soon.
The trip was brilliantly planned from start to finish. Obama got himself photographed wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall, which is certain to reassure Jewish voters. The visit to Iraq coincided nicely with his repositioning on his strategy for the country. And,Obama's big public speech, to an enormous 200,000 people, was in Berlin. As a friend pointed out, Germany is a noncontroversial (and popular) country to Americans. Had the speech been in France, it would have been much easier for Republicans to attack him.---

Ted Rudow III,MA

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) conservatively estimates cumulative total direct U.S. aid to Israel at $107.961 billion. It is not of Israel’s cost to the U.S. or the American taxpayer, nor of the benefit to Israel of U.S. aid.
The distinction is important, because the indirect or consequential costs to the American taxpayer as a result of Washington’s blind support for Israel exceed by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel. Only rarely is a critical word uttered among politicians regarding AIPAC and its associates that support unjust and aggressive (and disastrous) U.S. policies toward the peoples of the Middle East. For too long, policies that support Israeli militarism and occupation have gone unchallenged. Political voices raising even minor disagreements with prevailing policies are silenced or subject to campaigns of intimidation.

What little we have been told is pure anti-Arab propaganda. Nothing good is ever said by the West about the Arabs; I never heard anything good in school about the Arabs. I think is it racism, but try as they will, Israel will never willingly withdraw from the Israeli-occupied Arab territories and has said flatly she will never give up Jerusalem.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


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Reader's Feedback Published on 02/08/2008

Readers' Letters and Opinions

The Daily Star is pleased to provide a forum for debate on a range of subjects, from local cultural activities to international politics.
Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of letters fall into the editor's mailbox daily. In order to keep the letters timely, The Daily Star generally produces a special letters section. When the influx of letters is particularly large, extra space is made available accordingly.
If you would like to submit a letter for publication, please remember to include your full name (first and last) and address, including city. The Daily Star only publishes letters under 400 words, and these are subject to editing. The Daily Star will not acknowledge unsolicited submissions.

Agence France Presse
"Oil prices rise as Nigeria attacks cut output"
July 29, 2008

The recent granting of no-bid, immensely lucrative contracts to Western oil companies would seem to indicate that Republic presidential contender John McCain is perfectly comfortable continuing the neo-colonial corporate endeavors undertaken by the Bush administration.

Ted Rudow III,MA
United States
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The International Herald Tribune and The Daily Star are available every morning in: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman

Friday, August 01, 2008


August 01
Green paper
Wad of cash?

Rex Babin Cartoons

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unique content, exceptional value. SUBSCRIBE NOW!

But in California they had it all figured out where the rich could stay rich and feed the poor on borrowed money, now 15 billions in the hole! They kept borrowing money and selling bonds borrowing more money. Well, people will trust you so long, and then they quit trusting your ability to ever pay it back. So if you keep living on borrowed money, there comes a day when you have to pay it back when those bonds begin to come due.
These debts began to come due with all their big high interest rates and they didn't have the money to pay them back. She'd been living on borrowed money all the time and wasn't even raising enough money for her current expenses, much less to pay back her debts. So if California goes bankrupt and defaults on all these debts, all these bonds are worth nothing and all these people who put their money in the bank can't get it back because the bank goes bust because the money's gone, and its all just on paper!
Ted Rudow III,MA

by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Monday Jul 28th, 2008 6:55 PM
The recent granting of no-bid, immensely lucrative contracts to western oil companies, this would seem to indicate that McCain is perfectly comfortable continuing the neo-colonial corporate endeavors undertaken by the Bush administration.

In "1984", it incessantly relays messages from the Party and simultaneously allows the dreaded “thought police” to tune into the activities of any individual at any given time. The administration is divided among four Ministries- the Ministry of Truth, which deals with news, entertainment, education and fine arts, the Ministry of Love which maintains law and order, the Ministry of Peace which wages war and the Ministry of Plenty which handles economic affairs. The very vocabulary of the people was under Party Control; a system called “newspeak” was encouraged.
McCain is a supported of the "Ministry of Peace". The slogans of Newspeak are “War is Peace” Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.” are his too!" Christian warmongers, which he is part of, would rather be associated with Bush and the war than with people whom they and others have deemed undesirable. In actuality, however, they are choosing to be associated with a war criminal and murder than with the truth just because some people who are usually wrong happen to be right on this particular issue.
Ted Rudow III,MA