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Cal Thomas: Gore's cult of global alarmism
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Fear As I've often said in the past, one of the Enemy's principal weapons has always been fear. If he can terrify men and women and put them in fear of their lives, then as he said in the book of Job, "Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life" (Job 2:4). When the men and women of the world fear catastrophe, they generally look to their governments to save them rather than the Lord, sad to say. So what happens? Governments gain more control and power, the rich and the powerful grow even more rich and powerful, and the Enemy's plan of strengthening the very institutions he'll someday use for ultimate power and control under his One World government is.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
True peace
The Caledonian-Record News
Friday, December 21, 2007
Letters to the Editor
12/21/2007 Email this article • Print this article
True Peace
To the Editor:
Although peace has been the goal of mankind for thousands of years - and the desire for peace is never so great as it is at Christmas - it seems that our ability to find or establish peace continues to elude us.
Today, after the end of the Cold War, bloody hostilities continue on nearly every continent, reaching global proportions once again after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and near Pittsburgh. As Pete Seeger's well-known folk song from the '60s asked, "Where have all the flowers gone? ... When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?"
True peace on every level - from international conflicts to our personal lives - has become more difficult than ever to achieve.
"And in Bethlehem today, children fear, yet still they play
While mothers cry and fathers pray for peace to come again.
And a round the weary world echoes the refrain:
'Christmas in Bethlehem, when shall true love reign?'
One day soon the Prince of Love, will return from skies above, and His pow'r shall overcome all pain and tears and war. Then shall songs of joy and praise ring out from shore to shore.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more."
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park, Calif.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Letters to the Editor
12/21/2007 Email this article • Print this article
True Peace
To the Editor:
Although peace has been the goal of mankind for thousands of years - and the desire for peace is never so great as it is at Christmas - it seems that our ability to find or establish peace continues to elude us.
Today, after the end of the Cold War, bloody hostilities continue on nearly every continent, reaching global proportions once again after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and near Pittsburgh. As Pete Seeger's well-known folk song from the '60s asked, "Where have all the flowers gone? ... When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?"
True peace on every level - from international conflicts to our personal lives - has become more difficult than ever to achieve.
"And in Bethlehem today, children fear, yet still they play
While mothers cry and fathers pray for peace to come again.
And a round the weary world echoes the refrain:
'Christmas in Bethlehem, when shall true love reign?'
One day soon the Prince of Love, will return from skies above, and His pow'r shall overcome all pain and tears and war. Then shall songs of joy and praise ring out from shore to shore.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more."
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park, Calif.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Iraqi exiles in Syria
Iraqi exiles in Syria
Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters
Grim past, dim future for Iraqi exiles in Syria
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Death of countless
Iraqi physicians, overseen by epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health, published a study last year in the British medical journal The Lancet. The study estimated that 655,000 more people than normal have died in Iraq since coalition forces invaded the country in March 2003. This is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech last December.
In a statement released on Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) criticized the Israeli closure and occupation of Palestinian land, which has left hospitals unable to treat the sick and injured, and has left farmers unable to work their land.
The Red Cross called on Israel to `lift the retaliatory measures which are paralyzing life in Gaza`, and to stop targeting the civilian population.
But it's those who sent them to war in the first place for whom the greatest chastisements and judgments of God are reserved those who caused the death of countless innocents, the making of scores of widows and orphans, the breaking of hearts and bodies, those whose hands are red with the blood of those they've caused to die through sanctions, disease, malnutrition, bombs, and other weapons of war.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters
Grim past, dim future for Iraqi exiles in Syria
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Death of countless
Iraqi physicians, overseen by epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health, published a study last year in the British medical journal The Lancet. The study estimated that 655,000 more people than normal have died in Iraq since coalition forces invaded the country in March 2003. This is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech last December.
In a statement released on Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) criticized the Israeli closure and occupation of Palestinian land, which has left hospitals unable to treat the sick and injured, and has left farmers unable to work their land.
The Red Cross called on Israel to `lift the retaliatory measures which are paralyzing life in Gaza`, and to stop targeting the civilian population.
But it's those who sent them to war in the first place for whom the greatest chastisements and judgments of God are reserved those who caused the death of countless innocents, the making of scores of widows and orphans, the breaking of hearts and bodies, those whose hands are red with the blood of those they've caused to die through sanctions, disease, malnutrition, bombs, and other weapons of war.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Saturday, December 15, 2007
All wars are evil
All wars are evil
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Saturday Dec 15th, 2007 1:08 PM
All wars are evil! Some wars are necessary, but all wars are evil.
Invasions of other lands and “nation building” elsewhere, even to preserve access to oil, or to intrude in civil wars in Asia or anywhere else, do not qualify as “justifiable wars.” Not for the human beings who suffer and die there." Keith Kreitman
Iraqi physicians, overseen by epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health, published a study last year in the British medical journal The Lancet. The study estimated that 655,000 more people than normal have died in Iraq since coalition forces invaded the country in March 2003. This is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech last December.
In a statement released on Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) criticized the Israeli closure and occupation of Palestinian land, which has left hospitals unable to treat the sick and injured, and has left farmers unable to work their land.The Red Cross called on Israel to `lift the retaliatory measures which are paralyzing life in Gaza`, and to stop targeting the civilian population
But it's those who sent them to war in the first place for whom the greatest chastisements and judgments of God are reserved—those who caused the death of countless innocents, the making of scores of widows and orphans, the breaking of hearts and bodies, those whose hands are red with the blood of those they've caused to die through sanctions, disease, malnutrition, bombs, and other weapons of war.
Ted Rudow III,MA
All wars are evil
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Saturday Dec 15th, 2007 1:08 PM
All wars are evil! Some wars are necessary, but all wars are evil.
Invasions of other lands and “nation building” elsewhere, even to preserve access to oil, or to intrude in civil wars in Asia or anywhere else, do not qualify as “justifiable wars.” Not for the human beings who suffer and die there." Keith Kreitman
Iraqi physicians, overseen by epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health, published a study last year in the British medical journal The Lancet. The study estimated that 655,000 more people than normal have died in Iraq since coalition forces invaded the country in March 2003. This is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech last December.
In a statement released on Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) criticized the Israeli closure and occupation of Palestinian land, which has left hospitals unable to treat the sick and injured, and has left farmers unable to work their land.The Red Cross called on Israel to `lift the retaliatory measures which are paralyzing life in Gaza`, and to stop targeting the civilian population
But it's those who sent them to war in the first place for whom the greatest chastisements and judgments of God are reserved—those who caused the death of countless innocents, the making of scores of widows and orphans, the breaking of hearts and bodies, those whose hands are red with the blood of those they've caused to die through sanctions, disease, malnutrition, bombs, and other weapons of war.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Thursday, December 13, 2007
True peace
True peace
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Dec 13th, 2007 4:59 PM
Although peace has been the goal of mankind for thousands of years — and the desire for peace is never so great as it is at Christmas — it seems that our ability to find or establish peace continues to elude us.
Today, after the end of the Cold War, bloody hostilities continue on nearly every continent, reaching global proportions once again after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and near Pittsburgh. As Pete Seeger’s well-known folk song from the ’60s asked, “Where have all the flowers gone? When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?”
True peace on every level — from international conflicts to our personal lives — has become more difficult than ever to achieve.
"And in Bethlehem today,children fear, yet still they play
While mothers cry and fathers pray for peace to come again.
And a round the weary world echoes the refrain:
“Christmas in Bethlehem, when shall true love reign?”
One day soon the Prince of Love,will return from skies above,and His pow’r shall overcome all pain and tears and war.Then shall songs of joy and praise ring out from shore to shore.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more.
Christmas in Bethlehem,Peace on Earth once more."
Michael Dooley
Ted Rudow III,MA
True peace
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77 [at] )
Thursday Dec 13th, 2007 4:59 PM
Although peace has been the goal of mankind for thousands of years — and the desire for peace is never so great as it is at Christmas — it seems that our ability to find or establish peace continues to elude us.
Today, after the end of the Cold War, bloody hostilities continue on nearly every continent, reaching global proportions once again after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 in New York City, Washington, D.C., and near Pittsburgh. As Pete Seeger’s well-known folk song from the ’60s asked, “Where have all the flowers gone? When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?”
True peace on every level — from international conflicts to our personal lives — has become more difficult than ever to achieve.
"And in Bethlehem today,children fear, yet still they play
While mothers cry and fathers pray for peace to come again.
And a round the weary world echoes the refrain:
“Christmas in Bethlehem, when shall true love reign?”
One day soon the Prince of Love,will return from skies above,and His pow’r shall overcome all pain and tears and war.Then shall songs of joy and praise ring out from shore to shore.
Christmas in Bethlehem, peace on Earth once more.
Christmas in Bethlehem,Peace on Earth once more."
Michael Dooley
Ted Rudow III,MA
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
King George
San Mateo Daily Journal
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Hypocritical friendship
King George departed even before the tumult had died. His helicopter carried him away over the horizon, just as his trusty steed carries the cowboy into the sunset at the end of the movie. At that moment, the speeches in the assembly hall were still going ahead at full blast. Even if Bush wanted to, could he do anything? Is he capable of putting pressure on Israel, in the face of vigorous opposition from the pro-Israel lobby, and especially from the Christian-Evangelist public, to which he himself belongs? Bush is a hypocrite pretending to be everybody’s friend and nobody’s enemy, when in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they’ll go when the showdown comes, as many Republican leaders have. May God damn it for its subtle treacherous “neutrality” with the world--pretending to be a friend of both God and the world at the same time.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
The power of Arab oil
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77Q [at] )
Monday Dec 10th, 2007
Gadhafi's son Seif al-Islam said the visit, the veteran leader's first to France since 1973, would celebrate "the new relations" between the two countries. The invitation from Paris came after the release of Bulgarian medics imprisoned in Libya on charges of infecting children with HIV/AIDS.
Sarkozy visited Tripoli immediately afterward, overseeing the signing of arms sales and an accord to build a nuclear plant for water desalination, and underscoring Libya's return to respectability after years of isolation.
"Libya is not a small insignificant country. A major player on the oil market, at the crossroads between the Arab and African world, threatened by the advance of Islamism, Tripoli plays a vital role for stability in a part of the world where we have vital interests," the newspaper said. "There is no shame in recognizing that and defending our interests with realism," it added.
The power of Arab oil in contrast to the oil-starved nations of the capitalistic West! The U.S. alone, though it has only eight percent of the world's population, uses 40% of the world's oil, and her rate of use is increasing by nearly ten percent a year, much of which she imports from the Arabs. Europe, too, imports over two-thirds of her oil from the Arabs and uses a large portion of the world's total, and the under-developed Arab states are absolutely oil rich! In fact, Arab oil is making the Arabs one of the richest and most powerful forces on Earth with her hands throttling the throat of an oil-thirsty world!
Ted Rudow III,MA
San Mateo Daily Journal
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Letters to the editor
Hypocritical friendship
King George departed even before the tumult had died. His helicopter carried him away over the horizon, just as his trusty steed carries the cowboy into the sunset at the end of the movie. At that moment, the speeches in the assembly hall were still going ahead at full blast. Even if Bush wanted to, could he do anything? Is he capable of putting pressure on Israel, in the face of vigorous opposition from the pro-Israel lobby, and especially from the Christian-Evangelist public, to which he himself belongs? Bush is a hypocrite pretending to be everybody’s friend and nobody’s enemy, when in their hearts they know exactly where they stand, and which way they’ll go when the showdown comes, as many Republican leaders have. May God damn it for its subtle treacherous “neutrality” with the world--pretending to be a friend of both God and the world at the same time.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
The power of Arab oil
by Ted Rudow III,MA ( Tedr77Q [at] )
Monday Dec 10th, 2007
Gadhafi's son Seif al-Islam said the visit, the veteran leader's first to France since 1973, would celebrate "the new relations" between the two countries. The invitation from Paris came after the release of Bulgarian medics imprisoned in Libya on charges of infecting children with HIV/AIDS.
Sarkozy visited Tripoli immediately afterward, overseeing the signing of arms sales and an accord to build a nuclear plant for water desalination, and underscoring Libya's return to respectability after years of isolation.
"Libya is not a small insignificant country. A major player on the oil market, at the crossroads between the Arab and African world, threatened by the advance of Islamism, Tripoli plays a vital role for stability in a part of the world where we have vital interests," the newspaper said. "There is no shame in recognizing that and defending our interests with realism," it added.
The power of Arab oil in contrast to the oil-starved nations of the capitalistic West! The U.S. alone, though it has only eight percent of the world's population, uses 40% of the world's oil, and her rate of use is increasing by nearly ten percent a year, much of which she imports from the Arabs. Europe, too, imports over two-thirds of her oil from the Arabs and uses a large portion of the world's total, and the under-developed Arab states are absolutely oil rich! In fact, Arab oil is making the Arabs one of the richest and most powerful forces on Earth with her hands throttling the throat of an oil-thirsty world!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Commentator
The Commentator January 2008 Edition
Foreign Affairs [7]
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Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community
Ted Rudow III,MA (
"The central committee of Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community, which has in the past expressed unease over Ahmadinejad's stance on the Holocaust, added its voice to the condemnation of his hostile reception in New York, Iranian Jews strongly condemn such impoliteness and willfulness, as such behavior has targeted Iran's president who legally represents Iranians," it said in a statement.
On the another hand, AIPAC, or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, describes itself as the most important organization affecting the U.S. relationship with Israel. With a budget of $65 million, and membership now standing at over 100,000, it is no wonder that congressional staffers consider it one of the most powerful and effective lobbies on Capitol Hill. Including AIPAC's support for U.S. military aid to Israel, which amounts to over $3 billion per year.
"It is widely acknowledged that the reps and senators are ticked at AIPAC, and their hostility seems to be growing these days. With upwards of 60% of their campaign contributions coming directly or indirectly from the Israel Lobby, the Democratic congressmen are not free to respond to their antiwar base." John Walsh. Some Muslims see a new Crusade in the making, waged jointly by the Jewish Israelis and the Christian Americans.
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Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community
Ted Rudow III,MA (
"The central committee of Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community, which has in the past expressed unease over Ahmadinejad's stance on the Holocaust, added its voice to the condemnation of his hostile reception in New York, Iranian Jews strongly condemn such impoliteness and willfulness, as such behavior has targeted Iran's president who legally represents Iranians," it said in a statement.
On the another hand, AIPAC, or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, describes itself as the most important organization affecting the U.S. relationship with Israel. With a budget of $65 million, and membership now standing at over 100,000, it is no wonder that congressional staffers consider it one of the most powerful and effective lobbies on Capitol Hill. Including AIPAC's support for U.S. military aid to Israel, which amounts to over $3 billion per year.
"It is widely acknowledged that the reps and senators are ticked at AIPAC, and their hostility seems to be growing these days. With upwards of 60% of their campaign contributions coming directly or indirectly from the Israel Lobby, the Democratic congressmen are not free to respond to their antiwar base." John Walsh. Some Muslims see a new Crusade in the making, waged jointly by the Jewish Israelis and the Christian Americans.
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Saturday, December 08, 2007
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Bush’s totalitarian undercurrents is obvious
“Pinochet, when he was overthrowing the Democratic government of Chile, told Chilean citizens that there was going to be a terrible terrorist attack, with armed insurgents. Now there were real insurgents, there was a real threat, but then he produces what he called Plan Z, which were fake papers claiming that these terrorists were going to assassinate all these military leaders at once,” Naomi Wolf said.
Most Americans reject outright any comparisons of post-9/11 America with the fascism and totalitarianism of Nazi Germany or Pinochet’s Chile. Instead they turn to Bush, as a compromise candidate, a little more palatable neo-fascist. In other words, they knew they had in Bush the man that he is, he would go to military rule. He’s a great pretender, a real ham actor, and he’s making the public think he’s a great humanitarian and a great democratic leader protecting the people. Which is the opposite of what he is.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
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Letters to the editor
Bush’s totalitarian undercurrents is obvious
“Pinochet, when he was overthrowing the Democratic government of Chile, told Chilean citizens that there was going to be a terrible terrorist attack, with armed insurgents. Now there were real insurgents, there was a real threat, but then he produces what he called Plan Z, which were fake papers claiming that these terrorists were going to assassinate all these military leaders at once,” Naomi Wolf said.
Most Americans reject outright any comparisons of post-9/11 America with the fascism and totalitarianism of Nazi Germany or Pinochet’s Chile. Instead they turn to Bush, as a compromise candidate, a little more palatable neo-fascist. In other words, they knew they had in Bush the man that he is, he would go to military rule. He’s a great pretender, a real ham actor, and he’s making the public think he’s a great humanitarian and a great democratic leader protecting the people. Which is the opposite of what he is.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
Friday, December 07, 2007
Sacbee: Opinion Newsletter Blogs | Cartoons | Daily Debate | Editorials | Forum | Letters
John R. Bolton: The flaws in the NIE's 'key judgments' on Iran
Friday, December 7, 2007
The conclusions of the new assessment are likely to be a major factor in the tense international negotiations aimed at getting Iran to halt its nuclear energy program. Concerns about Iran were raised sharply after President Bush had suggested in October that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III,and Vice President Dick Cheney promised serious consequences if the government in Tehran did not abandon its nuclear program. Finally, it should be noted that those who benefit from war or the threat of war are many more than just the old military-industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned about. Indeed, remember that most of the uniformed military opposed the attack on Iraq. It was pro-war neocon civilians who took over Pentagon policymaking positions. It's the same drumbeat to war that Ike warned about!
Ted Rudow III,MA
John R. Bolton: The flaws in the NIE's 'key judgments' on Iran
Friday, December 7, 2007
The conclusions of the new assessment are likely to be a major factor in the tense international negotiations aimed at getting Iran to halt its nuclear energy program. Concerns about Iran were raised sharply after President Bush had suggested in October that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to World War III,and Vice President Dick Cheney promised serious consequences if the government in Tehran did not abandon its nuclear program. Finally, it should be noted that those who benefit from war or the threat of war are many more than just the old military-industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned about. Indeed, remember that most of the uniformed military opposed the attack on Iraq. It was pro-war neocon civilians who took over Pentagon policymaking positions. It's the same drumbeat to war that Ike warned about!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Fear, sex are driving forces within Children of God cult?
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Review: Fear, sex are driving forces within Children of God cult
Mary D'Ambrosio
Jesus Freaks A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge By Don Lattin HARPERONE; 236 PAGES; $24.95 You couldn't beat it for tabloid fodder: Anointed prophet of a secretive evangelical mission-cum-sex...
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Tedr wrote:This program seems to have found its impetus in Don Lattins recently published book, Jesus Freaks. Although Lattins book does contain some sound research and factual information, it is laced with inaccuracies, misconceptions and erroneous conclusions lacking a factual basenot to mention, sketchy research. I want to state that after reading the reviews,"Jesus Freaks" about Ricky Rodriguez suicide and the killing a innocent woman, I was taken back by outright lies and Lattin misconstrued representation of The Family, as well as by the false testimonies by ex-members, and other "officials". In my opinion, this ranks with the worst in "yellow journalism". My grandfather, Phil Hindley, was the city editor for the San Francisco Examiner, would roll in his grave. I also find it nearly unbelievable that Don Lattin will stoop to such low levels to blame Karen Zerby for what happened. I can personally affirm that The Family is sincerely dedicated to helping others.
Ted Rudow III,MA
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Review: Fear, sex are driving forces within Children of God cult
Mary D'Ambrosio
Jesus Freaks A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge By Don Lattin HARPERONE; 236 PAGES; $24.95 You couldn't beat it for tabloid fodder: Anointed prophet of a secretive evangelical mission-cum-sex...
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Tedr wrote:This program seems to have found its impetus in Don Lattins recently published book, Jesus Freaks. Although Lattins book does contain some sound research and factual information, it is laced with inaccuracies, misconceptions and erroneous conclusions lacking a factual basenot to mention, sketchy research. I want to state that after reading the reviews,"Jesus Freaks" about Ricky Rodriguez suicide and the killing a innocent woman, I was taken back by outright lies and Lattin misconstrued representation of The Family, as well as by the false testimonies by ex-members, and other "officials". In my opinion, this ranks with the worst in "yellow journalism". My grandfather, Phil Hindley, was the city editor for the San Francisco Examiner, would roll in his grave. I also find it nearly unbelievable that Don Lattin will stoop to such low levels to blame Karen Zerby for what happened. I can personally affirm that The Family is sincerely dedicated to helping others.
Ted Rudow III,MA
San Francisco the Examiner
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Fri. 56/45
Ken Garcia
N. Korea
San Francisco Home > Opinion > Letters
4 hrs ago » Letters: December 7, 2007
Dec 7, 2007 The Examiner
The Examiner gives preference to letters containing fewer than 150 words. Please include name, phone number and city of residence.
Ike warned of militarists
A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting an assessment two years ago that Tehran was working inexorably toward building a bomb.
The conclusions of the new assessment are likely to be a major factor in the tense international negotiations aimed at getting Iran to halt its nuclear energy program. Concerns about Iran were raised sharply after President Bush had suggested in October that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to “World War III,” and Vice President Dick Cheney promised “serious consequences” if the government in Tehran did not abandon its nuclear program.
Finally, it should be noted that those who benefit from war or the threat of war are many more than just the old military-industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned about.
Indeed, remember that most of the uniformed military opposed the attack on Iraq. It was pro-war neocon civilians who took over Pentagon policymaking positions. It’s the same drumbeat to war that Ike warned about!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
California |Change My City
Fri. 56/45
Ken Garcia
N. Korea
San Francisco Home > Opinion > Letters
4 hrs ago » Letters: December 7, 2007
Dec 7, 2007 The Examiner
The Examiner gives preference to letters containing fewer than 150 words. Please include name, phone number and city of residence.
Ike warned of militarists
A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting an assessment two years ago that Tehran was working inexorably toward building a bomb.
The conclusions of the new assessment are likely to be a major factor in the tense international negotiations aimed at getting Iran to halt its nuclear energy program. Concerns about Iran were raised sharply after President Bush had suggested in October that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to “World War III,” and Vice President Dick Cheney promised “serious consequences” if the government in Tehran did not abandon its nuclear program.
Finally, it should be noted that those who benefit from war or the threat of war are many more than just the old military-industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned about.
Indeed, remember that most of the uniformed military opposed the attack on Iraq. It was pro-war neocon civilians who took over Pentagon policymaking positions. It’s the same drumbeat to war that Ike warned about!
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
Saturday, December 01, 2007
He’s the great pretender
San Francisco Examiner
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Ken Garcia
Glenn Dickey
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This is the most recent article version.
He’s the great pretender
“[Augusto] Pinochet, when he was overthrowing the democratic government of Chile, told Chilean citizens that there was going to be a terrible terrorist attack, with armed insurgents. Now there were real insurgents, there was a real threat, but then he produces what he called Plan Z, which were fake papers claiming that these terrorists were going to assassinate all these military leaders at once.” — Naomi Wolf
Most Americans reject outright any comparisons of post-9/11 America with the fascism and totalitarianism of Nazi Germany or Pinochet’s Chile. Instead they turn to George Bush, as a compromise candidate, a more palatable neofascist. In other words, they knew they had in Bush the man that he is, and he would go to military rule. He’s a great pretender, a real ham actor, and he’s making the public think that he’s a great humanitarian and a great democratic leader protecting the people, which is the opposite of what he is.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
California |Change My City
Sat. 54/47
Print Edition | Marketplace
Examiner Newsroom
Ken Garcia
Glenn Dickey
San Francisco Home > Opinion > Letters
Article Examiner
This is the most recent article version.
He’s the great pretender
“[Augusto] Pinochet, when he was overthrowing the democratic government of Chile, told Chilean citizens that there was going to be a terrible terrorist attack, with armed insurgents. Now there were real insurgents, there was a real threat, but then he produces what he called Plan Z, which were fake papers claiming that these terrorists were going to assassinate all these military leaders at once.” — Naomi Wolf
Most Americans reject outright any comparisons of post-9/11 America with the fascism and totalitarianism of Nazi Germany or Pinochet’s Chile. Instead they turn to George Bush, as a compromise candidate, a more palatable neofascist. In other words, they knew they had in Bush the man that he is, and he would go to military rule. He’s a great pretender, a real ham actor, and he’s making the public think that he’s a great humanitarian and a great democratic leader protecting the people, which is the opposite of what he is.
Ted Rudow III,MA
Menlo Park
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