Tuesday, February 07, 2006


The San Francisco Examiner

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San Francisco

Feb 7, 2006 11:17 AM ET

From readers

Morals Must Be Taught

As difficult a decision it was to make to forfeit the season, Sequoia High Principal Morgan Marchbanks said it was necessary to preserve the school’s integrity.

“I think the sports program is integral to high school. But our model of teaching morals is paramount,” Marchbanks said. “While this was a painful action to take, we had to clean our house in order to set an example.”

I went to Menlo-Atherton High School and played basketball from 1967-1970. I also played with Charles Johnson at Cal, who was the best basketball player ever at Sequoia High. I was an academic counselor at San Jose State University in the ’90s.

More than half of the freshman class at San Jose State Unversity took remedial English and math. It was the dumbing down of the academic standards and now any school’s moral integrity.

For students, it has meant wholesale confusion about moral values: learning to question values they have scarcely acquired, unlearning values taught at home, and concluding that questions of right and wrong are always merely

It is because the failure of moral education in the schools. In brief, students are being taught by the wrong method — a method that looks more and more like a fad that won’t go away.

It has meant that the development of moral education curriculums has been turned over to theorists who have repeatedly expressed disdain for concepts such as virtue, character and good example; the same theorists have dismissed past culture and history as being irrelevant to the search for values.

Ted Rudow III,MA

Menlo Park

Thursday, February 02, 2006

U.S. pushes for democracy?

San Jose Spartan Daily
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
San Jose State University Since 1934


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U.S. pushes for democracy until the wrong side wins - Article Comments

The future of the Middle East entered a new era of uncertainty Thursday, as the militant Palestinian opposition group Hamas snatched power from the ruling old guard and made skeptics of many key players in the peace process. "There was a peaceful process as people went to the polls. And that's positive," Bush said. While he reiterated that the United States will not deal with the organization as long as it seeks Israel's destruction, he called.
U.S. isn't really against terrorists; it's just against terrorists who aren't its friends and allies! After all, if it were against terrorists, it would be against Israel, against the various Israeli governments which have thrown the Palestinians off their land and seized it, bulldozed their houses, torn up their olive trees and orchards, herded the people into virtual concentration camps, shot their children for throwing stones, etc.
So as far as I'm concerned, that is one more nail in both Israel's and the U.S.' coffin! Because the World is going to demand justice for the Palestinians and I don't think it is going to be very far away.

Ted Rudow III,MA
former Grad Student